
By Always_Me1

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Bleu Isla McLoughlin never expected to meet the love of her life while out with friends. But a chance encount... More

Author's Note
New Bleu
Bleu Moon
Wake up Bleu
New Friends
An Invite To Forever
Meeting Him
Now Until Forever
The Beginning & The End
Full Circle
Should I run from the truth?
Facing a new reality
Honestly... What the hell is going on?
I can't believe its take your wife to work day.
Does that mean I have Stockholm Syndrome?
That will show him I'm really fucking serious.
Because she's really fucking serious.
Who Died?
Tesoro, Please

Can we put all this shit on lay away?

188 15 1
By Always_Me1

After the talk with my dad a week ago I realized that there was no way I was breaking up Ares.

Shocking I know... absolutely no one saw that coming.

I just couldn't honestly at the moment in life see my life with out him in it. And I know I was happy before him and I know I will be happy after him.....

I guess I just don't want to know what happy without him feels like.

Right now he's very high on the list of really good fucking things to happen to Bleu.

I feel like I have been having the same conversation with myself for like 2 months and I'm kind of fucking tired of it. So brain... we are in LOVE with ARES and we are not breaking up with him for the foreseeable future.

I need to clear up space in brain because honestly I have a project due in like 5 weeks and I am only half way through my prep work.

Hwa Young and I have pretty much covered most things down to the venue... but we haven't gotten a single piece of FLIPPING ART.

Like how the hell do you have gallery opening with NO ART ON THE WALLS Miss Girl.

I roll my eyes at no one and continue scrolling through Pinterest.

I'm not going to deal with the fact that I am still completely off task. We will just ignore that fact for the sake of my mental health.

" BLEUUUUUUUUU, my sweet sweet flower where are you?", I hear Hwa Young yell from the down the hall way suddenly

At this point we just had to get the poor girl a key of her own.

"Yes Darlin, I'm in my room!", I yell back

I hear footsteps come down the hall and the door to my bedroom bursts open

Annyeong, Jagiya sip-eoss-eo, she says in a sing song voice (Hello, Honey I missed you)

"Hi sweet pea, how was class?", I respond with a smile

" Same old same old, I answer a question correctly and that hoe in the back of the class tries to debate me on it", she says rollings her eyes so hard that for a moment I could only see the whites of her eyes

" Jealousy is a disease... we should jump her.", I say to her with a completely straight face

We stare at each other for a second before cracking up into laughter.

" honestly that's not a bad idea, if she's in the hospital she can't bother me", Hwasa says with a shrug and walks toward my bathroom

When she is inn. the doorway she turns to me, " Can I take a bath, I need a good soak?"

" Yes my darling you can", I say with a smile

"Gomawo", she replies in a sing song voice and heads for the faucet

After turning on the water she pops her head back out the door away and says, " I brought you Bibimbap, extra steak no egg, its on the kitchen counter. Eat it while its warm"

I screech, as she ducks back into the bathroom, hurrying to get off the bed.

" Thank you! You beautiful sea creature"

I hear her giggle and say you're welcome over the running water as I make my way out the room.

" Food Glorious Food!" I sing as walk down the hall to the kitchen

Just as I open the container of food on the counter I hear a hard knock on the door which startles me because no one EVER does it.

Four out of the five people that live in this state and know the location of this condo HAVE a KEY.

And the one that doesn't... always calls before he gets here. Which means said individual might be trying to surprise me.

I hurry and drop the top and quickly make my way to the door, without even looking through the peep hole on the door.

"why didn't you tell me you were—

My greeting is stopped short by the unfamiliar face that greets me. I immediately try to close the door but a foot is wedged in between stopping it from closing all the way.

The door is shoved open again and bangs against the wall behind it from the force of the push.

I move back to avoid its swing and put distance between me and the in the tall man in black on the other side of the door.

He doesn't make another move toward me but he looks me dead in the eye for what seems like an eternity and then speaks with a thick accent,

" Let that kid know that he may be trying to play the Don but he is out of his league. Tell him the Bianchi famiglia got this close."

With that he storms away and I dropped into a squat in front of the open door.

I hear footsteps coming up the hall and then I feel Hwa Young presence behind.

" What the fuck just happen Bleu, I heard a bang and now your sitting on the floor looking like you have seen a ghost"

I don't respond as I slowly get to my feet. And close the door softly turning both locks and I turn to Hwa Young who still trying to work out what the hell is going on.

I let out a breath and say, " I need to call Ares".

After taking a brief moment to summarize what just went down to Hwa Young, I walk down the hall towards my room to grab my phone her footsteps following close behind me.

I scoop up my phone and click the familiar contact.

The phone only rings twice before I hear Ares's voice.

" Stellina", he says clearly into the phone

The endearment makes the dam break and suddenly I'm crying.

" Stellina, talk to me .... What's wrong.... What happen", I can tell the he's becoming anxious from my lack of response and sudden tears

I try to take a deep breath and calm myself enough to speak.

I feel Hwa Young rub her hand down my back in comfort and the let me know she hadn't left me.

" I need you", I say through my hiccuping breaths

There is a brief pause on the other end of the line before Ares speaks

" I'm coming", he says into the phone with no room for question

For what seems like an eternity the only sound in the room I can hear is the sound of the ending call and the beating of my own heart in my ears.

Hwa Young reaches over and grabs my hand and squeezes it I squeeze back, it's like we're trying to have a conversation completely through touch.

At first I think I was scared for myself but now I know I'm scared for Ares. The real reality of his lifestyle just tried to burst down my fucking door.

I only have to wait about 20 mins for Ares to come barreling into my condo, I don't know how he managed to that in LA traffic.

He comes into my room like the God of War himself, tension radiating off of him in thick waves. Hwa Young kisses the side of my head and walks toward the door,

"I'll be in Taylor's room, so you guys can have some privacy"

Ares steps out of the way and nods her in acknowledge with a look in his that conveys his thanks.

One day I'll ask Ares how he convey so much with eyes, he can say anything while saying nothing at all.

Once Hwa Young was gone he came towards and sits on the bench at the end of my bed and gathers my hands up into his own.

" Tell me Tesoro, what has happened... your hands are shaking", he says searching my eyes for any clue

I let out shakey sigh and take one of my hands from his and stroke the side of his face. Suddenly I'm afraid to tell him what happen for the fear that he could get hurt, that I could be the reason he got hurt.

" Don't be afraid Cara Mia tell me what happened."

I look in his eyes and the words just flow right out of me.

" So, I was laying here and Hwa Young came over and brought me food. And I walk out to grab it ... suddenly there is a knock at the door. Of course I run to open it because I was hopping it was you surprising me", I say my voice getting faster and higher as I go on the tears coming faster

" But when I open the door it is 100% not you. This man I've never seen before is standing there and immediately I try to close the door, because of course stranger danger. But he shoves the door open before I can get close and I almost fall to the ground"

The look on Ares's face is growing dark quickly, the look in his eyes is something that I had never seen before. He was turning into the man that I had only heard about. Even with the look of death in his eyes, he gently rubs the tears from cheeks.

" He doesn't touch me or anything he just looks me in the eye and tells me to give you a message" , I finish my story and let the tense air settle around us

After a brief moment Ares speaks, as if needed to collect himself before putting his words together.

" What was the message Stellina... tell me every word", he says in the tone that leaves no room for argument.

Look into his carefully, " He said, Let that kid know that he may be trying to play the Don but he is out of his league. Tell him the Bianchi famiglia got this close."

In a second pure rage takes over Ares's whole face. It's like switch is clicked on, it happens in an instant.

He stands up abruptly and starts pacing, his voice growing loud.

"Quel pezzo di merda! Questa volta ha davvero perso la testa. Bianchi è stupido se pensa che lascerò perdere. Le regole sono annullate, nessuno dovrebbe mai sentirsi come se potesse avvicinarsi a ciò che è mio."(That piece of shit! He's really lost his fucking mind this time. Bianchi is dumb if he thinks I am going to let this slide. The rules are off, no one should ever feel like they can come near what's mine.)

I watch him pace for moment before I speak.

" Ares, its ok", I say softly

" No Mia it is not ok, no one should ever come close to you, this business I am in has rules. That bastard broke them when he sent his low level thug to my girlfriend's house. Thats unacceptable he has just disrespected me in a way that means the end of his shitty life."

I just watch him with wide eyes as he speaks.

He pulls out his phone and turns away from me and starts to speak in a low voice. I can't quite make out what he is saying but he tone of voice sounds lethal.

After he finishes his call he turns back to me.

" You are coming home with me Cara Mia, there will be no argument", he says looking me dead in my eye

" But I can't just leave Taylor here by herself.", I say quickly in a nervous tone

" Your friends will be safe, I will see to that. Now pack your stuff", he says again in a tone that leaves no room for argument.

We stare at each other for a moment before I rise and start to gathering stuff to take.

After a few moments I hear the front door open again loudly and I jump.

Ares's hand instantly goes to his waist. Before he can move to assess the threat we hear Taylor's voice coming down the hall.

" You guys won't believe what just happened at the mall, this women is yelling and screaming about this shirt that she thought was on sale but isn't. Then all of sudden she goes ... Can we put all this shit on lay away!"

She stops right in my door way to see Ares with his hand on his gun and me hastily packing a suitcase. 

I will be going through and editing some of the other chapters in this book to try clean things up a bit. I have returned from the grave. 

Don't forget to like and comment. Also check out the music at the top of every chapter!

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