~hamilton smut~

By taviola

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what the title says <3 request in dms if you please <3 don't like it? don't read <3 More

jamilton ~ no inkling of respect (apparently)
jamilton ~ aww, generic comfort sex <3
lams ~ fwb but it's cute
pheacker ~ pool sex
jamilton ~ "look at yourself."
thaurens ~ vanilla praises.
jamilton ~ no hard feelings.
jamilton ~ holiday sex.
jamilton ~ filthy praise.
lams ~ jealousy.
jamilton ~ merry christmas. <3
jamilton ~ last time.
lams ~ gentle and simple.
lams ~ valentine's day plans.
lams ~ shower sex.
mirror sex ~ thaurens
overprotective friends ~ lams
lams ~ dry humping.
lams ~ chair sex.
lams ~ "i've already caught feelings."
lams ~ hate fucking.
hamiltonxjefferson ~ take a break.
forbidden worlds ~ hamiltonxlaurensxjefferson
first time ~ hamiltonxlaurens

lams ~ "i love you."

796 8 15
By taviola

~ lol u get a cookie if u can guess all three musicals i mushed into one in the last sentence
lol this is complete shit btw i rushed to get this chapter out

john laurens was confused as well as pissed off as he recognized his ringtone obnoxiously waking him up from his sleep. he shifted around, trying to convince himself that he was dreaming. he grumbled to himself, sleep already pulling him back. the music stopped and john sighed contently. unfortunately, john couldn't catch a break. he groaned loudly as his ringtone came blasting through the silence of the night once more. he rolled over, frowning at the tiny device that was vibrating as well as blaring at him. he snatched it off of his nightstand, the charger that it was plugged into ripping out because of the force that was exerted. he aggressively pressed the answer button.


"i'm sorry, did i wake you?" the voice on the other line asked.

"no, i just feel like being a dick at," john paused, pulling his phone away from his ear to check the time. "two o'clock in the morning. who is this!?"

"your favourite person, alexander."

"you're about to become my least favourite person. what do you want?"

"can i come over?"

"i- - alex- - this couldn't have waited until a reasonable hour!?"

"please?" alexander's voice suddenly seemed very small, defeated almost.

john's grogginess faded, he had never heard alex say the word please unless it was in a sarcastic manner. john refrained from letting a sigh escape his lips. he nodded, then nearly hit himself in the head upon remembering alex couldn't see him.

"the door will be unlocked."

the call ended. john slapped both of his hands over his face, sighing deeply. he forced himself to get up and out of his comfortable bed. he trudged to the front door, unlocking it swiftly. he grabbed a pair of sweatpants off of the floor, slipping it on but not bothering to find a shirt. john laid himself back in his bed, his eyes no longer heavy. before he could think of all the reasons alex could possibly want to come over at two in the morning, he heard his front door open. he didn't bother getting out of bed to lock it back, alexander knew to lock the door. footsteps made their way to his room, john sat up once he saw alex's small figure standing in his doorway. he walked in without a word, then slipped in john's bed. alexander wedged himself into john's arms, laying his head on his chest and letting his legs tangle with john's. he sighed, he could feel john's chin pressing on his head.

"care to explain?" john drawled after a quick yawn.

"i'm sorry."

"sorry for what?"

"coming here."

"alex, what's going on? talk to me."

"i... i just feel... alone. i don't feel happy or sad. i just feel lonely, like i'm on autopilot."

"you've been taking your meds, right?"

"yes, but i don't think this is anything that really pertains to that. it's just seeing hercules and lafayette always being so lovey-dovey, jefferson and madison always shoving their love in everyone's face... i just feel lonely, john."

john wanted to kick alexander out of his house. how could he be so oblivious?

"lex, you can't let that get you down."

"but it does. i want to have something like that. i want someone to kiss me, spend time with me, and love me. you're telling me you don't wish for that sometimes?"

"thank you for telling me that i'm lonely, i didn't know."

"i didn't mean it like that, john. but you seriously don't want someone to give love to like that sometimes?"

"i do. but the person i've been wanting to give it to is just too oblivious to realize it."


john laughed.

"that doesn't matter. did you come here to cuddle? i can give you that."

"yes. i'm sorry for waking you."

"i wouldn't want you to be alone, so it's okay."

alexander shifted around in order to get comfortable. he settled down after shifting his hips so it one was planted in between john's legs and his body was positioned to the side. john rested his hand on alex's the curve of alex's waist, then used his other hand to entwine their fingers.

laurens frowned to himself. how could alex come to john's home wanting to be held like they were in a relationship? this was stupid, all john wanted from alex was for him to realize how much he wanted him. how when he says 'i love you' he never wanted it to be in a platonic way. it was sickening. john shut his eyes, imagining for just a moment, that alexander was his. imagining that they had fallen asleep after watching some stupid movie, that kiss goodnight still lingering on their lips. imagining wasn't as good as the real thing though.


"yes alex?"

"why aren't you sleeping?"

"i can't. i'm just thinking."

"thinking about what?"

"just what you said about wanting a certain someone."

"tell me more about this mystery person?"

john sighed.

"i don't think that i can put into words how much i love him. he's perfect. he might not think so, but he really is. he's booksmart, but when it comes to common sense, he's lacking in it. he's cute. one of his friends calls him a "small lion" in french?"

with that, alex looked up at john. he was continuing to list all the things he loved about him, despite knowing alexander was listening and had pretty much figured out it was him.

"- - he's just oblivious. i'll continue to love him though. to end of time, to the end of earth."

alex couldn't believe all that he heard. what was he supposed to do now? confess his own love for john? he couldn't, he'd simply ramble on for hours. alexander did the first thing that came to mind, and that was to kiss john.

the kiss was a frustrated one. needy, wanting. both boys fought for dominance, trying to be the one to lead the kiss. alex won that fight, he had made his way on top of john, laying firmly against him while straddling his waist. the kiss wasn't anything like they thought their first kiss together would be like. they thought it would be soft, thorough. this was all pent up frustration and love that could never be expressed through words. only movements. alex wasn't aware that he had hot tears streaming down his cheeks until john pulled back and cupped his face.

"alex? why are you crying?"

"i- - i don't know! i- - god, i'm just happy that you want me the way i've always wanted you."

john wiped alex's face, then brought him in for another kiss. this one was completely saccharine. they pulled back, their foreheads pressed together. john let his arms fall to alex's waist, holding him there tightly. alex sighed heavily.

alexander shifted against john, trying to get back to the position they were in before. while doing this, john shifted onto his side. alex huffed frustratedly, john chuckling softly after realizing one he did. alex flopped down onto his side, then tangled their legs together. alex let his hand rest on john's bicep, his other hand on his chest. he squirmed around one last time, his final attempt to content and restful. finally, he settled down. john decided to do some shifting of his own. upon retangling their legs together, john had unintentionally stuck his thigh in between alex's legs. alexander's breath caught in his throat when john let his eyes flutter shut in that position. the taller man shifted closer, that thigh digging right up against alex's crotch. alexander let out a quiet whimper, john's eyes snapping open to see what was wrong.

"lex? what is it?"

"your thigh?" alex said as if it were a question.

john's eyes wandered down, his jaw dropped upon seeing what the problem was. an apology was on the tip of his lips. he tried pulling his thigh away, but alex grabbed him, holding him close. he whispered softly in his ear.

"keep it there?"

john's face heated up at the request. he pulled back to look at alex's face.

"you're sure?"

"if you're okay with having it there, then yes."

alex's eyes fluttered shut when john rhythmically began rubbing his thigh up and down against alex's clothed cock. soft whimpers and whines fell past his lips, some barely audible. a quick curse was released as he began moving his hips up to match john's movements. john could feel his own erection growing, already making itself known. alexander's thoughts ran wild as this happened. he was basically dry-humping his best-friend's as well as crush's thigh with not an ounce of shame to touch on. his lips were slightly parted, his blue-violet eyes had opened to stare right into john's. they were dewy from his cries earlier, but they still had that spark john could always see. alex tried speeding up their movements, but john grabbed his waist to slow him down. he kept the previous pace, a small cry escaping from alex's mouth.

"relax. we have time." john whispered.

alexander reached a hand down between them to lightly palm john through his sweatpants. a brief curse left his lips at the size, john letting out a breathy, broken laugh as a response.

"can you fuck me?"

"that's forward." john hummed, not stopping his thigh from moving against alex's now throbbing cock.

"how else wa- - was i supposed t-to ask?"

"you really want me to?"

"as long as you're okay with it and you have condoms."

"what positions are you comfortable with?"

"u-um, o-oh fuck," alex stuttered, heat growing slowly in his abdomen. "i- - can ride you, missionary is f-fine..."

"you want me to let you finish now or you wanna wait til after we're done?" john asked as watched as alex's breath picked up.

"i can d-do both."

"i'm pretty sure you have a refractory period like a normal human being, baby-girl."

that nickname went straight to alex's head. his face went even redder than it already was. he bit his lip before speaking.

"i'll hold out until a-ah shit..." alexander took in a shuddering breath. "after."

john gently pulled his thigh away, kissing alex softly after doing so. alexander stripped himself of his own sweatpants which he was tenting, a wet spot had soaked through his underwear to those pants too. he watched as john shoved down his sweatpants and his boxers in one go. alex reached forward to give a slow stroke to the base, twisting his wrist slowly as he ran his thumb over the head of john's cock. he pulled back when john leaned over to his nightstand to grab a condom as well as lube. john slicked up his fingers, ready to prep alexander.

"w-wait, let me prep myself. i'll cum if you do it."

a cocky smirk found its way to john's lips as alex plucked the tiny lube bottle out his hands. alexander shoved down his briefs, then slicked up his own fingers. he gently circled his hole with one finger before pushing it in. john connected their lips while alex did this, his hand wandering to gently run it up and down alex's cock. alex cried out into john's mouth, he then quickly adding in another finger to fight off john's unfairly gentle touch that was ready to make him spill over his fist. john began speaking against alex's lips, trying
to get him even more worked up.

"you're so pretty, i don't think you even realize it. everything you do is wonderful and i want to make you mine in every single way."

alex moaned against john's mouth, this certainly was not helping his situation. alex continued listening to john droning on while stroking his cock, how the hell was he so good at this? alex added in a third finger, his fingers brushing up against his prostate but not exactly appeasing it. he pumped his fingers in and out, already knowing that this provided stimulation but certainly not the way john would. he eyed john's dick, the head was dribbling with precum. he could already imagine what it felt like inside of him, pressed up against the right spot which would make his eyes roll back and make endless tears of overstimulation unleash their onslaught against his cheeks. with that, alex tugged his fingers out of his ass. john pulled his hand away to grab the condom.

laurens tore the tiny package open with his teeth, slipping it on over his length. he abandoned the little packaging, tossing it off the bed. he took the lube which was sitting next to hamilton's thigh, then slathered himself up. he looked to alex who was practically shaking.

"you wanted to ride me?"

"i'm fine with anything." alex nodded as embarrassment crept its way up to his cheeks.

"hands and knees."

alex did as he was told, john quickly grabbing a pillow and shoving it underneath his hips. alex had his chest pressed against another pillow, his arms folded underneath him as he held himself up. john admired alex as his ass was up in the air, his hole slicked with the lube he had used to finger himself earlier.

john lined himself up, pushing in at a painfully slow pace. alex shuddered as he took john in, clenching around him tightly. the head of john's cock was pressed snugly against alex's sweet spot, john smoothing his hand up and down alex's lower back. he gripped alex's hips, but didn't exactly start.

"tell me at any point if you want to stop, okay?"

"okay, great, awesome, start." alex hissed, already pushing his hips back.

alex let out a sharp gasp when john pulled back and rammed back into him. the pace didn't gradually pick up, it started off fast and remained that way. alex shoved his face into john's pillow, nearly smothering himself as john fucked him. with each thrust john would pull alex's hips back to meet him. alexander simply didn't know what to do with himself as overwhelming pleasure filled him. alex nearly sobbed when john suddenly pulled out, a curse ready to fire out at record speed. before he could do so, john grabbed alex by his waist and pulled him onto his lap. alex's head fell back onto john's shoulder as he was filled up once again, this position giving him more freedom than the last. he immediately began to bounce on john's cock, the top thrusting up hard to meet him. alex planted his hands on john's thighs, john gripping his wrists to keep him steady. alex's chest heaved as john fucked up into him, creating an endless stream of pleasure for him. alex cried out when john hit his sweet-spot head on, his brain immediately malfunctioning and allowing every word that ran through his thought process to spill out. john relished the way he could make alex fall apart with one touch, continuing to thrust into him without hesitation. alex dropped down hard, his mouth babbling with an incoherent mess of words.

"john, fuck, fuck, fuck, i'm gonna- -"

alex dropped down hard, took ahold of his own cock and began jerking himself off to add to the pleasure he was already feeling. he came without a second thought, john wrapping his arms around his waist to keep him in place. he thrusted up a few more times before he came into the condom with a grunt that he muffled by sucking on alex's shoulder.

john hissed as alex pulled up and off from his seat on john's cock. alex collapsed onto john, connecting their lips with a feverish kiss.

"god, i don't think you know how much i love you." john sighed once they broke the kiss.

"you're not just saying that because we just had sex, right? you really do love me?"

"i really do love you, alexander." john reassured the smaller man.

"i love you too."

john breathed deeply when alex curled up against his side, his breaths going even and soft. it didn't take long for him to fall asleep. john let a small kiss land on the top of alex's head. he let one more thought run through his head before letting sleep take over.

i'll keep the world safe and sound for you while worshipping you while hoping it'll always be like this.

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