The Reader and Protagonist De...

By Ur_sis_Belle

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An internet troll who wanted attention, the reader criticized his favorite web novel, saying: "The protagonis... More

Chapter 1.1 - Reαder: Ι αm α blαςk pσωδer fαn
Chapter 1.2 - Rεαdεr: I αm α blαςκ fαn
Chαρtεr 2. 1 - Αυthσr: ... Unδεrstσσδ
Chαρtεr 2. 2 - Αυthσr: ... Unδεrstσσδ
Chapter 3.1 - Reader: I crossed over into another world...
Chapter 3.2 - Reader: I crossed over into another world...
Chapter 4: Reader: meow~
Chapter 5 - Protagonist: ......
Chapter 6 - Reader / Protagonist: "MUA"
Chapter 7 - Reader: This is not the undead ... Too handsome, it's unscientific!
Main Characters Profile
Chapter 8 - Protagonist: ... Come here.
Chapter 9 Author: Three years flew by.
Chapter 10 - Author: The space-time corridors of the past and future
Chapter 11 - ???: You'll never find him!
Chapter 12 - The way I grabbed people must be wrong!
Chapter 13 - Reader: This young man won't give this cutie to you!
Chapter 14 - Protagonist: I will hold you tight
Chapter 15 - Protagonist: Do not leave my line of sight.
Chapter 16 - Reader: I have not betrayed you.
Chapter 17 - Protagonist: He is mine
Chapter 18 - Protagonist: Give it back to me
Chapter 19 - Doujinshi: Yoooooo ~ ⚠️NSFW⚠️
Chapter 20 - Reader/Protagonist: Don't make a fuss
Chapter 21 - Protagonist: What's this situation?
Chapter 22 - Author: In YY novels, lilies can be straightened
Chapter 23 - Reader: I've already taken off my pants, and this is what you show
Chapter 24 - Author: The Flame Lord's fighting power is only 5.
Chapter 25 - Author: That is the proper use of Storage Rings
Chapter 26 Reader: Soak in the hot springs, talk about life
Chapter 27 Reader: Tempting color
Chapter 28 - Protagonist: Let's make a bet
Chapter 29 Reader: Protagonist, you little devil!
Chapter 30 - Author: As long as you have 998, you can bring a god beast home.
Chapter 31 - Protagonist: Hold me then sit on it.
Chapter 32 - Reader: Study hard and make progress every day.
Chapter 33 - Protagonist: I really want to make a chain and shackle you to me.
Part 1 Special Episode: Four Years
Part 2 Special Episode: Four Years
Chapter 34 - Author: Choose a good rival, this is a lifetime thing.
Chapter 35 - Reader: A dialogue option triggered a bloodbath.
Chapter 36 - Reader: Once upon a time there was an elf princess who fell
Chapter 37 - Reader: I don't know enough about him yet.
Chapter 38 - Protagonist: You will eventually come back to me.
Chapter 39 - Reader: The elves were face-slapped by the author's malice
Chapter 40 - Reader: This close friend is troublesome.
Chapter 41 - Author: Only a pure person can touch a unicorn.
Chapter 42 - Reader/Protagonist: I'll accept this task.
Chapter 43 - Reader: Wine can warm you up.
Chapter 44 - Reader: (LOL)
Vhapter 45 - Reader: Selling out teammates
Chapter 46 - Protagonist: Because it's you.
Chapter 47 - Author: Time separates this pair of lovers.
Chapter 48 - Protagonist: I wanted to do this a long time ago.
Chapter 49 - Protagonist: Don't touch him.
Chapter 50 - The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love
Chapter 51 - Protagonist: The one month deadline is now.
Chapter 52 - Reader: I was applying medicine. ⚠️ NSFW⚠️
Chapter 53 - Reader: The call from the artifact.
Chapter 54 - Reader: Is this something that a man would do?
Chapter 55 - Reader: I think I can salvage the situation. ⚠️ NSFW ⚠️
Chapter 56 Protagonist: Don't be afraid of me.
Chapter 57 - Reader: You can't disappear.
Chapter 58 - Reader: Feel good
Chapter 59 - Protagonist: How can a person become a god?
Chapter 60 - Reader: My buddies and I were stunned.
Chapter 61 - Protagonist: I will kill my former self.
Chapter 62 - The Rules: God Tower will be built.
Chapter 63 - Author: The Twilight of the Gods.
Chapter 64.1 - Reader: Coach, his equipment is not the same as mine!
Chapter 65 - Protagonist: I want to be with you forever.
Chapter 66 - Protagonist: Who are you thinking of? ⚠️ NSFW ⚠️
Chapter 67 - Tower of God: Demon God Arena
Chapter 68 - Reader: Eat, sleep, compete.
Chapter 69 Tower of God: The Undead Scourge
Chapter 70 - Reader: People who do not court disaster will not die
Chapter 71 - Protagonist: What are you looking at?
Chapter 72 - Tower of God: The Temple of Knowledge.
Chapter 73.1 - Protagonist: Are you comforting me?
Chapter 74 - The law: A fool cannot survive.
Chapter 75 - Tower of God: The Dragon's Cave.
Chapter 76 - Protagonist: Do you have someone you like?
Chapter 77 - Tower of God: Fairy Illusion
Chapter 78 : Reader: Why give up treatment? (Continuation)
Special Episode: Mid-Autumn Festival
Chapter 80.1 - Tower of God: Gnome Ruins
Chapter 80: Tower of God: Gnome Ruins (Continuation)
Chapter 81.1 - Protagonist: New skill get.
Chapter 81.2 - Protagonist: New skill get.⚠️ NSFW⚠️
Chapter 81 - Protagonist: New skill get. (Continuation)
Chapter 82 Reader: These shoddy products are no good.
Chapter 83 - Reader: Shame Play.
Chapter 84 - Tower of God: The Sky City.
Chapter 85 - A Passion for Candor
Chapter 86 - Doujinshi: These are the two most shameless people it has ever seen
DOUJINSHI: The are the most shameless people it has ever seen ⚠️ NSFW⚠️
Chapter 86 - (Continuation)
Chapter 87 - Protagonist: This will be great, let's do it
Chapter 88 - Protagonist: Do you believe me?
Chapter 89 - Protagonist: He is not me.
Chapter 90 - Protagonist: I have special customs clearance skills.
Chapter 91 - Reader: This world is a novel
Chapter 92 - Reader: I want to see you become God.
Chapter 93 Finale:The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love
- The End -
Chapter 94: EXTRA 1: FEAST ⚠️ NSFW⚠️
Extra 2: Mid-Autumn Festival
Extra 3: Devil's Proof

Chapter 79 - The Tower of God: Battle Hymn of Fury

284 13 1
By Ur_sis_Belle

Under what circumstances would a stranger call you by someone else’s name?

A. You look similar to that person.

B. You act similar to that person.

C. You are that person.

Du Ze tried to figure it out. Ever since Corellon said “father,” some silly, cute person has been in a terrible state of confusion. He wanted to get information about the Creator God but hadn’t expected to get such good intel.

In order to organize his thoughts, Du Ze listed various possibilities in his mind. Based on Corellon’s reaction when she first looked at him, Du Ze ruled out the first possibility. After all, if he really did look like the God of Creation then Corellon would have called him “Father God” at first glance.

The second possibility is the one that Du Ze feels is most likely. He might have the same temperament or aura or something else that is similar to that of the Creator God. Since it was recognized by the leader of the elf gods, then that similarity must be some special attribute that only the Creator God has. This conjecture can be extended. Perhaps he and that God of Creation have some kind of connection and one day the BOSS will jump out and say to him: “Actually, I am your father!”


This conjecture was so terrifying that some silly, cute person’s brain sprung a leak.

Du Ze shifted his attention to the third possibility. That doesn’t seem likely at all but it is possible that everything is possible, and whatever seems the least possible is the truth, and so on. Du Ze has unscientifically crossed over into the world of a novel – Maybe one day he will be transported into the beginning of this world and become the God of Creation. If it’s the God of Creation, it wouldn’t be hard for him to change someone’s appearance… how come the more he thinks about it, the more it seems like it’s the truth? A silly, cute reader shamelessly created a YY novel. The God of Creation’s title sounded very elegant and Western——

From the corner of his eye, Du Ze glimpsed Xiu. The Protagonist is here; the End BOSS is here; the only thing to do is…

Moe Lord, we are good friends, okay?!

The End BOSS will eventually be pushed down by the protagonist. Who wouldn’t hug the thigh then? Du Ze thought that if he really became the last BOSS, the Moe Lord would still push him down, as to what the Moe Lord would do after he has pushed down Du Ze...


Du Ze wanted to cover his face. Every time he thought of a possibility, it turned into something really stupid. Now he cannot come to any conclusion using the information from Corellon. The only thing he can do is to pin his hopes on the next trial. If the angel race’s simulation is next, then the tsundere god of light should certainly have a lot of information about the Creator God.

Du Ze, Xiu, and the others were waiting at the hall. Five statues have appeared on the stone platforms. Du Ze looked around him and cast his attention on Xiu who was listening to the Thunder Regiment’s report. Because of their coincidental reunion at the Tree of Life, not only has their team become bigger, they also have a lot more information about the Tower of God now.

Listening to their report, Du Ze felt a chill rising from the bottom of his feet. According to Rachel, the Thunder Regiment has a total of 300 people who were divided into 50 teams. The number of known casualties has reached half. The ones who survived were the ones at the level of Sword Saint and War God. The Tower of God is so cruel.

When he heard about the Thunder Regiment’s experiences in the tower, Du Ze realized that Xiu’s leadership made climbing the tower very easy. For example, if it was the demon race’s trial, other teams would take at least a month to get to the last level and only a few people in the whole continent would even be able to beat Bael.

In addition, regarding the undead race’s trial, the last part is the hardest because of the human’s counterattack. Once the tower climber’s army reaches 800,000, the Temple of Light will send out twelve elite knights who cannot be defeated by the undead. No matter how strong the undead are, they will die under the hands of the knights. With the knights of the Temple of Light joining the war, the undead army will suffer colossal loses and if the number of the undead army drops below 500,000 then the Tower of God will deem the trial a failure.

Du Ze realized that it was great that they met Rachel at that time and skipped the hardest part of the trial to go directly to the BOSS battle. When the Thunder Regiment met Louis, compared to Xiu who inexplicably won that fight, the Thunder Regiment team had a very difficult time and they had to sacrifice their comrade, killing him along with Louis.

About the human race’s trial, the Thunder Regiment members that they met had not experienced it and Du Ze thought it was probably because the Thunder Regiment members who had been teleported to that place were probably still trapped there. Although the human simulation is harmless, it can trap the tower climber – no one escapes from the Temple of Knowledge without finding the answer to the Sphinx’s questions. Du Ze sighed. Luckily, they met Antonio …

Du Ze suddenly froze. A flash of thought in his head chilled him to the bone. Once is a coincidence, twice is luck, the third and fourth time …?

In the undead trial they met Rachel. In the human trial they met Antonio. In the dragon trial Du Ze did not know what happened but Xiu said he met someone and obtained important information. As for the demon and elf trials, Xiu’s identity greatly reduced the difficulty of the checkpoints.

No matter which level of the the Tower of God, they received a lot of advantages: either they met someone to help them or Xiu’s identity was their trump card, so for them climbing the tower was easier. Looking at all that had happened, it seems as though something has been helping them with the goal of helping Xiu become the Supreme God.

From the point of view of the Thunder Regiment teams, the elite soldiers can only pass one or two trials before they were almost annihilated. Even if this is an exaggeration, the current tower climbers would probably be only be able to complete three to four trials while Xiu has already finished five trials. Du Ze has no doubt that the first person to ascend to the top of the tower will definitely be Xiu.

What a contrast! The Tower of God is so cruel to others but so kind to Xiu.

Rachel was finished talking about the trials they had faced in the past. She began to describe the trials they hadn’t gone through yet. The statues they have yet to acquire are the gnome, angel, and beastkin ones. Regarding the gnome race simulation, they already know that it will be in the Gnome Ruins. They still don’t know anything about the angel race’s trial because none of the Thunder Regiment members present have completed it. Du Ze thought that those demons who went there probably made the god of light angry.

So now the most important information is about the beastkin trial. Gabriel, the sole survivor of his team, made the report. All of his teammates were… killed.

“… After choosing five companions, we joined the battlefield. When we went in we saw many other tower climbers, all of whom were inside that battlefield. The whole battlefield was an area where magic was forbidden. Once the Battle Hymn starts, the different teams will attack each other. At first we did not know that the Battle Hymn was dangerous. We only knew that our courage and power were increased and that we had the urge to fight,” said Gabriel. “As time went on, the time between the Battle Hymns became shorter and shorter. The time when we felt the urge to fight became longer and longer. Gradually, we lost our minds.”

“By the time I regained my senses, it was all over.”

Du Ze silently listened to the end of Gabriel’s story. He reported the names of the teammates who found death at his hands. Even though the demon race is cruel, Gabriel’s pale face showed that killing his companions in this trial was very painful for him. In this regard, the beastkin trial is cruelest of all the trials. Du Ze sincerely hopes that they will not face the beastkin trial next but…

What you are most afraid of is what is most likely to happen next.

Du Ze, speechless, looked at the Tower of God’s simulation of a beastkin tribe village that they found after they went through the door of light.

The tribal chiefs explained that Xiu must choose five companions to go with him to the battlefield. The other members of his team can wait outside for the combatants’ return. It seems that the tower climbers can also pick some of the beastkin tribe warriors to go with them to the battlefield. That must be the Tower of God’s concession for solo tower climbers.

Xiu glanced at everyone then his gaze finally settled on Du Ze. Having learned of the sinister nature of the beastkin trial, he cannot keep Du Ze at his side this time. After confirming that the people who stay in the village are absolutely safe, Xiu selected four beastkin fighters from the tribe. In fact, Xiu originally intended to select five beastkin fighters but the demon who survived the trial volunteered to join. Since Gabriel had experience in the battlefield, Xiu agreed to bring him along.

“Lord Xiu, please be careful,” the demon sisters said anxiously.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of the little master.” Old John laughed and comforted the two sisters. As a mechanical puppet, he was not counted among the five companions so he could join the team.

Rachel was in the sidelines urging Gabriel to protect Xiu.

Xiu stretched his hand to hold silly, cute person by the back of the neck. He leaned down and kissed Du Ze’s soft earlobe.

“Wait for me to come back.”

Du Ze felt a cool touch on his ear then a cold burning sensation like mint that seemed to pierce him all the way into his heart. He covered his reddened ears with his hands and looked up but all he could see was the silver-haired elf’s back as he walked away. The village’s giant wooden doors closed as if it was swallowing Xiu’s figure as he and the others went inside the battlefield.

Du Ze looked at the closed door. He felt very uneasy.

The Tower of God’s treatment of the people who were left behind at the village was quite good. They were provided with everything they needed and Du Ze was even able to take a bath. Lying on a soft bed, Du Ze thought that the person who was most in need of rest was not here. He looked down at his hands. The transparent, immaterial condition of his hand never reappeared after the elf trial but the worry in Du Ze’s heart has not subsided much. He feels as though he doesn’t have a lot of time left.

The tribe’s beastkin are only fakes created by the Tower of God. They can’t talk and only move in a certain pattern. Du Ze explored the place, especially the huge wooden walls that circled the beastkin village and blocked their view of the battlefield. Even the sound of the Battle Hymn, which was said to be violent and loud, could not be heard. So Du Ze could only sit in front of the doors for a few days. He wasn’t worried about Xiu. Whether it is by the Moe Lord’s own power or the force that was helping him, the final victor will definitely be Xiu. Du Ze only had to wait for him.

On the tenth day, the reader was waiting for his protagonist. Although Du Ze had always known that Xiu would be the winner, he did not expect that it would be such a tragic victory.

The heavy doors slowly swung open. Du Ze was delighted and jumped up but the breeze behind the doors brought a strong odor that shocked him. A rich, intense blood smell was thick in the air, choking his nostrils with its potency. As the wooden doors opened, Ariel covered her mouth, Muir’s face darkened, the demon sisters hugged each other, and even Rachel, who was accustomed to bloody scenes, also looked disturbed.

The huge wooden doors fully opened and presented a scene out of hell, painted with flesh and blood. It could only be described as a meat grinder. Limbs and internal organs were scattered around and mixed together in a bloody mess.

Du Ze looked at the remains and found it hard to swallow his saliva. The bodies did not disappear because they were not copies made by the Tower of God; they were real people. From the position and condition of some corpses it could be seen that many of them died at the hands of their own comrades.

The scent of blood was making his eyes tear up. Du Ze blinked and forced himself to look at the terrifying mound of bloody corpses to find the person he was looking for. Then he saw the red lion beastkin that was standing on a pile of bodies. Xiu was now in his beastkin form and a considerable portion of his body has turned into a beast. His face and arms were covered with red tribal tattoos. Xiu was holding a person by his neck, lifting him up high. His long lion tail hanging down and waving back and forth in pleasure.

Du Ze was shocked to see that the person Xiu had grabbed was Gabriel! The demon’s face was bright red. Blood from his many wounds were dripping down and falling on Xiu’s face, emphasizing Xiu’s cruel, smiling expression.

“That is … His Highness?” Rachel hesitantly asked. Xiu’s lion ears twitched. He seemed to be be alarmed by Rachel’s voice. He turned back, revealing eyes of molten gold that swept over everyone then fell on Du Ze. For a moment, Du Ze felt that he was caught by the eyes of a beast.

“Be careful …:” a faint voice came from the pile of bodies. Du Ze saw that it was Old John whose body had been cut in half. The mechanical puppet warned them: “The little master has lost his reason-”

You don’t have to say it, this little student already knows! QAQ

He watched as Xiu threw Gabriel aside and came to him. Du Ze was frozen like terrified prey.

Fortunately for Du Ze, the leader of the beastkin gods arrived, inadvertently saving the reader. Gruumsh was with several beastkin gods. When he saw the state of the battlefield, the beastkin lord’s eyes flashed with a hint of surprise.

The appearance of the beastkin gods attracted Xiu’s attention. Xiu looked towards the group of beastkin gods and licked his paws, ready for the hunt. Before the god could speak, Xiu bent his animal legs then leapt up, straight as an arrow, towards Gruumsh.

“Ah …!”

Gruumsh used a blood spear to block but the strength of the attack forced him to the ground which cracked in a spiderweb pattern, centered around Xiu and the beastkin god. The sound of their crash was like the signal of the start of battle. The sound of drums came from all sides.. Louder and louder, the “boom crash thump” of every drumbeat stimulated the heart. When the drumbeat and heartbeat coincided, one’s blood heated up more and more.

Du Ze has to clutch his chest; his quickly beating heart was accelerating the flow of blood in his body. He felt hot and wanted release his emotions and destroy something.

Gruumsh stared at the golden beast eyes. He gritted his teeth and his veins bulged as he also began to transform into his beast form. The beastly transformation climbed up his body until it reached his forehead. The hands that gripped the blood spear grew long, sharp claws. The beastkin god roared, trying to fling off Xiu, who was above him.

Xiu jumped off the god, not because he was forced by Gruumsh’s strength, but because of the other gods’ attacks.

All of the beastkin were affected by the Battle Hymn. They surrounded Xiu and started to fight. Muir and Rachel did not hesitate to join the fight. However, compared to the beastkin who coordinated their attacks with each other, Muir and Rachel had to avoid Xiu’s attacks. Xiu was now completely crazy and can’t tell friend from foe. He blindly attacked everyone.

After disposing of two beastkin gods, Muir and Rachel had to quit the fight, but there were still two remaining beastkin gods and Gruumsh.

Xiu did not care about being outnumbered. The expression on his face was one of wanton recklessness. The three beastkin gods were able to suppress Xiu initially but as time went on, the tables were turned.

The loud Battle Hymn never ceased and it made all of the beastkin more and more crazy. Suddenly, a beastkin god growled and clawed at his nearest companion. The god he attacked roared and immediately started fighting the other god.

Du Ze stared at the fight, watching as the beastkin god bit his companion’s throat while the bitten god clawed out the heart of his attacker. Both beastkin died at the hands of their companions. The whole scene was both funny and grotesque.

Du Ze felt a chill in his bones. He had found out the cause of the decline of the beastkin.

[The Beastkin gave away their reason, received battle fury.]

With the information he got from the elves, Du Ze listened to the Battle Hymn that stirred the heart and wondered if it was one of the God of Creation’s masterpieces.

It’s likely that the leader of the beastkin gods is the only one who has information about this, but the god was currently “playing” with Xiu. Above the sea of corpses, the two beasts were fighting – it really was two beasts. Gruumsh and Xiu were both in beast form and were tearing at each other with their razor-sharp claws, trying in vain to reach the other’s heart.

Xiu moved to bite the god. Gruumsh tried to dodge sideways but he was stopped by something. It was Old John. The mechanical puppet only had half of his body left but he clung tightly to the beastkin god’s tail, dragging him down slightly. In a battle, even a momentary distraction is fatal. Xiu bit Gruumsh’s neck, severing his carotid artery.

Gruumsh’s huge body fell down and a red pillar of light appeared behind Du Ze. However, no one was looking at the exit portal. Everyone was staring at the beautiful beast standing on top of the pile of corpses. The beast’s soft brown mane was stirred by a breeze. He narrowed his golden eyes and suddenly jumped down, gracefully moving towards his prey.

As the beast moved nearer and nearer, even though he knew it was Xiu, Du Ze felt like his legs were about to give way underneath him. It’s a biological instinct to fear the beast, not to mention that Xiu was in an abnormal state.

The eyes of the lion-like beast were bright and penetrating, but they lacked reason.

The giant feline stopped in front of Du Ze. The mane under his jaw was stained with scarlet blood. If it were not for a silly, cute person’s habitual facial paralysis, Du Ze would have been crying as the beast approached; he felt as though he had become a sumptuous KFC Lunch Meal.

No one dared to make a sound, for fear of stimulating the beautiful but dangerous beast.

Staring into the golden eyes, Du Ze stretched out a trembling hand. He didn’t know what to do.

“Xiu …?”

Xiu stared at Du Ze for a moment. He suddenly lowered his head, smelling Du Ze’s fingertips, then rubbed his face over Du Ze’s hand.

The soft mane slipped over the back of Du Ze’s hands, fluffy and soft. For some unknown reason, at this moment Du Ze relaxed completely and all his fear left him. Before Du Ze could open his mouth again, he heard Violet make a surprised sound, then his shirt collar tightened.

When he realized what had happened, Xiu was already carrying him off by the collar

The giant beast, with Du Ze’s collar in his mouth, ran without hesitation into the red pillar of light. Du Ze saw red then light then steel gray – Xiu took him back to the hall and immediately ran into the door of light. In this way, they quickly arrived at the Gnome Ruins.


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