The Return Of A Champion

By UltimateWarrior71

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Following the drama of An African Adventure Of A Warrior, this story follows Lincoln's life after he defeated... More

Chapter 1 A New Year's Resolution
Chapter 2 Tough Times lie ahead
Chapter 3 One More Match Against The Truth
Chapter 4 Rest Period from the drama
Chapter 5 A Break Away From The Ring
Chapter 6 The Final Hurdle before The Long awaited Rematch
Chapter 7 A Long Awaited Dream Becomes A Nightmare
Chapter 8 Trouble In Paradise
Chapter 9 The Big Meeting and The Return Of a Beaten Champion
Chapter 10 A Surprise Invitation
Chapter 11 Meeting The President
Chapter 12 Extended Family Meeting and A Preparation for a journey
Chapter 13 Unexpected Close Encounters
Chapter 14 The Deal With The Devil
Chapter 15 Sparring Practice for Martin
Chapter 16 Preparation For A Long Journey
Chapter 17 Long Way Down
Chapter 18 The Family Is Complete...With One Exception
Chapter 19 No Easy Way Out
Chapter 20 The Return Of A Loud
Chapter 21 The First Day Back
Chapter 22 An Uneasy Alliance
Chapter 23 The World's Most Awkward Dinner Date
Chapter 24 Hardcore Training-Lynn Jr Style
Chapter 25 Caught In The Act
Chapter 26 A Chance meeting with another warrior
Chapter 27 Disaster Strikes
Chapter 28 Where To From Here?
Chapter 29 Jamming Day
Chapter 30 Getting Down To Business
Chapter 31 A Painful Confession
Chapter 32 Creating Monsters
Chapter 33 A Dangerous Encounter With The World Heavyweight Champion
Chapter 34 A Brother's Promise
Chapter 35 Let's Rock and Roll
Chapter 36 The Dark Side
Chapter 37 Funny Business
Chapter 38 Whose The Best Ever
Chapter 39 A Night To Remember
Chapter 40 Twin Magic
Chapter 41 Burying The Hatchet
Chapter 42 The Sweet Science
Chapter 43 Here We Go
Chapter 44 Emotional Roller Coaster
Chapter 45 Days Of Our Lives
Chapter 47 A Passionate Performance
Chapter 48 Weighing In: The Overconfident Champion and The focused challenger
Chapter 49 The Ultimate Final Showdown
Chapter 50 Together As One

Chapter 46 Children Meet Parents (Revisited)

382 7 2
By UltimateWarrior71

15 October 1987

Luna was busy working on a song she has been thinking lately about being a solo artist, as the band is not as fun as it once was because of all the managers pitting them against each other saying their band mates are just holding them back, they have some infighting going on in between them over money, songs or even personal things as drummer Jonah and back up Savannah who have been dating for years and even have a kid broke up and now hate each other which lead to at some point both threatening to leave the band if the other wasn't kicked out of it but the record label managed to calm down both of them and convinced to them to work together until the summer of 1989 which is then the band will officially break up although one member didn't wait  for that date as Sam will leave the band in January because a rival record label known as Rough Trade Studios signed her to her to a contract as a solo artist with better money Sam's current contract with Sony Music Entertainment ends on the 31st of December which means as soon as it's the 1st of January 1988 Sam would've been an ex band member and no longer an employee of Sony Music Entertainment which would be a big blow to The Disco Gangsters but at least prior to and after Sam leaves they'll be working on songs which will feature Michael Jackson ( again), Madonna, Elton John etc kind of a last hurrah for the band over these next 18 months or so

But alas she for some reason couldn't come up with a song to write so she decides to give up for now and go watch TV downstairs.

As she heads downstairs she sees her daughter Hannah hanging out with Liberty as the two were in the kitchen talking while making a snack

Hannah: Like I know right I can't believe Brittany would try to steal her best friend's boyfriend like what the heck
Liberty: Yeah like why would you destroy such a friendship for what because she ain't free to hang out with you anymore talk about stupid
Luna: Hey girls what y'all talking about?
Both girls: Uhm nothing just teenage girl stuff
Luna: Mind if I join in? I used to be a rocking teen myself back in the day
Liberty: Nah Luna this is between 80s teen girls not 60s teen girls believe me you wouldn't understand
Hannah: Yeah mom this is about friendship betrayals and boys don't think you had much of that back then every decade is different
Luna: Come on guys we had everything back in the 60s the only things you girls of today have compared to us is more freedom of speech, dress and to work but otherwise I don't see a difference between my decade and yours, we went out at night  back then, we had boy, we had boyfriends back then, we had everything except a lot of computers back then computers were for the work place only now we use them to do fun stuff start from the 50s if you want a boring decade as back then they tried to be perfect
Hannah: Mom in your day y'all had to go to arcades to play games nowadays we play something known as video games
Liberty: Yeah the 60s sound ok but the fact that you people still took black and white pictures was boring didn't they have the money to film stuff in Colour back then?
Luna: Yes they didn't have it times were different then so are you guys watching the TV?
Hannah: No Mom we are just making snacks and going out to the park and then the mall for some fresh air
Luna: Ok girls enjoy and don't stay out too late bye
Liberty: Bye
Hannah: Bye

The two walk out and find Leni about to pull out of the drive way and hop on as when it comes to Leni's she's heading to the mall no questions asked

Luna sits on the couch as she has the TV all to herself and sits down and watches some action movies

Meanwhile with Lynn Jr she was mudwrestling Lana and it was a pretty decent match before Lynn won

After their epic match and after they hosed themselves down enough in order to enter the house and put their mud wrestling gear in the laundry basket the two get into the shower together as they wash Lana noticed that her older sister is a little down in the dumps and decided to ask her what's wrong

Lana: Are you ok?
Lynn Jr: mmhm
Lana: is something wrong? You've been just standing there in the water for a few minutes now
Lynn Jr: No I'm just in deep thought
Lana: Let me guess it's about our estranged brother?
Lynn Jr: Yes like no matter what I do I can't get close to him he talks to me for a short time then he distances himself from me I've apologized, I've worked in his corner, I bought him nice things but he still hasn't forgiven me
Lana: Normally I would say you should suck it up but let's be real Lynn of all of us who fucked up a long time ago he's mad at you the most for starting this whole mess in the first place and for escalating it so it's gonna take a lot more than a few good will gestures for him to forgive you but I'm no better I still can't believe I went along with all that nonsense I even boarded his room shut after we sold his furniture so he has every reason to be angry for this long or even longer
Lynn Jr: But two decades that's just a whole other level of hatred
Lana: Yes but like I said he has every right to be but it seems some of the other sisters getting forgiven has given mom and dad confidence to go out with Lincoln and Christina and have fun clearly we shouldn't give up
Lynn Jr: Yeah your right let's keep trying and let's make it snappy because we are just 16 days away from the fight
Lana: True let's pick up the pace and up the anty
Both sisters shed tears before hugging each other comforting one  before they get back to showering after the shower they head off to their rooms and get dressed before chilling out in their rooms for a few hours before heading downstairs

Meanwhile with Lincoln he and Christina were in their room talking Lincoln had just told Christina that she and him are gonna be taken out on a double date with his former parents let's tune in

Lincoln: Yes that's everything they want me and you to go out with them for the day this weekend spending the whole day with those just about makes me sick
Christina: Well at least they're reaching out but babe you know what it feels like to be a parent and all parents make mistakes with their kids
Lincoln: There's a difference between making mistakes and deliberately going back on a promise of never evicting any of your kids on top of the abuse they all put me through
Christina: Lincoln listen, put yourself in their shoes what if you did something bad to any of our children and they never visited or talked to you in 20 years or even longer how would you feel as a parent?
Lincoln thinks about it and quickly dreads such a thought of him abusing and angering Brandon, Liberty, Diana, Jackson, Chris or Trish to the point they left home and cut all ties with him it would crush him in his mind he sighed and looked at his wife
Lincoln: It would be awful to say the least I don't ever want to be in that position with my children
Christina: See cut Lynn Sr and Rita some slack Give them a chance to try to right their wrongs with you but call them out on it
Lincoln: Yes I get it dear but are you sure those two changed don't forget they forgot their promise and tossed me out like yesterday's garbage the second they had the opportunity
Christina: Well let's go to their dinner date and see if they really have changed
Lincoln: Ok

Later that night the Louds were all in their PJs and drinking hot chocolate for the first time in a long time all together as they watched the news

As a hurricane known as The Great Storm Of 1987 which began earlier today was sweeping throughout Europe and had destroyed tons of property and killed a handful of people with many others either missing or homeless in England, Spain, France etc as it continues on its way

After two days the hurricane is finally gone but left death and destruction in its wake with thousands of homes across Europe destroyed, 22 people dead and countless people displaced, homeless or missing

17 October 1987

Lincoln and Christina were getting ready to go out with Lynn Sr and Rita and try to repair the relationship between the former Heavyweight Champion Of The World and his parents as they both take a shower meanwhile downstairs the matriarch and patriarch of the house also took a shower as they got a full day planned with their son and daughter in law and hoped this would work

Christina and Lincoln's kids were gonna be minded by the Loud sisters something 4 of the 6 especially Brandon and Liberty  strongly objected but they conceded defeat it's just for one day right?

Once they were done getting dressed in their best all 4 adults walked out heading for the car
Lori and Luna walk them out to Lynn's new van Veronica since Vanzilla has been turned into scarp metal years ago

Lori: Goodbye you guys enjoy yourselves but don't do anything we won't do
Lincoln: Seriously like Lori is there anyone in this house other than the kids whose a virgin?
( He said with a blank look)
Luna: I don't know bro Lilly maybe
Lori: Ok but behave yourselves
Lynn Sr: We will
Luna and Lori hug the 4 and wish them well as they get into Veronica and Lynn starts her up before they pull out of the drive way and took off
Luna and Lori looked at each other

Luna: Do you think the rents will pull it off?
Lori: Why wouldn't they I mean Lincoln has mellowed down so he won't be harsh like he was months ago, so mom and dad stand a very good chance I have faith in them
Luna: Well if you have faith I'll have faith come on let's go inside don't forget we got 18 kids to babysit and 6 of them hate us
Lori: Looking forward to it let's go

The two go back inside the house

Meanwhile with Lynn Sr, Rita, Lincoln and Christina

The four were driving to their destinations

The drive was a very quiet event and tension was in the air, so thick you had to cut it with a knife

Finally after what felt like a century of awkward silence Rita decided to break it

Rita: So Christina what is it you do for a living?
Christina: Well Rita I'm an actress, and model and a very serious businesswoman
Rita: Wow that's great I didn't know that Lincoln picked such a smart one
Christina: ( Laughs) Thanks I get that a lot

Lincoln on the other hand was waiting for his moment to address Lynn Sr before asking him two very important and uncomfortable questions

Lincoln: So Lynn Sr
Lynn Sr: Yes Son??
Lincoln: When was the last time you and me hung out?
Lynn Sr: What are you talking about before you left we all used to spend time together as a family
Lincoln: I'm not saying as a group, because I was going through our family album last night and there are very few pictures of just the two of us that didn't involve the sisters or Rita?
Lynn Sr: You know that old camera was giving issues son don't forget she was in our family for a long time even before you or Jr were born
Lincoln: yes but you bought a new camera what's the reason there in fact it seems we have more photos of you and me from  the 50s ( black and white) then from the 60s ( colour) but it's in the opposite direction with the girls ( he got annoyed as he finished his statement)  on top of that we never did anything fun together in those days
Lynn Sr: Yes we have plenty of times
Lincoln: Name them, name the times we had fun together without the girls or Rita around
Lynn Sr: Uhmm there was the time I taught you how to ride a bicycle
Lincoln: That was 25 years ago Lynn
Lynn Sr: Well I would spend a lot more time with you but I had a lot to do with work, fixing the house and that trash heap on wheels called Vanzilla, buying food, spending time with your mother and..
Lincoln: Chilling out with the sisters?? ( Lincoln finished while furious )
Lynn Sr: Yeah...That too
Christina: Don't go too rough on him honey
Lincoln roles his eyes and calms himself down before continuing
Lincoln: By the way why did you exclude me from Take Your Child to work day?
Lynn Sr: But It was for daughters only son
Lincoln shakes his head
Lynn Sr: It ain't anymore?
Lincoln: It stopped being gender specific in the early 30s like over 2 decades before I was born man
The father of 11 just tried to shrink into his seat at this point there's nothing he could say that could make the situation better between him and the father of his 6 grandchildren
Lincoln: While we're at it and this includes you Rita why did you throw away my homemade anniversary coffee mugs instead of using them?
Christina: As much as I'm trying here to mediate the situation that's just cold guys you can't shame your son's gifts and store them away somewhere or throw them but proudly present your daughter's gifts all over the house
The parents were embarrassed and tried to make the situation feel better as they park at Dairyland but can't utter anything but stutters which gives more frustration
Lincoln: Just forget

He gets out of the car and heads to the entrance with his ticket in hand

Back in the car
Christina: What a nice start to your redemption attempt bravo ( she sarcastically claps hers hands) bravo

She also gets out of the car with her ticket
Once she's gone Rita slaps her forehead and Lynn Sr slams his head into the car horn which makes a unnecessarily, unending loud honking
Lynn Sr: We just got here and he's already mad
Rita: The day is still young Lynn do you blame him though
Lynn Sr: No this is a set back but we haven't failed by the end of today Lincoln and Christina will look up to us again
Rita: At least we can start somewhere ( she gets annoyed by the noise) Lynn get off the horn already

For several hours they went from ride to ride with Lynn Sr and Lincoln riding the toilet bowl and the infamous Bull's-Eye rollercoaster which was a very thrilling ride while Rita and Christina rode the Ferris wheel and other less intense rides  during the day the young couple became more happy with the old couple

Later on they went to the arcade and played tons of games trading wins and winning prices obviously since they were walking with celebrities Lynn Sr and Rita had to be paitent when a fan wanted an autograph or picture taken with Lincoln, Christina or even both of them
Before they went to the beach and swam

Meanwhile back with the rest of the Louds they had a hard time keeping these kids in line and set up their old pools ( including Lincoln's old pool) to swim in before it was time for lunch as a large stack of pizzas were ordered

Back with Lynn Sr, Rita, Christina and Lincoln

They were all having lunch as both Christina and Lincoln told the old couple what their life was like

Christina: on top of acting and being a businesswoman I have some shares at a couple of banks and at  and I own a hotel called Sunset Crystals and I have a clothing line called Starship Couture we've employed 375 people so far
Rita: So what about you Lincoln?
Lincoln: What?
Lynn Sr: What do you do outside Boxing and acting?
Lincoln: I just own a nightclub called Stone Cold Dragons and I also co own a popular comic book company called Snipers  with Clyde both are doing well I also have shares in the NBA basketball team the Boston Celtics
Lynn Sr: Wow son congratulations I'm so proud of you
Lincoln: Wow I'm honoured that the failure is being praised for once ( he rolls his eyes)
The parents feel that twinge of guilt again and decide to apologize

Rita: Lincoln I'm sorry for my part in this mess, I'm sorry for the unfair groundings and horrible ways I treated you I could care less about your success even if you were a street vagrant I wouldn't give a damn I just want to be acknowledged as your mother again

Lincoln smiles
Rita: And to you Christina thank you for keeping him on the right direction all these years and making him be responsible your probably the only living woman who loves him more than I do
Christina: It was my pleasure mom

Lynn Sr: Lincoln I know I wasn't the most supportive father or much of a father in general, but I honestly do love you I didn't mean to compare you with the sisters or make you think I was favouring them over you but I promise you I'll never do that again you and me are gonna start hanging out a lot until I'm gone that I promise you

Both parents: We hope you can forgive us

Lincoln: You know what come here both of you

He hugs them tightly and lovingly as both parents cry tears of joy knowing they finally got their son back
Rita: Join in your part of the family too

Christina joins in the hug

Lynn Sr and Rita: We love you son
Lincoln: I love you too mom and dad

AN: Done what a chapter but Lincoln has finally made amends with his parents who except for a  33 year old sports fan have the most to answer for in this mess now we are left with the final 3 chapters of the story and there's only one more left before the fight y'all have been waiting for more on that in the next chapter please drop your comments and tell me how was the chapter leave your thoughts on it Happy New Year good day or goodnight bye 

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