By crybabybarbie

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❤️Cover by MadPierre_ Malia Ward was never the IT Girl. She was always a reserved, quiet student. Until th... More



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By crybabybarbie


Malia and Namjoon meet their friends at his house. Camry and Malia hug dramatically and Midas shakes his head at them. He daps Joon up and they pile into the living room.

Mrs. Kim comes downstairs and they introduce themselves. She's happy that Namjoon is making friends. Good ones. She lets them know about the snacks she bought before leaving for work.

Midas starts setting his game up in the living room and Camryn helps Malia with baking.

"You're always baking something. Open a pastry shop." Midas comments and she glares at him.

"Leave me alone before I knock you out."

"You been real belligerent lately." Namjoon says and Malia flips him off. He does it back and she laughs. Her and Camryn finish up the brownies and then walk upstairs to Joon's room.

"Y'all didn't get nasty in here, right?" Cam clarifies before sitting down.

"No. I haven't been in here since our first night home."

They sit on the bed and Camryn looks at Malia. She grins at her.

"Imma tell you but hold on. Let me call my best friend so I don't have to tell it twice."

She calls Janae and she answers on the second ring. "Hey, girl!"

"I got something to tell you."

"About what?" Janae gives her a questioning look. Malia blinks a couple times and her eyes widen.

"Bitch, no you didn't! We just-. Yooooo. Let me close my door so my nosy ass momma don't hear." There's rustling as she gets up and shuts her door and lays back in the bed.

"Okay, now what happened?"

"Before I start, this my friend Camryn. Cam, this is Janae."

"Hey, Cam. Oh wait. You on the dance team too right? I remember seeing you when I watched Malia up there shaking her ass like she grown."

They both laugh and Malia side eyes her phone. "You not even funny. Yeah, she on the team. She's Co-Captain."

"I figured. She's always on your right or center for switch outs. Get on with the story, though."

"Don't rush me. I'm getting to that part."

"I heard his mom tell my mom something about an expensive hotel."

"Yes. He took me to that Titanic themed one."

"Oh my God." Camryn and Janae say at the same time.

"I don't even know that existed." Janae says.

"Me either. It's popular though, Joon said. The owner got a crush on his mom so he got a room for a discounted price that he refused to tell me. They got every detail down to the elevator trilling. When we got up to the room, I was about to cry. It was so beautiful. He lit candles, there were flower petals. It was so nice. He said he got me a second gift too but I don't know what it is and I know he ain't gonna tell me.

"But anyway, he had this nice ass set up. And he was looking so good. I couldn't help myself, I could not. Aside from that, it just felt right. It didn't feel rushed or anything. I initiated it. He moved on my time."

"Did it hurt?" Janae asks and Malia nods.

"Like hell. He was trying to be gentle about it though. I know he wasn't trying to hurt me but bitch. We did it again a couple hours after that and it still hurt, just a little less. I didn't even bleed forreal. You made it seem like I was gonna be on day two of my period or something."

Janae snorts and Camryn starts laughing. "Everybody different. I was just letting you know you might be a lil leaky."

Malia smacks her teeth as Camryn smacks her thigh from laughing.

"Y'all irritating. I'm never telling y'all anything else."

"Okay, no. I'm sorry. She funny, though." Camryn says after she's done giggling.

"I want to know what his second gift is because the first one is racking up a lot of paper already." Janae says in thought.

"I don't want to think about that. At all. Don't even get me started. I feel so bad because I haven't gotten him anything. He said that his is a gift for both of us."

"You gave him something that you valued and can't get back. You literally gave him a piece of yourself by doing that. That's enough of a gift right there. That goes way beyond monetary value. I don't think he's one to care for price tags anyway. This man is in sweats and t shirts all the time." Camryn gives Malia her thoughts and she takes them.

"Hold on. Cause Nike is expensive. Especially that damn Nike Tech? Yeah, that's not a cheap tag. I don't care what anybody says. Not when Fashion Nova selling sweats for 20 dollars." Malia defends.

"Oh, whatever. You know what we mean."

Malia sits back on his bed thinking about what they said. Even if Namjoon doesn't care about price tags, she still wants to get him something. Something that's meaningful and something that he'll really like.

The girls talk for a while longer before Namjoon yells up the stairs telling them to come eat. Malia gets off the phone and they walk downstairs.

While Malia eats her Chic Fil A at the counter, Namjoon stands behind her eating fries, pressed up against her. She's scrolling on her phone and he's looking over her shoulder as she shows him funny posts.

Midas and Camryn look at them and whisper to each other. "Do you think they realize how close they're being?"

"Probably not. Namjoon is actually very easily embarrassed, he would have been red by now." Midas informs her.

"They're so cute. I can't take it. Did he tell you about where he took her?"

Midas nods. "I was there when his mom called and confirmed that it was booked. He said he told his dad about her, too."

"His dad?" Camryn questions.

She's never heard Namjoon talk about his father. He always talks about his mom, though.

"Yeah. He passed a few years ago. Malia drove with him to the cemetery and Joon told him about her."

"Oh, wow." Camryn's eyes go from Midas to the pair at the counter. His chin is on her shoulder now. Malia turns her neck to see him better and he smiles at her. He pecks her lips and then her neck before grabbing her hand.

They walk into the living room together and sit on the couch. Namjoon pulls her into his lap as Midas starts the game of 2k. She plays games on her phone as she lays on him. Camryn snaps pictures without them noticing.

Eventually, Malia is laying with her head in his lap watching them play the game. She asks Camryn to check the brownies for her. She lets them cool and then cuts herself and the guys two pieces each. She gives the rest of the pan to Malia.

"I want to go do something." Malia says out loud and Namjoon looks at her.


"Yeah. Why not? Y'all gonna play the game all day?" She knows that if allowed, then yes. They would do just that.

"Let me know what you want to do. Remember New Years is in a few days. Everything might be closed still."

"There's still stuff open. I just don't want to stay in the house."

"Laser tag is open. The skating rink is open. The mall." Midas says as he scrolls down his Google search.

"Laser tag then the mall." Camry says and Malia shakes her head.

"Mn mn. Reverse that. Mall then laser tag." She takes a forkful of her brownies and feeds Namjoon. She knows that he sweats easily so going to laser tag tag first is a no.

"Alright, that's fine. When are we leaving?"

"After this game." Namjoon and Midas say at the same time. They end up playing two more games before they actually get up to leave.

On the way there, Malia holds Namjoon's hand and he intertwines their fingers. It makes both of them fill with a sense of content.

Malia pulls into the mall lot and parks a little ways ago. She hates having to wait when a lot of people are leaving at once. It annoys her. She's seen multiple people knick their cars up because of it.

Out of habit, Malia slowly takes her hand out of Namjoon's. She intertwines her own fingers in front of her as she walks. He looks at her and then her hand. He knows why she did it and it makes him feel like an asshole.

He's also annoyed by it because he had no intention of letting her hand go. He snatches it back and Malia side eyes him as they walk into the mall. They go into her favorite stores first, some of which coincide with his.

Midas and Namjoon drag the girls into Dick's Sporting Goods, looking at sportswear. Malia follows Joon around with her hand still clasped in his. He only lets it go to look through racks or tables of clothing.

She starts looking around and goes to the sweatpants and hoodie section for the guys. There's a few of them that Namjoon doesn't already have. She grabs those and a few shirts . She'll look for herself as well.

As she scans the tables, she sees the Nike Pro shorts. She could use a few more pairs for when the girls dance at practice or just to lounge around in. She likes them because they're comfortable, like a second skin.

Namjoon watches her pick up four in her size and walks over. She shows them to him and he shakes his head slowly.

"You and these little ass shorts."

"What? You don't like them?" She asks, out of curiosity, not because she's going to stop wearing them.

"No, I do. You look good in them." He says as he rubs her butt.

"So why are you complaining?"

"I'm not. The first time you turn on the heat and say it's too cold though, we gonna fight."

She looks him up and down before turning away. "You ain't on a damn thing."

He smacks his teeth as she walks away from him. Namjoon follows behind her until it's time to pay. They get in separate lines and are cashed out around the same time.

Malia waits for Camryn as her and Midas walk over after paying for their things.

"Come with me to Spencer's." Camryn says.

"Spencer's? For what?" Malia questions. Camryn smiles in a way that can't mean anything good. "You're nasty. Absolutely disgusting. Which way is the store?"

Camryn laughs as she links her arm with Malia's. They walk ahead of the guys who hang back a little. The girls just naturally walk faster than they do.

"Soooo...." Midas says and looks at Namjoon. "Does this mean you're done with Chloe?"

"I can't trust her at all. She's blocked." He thinks about what he found before the break.

He's still upset but he can't really do anything about it. He doesn't want to cause any problems or start trouble that could jeopardize his scholarship.

And knowing Chloe, she'll take it to that point.

"I knew it was something going on with you and Lia. Y'all always disappearing together."

"No we don't. We take naps together and sometimes fall asleep in each other's rooms. How did you come to the conclusion that something was going on from that?"

"You don't even sleep in Chloe's room but you'll get yo ass down there if Malia ask you to. Or you make sure she come upstairs, somehow."

Namjoon smacks his teeth and rolls his eyes. "Man, whatever. Where did they go?"

They walk into Spencer's and look at the t shirts before walking to the shot glass section. "I should start a collection. They always have cool ones in here."

"They're only like five dollars too. That's not too bad." Namjoon says as he looks at the bottom of a glass for the price. They hear the girls laughing and look in their direction. They're looking at blow up dolls and hats with penises on them.

"Y'all so perverted." Midas says as he walks over.

He puts the hat on and they start cracking up. Malia takes pictures with him as he poses holding up peace signs. Camryn hands him many different hats and starts taking pictures too. They get distracted by all of the funny clothing items and Malia looks around the store more.

She stops by the gags and paddles. She's heard of people using them but could never picture it. It puts her in a state of utter shock. Namjoon sees her staring at the items and walks over.

"Don't tell me you want to be gagged?"

She looks over at him with wide eyes and shakes her head. "I was just looking. Those things creep me out."

Namjoon laughs at her as she turns her face away from him. She walks away from him as she gets embarrassed and he walks after him. "Okay, okay. I'm sorry. It wasn't funny. You're just so cute when you get like this."

Malia listens to him tease as she looks at the next section of things. She raises her eyebrows at the selection of choices. There's small ones for 'travel size', regular sized ones and then bigger ones as well. She blinks as she reads the labels on them. Namjoon watches her and then looks at the many products.

He's never seen a woman use a vibrator outside out of porn and barely even then. He prefers watching penetration. Back scratching, hair pulling, ass smacking. You know, the regular stuff. 

Even with that being said, he would be lying if he said that the thought of Malia pleasuring herself with him in mind didn't pique his interest. He puts his arm around her waist and pulls her closer.

Her focus falters when she feels his breath on her. "Are you gonna get one?"

"Mm. I don't think so. I don't know how to use them. That would be a waste of money, I think." She pulls at the sleeves of her coat, trying not to feel weird about having this conversation with him.

"How about we get one and we can learn how to use it together?" He suggests and she looks at him.

"What the hell do you need it for?"

He shrugs and kisses her neck. "I want to try it on you. Even more now that I know you've never used one." He looks through the merchandise before picking one that seems simple enough for her to use.. Malia doesn't walk to the register with him, rather she walks out of the store and stands by a bench.

Namjoon finds her amusing as he pays for the vibrator. Camryn playfully scrunches her face up. "Y'all about to go past nasty and get gross, huh?"

"Mind your business before I flick you in your forehead." He says as they walk out of the store.

"Why would you do that?" She steps away from him and he laughs.

He holds his hand out for Malia and she takes it as they continue their walk around the mall. Her phone buzzes in her pocket and she takes it out to look at it. It's a text from Sebastian.

Hey, Lia. Just checking in, making sure you got home alright. If you need a ride back, just let me know :) Merry Christmas ma

Namjoon reads the text and inhales as he rolls his eyes. Malia texts him back, letting him know she got home safe. She informs that she drove with Namjoon and that she'll be okay this time, but thanks him for the offer.

Namjoon forces away the thoughts in his head. He doesn't know how to feel about them right at this moment. But she's here with him, and holding his hand and enjoying his company.

He figures that he shouldn't get upset about her having male friends. He has female friends.

She's allowed to be friends with other guys. That doesn't mean she'd leave me for them. That doesn't make them threats to me, right. She'd never do what she did.


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