By CrescentRWBY

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"Why I want to be a hero...? What kind of hero I want to be...? I... I... I'm not sure myself... I don't know... More

Chapter 1 (S1)
Chapter 2
Sleeping Kuuga
Chapter 3
Kuuga and Jiro
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 (S2)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
not a chapter
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 (S3)
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
New chapter?
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Thanks for 2k
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Sayo: "Yoohoo!
💞Save The World With Love!💞
🎞Futari no Hero chapter 1🎞
🎞Futari no Hero Chapter 2🎞
🎞Futari no Hero chapter 3🎞
Zero: Q&A and Feedback section
🎞Futari no Hero Chapter 4🎞
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 (S4)
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Announcement (important)
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Gear check!
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61 (S5)
Surprise! (Special Chapter)
Status update (not a chapter)
How original
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Not a chapter update
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
In All of Our Hearts
Competitive Bowling (Zero OVA)
Chapter 68
Photo issues (not a chapter)
Chapter 69
Father's Day Special Chapter
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Plans and Curiosity
🎞 Zero: Heroes: Rising Chapter 1
Advanced happy new year
🎞 Zero: Heroes: Rising Chapter 2
New Art
🎞 Zero: Heroes: Rising Chapter 3
Meet the characters
🎞 Zero: Heroes: Rising Chapter 4


382 19 38
By CrescentRWBY

The scene opens up to Kuuga entering the very silent common area.

Kuuga: (yawns) "Another day of pain and suffering- Huh?"

He stops walking when he sees two adults, both of them slightly resembling Sayo's looks.

Kuuga: "Hey."

The two adults quickly turned around, clearly spooked.

Ezume: "W-Wait!"

Tomo: "We come in peace!"

Kuuga: "It's kinda obvious, since you have visitor ID's hanging on your necks."

Ezume: (sighs) "That's a relief… Wait."

Ezume stops and looks at Kuuga, noticing the prosthetic arm.

Ezume: "Prosthetics… wait, are you Kuuga Kiriu?"

Kuuga: "Yes."

The two adults looked at each other before fangirling/fanboying towards him.

Ezume: "I can't believe it!'

Tomo: "We get to meet the son of our business partner!"

Ezume: "What a privilege!"

Kuuga: "Who are you? And state your intent in this dorm. It's five in the morning, so make it quick."

Ezume: "Our apologies. I guess I should say happy halloween?"

Kuuga: "Are you mocking me?"

Ezume: "S-Sorry! Allow me to introduce myself first. I'm Ezume Aisaka. She's Tomo Aisaka. We're the parents of your classmate, Sayo."

Kuuga is now seen eating potato chips while looking at them.

Kuuga: (chewing) "Okay."

The parents sweatdrop at the sight.

Ezume: (coughs nervously) "Well, even if it's halloween… it's also our daughter's… birthday."

Kuuga: (still chewing) "Okay."

Tomo: "Well, we haven't bought a cake for her yet! Only a gift!"

Ezume: "And cake shops don't open at this time here…"

Ezume looks down before approaching Kuuga and placing a hand on his shoulder.

Ezume: "Can you make one?"

Kuuga: "Hm?"

Ezume: "We heard of your excellency. So maybe we can have you make one…?"

Kuuga: "No. They take a long time to make."

Ezume: "There must be a way!"

Kuuga: "No. Leave. I have things to do."

Kuuga starts walking away but Ezume stops him, showing a thick amount of money.

Ezume: "I know it takes a long time to make. But, how does 20,000 Yen sound for a small cake?"

Kuuga: "20,000? That's way too much. Are you really that desperate?"

Tomo: "We are!"

Kuuga: (sighs) "I'll do it. But keep the mon-"

Ezume suddenly smacks the stack of bills on Kuuga's face 

Ezume: "There you go!"

Tomo: (clapping) "We'll leave it to you!"

Kuuga: "None of you are staying?"

Ezume: "No. Sayo gets shy around us when near her friends. We'll leave the gift here. Please give it to her for us! Oh! Please make the cake a surprise for her!"

The two quickly ran out of the dormitory.

Kuuga: (sighs) "Another quest… I need more people for this."


The scene changes to Kaminari opening his door with a yawn.

Kaminari: (yawns) "What is-"

Black mist suddenly surrounded him and started carrying him. He looks ahead to see Kuuga walking ahead.

Kaminari: "Kiriu? What are you doing?"

Kuuga: "We have a quest."

Kaminari: "What quest?"

Kuuga: "Shush. Everyone is still asleep."


The scene opens up to Sato opening the door.

Sato: "Kiriu?"

He notices Kaminari behind him, still being carried by Kuuga's mist.

Kuuga: "I will explain later. Come with me first."

Sato: "S-Sure… Let me just fix myself…"

Kuuga: "Fine. Hurry up, we're running on limited time."


The scene opens up to Todoroki opening the door, holding some toiletries. The candy cane head stops and sees Kuuga standing in front of him with glowing purple eyes. Behind him are Kaminari, who is still restrained and a nervous Sato.

Todoroki: "Kiriu? It's literally five in the morning. What is it?"

Kuuga: "Come with me. Important matters are to be discussed."


The scene changes to Sato, Kaminari, and Todoroki sitting on the couches as Kuuga stands in front of them.

Kuuga: "Thank you for coming to this meeting."

Kaminari: "You kidnapped me!"

Kuuga: "I will compensate for my actions."

Sato: "So, what's up?"

Kuuga: "I was given a mission by two high profile individuals, and I personally chose the three of you to assist me in carrying out this task."

Todoroki narrowed his eyes and became interested.

Todoroki: "What is the task?"

Kaminari stands up with a sigh.

Kaminari: "I don't know, Kiriu. It sounds danger-"

Kuuga: "How does 6,666 Yen sound?"

Kaminari's tired state disappeared and turned into a shocked look. He goes back to the couch and gains a determined face.

Kaminari: "I'm listening, Kiriu."

Sato: (nervously) "A-Are we doing some sort of heist?"

Kuuga: "No."

Kuuga brought out a picture of a cake design of a halloween theme with the label "Happy birthday, Sayo!," on top.

Kuuga: "We're gonna make a cake and hide it from everyone."

A dark aura surrounds Kuuga as he slams the picture on the coffee table, creating an intense wind current. The three lean and stare at the picture.

Kaminari: "Cake?"

Todoroki: "I don't see how I'll be of assistance on this one."

Todoroki goes to leave but Kuuga stops him.

Kuuga: "6,666 Yen and unlimited cold soba for a week. Will that make you stay?"

Todoroki blinks a few times before sitting down again.

Todoroki: "Okay."

Kuuga: "Good. I chose all of you for a specific reason since there's no one better for the job. Sato, you will be making multiple halloween-themed cupcakes as a cover up. I will be making the actual cake."

Sato: (nods) "Okay!"

Kuuga: "Good… Good… we're gonna need some of your tools in your room down here. But getting them is dangerous, Jiro is hopefully not hearing us right now and alert the others to wake up, so I'll be the one to grab your stuff from the outside."

Sato: "You're gonna climb up from the outside?!"

Kuuga: (nods) "Yeah. To make things as safe as possible."

Sato: "I-I see…"

Kuuga: "Now, Todoroki, I want you to make some sort of refrigerator on the back of the dorms where we can hide this cake. The fridge here is a hot zone when everyone is here."

Todoroki: "I understand. It will be done."

Kaminari: "What about me?"

Kuuga: "You… I'm not gonna be a stupid wingman, I know you like her, idiot. You will ask her out to costume shopping for halloween or something. I'll provide you with a budget from my own money to stall time as I inform the rest of the class."

Kaminari: "That's it?"

Kuuga: "Yes. It's basically a win-win for you, I'm basically giving you money to go out with that idiot."

Kaminari shot up from his seat and bows aggressively.

Kaminari: "Thank you! I will not fail!"


The scene changes behind the dorm building with Todoroki wearing a stealthy outfit as he crouches down and begins producing a lot of ice. As he produces ice, he presses on his left ear that has an earpiece.

Todoroki: "Phase one is being done."


The scene changes to Kuuga climbing the railings towards Sato's balcony.

Kuuga: "Okay, the next one is in progress."

Kuuga climbs into Sato's room and begins grabbing the necessary tools for baking- basically almost the whole room.

Kuuga: "I'm on my way down."


The scene changes to Sato wearing a similar stealth nervously standing alone in the kitchen as he presses on his earpiece.

Sato: "Um… Why are we wearing outfits for stealth?"

Kuuga: (earpiece) "Do not ask such questions."

The shot changes to the three doing their thing with Sato nervously waiting, Kuuga climbing down while carrying the baking materials with his mist, Todoroki literally making a new dragonspine at the back, and Kaminari watching the intense event.

Kaminari: "Um… I'm just gonna brush my teeth."


The scene changes to the secret baking group all gathered around the kitchen in their comfortable attire.

Kuuga: "The necessary preparations are ready. Todoroki, good work, you can go on with the rest of your day."

Kuuga slaps a stack of cash on the half-and-half's hand.

Todoroki: (nods) "Yeah. Thanks"

Todoroki walks away and starts doing his own thing.

Kuuga: "Okay. Kaminari, for the next phase..."

Kuuga brought out his wallet and handed him a bigger stack of cash.

Kuuga: "Use this to have a date or something with Aisaka when everyone is already preparing for halloween. Just stall her. Don't hesitate to use it all, whatever is left at the end of the day is yours. When you get back, you'll be doing the final phase as well."

Kaminari: "What's the final phase?"

Kuuga: "When the time comes. For now, just do your usual morning routine. Sato, let's do the cake first, the time we have is enough to hide it and start making the other desserts."

Sato grabs a pouch of sugar and consumes it, hyping him up.

Sato: "Let's do this!"

The two start aggressively making progress, Kaminari looks at them with a nervous look before walking away.


~8:00 a.m.~

The scene now changes to a close up shot of a finished halloween themed birthday cake. Kuuga and Sato are seen covered in frosting, sugar, and other sweets as they look satisfied with their work.

Sato: "It looks…"

Kuuga: "Satisfactory. We're not done yet."

Kuuga grabs the cake.

Kuuga: "Do your morning routine first, Sato."

Sato: "What about you?"

Kuuga: "I already did it."

The scene changes to kuuga going to the back of the dorms and spotting the improvised refrigerator made by ice.

Kuuga: "It'll do."

Kuuga inserts the cake in the small slot and leaves the pastry there.


Kuuga is seen tiredly entering the dorm.

Kuuga: "The next pha-"

His eyes widen as he sees all his classmates inside the common area with Sato panicking inside the kitchen. He brought out his phone and saw the time.

Kuuga: "It's 8:10?!"

Kuuga sprints through the common area, passing some of his classmates and into the kitchen.

Kuuga: "Sato, what happened?"

Sato: "We forgot to take note of the time, it's breakfast for everyone! I might not be able to-"

Kuuga: "No. Start the cupcakes. I'll make breakfast."

Sato: "B-But!-"

The shot then focuses on both purple eyes of Kuuga.

Kuuga: "I have mastered the art of producing more than 20 kilograms worth of food in a short span. Do not doubt my abilities, scum."

Sato: "O-Okay…"

Sato regains a determined look.

Sato: "Let's do this! For the birth-!"

Black mist suddenly covers Sato's mouth.

Kuuga: "Quiet!"

Sato: "S-Sorry!"

The two continue their tasks as Kirishima, Sero, Kaminari, Jiro, Annya, and Sayo approach.

Kirishima: "Sato's with you? What's the occasion?"

Kuuga: "It's halloween, dumbass."

Sero: "What're you guys making?"

Kuuga: "I'm making all of your stupid dishes like usual, Sato's making deserts."

He points at Sato, who is aggressively smashing a baking pan on a bag of flour, suddenly a fire erupts from one of the ovens.

Sero: (sweat drops) "I can see that…"

Jiro: "H-Hey, fire!"

Kuuga: "Huh?"

He turns around to see the scorching flames.

Kuuga: "What's going on?!"

He grabs a nearby blanket and runs towards the incident and tries to put it out.

Jiro: "What a disaster…"

Annya: (fast paced) "Oh. We're not gonna be able to put the fire out and each one of us will feel the wrath of the scorching flames of hell coming from the kitchen oven and we'll either meet our creator or suffer from more heat down under. That's what the elders say, so we should run and live to see another day, leaving the precious memories we all made in this fine building provided by our teachers."

Kirishima places both of his hands on Annya's shoulders and begins to shake her.

Kirishima: "Stop it! That's scary!"

Kaminari, Sero, Jiro, and Sayo stare at Annya with a nervous look as Kuuga and Sato are seen trying to put out the fire in the background. Annya ignores Kirishima's plea.

Annya: (fast paced) "But if we don't run, we'll fall along with the precious memories made in the dorm but we will not experience being a hero and make a symbol of our own. Even with Todoroki's flames or your hardening, I don't think either of you will survive, we're gonna die, we're gonna die, we're gonna die, we're gonna die, we're gonna die, we're gonna die…"

Sayo smiles nervously.

Sayo: "U-Um… Annya, I think that's-!"

Kirishima shakes her harder as Sero, Kaminari, and Jiro join in on the shaking.

Kaminari: (tearing up) "Quiet down, Kuroishi! You're scaring everyone!"

Annya: (blankly) "Annya."

Sero: "Don't say things like that!"

Jiro: "None of us don't want to die, especially in halloween!"

Annya: "But it'd make a good movie…"

Kirishima: "Todoroki! Help us calm Annya down!"

Todoroki approaches with Iida beside him.

Iida: (notices the fire) "Kiriu! Sato! What's happening?!"

The shot changes to Kuuga still trying to put out the fire in the oven while Sato tries to put out the fire on his shirt.

Kuuga: "Help us! We're gonna lose a dorm if none of you help!"

Iida: "A-Allow me to assist! I'll grab the fire extinguisher!"

Iida runs off as Todoroki calmly places a hand on Annya's shoulder.

Todoroki: "You're scaring the others."

She turns her head quickly towards Todoroki's direction while blushing.

Annya: "S-Shoto…"

Kaminari, Kirishima, Sero, Jiro, and Sayo look stunned at the sight.

K, K, S, J, S: (mentally) "That quick?!"

Kuuga: (unseen) "Sato!"

They all look at the kitchen to see Sato rolling on the ground on fire as Kuuga tries to put it out with a single rug. Iida then enters the scene and blasts the sugarman with a fire extinguisher.


The scene then changes to a pork cutlet bowl being placed on the counter.

Kuuga: (tiredly) "Here."

Izuku: "Thank you!"

Izuku grabs the bowl as the scene changes to Kuuga's exhausted face while Iida is seen putting bandages on some parts of Sato's body. Kuuga slumps down on the counter.

Kuuga: (sighs) "What a disaster… Sato, you okay now?"

Sato just gave a thumbs up while being bandaged up.

Kuuga: "I see. Good, but any progress on the cups?"

Sato: "Yeah… I got a few of them done before the small disaster."

He points towards another part of the kitchen showing a big plate filled with cupcakes.

Kuuga: "I see. Let's make more later. Eat up as well."

Kuuga grabs a plate filled with food of his own and proceeds to a table consisting of Bakugo, Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero.

Bakugo: "What the hell are you doing here, scum?!"

Kuuga: "Shut up or you're eating rubber for a week."

Kuuga casually eats as Bakugo glares at him from across.

Bakugo: "Damn it…"

Kirishima: "Anyways, do guys have a costume for today?"

Sero: "Yeah! But I'll keep it a secret for now."

Kuuga: "Why bother wearing a costume? There's no gathering or anything."

Kirishima: "The whole class actually discussed it a few days ago. Maybe you weren't there."

Kaminari: "There was?"

Kuuga: "Even if I was there or not, you won't get me to wear a costume."

Sero: "But you look like you're preparing for it, look at what Aisaka is eating!"

The shot changes to Sayo visibly feasting on the plate of cupcakes Sato made for later. Kuuga suddenly stood up and grabbed a fork from who knows where.

Kuuga: "Stop eating that… Aisaka…!"

Kuuga throws the fork with insane accuracy, and hits the Seiai kid's head. She fell to the floor with a single cupcake on her mouth.

Kuuga: (sighs) "No control… Anyways, all of you have fun in doing your stupid costume party."

Sayo quickly floats towards Kuuga, the fork still sticking on her head.

Sayo: "Eh?! A costume party?! There is?!"

Kuuga: "Don't ask me…"

Kirishima: "You haven't heard that either? I even got Bakugo to agree!"

Bakugo: "Shut up! Like I'd wear a stupid costume!"

Sayo: "A p-p-p-p-party! I don't have a costume!"

Kaminari: "I don't have one as well…"

Sayo: "Then we should buy one for ourselves!"

Kaminari: "Huh?"

A lightbulb popped up on Kuuga's head. He nods to himself then slaps the back of Kaminari's head.

Kuuga: "I think that's a good idea."

Kaminari: "Why do you have to slap me?"

Kaminari looks at Kuuga to see him staring at him with a stern look.

Kuuga: (mutters) "Ride along."

Kaminari: (whispers) "Right."

Kaminari clears his throat as he continues to eat.

Kaminari: "Yeah… we can go later… hehe…"

He looks at Sayo and grins while giving a thumbs up. Kuuga shakes his head in disapproval and sits down.

Kuuga: (mentally) "Idiot."


The scene now changes to everyone hanging out in the common area with some putting up decorations related to halloween. Kaminari and Sayo are seen wearing outfits fitted to go outdoors while the rest are in comfortable ones.

Kaminari: "U-Um… we'll be leaving-"

Kuuga: "Leave."

They look at Kuuga who is holding a can of WF-30 and a lighter.

Sayo: "Um, Kiriu? What's that?"

Kuuga: "It's called the "Get Out" Support item. Want me to demonstrate it? I bet your parents will love this item."

Sayo: "Can you?"

Sayo begins to look curious.

Sayo: "What does it do?"

Kaminari: "U-Uh… A-Aisaka…"

He holds on to Sayo's wrist and begins pulling her towards the main door.

Sayo: "No, I want to see!"

Kuuga: "Okay."

Kuuga sprays the can, as well as igniting the lighter, making a budget flamethrower.

Sayo: "Eek!"

Kaminari: "Run!"

The two begin running as Kuuga casually jogs after them and doesn't stop spraying. The two managed to exit through the main door with a slam.

Kuuga: "Finally. They're gone."

Kuuga sighs and calls everyone's attention.

Kuuga: "Everyone. I have something to discuss."


The scene changes to Kaminari and Sayo walking through the streets of Musutafu, still a bit shaken from the so-called support item demonstration.

Sayo: "I thought it was a support item…"

Kaminari: "It's far from one"

Kaminari's phone suddenly buzzed, seeing a text message from Kuuga.

Kuuga: (message) "Everyone is starting to wear their costumes, so you two should probably head back here, wearing whatever you're gonna buy."

Kaminari: "We're going back wearing costumes…"


The scene changes to Sero and Mina, in their costumes (mummy costume and neko costume), holding Kuuga in place as Jiro places devil horns on his head.

Jiro: "Perfect!"

Kuuga: "Let me go and give back my phone!"

The shot widens, revealing Kirishima wearing a male version of a little red "riot" hood while holding someone's phone.

Kirishima: "Message sent! Thank you for filling us in your given quest, Kiriu! We'll make sure it goes well but you have to look the part!"

Kuuga: "Fine! Let me go!"

Kirishima: "We should all get in our costumes! They might return sooner than expected!"

Kuuga: "There's no food pre-"

Yaoyorozu: "Don't worry, Kiriu, I and the girls can handle it."

Kuuga looks towards the kitchen to see Yaoyorozu wearing some military officer uniform, alongside her are Hagakure, who's just covered in a white sheet with eye holes, Tsuyu, who is wearing a pumpkin witch costume, and Uraraka, who is wearing a classic witch costume. All ready to make the goods.

Kuuga: "No, absolutely no-"

Sato: "I'll make sure it's okay, Kiriu!"

He looks in the other direction to see Sato wearing a gingerbread man costume.

Kuuga: "The fire incident might-"

Todoroki: "Don't worry about it, Kiriu. I will take care of it."

Todoroki appears beside Sato, wearing a dracula costume.

Kuuga: (sweat drops) "You don't sound like you…"

Todoroki: "Huh?"

Annya: "What do you mean? Shoto is Shoto."

Annya enters the common area, wearing an orange dress with a pumpkin perfectly placed on her head while holding a plushie of Todoroki's head. Kuuga, Sato, Todoroki, and Kirishima look at her nervously.

Kirishima: "Wh-Where did you get that?"

Todoroki: "That looks a bit unusual…"

Annya: "I have my ways of getting one. I even saw them selling Kuuga's head as well as Katsuki's head. But nothing is better than Shoto…"

Annya begins to snuggle into the plush.

Kuuga: "They sell our heads?"

Sero: "That's creepy…"

Jiro: "Can I ask where you can buy that?"

Kuuga: "Why are you interested in our heads being sold?"

Jiro: (crosses arms) "I was just asking."

Annya: "I'll tell you later."


The scene changes to Kaminari picking out a red coat and some vampire cosmetics.

Kuuga: "This may actually work… Aisaka, what do you think?"

He turns around to see Sayo in a skeleton costume and posing in front of him.

Sayo: "It might work! But I want to show everyone how fabulous I am! Try it on now!"


The scene changes to Kaminari wearing a red coat with bat wings.

Kaminari: "Man, I look good! How much is this?"

Sayo: "I don't know. It doesn't matter! We look good."

Kaminari: "Yeah, I guess, it's not my money so we're not going to get affected!"

Sayo: "What?"

Kaminari: "Nothing!"

Sayo: "Anyways, let Sayo Aisaka spoil you today!"

Sayo brought out a black leather wallet and presented it to Kaminari with a grin.

Sayo: "I managed to get it from Kiriu without him noticing! Since he's been mean to us today, we should get back at him."

Kaminari: "W-Wait, his wallet?!"

Sayo: "Yeah! It's full of money as well! Look!"

Kaminari: "Do you have a death wish?! That's Kiriu we're talking about!"

Sayo: "No! He won't kill us if he doesn't find out!"

Kaminari: "Whatever you say… don't bring me into this. But, let me pay for it instead."

Sayo: "Nope! Kiriu will be paying for us!"

Sayo cheerfully goes to the counter and starts bringing out the contents of the wallet.

Kaminari: "No… I don't want to feel the wrath of his mist! Give it!"

Kaminari charges towards Sayo, but she suddenly changes into her ghost form, making him phase through her and crash into a couple of mannequins.

Sayo: "Why are you so desperate to pay, Kaminari? It's fine!"

Sayo hands Kuuga's money to the nervous-looking cashier. From afar, Kaminari watches the transaction with a pale face.

Kaminari: "I just witnessed a robbery take place in front of me…"

Sayo then cheerfully goes towards Kaminari and grabs him by the bat wings.

Sayo: "Let's go now! I can't wait to see the others in their costumes!"

Kaminari: "Don't you want to buy more things?"

Sayo: "Spending more of Kiriu's money? Sure! Let's buy some food on the way back!"

Kaminari: "Wait! I didn't mean it like tha-"


The scene changes to Sayo now carrying a fancy-looking shopping bag filled with chocolates and is still dragging Kaminari, who looks paler than ever.

Kaminari: "Did you spend it all?"

Sayo: "Yup! All 100,000 Yen! Sayo doesn't get to eat luxurious chocolate most of the time!"

Kaminari: "We're dead…"


The scene now changes to Kuuga, Sero, and Kirishima, watching the girls, along with Sato, finish up the deserts.

Sero: "I guess they proved you wrong."

Kuuga: "I will admit that. Anyways, they're probably heading back, I'll go wait for them for the final phase."

Kuuga starts walking away.

Kirishima: "How do you know?"

Kirishima suddenly goes towards Bakugo, who is wearing a green fur coat. The Red Riot Hoodplaces cat ears on his head.

Bakugo: "Don't touch me, Weird hair!"

Kuuga: "I'm just guessing."

Izuku, wearing a tattered white cloak with a pumpkin basket, approaches Kuuga.

Izuku: "You're good at making surprises, Kiriu!"

Kuuga: "I guess."


The scene now changes to Kaminari and Sayo walking alongside each other towards their dorms.

Kaminari: (shaking) "We're dead, we're dead, we're dead, we're dead…"

They stopped as they saw Kuuga standing by the stairs of the front door, waiting for them with his arms crossed.

Kuuga: "What took you two so long?"

Kuuga stands up and walks towards them.

Kaminari: "What's with that costume?"

Kuuga: "It was placed upon me against my will. We need to talk."

Kaminari: "Huh?"

Kuuga: "About something missing."

Kaminari: "H-Huh?"

Sayo: "W-Wait! It was-"

Kuuga: "I'll deal with you later. Go inside, everyone's in there."

Sayo gains a guilty look before mouthing a sorry at Kaminari and heads inside.

Kuuga: "She's gone. Finally. Follow me."

Kuuga turns around and starts heading to the back of the dorm, nervously followed by kaminari.

Kuuga: "If you're nervous about a missing wallet. I already know. In fact, it was intentional that I let her steal it from me."

Kaminari: "Wait, so-"

Kuuga: "The money inside is real. And I did it because I doubt you can stall her."

He crouches down to the makeshift refrigerator and grabs the birthday cake and hands it to Kaminari.

Kuuga: "The final phase is you're bringing this to her. Once everyone sees you, they'll suddenly greet her. From my calculations, she'll take a step back from shock and bump into me. But before she turns around, you'll be the one standing before her."

Kaminari: "Eh?"

Kuuga: (sighs) "Just do it."


The scene changes to Sayo looking around in awe at the halloween theme of the common area. Everyone begins to greet her. But her eyes got attracted to the amount of sweets on the tables.

Sayo: "Ooooh!"

She begins to walk towards it but Annya holds her by the hair, still hugging the Todoroki plushie.

Annya: "Now, now. Nice costume and all, but we have to wait for the go signal.

Sayo: "Aww…"

Iida, who is wearing a Frankenstein costume, suddenly smiles.

Iida: "Everyone! Now's the time!"

Tokoyami, who is wearing a plague doctor costume, stands up from the couch.

Tokoyami: "It's time."

Aoyama suddenly pops up beside him, wearing a sparkling magician costume.

Aoyama: "It may be time, but can you just see how shiny my hat is?"

Mineta, who is wearing an idiot sandwich costume panics.

Ojiro, who is wearing a tiger costume, along with Koda, wearing an Alphonse Elric costume, and Shoji, who is wearing a mummy costume, stand up.

Ojiro: "Let's raise it!"

A white sheet is spread between the three of them. They went to the middle and raised the sheet, saying "Happy Birthday, Aisaka!"

Everyone: "Happy birthday, Aisaka!/Happy birthday, Sayo!"

Sayo: "Huh?"

She takes a few steps back and bumps into something. She turns around to see Kaminari holding a Halloween birthday cake.

Kaminari: "U-Uh… happy birthday, Aisaka."

Kuuga: "Happy birthday, Seiai kid."

Kuuga is seen leaning against a wall and looking away.

Sayo: "How did you all know?"

Kuuga: "Two individuals gave me a quest. And I just delivered."

Sayo: "Oh…"

Kuuga: "They left a gift. Catch it."

Kuuga brought out a gift and throws it towards her like a baseball. She begins to wave her hand in panic.

Sayo: "W-W-W-W-Wait!"

The gift hits her straight in the head and knocks her to the floor.

Sayo: "Ow… Oh?"

Sayo jumps up and looks at the gift curiously.

Sayo: "I wonder what it is… Anyways, thank you, everyone! And…"

Sayo approaches Kaminari and kisses his cheek.

Sayo: "Thank you!"

Kaminari blushes and looks at Kuuga, who is giving a thumbs up.

Kirishima pops up in the middle of the common area.

Kirishima: "Whatever! Let's party…!"

Everyone: "Yeah!"

Everyone starts making a mess while Sayo pulls Kaminari towards everyone.

Sero: "Nice costume, Kaminari!"

From afar, Kuuga watches with a disappointed look.

Kuuga: (mutters) "The mess…"

Jiro approaches him.

Jiro: "Stop being weird and join us."

Kuuga: "No."

Jiro suddenly wraps her earphone jacks around Kuuga's neck.

Jiro: "Come on, now. Everyone! I just caught a mastermind!"

Kuuga: (struggling) "L-Let go…"


Sorry it took so long, I set myself a deadline, yet I failed. I got distracted from playing games. So I hope you liked this special chapter!

4587 words


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