Paradise (Deltarune) (KrisxRa...

By DoctorBlu5

8.8K 87 382

This story is just a written theory I came up after what happened after Chapter 2. All rights to toby fox. Af... More

Welcome to my story
CHAPTER 1| A New Fountain
Chapter 2| The paradise behind the door
Chapter 3| Paradise
Chapter 4| A random island
Chapter 5| The tour of the islands
Chapter 6| Four new people
Chapter 7| Confession
Chapter 8| HIM
Chapter 9| The smoke expands
Chapter 10| Now what?
Chapter 11| Trouble in Paradise
Chapter 12| Fun?
Chapter 13| Time had fun.
Chapter 14| Who is "Gaster"?
Chapter 15| The Truth
Chapter 16| Pandora and Paradox
Chapter 17| Reunited
Chapter 18| Incursion
Chapter 20| A Happy End?

Chapter 19| Revived

172 2 14
By DoctorBlu5

It was Toriel, alive, awake and well.

Kris: Mum!

Toriel: Kris! come here!

Kris ran into Toriel's arms for a big hug, Toriel hugged Kris tightly never wanting to let go, Kris hugged back like there was no tomorrow because they thought they lost their mum forever.

Kris: How are you alive? you died.

Toriel: Harold revived me.

Kris: How do you know who he is you never met him.

Toriel: When he revived me he told me his name and that's all I needed to know.

By this time Susie had woke up to.

Susie: H-huh? what's going on? T-Toriel!

Susie was so suppressed she forgot she stayed the night at their house.

Toriel: Susie! I forgot you were here.

Susie: Oh yeah, same. I forgot I stayed the night. How are you alive.

Kris: Harold revived her.

Susie: Damn he really does know how to mess with emotions.

When Kris and Toriel stopped hugging she looked around all confused.

Toriel: Where are your friends?

Kris: Where they were when the smoke got them they would wake up in the same place.

Toriel: But didn't Noelle say she came here.

Susie: She did! where is she?

Kris: She could be back at her house.

Toriel: I think we go check if everyone is alright and awake.

Kris: Yeah that's probably for the best.

All of them leave while Kris puts all the bits into their pocket. When they walk down the road to go to the school they saw Noelle leaving her house.

Noelle: Hey guys! wait, Toriel! you're alive!?

Toriel: Hey sweetie.

Susie: Yeah, Harold revived her. Where were you going?

Noelle: I was going to check on you guys, but it seems like you are all fine.

Kris: We are going to check on everyone and go to the school, want to some along?

Noelle: Sure!

Noelle joins them and they go to Sans' house first to check if they are alright. Kris knocks on the door and Sans opens the door.

Sans: Oh hey kiddo.

Kris: Hey Sans! we are just checking if both of you are alright.

Sans: Better now that we're back home.

Kris: That's good then.

Sans: I that Toriel?

Toriel: Yep!

Sans: Cool.

Sans closes the door and all of them go to the flower king where the door is unlocked. When they walk in they can see Asgore watering his flowers, he heard the door and told them 1 minute. When he stopped watering his flowers and turned around he was shocked to see them all standing there.

Asgore: Oh hey guys!

Kris: Harold revived you as well.

Asgore: Yep!

Kris: Do you want to come with us to the dark world?

Asgore: Sure! I have to thank him!

Asgore joins them, they leave and walk towards the school. Luckily Toriel has the school keys on her, she opens the door and follows Kris to the closet.

Kris: It's in here.

Toriel: Our supply closet?

Susie: It's in the supply closet.

Toriel: How did you guys find it?

Kris: When Susie ate all of the chalk and we had to get some more that's when we fell into the dark world.

Toriel: Susie! stop eating all of our chalk!

Susie: N-no! it's good!

Kris: let's just go in before there's a fight. It's a long way down so it might hurt when you land. Everyone hold onto each other and run after them so you don't get left behind.

Everyone holds hands and they run into the closet not losing anyone. They land, but only Kris and Susie managed to land without hurting themselves.

Asgore: Ow! that was a long fall!

Kris: I told you, are you ok?

Asgore: Yep! how about everyone else?

Noelle: I'm fine!

Toriel: All good!

Kris: Great! then let's go find the others!

All of them walk away from the entrance, they can see all of the princes talking, they walk up to them and Ralsei can see them coming towards them.

Ralsei: Hey guys!

Harold: Hey! it seems you found you surprise!

Kris: Thank you so much!

Harold: No, thank you! I wouldn't have been able to do it without you!

Susie: When did you revive them?

Harold: When I disappeared in front of you.

Kris: Oh. Do you guys like your new place?

Richard: Yes! it's great!

Queen: Hey guys I am also here!

Ralsei: Oh hey Queen! you feeling better after being turned to stone?

Queen: Much better! ok I go now.

Susie: I'm going to see Lancer.

Noelle: I'll come with you!

Duke: Didn't you say there was another duke here?

Ralsei: Yes, Rouxls Kaard is his name, he does like puzzles so be careful what you say. He also speaks in Shakespearian.

Duke: Great, I guess i'll got talk to him.

Those three walk of to leave the rest of them to talk.

Richard: Now what do we do?

Ralsei: It's not going to be done today but I can build all of you rooms in my castle.

Harold: My own room in your castle? that sounds amazing!

Louis: I would like my own room as well.

Casmir: Same here!

Richard: Why not.

Ralsei: Great! now before you go I need to let you know that there is someone in our prison but don't talk to him.

Richard: Who is it?

Ralsei: He says he's the King.

Casmir: Why's he in there?

Ralsei: He tried to kill us.

Louis: Oh, then we will definitely avoid him.

Asgore: Wait, Harold before you leave I just want to say thank you.

Toriel: Thank you Harold, for bringing us back to life.

Harold: It's no problem really, your son is an amazing human I'm glad you two are their parents, they have helped me so much I wouldn't be here without them. I'm going to go now but i'll leave you with some advice. It's time think about what they want so chat to Ralsei.

Ralsei: W-what?

Harold: See you guys later.

Harold walks off and the other three princes follow him allowing Ralsei and Kris to talk to their parents.

Ralsei: Oh, um, well, what do you want to talk about?

Toriel: Is there anywhere we can sit or a table?

Ralsei: Yes there's one in my castle follow me.

All of them follow Ralsei, when they get to the room Toriel tells Kris to wait outside when the others talk. Kris happily agrees and waits outside while the others go in the room and close the door. They sit down at the table and start to talk.

Ralsei: So what is it you want to talk about?

Toriel: Kris.

Ralsei: Oh, why?

Toriel: When we were gone did anything bad happen?

Ralsei: Um, nothing at all, when you saved them they actually got happier.

Toriel: You sure?

Ralsei: Well we did have an argument but we've both forgiven each other.

Toriel: What was it about?

Ralsei: It was about both of your deaths. Well the thing that started it was Kris running at Susie with their knife, I managed to put them to sleep with my lullaby, but none of them trusted Kris after what happened so Susie asked to put a protective bubble around all of them. He did but I didn't join them as I was the only one who trusted them, When Kris woke up I told them what happened, I then entered the bubble shouting at all of them.

They then apologised but I got angry that they didn't say anything about your death, I didn't listen to Kris telling me it was alright, they shouted at me, I ran off, after thinking it over I said I was sorry and so did they. We made up and we have forgiven each other.

Toriel: It's nice to hear you both have forgiven each other, but you shouldn't have gotten so riled up on our death. The reason we died is not be mourned.

Ralsei: I know but my emotions got the better of me, you two are like my parents to me, I never had any so it was very heart breaking for me when you died.

Asgore: You've never had parents?

Ralsei: Not that I can remember.

Toriel: Oh i'm so sorry, you've been alone this entire time with no friends or family?

Ralsei: Yes...... no one........ just me.......alone.

Toriel: I'm so sorry, it must have been horrible to be alone with no one for so long.

Ralsei: No, it's fine, it's nice to have friends.

Toriel: Is there anything else we should know about?

Ralsei: Um, no I don't there is. Oh wait! Kris died.

Toriel: What! how can you say that so causally.

Ralsei: Well we were battling someone and both me and Susie were down with Kris at 1HP, they use both of their revival mints on me and Susie. They died in my arms but I found a revival spell in my spell book and revived them.

Toriel: Well, that's good then that you revived them.

Ralsei: Of course! I would never let any of my friends die.

Toriel: Well that's good. Now I need to ask you something.

Ralsei: Sure! what is it?

Toriel: Do you love Kris?

Ralsei: Well, um, we are boyfriends so yes, yes I do love them.

Toriel: That's good. If they could live here with you, would you like that?

Ralsei: Like it? I would love it! if you wouldn't mind obviously, it would be nice for Kris to live here.

Toriel: Ok, well i'm thinking of letting them live here as long as there are some rules.

Ralsei: Of course! what are they!

Toriel: Rule 1: they have to keep going to school as their education is very important and the dark world is in our supply closet.

Ralsei: Of course! education is very important!

Toriel: Good, rule 2: they have to visit me every Sunday so I know they are alright.

Ralsei: Of course! I would never want to drag them away from you forever!

Toriel: Rule 3: you won't let anything harm them.

Ralsei: Of course! Nothing will harm them down here! i'll make sure of it!

Toriel: Good! then i'm glad we are on the same page you can break the news to them. Is there anything else?

Asgore: No I don't think there is, just make sure Kris comes to see me every once is a while.

Ralsei: Of course! I don't want to pry them away from both of you.

Toriel: Great! then we can leave now or is there anything to do here?

Ralsei: Feel free to look around and talk to anyone! you can leave the way you got down here when you are ready. I'll talk to Kris.

Toriel: Thank you Ralsei, you are very kind.

Toriel and Asgore leave the room where Kris can be seen sitting down waiting for them, Ralsei calls them in to talk and Toriel and Asgore go and look around and talk to everyone. Kris walks into the room and talks to Ralsei.

Kris: What is it?

Ralsei: Well, Toriel has told me, to tell you, you can live here with me.

Kris: Really!?

Ralsei: Yes! but she has some rules.

Kris: What are they?

Ralsei: Rule 1: You still have to go to school. Rule 2: You have to visit her every Sunday so she knows you are alright. Rule 3: I'm not going to let anything harm you, even though you can handle yourself.

Kris: I still have to go to school?

Ralsei: Yes! education is important! if you don't get out of bed then I will drag you to school.

Kris: Ugh, fine! when can I move in?

Ralsei: Well you already have a room here, you just need to get your stuff from Toriel's house that you need and I guess you'll be moved in then.

Kris: Ok! then I guess i'll go get my things then!

Ralsei: Well it is pretty late.

Kris: It's fine, I won't be long, I'll be back before you know it!

Kris leaves Ralsei with a big smile on their face knowing that they are able to live happily for once. When they walk past everyone they can see everyone having a good time, Duke and Rouxls talking about puzzles, Lancer, Susie and Noelle hanging out chatting, and Toriel and Asgore talking to everyone around the town. Kris smiles to themselves knowing everyone is happy, they even let out a small tear making sure no one saw.

Kris walked to the entrance and was about to leave when Toriel and Asgore were walking to the entrance, they join Kris and go back up to the light world. They find themselves in the old classroom, they leave the classroom and leave the school  but by this time it is dark. Asgore walks back to his shop while Kris and Toriel talk about moving and the rules. It's still early so Toriel helps Kris with their stuff by putting it in her car and driving it to the school.

They arrive at the school and Toriel helps Kris unpack the car with their stuff. They take it to the closet, Kris opens the closet doors and pushes their stuff into the dark world hoping it doesn't land on anyone. After pushing the last stuff, Kris and Toriel say goodbye to each other hugging tightly like they wouldn't see each other ever again, even though they would see each other the next day for school. After hugging which had seem it had been forever, they stopped and Toriel walked out of the school doors and she drove herself home.

Kris stares at the open supply closet doors and thinks to themselves what adventures were sure to come, they enter the supply closet closing the doors behind them. When they landed they saw Ralsei come out to help them with their stuff, Kris only had two boxes so it didn't take them long for them to unpack the boxes. When Ralsei was helping Kris unpack their boxes he found something interesting.

Ralsei: Kris?

Kris: Yes?

Ralsei: What's this?

Kris: Oh that, those are my horns, I used them to feel more like I was actually part of my family.

Ralsei: Oh Kris, you don't need to do that, you're accepted anyway you look.

Ralsei then proceeds to hug Kris while still holding onto the horns in one hand. Ralsei stops hugging Kris and gives a quick kiss on the cheek, they then continue unpacking the boxes and putting the stuff where Kris wants, Susie walks into them unpacking boxes.

Susie: Hey guys, why are you unboxing things?

Ralsei: Oh we forgot to tell you that Kris lives here now.

Susie: What! lucky!

Kris: Yeah, but I still have to go to school.

Susie: Oh, well at least you'll be here earlier and actually awake. Well Noelle and I are going to go now, see you tomorrow I suppose.

Kris: See you tomorrow!

Ralsei: Bye Susie!

Susie leaves them to finish unpacking and she and Noelle goes home. By the time they finish it's late and both of them are tired as they have had an eventful day.

Kris: Man, i'm so tired, I think i'm going to go to sleep now.

Ralsei: Oh ok, see you in the morning then, sleep well!

Kris: I was kind of.... wondering if you can sleep with me tonight.

Ralsei: What? Kris?

Kris: It's fine if you don't-

Ralsei: I'll be happy to, I'll go get ready.

Ralsei leaves Kris in their room standing there in shock wondering how that went so easy. They tend not to think about it so they take their armour off so it was easier for them to sleep, they're about to get in bed when Ralsei walks back in wearing his pyjamas, he was basically wearing his clothes but they were pyjamas. Kris got into their bed and Ralsei got in with them, then they both proceeded to fall asleep in each other's arms.


Hope you liked this chapter as it is very wholesome.

See you next chapter!

Blu out.                 

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