Into The Mind Of A Human (Al...

By RinInuyasha

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There comes a time in Al-ans life when he meets a strange small. SMALL. being named after a weird small bird... More

What is the meaning of Sleep?
Small short
Rainy Days.
Finding The Missing Pieces
Decisions - Author's smol note
Coming from a Dream.
When Robin eats Mushrooms
The Squidshark (Robins POV)
Music for an Alien
Cared For
Authors Note
A Scared Little Bird
Lessons & Coffee
If The Tables had turned.
Guess Who (Short)
Stay Safe!
Something New
Something New (Part Two)
Alone with Robin
The Lost Civilization
The Past and Future
X Marks the Precursor
Scientist!Reader x XCROSS
Thank you <3
Cross My Heart.
If They were Vines. + Short
Found Out.
You love her don't you?
Telling her.
Do you love me?
Lessons Again and Sam
If the Tables had turned (2)
a Beautiful Robin
A First Fawn's Thoughts
Aight so Imma be doin dis
Aight I have Decided
A Cross Preview
A Gem
A Brotherhood's Journey
A New Friend...?
Another Below Zero Story
If the Tables had turned (3)
Author's note: More Art!
Subnautica: Belowgrass
A AL-BIN Short and Some Art!
Feeling Grey
Feeling Grey (Pt 2)
Feeling Grey (Pt 3)
The Non-Sickness
Short/Art + Author's note!
More Art + Vthorn/Chrome facts
Fanart + Fawn Short!
Managing [A Vthorn Story]
A Raindrop's Voice
The First Feeling of Snow
" Her " (Another Vthorn Story)

The Confession + Halloween Short

526 13 22
By RinInuyasha

[Warning: Angy bois ranting and not the good kind of angy as well as angst for Al-bin ]

[(As well as a bit of horni alien)]

[You have been warned.]

Al moved back as his colors had turned almost a pale orange color before then a reddish orange hue. If he had eyebrows they would be heavily furrowed.

He was confused, and angry.

I could tell he had knew something was up and now he knew what it was.

"XCross. What is this-?" Al-an spoke with a dark and angry tone. Defensively moving his hind leg in front of Robin. Although Robin just slipped right through to look closer at Quartz which was cradled on my back, her arms still tightly wrapped around my lower back.

"It's...a person, I think...her backside has gems? quartz I believe..." Robin seemed to more be interested on evaluating who or what she was rather than seeing if she was dangerous.

The same couldn't be said for Al-an. He was pissed. Perhaps even beyond pissed. "Chrome. Why didn't you inform me before?" He stepped foward, his head lowered a bit to show hostility or anger; since our horns are used to settle disputes sometimes or with intentions to maul.

"Because I had to watch her, she was hurt, and...I just didn't have the time." I tried to explain, however the words that came out of my mouth sounded like pitiful excuses. Perhaps they were.

"Watch her?? I could have assisted if she was harmed! What if she is an Alterra agent?!" Al-an growled, his body glowing a bright red hue now. It's been a while since i've seen him this mad, especially at me.

But I felt enraged as well, him speaking about Quartz like that. As if she was a criminal.

"Alterra agent? Does she look like one to you? She was wounded! She could have died! She has no hidden intentions!" I spat angrily back at him, my colors turning a dark red. However he just rolled his head in a motion of rolling his eyes. Irritated and just as much as an irritation at the moment.

"Please XCross! You wouldn't know hidden intentions if it hit you in the face! You just subside yourself in those human books that you've dumbed yourself down beyond any help! What if Robin was killed due to your negligence and SELFISHNESS." Al-an countered back, his horns slamming up against mines with anger, and he stomped one of his hooves.

We could barely notice Robin worriedly looking at us, trying to calm us down. She had gotten slightly more sicker due to our yelling.

"THIS IS WHY I DIDN'T TELL YOU! You always overthink things and you never think about how I feel about a subject! You would have just killed her! You just took one look at her and decided that she was dangerous--WHY?!" I yelled out in rage. He was always so difficult around subjects even remotely similar to this.

"BECAUSE SHE'S A HUMAN! They're all savages who just take and KILL!" Al-an yelled back, soon stopping as he realized what he said; turning to look at Robin. He knew he couldn't take back what he said.

Robin looked frozen in place as tears swelled up a little in her eyes, her cheeks were redder than normal and she could barely hold herself up.

"Savages-?" She spoke softly, the tears which welled up in her eyes flowing down a little.

Al-an lowered himself a little. "Robin I...--I didn't mean it like that...Not're different..." Al-an muttered softly. I was quiet during this moment, it was better not for me to say anything, perhaps it was better not to confess at all.

"Different? Al-an, I am a sister is a human, my family...--" Robin choked slightly on her tears. Clutching onto her shirt.

"I--No--I just--...I wasn't--" Al-an moved closer, reaching out to touch Robin. However she just evades him.

"Don't touch me. You're probably just going to mind wipe my memory about this anyways, right? Precusors don't like mistakes, nor do they own up to them!"

Robin face was soaked in tears. She was shaking and it was so devastatingly obvious Alan wanted to hold her, and console her. However he was just as dark blue as he could be, almost black.

"I just...need to be alone right now." Robin whispered out as she weakly walks off to her room, not allowing Al-an to help her.

I felt horrible. But not as horrible as Al probably did.

I placed Quartz down gently on a couch in another room. I whispered softly in her ear "I'll be back." Before I then went back to check on Alan.

He had turned black now as he was as silent as could be. Curled up on the floor with his head tucked against a pillow. He seemed...empty.

I moved over, gently placing a arm on his shoulder. "...Al...I--...I didn't mean anything I said I just...wish you'd include me in on ideas...and I want to tell you more...but...I just feel like I can't" I whispered softly, trying to look at his face.

"Even if I say the too late." Al-an's head lowered and his tail drooped; sullen. "What if she doesn't love me anymore? Perhaps Precusors and Humans just aren't meant to be...what if...she hates me..." He muttered to himself, his face buried in the pillow as glowing tears dropped out from the markings in his face.

"AL. Look at me. She loves you with all her heart, I know it, and I heard it many times from her. She'll NEVER hate you." I grabbed his face out of the pillow, making him look at me.

"LOOK AT ME AND STOP CRYING! You have a duty, you know what to do, WHY ARE YOU SULKING? Get up Al-an." I continued; sternly spoke to him, similar of how my... Father...Spoke to me. It always helped me whenever I was down, even if it wasn't as much as Al-an's is now, it is the best thing I could think of.

It seemed to work though, the black ink in his hue leaving away as he was just a dark blue now. He wiped away the strange liquid, tear thingies off his face.

"We both know you love her. You don't want to leave her like that do you?" I spoke softly, nudging my arm against his. Al-an rose up as he heaves a heavy sigh, shaking his head as he then went to knock on Robin's door.


I hesitatedly gazed at Robin's door, I felt such a pain I've never felt before. It hurt, devastatingly. But...I knew what I wanted to do; What I had to.

I knocked gently against the door as I could hear soft shuffling in the room.

I turned to look back at XCross whom was trying to cheer me on; figuring out how to make a thumbs up with his mech fingers/arms.

I went into the bedroom, closing the door behind myself; I could hear XCross walking off most likely to leave; he never did like 'mushy' stuff.

Robin was laid out across the large bed which was bigger than my size (since it adjusted for showings of affections)

She had her face buried in a pillow as she sobbed, her body starting to curl up a bit.

"Robin." I whispered, my body feeling almost weaker, and filled with aches. I couldn't bare seeing her this way. It was like we could feel eachothers pain now that everything has happened. I could feel her sadness, and slight frustration. She felt...betrayed.

I sat down on the bed, the bed slightly moving due to my size. Robin stopped her cries, peeking a little out from her pillow. She knew who I was, yet I could feel...and tell that she felt the slightest bit comfort from me being there. Whether or not I was the reason of her shedding tears.

I leaned down, gently sliding a peice of her hair out the way of her face. "Robin I...I am truely sorry, my whole being apologizes for all I have said. It is my fault for being so frustrated that anything would be said from out of me..." I whispered, gently stroking her head and body. I could feel her breathing and the pitter-patter of her heartbeat. She felt so weak. Yet, she motioned over to me, trying not to be obvious as she layed her head against my lower half's side. "'m sorry..." she muffledly spoke, grasping more onto my body as I felt warm tears drop down my sides. "I didn't mean to hurt you, but...I did...I was angry about the things you said, because I knew you wouldn't say such things...but I...just didn't understand...why--"

She whispered out softly, looking up at me with her beautiful caramel eyes, however the stars I saw in there had now dimmed from her tears.

"Why were you so angry with Cross that you'd say those things...?" Robin asked, her voice trembling as she couldn't understand my reasoning.

I gently cupped her body gently against mine. Staring deep into her eyes as my blue colors became lighter.

"I...was...I felt...strange, like all those times before...I felt, worried...about you...and I." I spoke gently, moving my head against hers.

"You felt afraid that Alterra was going to pull us apart...or me...didn't you? Perhaps you really shouldn't have made that joke." Robin gently (and a little awkwardly) laughed, reminding me about what I had said before to her when I had gained back my form.

"Perhaps." I chuckled softly, my colors turning a green mixed with blue and pink. I leaned closer as I gave her a bunch of kisses. Robin returning the kisses as her arms wrapped around my neck.

I felt bliss in this moment, my hue all over my body turning a green and pink mix. My robot arm moved under her, gently touching her leg as I moved it closer to my body.

Robin softly gasped at this, turning a bright red as her body had increased in heat around regions.

"--A-Al-an!" She squeaked softly, hiding her face in her hair which was out of her ponytail and down around her back and shoulders.

I felt a strange feeling. One I had felt before as well, it was nice, but still strange.

Warm and tingly.

I could also hear my own purring from feeling Robin nearby me, I had a wanting to make her closer to me and more intimate. One might call this a primial urge. But so long as I am here, it'll be more educated than primial.

I moved closer to her as I kissed her more, pinning her down.

[Welp, time for a small break from all the angst and...that, since none of yall want to see that obviously.]


[ This takes place in the future where Robin had brought Al-an (and others) futuristic earth, in which is an Earth made by the first people who helped in the survival on alien plants as well as the first Alterra (my own lore for it now I guess) also Artemis is a baby no literally, a baby. ]


It was night (8:09 to be exact) We had been awakened now due Artemis's crying. He didn't like earthly air. Or smells. Or the sky (unless he could see the nightsky)

Who could blame him though, it always smelt like a horrid metallic smell, and the oceans here smelled and tastes of salt. Unlike ours back on 4546B. Which smelled rather nice, refreshing.

I heaved a sigh as I laid back on a beanbag which Robin had adjusted (as well as the house) to fit XCross and I. Aparently Xclise is fine though, since she's as short as our mother. I was about to drift back to hybernation but then I heard a familiar lovely voice.

"I got Artemis his milk." Robin softly spoke. She had cupped the bottom of Artemis's haunches and back hooves, as the other front hooves were placed along her sides. She had also wrapped her arm around his back so she could keep him from falling; and in his little hands were a bottle of milk.

I tried not to chuckle at her situation as she leaned over to give me a soft peck. My colors turned a gentle pink as I gave her a soft nuzzle back, laughing as Artemis had coughed up a bit of milk on her shoulder (Thankfully her strange shoulder cloth was there.)

She shot a playful glare. "You know, this happened because of you." Robin giggled, teasing me.

"Oh I know~" I teased back, gently taking the cloth off and wiping the residue off Artemis's mouth with the clean parts of the cloth.

Robin gave me another soft kiss of thanks before I threw the cloth into the clothes disposal. I had headed back over however heard our doorbell ring. "Who would be out at this time?" I muttered before heading over and opening the door.

"Trick or Treat!"

I saw some strange humans dressed up in some very strange costumes and one had dressed as a fully green person with a big head, four fingers, and slanted large black eyes. It was, rather strange.

But then I heard them speak up. "Woaaah! Wow! Thats a nice costume Mr! Are you a centaur-? Or a robot-? It looks sooo realistic!"

The children spoke up, one after another, staring at me for my answer.

"I am a highly intelligent lifeform. Which some might refer to an alien." I reponded, gazing at the two who showed many signs of confusion before the green one perks up.

"Hah! You're funny Mr! That costume is totally a cyborg centaur!" They snickered and laughed. How could they think of me as not a higher lifeform? I obviously look like one.

Robin soon walked over "Darling, who's that-?--" She softly says before noticing the children and their costumes. "Oh! Trick or Treaters! Happy halloween kids! Oo...are you an Alien?" Robin giggled excitedly as she grabbed up a bowl of candy, giving them each a handful in their bags. "What are you kids even doing out this late trick or treating?"

The green one nodded excitedly, hopping a little. "Uh-huh! I wanna meet one, one day!--Also our parents work later than most, so we had to start later."

I simply stared, baffled. They called me an alien, which Robin had explained the meaning, can THAT be even related to me? Its just an off colored humanoid (who constantly looks like their sick) with strange numbers of fingers, huge head, and huge eyes. Though it did look like it was worked hard on, and is pretty well made; that is DEFINITELY not any relation to me. I'm not even green!--...some of the time.

"Well today is your lucky day! Meet Al-an." Robin cheerfully spoke, in which I was going to speak until I realized the pengwing waltzing over.

The child squealed with delight. "AN ALIEN!" They screamed out, giggling with joy as they watched this faker move.

Why did they think HE was an alien but not ME??

Despicable. Even in another planet, this pengwing still takes my name, and my dignity.

"Mhm! I'm a researcher on alien planets, this one is my big ol' softie, so I brought him back with me after a thorough cleaning." Robin explained, a smile showing on her face as she explained to the starstrucked kids. "Remember kids, you cannot touch any alien, you wouldn't want to get hurt or anything."

"I know!" The green one squealed once again. "Thank you miss for everything! Happy halloween!" They both shouted, thanking Robin, before leaving.

Robin softly giggled before looking over at me. "Awh is someone a liittleee jelllyy~" she teasingly spoke. I simply crossed my arms with a soft huff. "The green one thinks I'm a mechanically made centaur, or...robot as they said." I angrily spoke, softly chittering.

"Careful Al, too much angry Chittering might make a surge in the power line...again. Or the Internet; hopefully, then we'll get faster wifi." Robin giggled once more, pecking my face all over with her kisses. "Besides. You're my big ol' alien softie..." She whispered against my cheek, making a loving jolt move through my body as I tried not to make that strange higher pitched chuckle which happened at times. I just crossed my arms more, playfully.

"Still stingy-? Well...I didn't think it'd resot to this, this late at night, but...You haven't tried out Pumpkin spice lattes~" she whispered once more. My hue turned a bright green almost yellowish shade.

"Latte?? As in--COFFEE-??" I chirped loudly with joy.

We could both hear from next door. But I didn't care. This was a NEW type of coffee!

Robin giggled as she then walks off, soon returning with a cup of coffee in my favorite mug which she had got me for father's day, which Artemis was born on.

[Its also my birthday- Author]

The mug was filled with a beautiful aroma and pumpkin cinnamon dust filling the creame in the shape of a square.

I happily took it, giving Robin a peck on the lips before drinking it down.

My body felt such a rush, it was pleasant, and amazing!

"MORE!" I cheerfully spoke up. Placing down my now-empty cup.

"Oh dear...I guess I should get enough packs of this for the trip back and for home."

Robin sighed. Smiling with joy.

[ Hope you enjoy it guys! And Happy Halloween! Or late Halloween if its morning already for you guys! ]

[ Thank you for all the Support and Love! Take care and Be safe. ]

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