Scientist!Reader x XCROSS

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This is a little ReaderxXcross thing it doesn't relate to the story farther on and it's only a little fun thing I wanted to try out! :3

You were finally here. You were at the place which you were told to go to, a place which was covered with alien artifacts. Some even say there was a live ancient alien in this place. You were curious on what alien would even look like. Green? Blue? Grey? You only knew what the statues of them looked like and even then you were excited to see one. You had H/C hair and a long beautiful F/C dress, you also had a bow in the back of your hair.

×Normal POV×

"Ah! Y/N. It's lovely to see you made it. You know you are suppose to be secret duty right? The Boss should have told you right?" A Woman said as she smiled at me, She was dark skinned and had long beautiful hair, it was unusual seeing Robin without her hair in a ponytail as the news always showed her to be, also it seems her stomach was a little larger...was she pregnant by chance?

I decided not to ask about it as it might be rude. "Ah no they didn't tell me."

"Drat...well thats just how bosses are." Robin giggled as she pat my arm. "You will be studying an alien from Planet 4546B. The room is on here." She prints off a paper card and hands it to me.

I smiled excitedly. "THANK YOU!" I giggled as I looked at the number searching for the creature's room.

×Third Person×

You looked around curious to your surroundings as you soon entered into a large room with a creature behind glass, it looked large, as if 13 foot tall or something, It's bottom half looking similar to a centaur as it clops its hooves against the ground, staring at you with hatred.

"Why are you here?"

It spoke with a deep metallic voice, as its colors flickered red then back to grey, it making a soft clicking noise inpatiently as he watched you just analyzing him.


You looked over and opened your mouth to speak however you were at a loss of words. "I--" your words fumbled as the Precursor got more frustrated.

"You know I would at least thought they would bring a talkative one...or are you mute?"

They stared down at you like some sort of slug. You soon got ticked off by them mocking you and yelled out. "I'm here BECAUSE I'm suppose to be studying you! And I don't have to answer any of your questions."

"Really now? Then why did you just answer my question?" He asked smugly, his colors changing to green as he leaned against the glass.

"Listen--You!-I don't get why your being so rude but I have a job to do." You put your hands on your hip as you look at him, you sigh softly. "And it's my first day here...I don't want to screw it all up.." you mutter sadly looking down.

The Grey Precursor stares at you, tilting his head as it made a soft clicking noise again. "Very well. Interview me then."

You look up at them surprised by what they said, it was like they changed their mind instantly after seeing your face. "R-Really?" You smiled softly.

He paused before softly nodding. "Do it before I change my mind."


You went over to the glass as you gently open the door to talk to the Precursor, sitting down on the table inside.

"Must we sit?" The Precursor looks at his chair in a form of disgust. Then again the Chair was probably too tiny for him. Why would they put it there then?

"Y-You don't have to use the Chair--Here I'll move it." You moved over gently picking up the Chair. You shiver feeling his presence behind you, you can tell we was staring at you. Watching you. It made you feel tingly.

"Allow me. Your puny body might not even have the strength to pick up a vehicle." He speaks up behind you grabbing you and the chair in a levitation beam of some sort immediately you pushed you dress down making sure it didn't float as well.

"H-Hey!" You dangle in the beam as he stares at you, turning green.

"My bad." He leaned close as if playing with you, in fact he probably put the chair there to actually do all that.



Robin looks around confused. "My chair's gone?"


You glare mad. "Put me down."

"But I like holding onto cute small things..."  He said as your hair strand floats behind your ear.

You can feel your cheeks burn as you were trying to be mad but became flustered instead. He was simply trying to toy with you to get a reaction.

He stared at you before pulling you up to his face, his head brushing gently against your cheek as he emmits a soft purr.

You then started to remember...this wasn't the first time you met him. You met him before a long time ago when you visited the planet and were stuck there, He helped you get enough food and resources to get back to Aurora as you spent time together but in the end you didn't want to leave his side so he forced you to by taking your memory and setting you free.

Upon this you felt tears trickling down your face. He knew you didn't remember him and yet he didn't show any extreme anger towards you not know him of course he always showed hatred and anger but never has he been harmful towards you even now when you didn't know him, he just wanted to start over with you.

"Xcross...I...Remember." You softly touched his arms as you gently rubbed them and their spikes along the ends. "You don't need to pretend to know me."

He softly turns a mix of half blue and pink. "Y/N...I apologize for what I had done but it was vital to do it..I...hope you can forgive me."

"Don't apologize! What really matters is that you're back." you said as leaned close you stared into the grey features of The Precursor before giving them a soft kiss on their head directly on their face.

They turned a bright pink as they allowed you to kiss them, they pulling you closer to them making your mind feel as if they were kissing you back.

"I'm glad too..." Xcross whispers softly as their colors change a soft pink and green.

The rest of the day you two talked and you continued your interview on him.



Al-an walks over bending down towards Robin. "And How My Lovely Robin's Status?" He turns pink.

"Just getting the rest of the paperwork done!" Robin replied with a smile as peices of tape were all over her face and clothes

Al-an lays down as he uses his telekinesis to pull off her tape peices from her body. "Very well I shall assist you since you are less experienced than I on this buisness."

"Tch-! Can you read english?" Robin smirks up at her Precursor Lover as he makes a soft chuffle sounding similar to a scoff. "Indeed I am able." He replied as he uses his Telekinesis to fix up his Wife's hair.

"What! How come you didn't read what I wrote then?" Robin frowns as she glares at Al-an

Al-an turned green with amusement. "I Indeed in fact read it but I didn't wanted to see your satisfaction upon your facial features when you find out I thought it was extraordinary."

"You though--it was extraordinary?" Robin sniffles as she hugs Al-an "You never say anything is better than Adequate though."

"Everything is Adequate except you and everything you create." Al-an softly nuzzles his Crying Wife as he gets up. "Now I finished with your files or paperwork shall we go now?" Al-an looks down at her.

"Of course." Robin smiled as she took Al by the arm or tried to and walked off under the moonlit sky.

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