Managing [A Vthorn Story]

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(( I be simping respectively Apologies xDD ))

The Lights dripped down from the ceiling like roots, it always seemed to look this way in the nursery. I watched as they ushered Chrome over to me. He seemed to have been playing with another fawn. One being more light green in hue, the same one from yesterday, only he no longer had a limp walk. He must have been remodified.

X-Chrome snorted out a low growl as he made his way over. I stared down at the little one silently monitoring him to make sure he was efficient before letting out a low grunt, walking off, making sure the little fawn was following.

Chrome followed with their arms crossed. "Why don't you ever speak huh-? I haven't heard you say anything to me in days since you've got me" Chrome spat, flashing a red as he seemingly was trying to get on my nerves. "I've gotten through better caretakers than you! I'll make sure you'll send me back all wrapped up."

I paused, feeling the small fawn bump into my leg with a small yelp. "...I don't plan on bringing you back." I spoke, turning my head to look down at the fawn. "So don't ever spout things like that." I then used one of my robotic hands to scoop him up, onto my back as even my robot hands were larger than the small Chrome. I heaved a low sigh as I turnt my head, walking again down the halls of the nursery before then finally getting out.

As soon as I arrived out I was greeted by one of the other guardians. Being lower in status than me of course. Upon seeing me they bowed with a salute. "001 ALPHA." They sternly spoke with a pat on their chest before then going back to standby after I moved my head in a slight nod, to signal them to resume their current position. I turnt to look at Chrome, only to notice he was gone. My body almost flashed a nervous orange shade however thankfully I was able to keep my shade after seeing Chrome nearby another Guardian, watching them with wonder.

"Chrome." I spoke out, turning my head towards him. He turns over as he lowers his body with irritation, soon walking over back towards me as I scooped him back up onto my back, continuing my progression to my inhabiting.

"...Why did you even take me...? You said you aren't going to bring me back right....?" I heard the small voice on my back mumble as he started to try and crawl up my back, his tail slowly wounding around my arm as he looked up from my shoulder.

"...I told you not to spout off things like that if I already said something like that. That means it's true...You're my fawn now. I will be here to always care of you...until you become a guardian...and nobody it...?" I softly said, looking down at the fawn latched onto my shoulder. Chrome gazed right back up at me as his hue turnt a soft blue and green mix as he held tighter onto my arm. "O-Okay." He turnt fully green then. His small body quivering slightly.

"Good." I responded, then placing the palm of my robotic hand against the doorframe as the shield lowered, allowing both of us to enter before going back up.

"We're here" I softly grumbled as I went over to rest my haunches on the cushions, laying fully down as my spines and spikes along my back laid back as well. Chrome stared at me as he had already gotten off my back and looked around, his little hoof gently poking against my side as he watched my movements.

I watched him for a while as my color became a soft green. I shifted myself into a different position, where my underbelly was exposed usually I didn't do this but when I did Chrome had looked over curiously his hue changingto a purple hue. He slowly made his way over as he laid down, snuggling up close to my underbelly like a Offspring. It was hilariously  charming. I softly chuckled to myself as I looked down at Chrome. "Having fun down there?" I softly whispered, moving my head over to where he was. The little fawn looking up as they flashed red. "N-No!" He squeaked out as he scrambles into a spot, staying curled up close to me however looking away from my gaze.

After a few moments of silence I heard Chrome speak softly. "Thank you..." He mumbles as he then started to go into hybernation.

At him speaking so softly to me, I felt an odd feeling in my chest, like a small flutter different from Eiave's flutter as this one didn't make me feel nervous and with odd feelings in lower reigons. Rather more filled.

My robotic hand moved over, gently caressing Chrome's head as he hybernated. My hue turning a soft pink and green.

I just knew then, I had to protect him with my life.

And so I did.

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