Cross My Heart.

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I exited Hibernation allowing the colors and sounds to recollect as well as my memories.

I was about to get up but a felt a small body against my lower half.


I chirped gently intrigued by Robin sleeping on my lower half as she usually preferred a bed.

Robin's eyes bat open. seeing me awake; her lips curving into a soft smile as she greets me. "Good Morning Al."

I froze stunned by her before I replied to her normal phrase with the essentials.

"Is there any way I can analyze that brewed beverage again?" I asked curiously.

"Whenever you wake up from hibernation It's like you lose memory of how to speak more humane."

"When I enter hybernation it downloads my memories in my cerebellum and is stored as my vessel shuts down and hybernates storing data and relaxing the fibers in my body so that when I awaken it is all brought back to me." I explained, though this should be easy to get after all this is normal. However...

"What--" Robin blinks confused.

"...Erm...oh right nevermind. You wouldn't understand." I sighed in defeat.

"HAH!" a loud voice booms as a familiar spikey grey Precursor presents himself. "Of course she wouldn't get it, She's mortal, a completely fleshly inside out-creature." XCross stares down at Robin.

Robin huffs as she covers up herself. "Inside out?"

"Our bones are on the outside, as well as on the inside, however the harder ones are on the inside it makes no difference." XCross shrugs. "Say can I see your blood?" XCross asked Robin staring at her his colors shifting red. Unlike me, XCross has Two Major colors; Red and Grey. I however have Two as well but being different colors; Green and Purple.

"What?!" Robin yelps as she backed up away from XCross. Very obvious about her confusion on how he was acting.

"No. You cannot harm Robin." I growled lowly, putting one of my legs on her side to keep her a distance away from XCross.

He just sighed as his spikes leaned back. "Very well then...Al..." Cross looked over towards Robin. "Shall we be allies then?"

Robin held onto my leg as she nods quietly.

"Sufficient." Cross walks off looking at me as his colors flicker green. He planned on Robin acting like that. As always he loved teasing me and planning.

I let go of Robin going to check on Cross. "Cross." I muttered in an irritated tone.

"Whaaat?" He was looking around as he found a fruit and picked it up with levitation staring at it.

"You know what you did and I want to know why." I leaned against the wall gently trying not to put all my weight on it.

"I'm sick of seeing you look like a--Feeble minded not able to talk person. I don't care what you do as long as it doesn't cause harm to you. However, that doesn't mean I don't get to speed up the process who knows I might be--" He looks at a dictionary scanning it a bit. "An uncle."

"You can't just toy with our liv--" Cross slaps my back in a sort of jusf a hard pat sort of way as I was in mid sentence.

Cross chuckles. "You need help trust me, you're just like a peeper...just tell her you love her."

"Wh--I assume you have the wrong idea, we are merely friends." I tried to ignore that fact. I couldn't have liked someone so...out of my kind.

It's practically an invisible rule of our kind.

"If you don't tell her by the time this week is over...well I'm going to be thinking of a way to inform her of your little issue myself." Cross turns a green color.

"Cross." I hissed, muttering curses to him in our languge.

"Right...sure." Cross walks off, his spikes twitching a bit as he stops midway. "Do try and be efficient when you speak to her about...that. From what I learned from the many data formats in this place humans like a form of going out which allows them to get more data on their mate." Cross waves as he teleports off to his base. 

I sighed as I looked away, wondering what to do or how to even act about this as I only had the rest of the week to tell her.

Or who knows what Cross would do as he is known to he a tormentor.

I have to tell her.

Would she feel the same...?

"Al-an your Coffee is ready!" Robin says cheerfully from her kitchen, I looked over. "I'll be over."

I looked down at myself... This was the only time I even wished I was human.

Then there would be more of a chance.

I walked over greeting Robin as I took my Coffee blissfully "drinking" it.

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