The Non-Sickness

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[ XCROSS POV ] (obviously. I'm epic.)

It had been three days since I've returned, I've not focus much on Al-an and Robin.

I was too focused on two secrets: Xclise and Quartz.

How was I going to even begin to tell them two about this?

It was fine when it was Quartz...but now Xclise! And Xclise knows Al-an is here so it's hard to keep trying to space them apart. After all, we were sorta the troublemaking trio back then.

This is probably going to be the hard to keep to myself, especially at this rate.

"Damn fucking shit--"

I started cursing to myself in both precursor and earthling speech...or 'English'

Whatever. Both are the same I guess..

"Are you alright?" I heard a familiar male voice say in between shifts of hooves and metallic arms, he was washing the dishes for Robin, wait...why was he?

"Yeah, Yeah..." I responded, rubbing my metallic hand-claws against my forehead. "Say...are you--Washing dishes?" I questioned confusedly, my colors turning a deep purple. Al-an simply turnt his head and nodded, grabbing up the towel and wiping off his hands. "Affirmative. Robin is feeling unwell this morning...I am quite worried about her status." He spoke with worry as his hue changed to a mix of blue and deep orangish yellow. Which yellow usually meant surprised or anxious depending on its range to orange, orange being extremely tense.

"...Unwell?--Maybe I can help." I sighed. After all I researched about the human bodies and I have stacks of medical knowledge just piled up ready at a whim. Why shouldn't I help?

"It would much appreciated." Al-an spoke with a worried whine and whimper. Sorta reminded me of when we were fawns. "Alright alright, just chillax and show me where she is right now." I scoffed, turning my head. "It's not like I'm doing this for any other reason than...more information--"

Al-an stared confusedly over at me. "" He quickly shook his head, probably ignoring the fact he didn't know what that meant. "Follow." He motioned me to follow him as he trudges off to Robin's room.

After opening the door we come to find Robin laying back as she was tiredly hugging a pillow. She soon perked up though, turning over to see who just walked into her room.

"Al...? Cross...?" Robin croaked out as she sickly held her head.

"Oh shit! It's bad." I blurted out, but then I noticed Al-an turning a deep orange, becoming very tense.

"N-Not in that way! She's...probably fine. Don't worry Al--she just...looks bad-! Sickly and nasty!" I quickly rephrased, I was not good at this at all...

"Hey!" Robin glared as she threw Awing at my face. "Just get out if you're going to talk that way." She huffed, crossing her arms.

The fluffy pengwing bounced off with a squeak as it was 99% fluff anyway, it probably hurt it as much as it hurt me. Which it didn't hurt in the least.

"Tch! Damn when did you get all offended?--...Ughh..." I groaned as I then walked over to her bedside, usint Al as a meatshield. "I'm guessing you have a headache huh?" I scoffed as I stared down at her, my tail swaying a bit as I curiously scanned her head.

Something seemed to have changed, making her sick, though there wasn't any sign of a sickness traveling through her body.

Odd. Nothing I haven't seen.

I probably needed to read the last last medical book starring whatever it was.

"I don't see any virus of any sort, let alone a disease or anything Al. Maybe it might pass." I turned over to Al who was still as anxious and jittery as ever. Which was frankly extremely odd. Even for as Peeperish as a Peeper like him could be.

Heh Frank. What kinda word is that?


I stared for a while at the two acting...extremely odd before I then started to head out. "Alright you you--" I quickly stated before walking out. I spent enough time trying to decipher that shit. Better I got some more stuff for Quartz. I'm sure she'd want more pelts for human fur clothes things and their bed coverings.

I exited Goodall's base as I started to walk to my own, which wasn't too far from here. Yeah thats right. I'm big brain.

Whatever the hell that means.

I opened up the door and went inside. "Quartz? Xclise?" I looked around before then noticing Quartz warming up by the heater I made for her. I then noticed the purple and green ion cube levitating off the table and nearby Quartz.

"There you two are..." I heaved a sigh as I knelt down beside Quartz. "Feeling well you two?" I questioned, before then feeling Quartz leaning closer to me. Xclise chirped happily as Quartz then perked up, nodding. "Mhm." Quartz giggled. She played with her scarlet red hair, I watched as the strands of hair practically glowed in the presence of the nearby flame. It felt as if she had tightened up my chest with her movements

That hair was so red..

Like blood..



And Fascinating...

...I felt...oddly empty, especially in my stomach area....

I felt the need to sink something into flesh...

"Mm...thats...good..." I drifted off in my sentence without me even noticing I was going to touch her hair. Thankfully I then quickly snapped out of the trance and got up. "I'll be back." I spoke quickly as I then went to walking off.

What was that? It strange.

But I felt like I felt it before...




I knew I liked blood and red but... this was to a whole new level.


It... it felt like an intense urge...

Of some sort...


Almost animalistic.


"No thats not right..." I muttered as I sunk my hooves into the water before the rest of my body.

I'm not animalistic in the least. Sure I'm a bit slightly...unhinged.

But not to that extent...right?

I should just forget about this. I shook my head with a sigh. No more of this, it's imagining things.

I stared at my hue as it was now no longer grey as I remembered it.

But a ghastly light blue clear white hue.

Like a ghost...

Was I...


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