A AL-BIN Short and Some Art!

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[ AL-AN's POV  ]

I nervously fiddled with my robotic hands as I looked around the base, waiting for Robin to join me. I've never done this... "Date" before...and it seemed very important to Robin. However did I...have to wear this odd décor that Cross insisted? It looks like some sort of...double tailed fish.

What did he call it...A Bowtie?

Either way. It was an odd feeling waiting for her as my body was warmer than normal, almost like it was overheating but thankfully it...wasn't actually. Or was it? I was still quite unsure.

I heaved a soft sigh as I looked out towards the Icy waters from the top of the mountain in which where I was laying at. Was she joining me?--...Did she find the source of my note? Did she...guess the riddle?

My thoughts churned in my head as I brushed them away. Robin was smarter than I gave her credit for, she would find me most likely. Still. My vessel felt so strangely ill. My colors shifted, changing a soft blue mixed with pink in the middle as I could notice. What emotion was this she called it? It felt similar to worry.

Then I perked up, hearing her light footsteps as I shifted in the snow, pink covering all of the blue glow I bared before. "Al. What are you doing up here-?" I heard a familiar gentle voice as Robin moved over, holding out one of our ion disks, used to convey messages. "I found this with a weird riddle--" She paused in her speech as she stared at my bowtie and at the choices in beverages.

"Wait is this what I think it is-?" Her warm brown eyes lit up with wonder as she smiled. I gently nodded. "I had figured a date was in prospect." I responded as I caressed her cheek with one of my robotic hands. "This is...amazing Al. I--you really didn't have to do all of this." Her cheeks started to turn a reddish color as she blushed, grabbing up a wine glass. "How did you know to even use wine on a date?" Robin spoke with a smirk as she stared up at me. "I have my ways." I grabbed up my own glass. I never had tried this..."wine" beverage. Hopefully it wasn't too bad.

"And its still cold. Oo. Is my alien getting fancy on me?" She teased as she leaned closer, laying her head on my upper torso. "I believe I was already fancy in retrospect." I chirped a bit in surprise, turning a brighter pink as I felt her warmness.

"Well then...a...wheat-?" I lifted my glass up with telekinesis a bit akwardly as the beverage poured into my glass then hers. Is this how they did it in her so called "Films" from Alterra?

"I believe you mean toast--well you're getting there." Robin giggled as she then pressed her wine glass against mine which made an odd yet nice sounding "clink" noise.

[This art isn't related to Subnautica in fact its related to my other story but my writing is a bit short and I feel like I need to add something more so. Heres a Monke. His name is Rialo and He'll probably be shown later on in Our Destiny [DND Homebrew]

 His name is Rialo and He'll probably be shown later on in Our Destiny [DND Homebrew]

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Deleted Scenes from this Short:


Drunk Alien, Al-an

Slightly Tipsy Robin

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I looked over at the glowy alien as I squinted trying to go through my intoxication.

I always wondered what Al-an would look like with pants.

I noticed Al-an softly hiccuping as it took me back to more rational thinking. "Al...-?" I softly spoke in confusion. "...Nh...?" He mumbled as he was laying down beside me, as his tail wagged like a cute dog. I giggled in response. "Noo...stop..." He slurred as he flashed a soft red before going to some odd...weirdly flashy mixture of colors. It was like an acid trip. "How much did you drink-???" I asked confusedly. He turnt over to the second empty bottle and flops his face on the ground a little "Whole Bottle." I probably shouldn't have allowed him to drink wine. His poor alien body must be so intoxicated. But I will admit. This is pretty hilarious.

"I think its time to go home-" I got up as I held out my hand, in which Al-an's response was to put his head on my hand. "Wh...--" I giggled as I tried to shake away my tipsiness which told me laugh at everything. "What are you doing-...?" I snickered. He didn't reply as he made an odd echoy purr sound. I froze, I didn't even know he could do that. I mean...I knew his species allowed him to be a bit more...creature-like but...this was quite surprising. "Aw." I softly said as I gave him a kiss on the head, his colors changing to a more pink tone. It was going to be hard to bring home a very drunk alien. But I think I can manage.

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