If the Tables had turned (3)

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I heaved a heavy sigh as I soon made it back into what seemed to be known as a "ghost town" well that is the term that Robin seemed to speak of.

Roots and vines grew out from the walls, cracks, and crevasses of the civilization's structures. The roots and vines and foliage were bright and vibrant in color, being blue, green, purple and darker blue. Though it seems they have ripped and broke through the structures, it helps the structures to be more sturdy due to the many roots and vines holding it up. Though it was quite strange looking it was also appealing.

"Is this the location you desire...?" I questioned, flickering a soft purple as I waited for the female to speak up. I being quite curious on her answer. 

"Yes, it is. I...Need you to go into the large building in the middle." She replied in a gentle voice, I could feel as emotions flowed throughout my body like a strong gust of wind, it was...surprising in the very least. The feeling was something i'd never get use to, it felt like I was drifting in a space that I did not own myself, yet could feel the affects. I could feel the memory however not see it nor know what it is nor what it means. 

I turned back to green after being a bright shade of yellow due to surprise. I deeply sighed trying to calm down. "Very well. Shall we continue inside Robin?" I spoke up after calming down.

"Yes, lets just hurry and get this done with...I've had quite enough of being inside of an Alien's head." She quickly mutters however; I could feel that she felt much different from how she sounded. What...was the feeling...?

I went over to the structured which towered above the rest as Robin instructed, more of her emotions flowed throughout my systems like a stream. Though it was hard to ignore I managed to, noticing a sign on the building in front of me, it was half broken and covered in foliage but it seemed to spell out "Alter-" I wished to question it but it seemed like Robin was in a hurry to regain her body. 

As I went into the building as Robin then started to instruct me around once entering. The innards of the building were nicer than the outside, seeming to keep the electricity that was flowing throughout the building as soon as I entered. The lights came from the ceiling instead of on the walls unlike our structures back on my planet...Fascinating indeed. 

Continuing down my path I felt an odd sensation as I noticed the lower level which I entered into was darker than the one above, the lights coming from the ceiling were dimmer. Like they were trying to conserve energy...but for what? I questioned before walking instead where I suddenly saw it; 

There before me I saw an odd device, like a container as it lays on it's side, a light coming from inside as a creature was inside, having brown luscious locks of mane coming from their head as well as the softest skin I've ever seen. It was not like that compared to a peeper or a leviathan. I approached the container, softly touching it before it started to open. 

I looked down at the creature as I leaned closer, touching what seemed to be some sort of odd hand, it was soft to the touch and squishy indeed. I inspected it as gently as possible before suddenly I felt an odd feeling. 

I reeled back as I started to feel somewhat dizzy, the colors around shifting and changing before my colors changed white and I was forced into Hibernation.







"Al-an." A familiar soft voice spoke as I felt something soft against my chest, the feeling shifts more over and grows before I started to exit hibernation.

The Creature that was inside of the containment was now staring at me, their eyes being a warm brown. Seeing that I awakened their eyes sparkled with joy.

"Al-an, you're awake." I heard Robin's voice come from the entity before processing; this was a Human. This was Robin...that Robin was relaxing on my chest...wait-

I flashed a bright pink as I stared at Robin. "--What--is the meaning of this?"

Robin blinked as she then displays a expression of surprise. "Oh!-I...umm...Didn't know if I had to do CPR because you weren't responding...when I shook you a lot...and lets just say I have no idea how...to do CPR to an Alien, let alone one with your height." She spoke, looking away as she rubbed her hand on her head. 

I watched her movements before perking up and staring at her, looking at her...something seemed to be missing. Robin looked at me in surprise again. "What?" She spoke up as she then looks down at where I was staring, before becoming red in color. 

"--Shit! We don't have clothes-" Robin made an odd squeak as she moved off of me, covering herself with her hands.

"...I do not...understand...Is there something wrong...?" I spoke up staring down at Robin, cocking my head to the side, she was...rather puzzling in her actions. 

"Whats wrong is I'm--Naked!--I forgot the process of preserving a body didn't include--not wearing...clothes!" Robin shouts as she turns a deeper shade of red. "--C--Can...you umm...look...away...?"

I softly nodded, still not understanding why naked was much of an issue but turned away anyhow for her privacy. "...I do not see the issue in you being bare. Isn't it normal? You were in fact hatched as such correct...?" I spoke up, still averting my head away from Robin.

"...Hatched-?--You mean born right...?" She asked, her tone in her voice changing.

"Affirmative." I looked over towards her again, turning a soft green with a nod. "--That didn't give you permission to look..." She huffed a little as she scrunched up more, I noticed she was breathing a little more, and her temperature was dropping. 

"-Your temperature is lowering." I quickly moved over to her. "--W--Wait no-!" She squeaks in protest "--I--I really don't want to be touched....a--at the moment...!" Robin looks up at me.  I looked down at her, turning a little blue in color. "...You will...freeze if you do not seek warmth." 

"...Are you...worried...?" Robin softly says as she blinks, her eyes softening as she watched me from her position. "...I do not...understand..." I was confused by her wording, what was...Worried?

"...Worry, or worried...It's a emotion where you care for another individual and want to keep them safe as possible though feeling like you might not be able to do that..." Robin explains as she shivers a little from the cold.

I averted my head from her with a nod as I turned a deeper blue. "...I...suppose that I am...worried about you Robin." 

Robin sighs softly. "...Alright then...You can look at me if you want..." She spoke up as I then turned my head back at her. Robin's lips were curved in a soft smile as her eyes sparkled beautifully again, they were like...Stars.

"Do you mind getting me a large cloth--blanket, towel--of some sort, and then I'll let you touch me alright?" Robin huffs a little, still bearing her smile. I couldn't help but feel the words I was trying to say were bundled up into tight little balls in my stomach region, and fluttered up into my chest like butterflies...What was this odd feeling...?

"...Of--Of course..." I stammered out as I then quickly went to find cloth or source of warmth, soon acquiring a large thick cloth that would provide a lot of warmth and returning back to Robin's side. Levitating it around her small body as she held it close to her. Robin shivered but kept a soft smile. "Th-Thanks Al..." She softly whispered.

I nodded, turning a soft green. I was pleased to see she was secured in at least something that would provide warmth to her that she needed. I started to levitate her on my back, providing more warmth to her body by making myself emit heat and to this I felt her move around a bit on my back comfortably.

I never thought I'd get to see a human, let alone in the flesh.

Everything about her makes me feel....strange, but in a way it's an extraordinary feeling.   

Into The Mind Of A Human (Al-an POV)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن