If The Tables had turned.

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This is another universe if Al-an and Robin switched backstories (Mostly being the fact of if Robin's kind was supposedly wiped out due to the Kharaa and the Precursors research about the left over mutated creatures on the planet) . It does not portray to what happens later in the book.


Al-an looked out towards the torn and wild planet, his front legs kneeling down along with his hind legs so he could sit down.

A Familiar Precursor walks over their body having a grey color to them unlike Al-an which had a green color constantly

"You seem...sufficient with your placement." The Grey Precursor says as they looked over towards Al-an, they were in similar size, both medium storage units. Al-an softly nods in agreement. "I have gained a particular interest in the research of these creatures within this Planet." Al-an would respond to their grey colored companion. "Once we send you there remember that you must stay in contact with us, especially noting your status." The Grey Precursor then turns around walking off. Al-an looks back at the planet.

"So this is Planet 1819A. Earth...how Intriguing."


The Familiar Green colored Precursor had been living on the planet for a bit, He exits hibernation as he was in his base, storing the essentials for himself. He has gotten use to the large creatures that roamed the land as well as he noted the materials within the planet which could help in making materials.



I walked about the place I haven't really seen so much earth before, yes there was places filled with ice and sometimes sand however not as vast and large as the plains of this world.

It was...interesting. I wondered how the humans before they were extinct ever survived. I wondered how they must have looked.

"Have you arrived at the site which you are chosen to be at?" I heard a familiar voice as they came in contact with me.

"I am relatively close to the outskirts of the area." I replied quickly, my hind leg stomps gently against the ground as I scanned the area around, I was extremely close indeed.

"Very well then, inform me when you have arrived at the site." The voice says before vanishes waiting for the next time to speak with me.

I soon made it to the site which I was needed, but soon was stopped by an enchanting voice, though slightly hinting hostility, their voice sounding...odd.

"Who is there?" The soft feminine voice says, their voice echoing from all around as the door closes, the site glowing a soft color.

"I would ask the same." I replied to the mysterious voice before telling the familiar Precursor about the building powering up though nobody was there.

"Are you well? We were not informed of it doing that before." The familiar voice says as his words lingered in my head.

"I'm well." I replied looking around for the Mysterious feminine voice however it vanished, like the blue sky above.

"We shall inform you there is a storm approaching your area soon." My contact informed as they seemed slightly alarmed by this.

The thunder crashes overhead.

"Seems it has arrived quite sooner than expected." I replied quickly.

"Seek Shelte--"

The voice vanishes upon the storm coming in, seems it blocked out the wave patterns and our communication. I sighed as I quickly moved to seek shelter at first going back to base however it seemed to have been buried in rubble shortly after it came into sight. I noticed there was only one way down, it was into the under jungle. The jungle which lied beneath the ground above which was quite common here. I jumped down careful on how I land. I look around noticing creatures in the jungle as I walked about soft light beams peeked through the ground holes and roots above making me marvel at how it even still stood in place.

I felt as my contact tried to get back in communication with me.

"Are you Present?"

I responded almost immediately. "Affirmative." I replied making soft chitters as I notice a small creature dash between my hind legs. It was interesting.

"Sufficient. We will program a rescue ship for you then."

"Not needed. I am well. I require pnly shelter for the time being."

"Very well then." My Contact replies "I'll be sending one soon."

I looked around as I then noticed a shelter soon dropping in, flying through one of the crevasses to get close to my location, I went over to it, it seemed sufficient for the time being.

"Located it?" My Contact quires.

"Indeed I have. I'm intrigued however on the voice on site?" I replied, curious on what or who was talking during that time.

"We will gather the data information later. You may do what you wish for the time being."

"Very well then." I replied wanting to know then however this attitude wouldn't help the data go any faster so I went out to gather materials.

A few moments later I heard my contact.

"We have located a Humane City down by the Vine Infested lands. Inform us when you arrive."

"Affirmative." I replied as I stretched my robotic arms storing the minerals and materials gathered during my time of waiting.


I had arrived. The place was large, the city buildings being covered in moss and overgrown weeds and vines, I noticed a building which seemed to have a slight hint of life within it as I entered in, the doors shut behind as I couldn't leave.

"You have came here." The Mysterious voice echoed through the walls. I looked around.

"I am intrigued by you." I replied as I looked at what seemed to be a laboratory, there was a few machines which powered inactive beings I never seen before.

"And so you shall stay here." The feminine voice replies.

"Accompanied by you?" I asked as I soon found some sort of entrance or exit and tried to locate how to get to it.

"Forever." She replies.

I paused. "How come?"

"Your friends wish to take me and experiment." She said her tension rising in her voice

"You have noted us then." I flickered a soft blue color before glowing a soft purple. "I am no foe nor will I harm you."

The voice did not answer.

"..?" I looked at the door going through as I saw a woman stuck in glass, she looked oddly similar to that of a hologram however seems she could feel and touch. It was obvious this was not her body however as she seemed to be weakly trying to hold onto herself as she was stuck in the glass.

"Do..not touch anything." She says glaring through the glass.

I walked over to the button, my hoof raising over it.


I dangled my hoof over the button as I I accidently clicked it though not meaning to.

A voice says "Linking Device with Type Zero - Robin...searching."

"Located Device. Now linking."

I felt as my body started to go into emergency hybernation and everything went dark.


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