The First Feeling of Snow

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[ 3RD POV ]

The snow had covered the land, feeding the ice of the sea and flaking down like a lovely dance. Xclise could feel the inklings of a chill from the wind as well as the silvery white goodness that covered throughout the place.

The little Precursor has not yet known the world outside, other than what was told when the Civilization still thrived. It was a wonder that she was able to see what she merely dreamed of, even if it wasn't as green nor luscious as before. It was still filled with brimming life. How long has it truly been? She didn't even realize how much she was past the age in which one would normally research of the environment, yet, She could feel herself turning into her little fawn self once more.

The Doe leaned back, trembling with beautiful fear of the truly unknown, and yet brimming with so much joy. This was a true Adventure of the senses.
She could smell, hear, all the colors in the air, all the colors around. The feeling of the rush as she then leaped through the air, landing on her front legs as she prances through the snow.

The Doe slid down through the ice, taking a plunge into the deep soft snow of the land.

She laughed, she couldn't even feel even the small strange amount of cold she felt before as she simply laughs. Her markings presented many rays and hues like an Aurora. She was free. She was alive. She survived it all, and both of her fellow cared are here.


After I was done prancing about, I did have to take a rest. It was strange, being in a bigger body when I was trapped in a cube and before that I wasn't even past a hundred yet. It made me a bit less jumpy, but at least I seem to trip a lot less...of course I still trip though, just not as much.

I knelt down nearby a stone, using my arm to balance myself as I sat, in my time away I have learnt my lessons...that I probably should have learn a while back. But it is better to take it slow when sitting lest you fall down and have to deal with trying to get up when stuck in a ventilation system. Then again, I don't think they have ventilation system up here.

I peered down, gently tapping the rock as I leaned in close.

"Hmm...that doesn't sound much like a Ventilation System. Nor does it sound like it has much of a system..."

I mumble with a slight ponder.

However in my thoughts, a voice peered out.


A strange feminine voice.

I turned around with a yelp of surprise, who was that from?

However much to my relief, what stood behind me was a fluffy Pengwing, from the looks of it, a female. Smaller than Awing too!

"O-Oh...It's just a....what is that-...-oh-Right-a Pengwing-" I muttered, trying to gather my thoughts of the knowledge that my fellow cared, and Miss Robin had bestowed upon my cranium.

The little Avian stared up, gently moving their beak as a chirp came from them.

" Hello. "

The voice spoke again, however it seemed to go along to the movements of the Avian.

I nearly leaped to the sky as I jumped up with surprise and a bit of fear. My hues shifted from many different colors before settling on a purple shade.


Kneeling down, I peered over at the Pengwing, Confusedly gazing at it. I was quite baffled. They could talk! Was it just this Pengwing or was it a result of evolution?

So many thoughts and wonders crowded my mind. Before I could even stand up though, the Pengwing spouted off a whole sentence, and even shows of further intelligence. 

"You can speak?!" The Pengwing made a slight shriek, waddling around in circles with its little pengwing bounce. "AAAAAAAAA-AAAAAAAAA TALKING BIG CREATURE! SAVE US ALLLL!!!" The Pengwing continued to bounce and shriek about, getting other of its species riled up and making their strange noises. 

To this I jumped up with surprise and a tad bit of shock.

"W-Wait I--I'm not--well I am...but--I won't hurt anyone---..."

I tried to explain. How could I though? This was strange in itself to see a talking Pengwing. Maybe it didn't know it was speaking. I tried to shake my thoughts away. Perhaps my mind was too filled with thoughts as I couldn't percieve what was truely true or not. Maybe this was all a figment of my imagination, wouldn't be the first time.

"Oh really-?" The Pengwing chirps, flapping their fins and hopping over to face me. It made a small huff-sound as it seems to try and check me out, or see how I would react; to my assumption.

"Very well. I believe you, besides. If you apologies but I don't think you'd be not too good at that." The Pengwing makes a chirpy laugh. "After all you haven't hurt me yet in this whole time of us being here."

I sighed with relief. Strange, I didn't understand why I was so relieved. Perhaps glad not to be quote on quote 'jumped' as Chrome would say. 

"We-Well I might b-be able to hurt someone if I really tried." I spoke with a slight nervous yellow hue, tapping the tips of my arms around each other as I spoke. 

".....Hmmm...nah." The Female Avian happily says, jumping up and over to examine me, their feathers happily puffing up. "But you are interesting! so I'll let you live."

"W-Wait what--were you going to attack me??" I quickly backed up, anxiously fidgeting. I soon noticed however that I couldn't move. I peered down at my hooves trapped in each other, quite surprised as I met with the snow. 

"Ack-" I flopped, my face mushed into the snow, laying there squirming. "Oh no!-" The Pengwing tried to help me out by pulling on my legs, however I was a bit too heavy for them.

"It's okay, I'll try to get you--" But before the Pengwing could finish it let out a fearful squeak, grabbing at me and trying to tug even more. "Snowstalker! We got to get out of hereee!" The Pengwing spoke with panic, however surprisingly seemed to stick by my side even if Snowstalkers preyed on her species. 

However before anything happened there was a loud snarl accompanied by a slam. 


A Familiar voice huffed, using levitation to lift up my leg and body out of the snow.

It was...

"--...Oh hey...Chrome..." I squeaked out nervously. 

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