Rainy Days.

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It was raining and storming, Robin looks outside and watches as lighting danced across the sky. She shivers as the memories of when she first heard Al-an started to resurface, how scared she was...

Normal POV

"Robin?" I spoke feeling her fear and seeing her memory resurface.

"...Oh...Al-an...I thought you were hibernating..." She wipes her tears

"Whats wrong?" My imaginary eyebrows furrowed, I disliked the reaction Robin had.

"...I was thinking about the past..Al-an...do you think that maybe I might be taken off this planet if they find out about you?" Robin asks laying on the bed, her fingers clutch the covers as she started to shake.

I wanted to lie to her, but if I did then... She won't trust me.

"There is a High Percentage that you might..." I muttered hoping she wouldn't hear me as I kept a low tone, but from her look it was obvious she did.

"I'll never see you again..." Robin curls up in her blankets as her tears started to run down her cheeks. 

I gently touched the subconscious of her mind "You haven't seen me though." I joked trying to calm her down, she giggled in response trying to wipe away her tears "That's the first time I heard you try and joke.."  

"Dire situations will not help us at this moment, so it's best I try to help you anyway I can." I say as I remove my hands from the subconscious, to me the Subconscious was like a black and green room with invisible walls which allowed me to see what was happening outside at the same time allowing me to see what is happening on the inside. It was uncomfortable at first but I am slowly getting use to the fact of how close I am to her.

"I see..." Robin responded looking out the window at the dark waters, I felt her fear rush over her. "Do not fret Robin Goodall. Darkness may seem scary however it is just the light showing in a different way, once it is day, you will see how Darkness and Light are not so different as long as you know your surroundings." I reassured her trying to make sure she would be able to sleep well, now knowing that she needed sleep of course.

"...Thanks Alan." She replies as she curled up in her blanket, shivering as she was still cold. My fingers trailed around her subconscious and lit up a soft green color as her mind eased and her shivering subsided. "..Huh" I muttered realizing I could control a few of her nerves and make her feel less cold, by this time she started to close her eyes and I watched as she slowly drifted into slumber 

"Now to watch." 

He sighs as he closes his eyes and watched her dreams. 

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