haute monde. || nct jaehyun f...

Per anxdyie

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kwon bora is in a partner ship with jung jaehyun. both business and bed. [12/15/2020 - ] Més

15 - M
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Per anxdyie

6:48 PM – Kang Estate, Busan, South Korea

Today's gonna be a crazy day.

"Hurry up! We're almost late!" Taeil rushed his brother into the mansion, wanting to get them good seats although Iseul had already procured spots for them.

"Taeil, we're 12 fucking minutes early." Yuta reminded him, annoyed.

His brother has been nagging him the entire time they got ready for this faux engagement party. Wouldn't it be more helpful and dramatic if they came in late and made a scene? They're gonna ruin the night eventually.

Upon reaching the backyard, the two Moons were in awe of the decorations. Everything was covered in flowers. There was a white gazebo in the middle of the area, covered with flowers and shimmering lights. It was surrounded by numerous circular tables, decorated with pretty silks sheets and expensive looking silverware. Heck, even the wine was rare and antique.

"Ooh, I'll take some of that!" Yuta helped himself to some champagne when a waiter passed by them. He offered a glass to his brother, who declined. "More for me them."

"Where's Iseul?" Taeil exhaled, checking on his phone again for messages. She hasn't been replying to him for the past 20 minutes.

"Why is the décor so extravagant? It's not like it's already their wedding," Yuta can't help but notice. There's a table filled with presents, a picture of Iseul and Taeyong together – barf – and are those flower girls? "Hyung, something's not right."

"She replied!" Taeil was too distracted and worried about his best friend to even hear what Yuta was saying. "She wants me upstairs. I'll see you later, Yuta."

"Wha—Hyung, wait!" Yuta watched him disappear into Kang Manor. He took a swipe of the entire venue, something eerie creeping up his spine.

"Mom, look at me! I'm a flower girl!" He heard one of the child guests yell to her mother.

Yuta's eye twitched. Something wasn't right here.

Taeil forgot how grand and majestic Kang Mansion was. Of course, he was used to extravagant houses like this but this house was different. It literally looked like a castle inside out. Almost as if straight out of a fairytale.

He found Iseul's room at the east hall, thanking God that he had good memory of the place. He seldom visited because of Iseul's mom's distaste towards the Moons. The only time he came over was when he and Iseul had to finish a class project. Even then, he wasn't allowed to spend the night over.

Upon entering her room, Taeil caught sight of Iseul standing in front of a full body mirror, staring at her reflection. She was wearing an elegant white gown; her hair tied up into a crown braid. She looked like a princess.

"Iseul," he called, approaching her from where she was standing.

Turning around, Iseul let out a sigh of relief when she saw it was her best friend. "Taeil—" she threw herself into his arms, hugging him tightly. Her voice cracked a bit, and she was letting out quiet sobs onto his shoulders.

"Hey. It's okay." Taeil soothed, rubbing her back comfortingly. He let Iseul cry to him for a minute, allowing her to let out all the pent-up frustrations these past few days. It hasn't been easy since she came back from her medical mission. "It's almost over, Iseul. I promise we're gonna get through this."

After a while, Iseul calmed down and she finally pushed herself off Taeil. "How's Johnny?" she sniffed, her swollen eyes looking up at Taeil.

Taeil gently wiped her tears away. "He's at the hospital checking out talking to the admin staff. In a while, he'll be able to check out your brother and move him to Im Hospitals via jet," he reported. "Don't worry. We got everything under control."

"I'm so sick of everything, Taeil." Iseul leaned her forehead onto Taeil's shoulders. Her shoulders slumped from exhaustion.

"Me too, Iseul..." Taeil patted her softly. "Everything sucks. Why do you think I ran away?"

The two share a laugh at the helpless situation they're in. Lifting her head back up, Iseul's smile dropped. "Sorry, I just... I'm exhausted. I just needed to..." she inhaled sharply before exhaling. "I'm okay. I just need to get through the night and it's... I'm gonna be free, Taeil."

"Yes, you will."

Taeil thought back on why he and Iseul are best friends. In a way, they were similar. The first-born child of a prominent family. Both had high expectations from their parents so they must excel in everything. They have to be a good example to their younger siblings, thus, expected to look after them as well.

The only difference they had now is how they dealt with that all. Iseul is facing it head-in in contrast to Taeil who's decided to just drop everything and run away. Huh, how about that?

With how their personalities are, you'd expect them to do the other's solutions to their problems. But no.

Which is why Taeil couldn't be prouder of Iseul for doing this. For once, she was standing up to her mom.

The two chatted for a while before Iseul needed to be excused by the wedding planner. Taeil was then kicked out of her room so he went downstairs and out to the garden to go look for Yuta.

As he took in the scenery of the backyard, he noticed a couple of people gathered at the gazebo. Confused, he spotted a priest talking with Lee Taeyong's father.

What the hell is going on? His thoughts were interrupted when he was grabbed by Yuta from behind.

"Hyung, they're getting fucking married," Yuta hissed, jutting his chin to where Taeil was just looking at.

"What the fuck?" Taeil cussed out, taking a quick swipe of the entire venue. No wonder the Kangs went all out with the décor. Heck, even Iseul's dress—she was wearing her fucking wedding dress. "Are they actually going through with this? What the fuck?"

His initial reaction was put to a pause when he received a call from Johnny. "Hey, what's up?" he tried not to sound agitated when he answered to avoid worrying his cousin.

"Hyung. I talked to the doctors about Daniel's transfer. However, they said they still have to check on Kang Ilhwa, seeing as she's currently the chairwoman of the board." Johnny reported, anxiety creeping in his system.

Taeil pinned the bridge of his nose. As if things couldn't get any worse. "That can't be good," he commented. "The ceremony's starting. We have to get Daniel out before Ilhwa goes there."

"What? What do you mean ceremony?" Johnny specifically remembered it was an engagement party. Not that actual wedding. Unless. "My god, is that an ambush wedding?"

"Apparently." Taeil huffed. "Listen, Johnny. We have to get Daniel out of there without Ilhwa's permission. I don't know how soon Iseul and I are gonna arrive but we're gonna need the help of our resident hacker."

Jaehyun. They're the ones in control of the hospital's security system right now. They're gonna have to smoke bomb this if they're getting Daniel out there. Or any of them out there.

"Got it, hyung. I'll call Bora." Johnny understood right away before hanging up. He then dialed his cousin's number, asking for assistance and to meet him at Daniel's hospital room right this second.

Afterwards, he entered the room only to be met by Daniel's bored expression. "Hey." He greeted awkwardly. "I'm Johnny."

Scrunching his eyebrows, Daniel sat up from his hospital bed. "Johnny-hyung?" he blinked. "What are you doing here? Iseul-noona's engagement party is ongoing!"

"Yeah, I know." Johnny doesn't know how to explain this to him. Does he just drop the bomb wherein Your sister has this crazy plan to sneak you out of this hospital and transfer to Seoul so that she can steal your family's hospital from your crazy mother so you don't have to be controlled by her for the rest of your lives? It's more complicated than that.

"Um, so heads up. Things are about to get crazy tonight and I'm gonna need you to trust me." Is what Johnny said instead, only to confuse the boy even more.

"What? What do you mean? What's going on?" Daniel questioned.

"No time to explain. Brace yourselves." Johnny called in a team from outside to help Daniel's setup transfer.

To the boy's surprise, he saw his sister's assistant, Jihyo. She was in on it too.

"Jihyo-ssi." Daniel blinked at her in surprise. "What is my sister planning? And why haven't I heard about this?"

"Because you would've blabbered it to your mom by accident in case she visited you," Jihyo returned easily.

"Ah. You're right."

"You've always been a blabber mouth."

"Alright easy on the bickering. We have more time for that once you get transferred, Daniel." Johnny groaned out.

Bora then arrived at the scene, an ear piece in hand. "Are we kidnapping him or what?" she joked.


"Your sister's orders. Not mine."


Once the team of doctors had settled all the machines attached to Daniel, they prepared to move the bed.

"Jaehyun suggests we take Elevator B to the left and from there travel through the C wing where there's least security," Bora reported, holding onto her earpiece. "As for the doctors you've talked to earlier, they're still in conference room A, trying to contact Kang Ilhwa. Currently, Sungchan's trying to infiltrate their phones to delay their contact."

"Alright, let's go." Johnny and Bora lead the way to their escape, with Jaehyun and Sungchan acting as their eyes and ears, hiding away in one of the hospital's security rooms.

"Does the Kang estate have security cameras in there as well?" Sungchan hummed curiously, typing a few keys onto his laptop.

"Let's focus on the hospital for now, dumbass," Jaehyun scolded him.

Ignoring his brother, Sungchan attempted to breach Kang Estate's security system. Clicking his tongue, he got into one of their outdoor cameras that had a clear view of the ongoing ambush wedding.

"Whoa! Pretty bride, Dr. Kang," he commented.

"What? What are you talking about?" Jaehyun shoved his brother away and squinted at his laptop. In retaliation, Sungchan pinched his ears. "Douche!"

"Uhh, Bora?"

"What? What's up?"

On the other line, Bora and co. had entered the elevator without any hindrance so far. Sure, there were some odd looks from the staff but seeing as Johnny's the new foundation head, and Jihyo's one of the employees assigned to Patient Kang Daniel, they didn't question it.

"Uh, well Iseul-noona's getting married." Jaehyun watched as one of the orange-haired figures was ushered at the end of a red carpet covered with flower petals. He assumed that was the aisle.

"Tell me something I don't know," Bora huffed, completely missing the point.

"No, like she's getting married right now." Jaehyun tried again. He instructed Sungchan to try getting another angle of the scene. When they switched cameras, he saw two familiar faces that weren't happy with the event. "Looks like your hyungs are hating the wedding."

"What? What the fuck are you on about? What wedding?" Bora cussed out.

"Uh..." Jaehyun blinked, unsure what to do.

Iseul's mother was the one standing next to her, walking her through the aisle. Forcing is the correct term, with how tight her grip was on her daughter's arm.

"Mom, I don't want this—" Iseul resisted, trying to break free from her mother's hold. She can feel a bruise forming already but she wasn't gonna let her mom drag her into this sham of a marriage.

"Of course, you do, Iseul—" When they reach the middle of the gazebo, Taeyong was there, waiting for her, all tear-eyed. Iseul wanted to make a run for it. "Now, go to your groom."

"I—" Iseul found herself thrown into Taeyong's arms as the former pulled her into a tight hug, his face nuzzled into her neck. Taeyong took a deep inhale of her scent, sending shivers down her spine. "Taeyong—"

"We should do something!" Yuta hissed from his seat, feeling his stomach churn at what's happening.

"What do we do then? Johnny hasn't called about boarding the helicopter yet!" Taeil was panicking. He can't let Iseul get married to Taeyong.

"Does it matter? As long as we can stall Kang Ilhwa and the ceremony!" Yuta jumped up from his seat with a loud yell. The audience around him let out audible gasps, and he can feel the daggers from both sides of the family attending this wedding. "Don't, Iseul! Don't get married to this prick!"

"Prick?" Taeyong glared at him. "Do you know him, Iseul?"

"I—" Iseul's eyes widened, her gaze landing on Taeil. He had his face covered by his hand. "Yuta? What's going on?"

"No, I will not forever hold my peace!" Yuta proclaimed, standing on his chair to point at the couple at the altar. When he felt the glares aren't relenting, he added. "...Without singing a song for the happy couple."

"What?" Taeil wanted to bury himself 6-feet underground. Or rather, he wanted to bury Yuta instead.

"Yes! So, will my brother join me into serenading our lovely couple?" When Yuta saw Taeil wasn't standing up, he sent him a forced smile, and gritted out. "Please?"

Against his own accord, Taeil pushed himself up to his feet, smiling awkwardly. Yuta dragged him to the middle of the stage, joining Iseul and Taeyong. He stole the mic from the reverent who was about to marry the two.

"Let me get this off your hands father and you can just—" Yuta shooed him off the stage and took over. Taeyong still looked like he wanted to kill him though. Iseul was holding her laughter.

Taeil, on the other hand, somehow found a stolen guitar from the audiences. He strummed a few chords and shared a look with his brother.

"I am not the kind of girl

Who should be rudely barging in on a white veil occasion

But you are not the kind of boy—girl—

Who should be marrying the wrong girl—boy~"

Jaehyun burst out in laughter as he watched the Moon brothers jam out in the middle of the altar. Are they seriously singing this to the Lee-Kang wedding? My god, the Moons are something else.

"Are they singing fucking Taylor Swift?" Sungchan was in disbelief. No way they're delaying Lee Taeyong's fucking wedding to jam out to the popstar.

"What the fuck are Taeil and Yuta doing?" Bora cussed out when she heard Jaehyun's laugh. It was a deep and cute one, not that she liked it or anything.

They got out of the elevator and is now breezing through the hallways towards the freight elevator that'll get them to the hospital's helipad.

"Jaehyun, hello? What's going on—" Bora came to a halt when she came crashing onto a built body. She looked up to see a tall, buff man staring down at her.

"Sir, I'm gonna need you to step aside." One of the security guards hovered over to Johnny, who was shielding Daniel's figure from them.

"What's going on? Who sent you?" Johnny questioned, holding his arm out in front of Daniel.

"Is everything okay?" Daniel peeked behind them, finding a bunch of armed guards blocking their way to the rooftop. They were just one freight elevator away from the helicopter.

"Mr. Suh, we can't let you take Mr. Kang with you. Especially if we don't have the approval of the chairwoman of the hospital."

"Shit." Johnny hissed to himself, fishing his phone from his pocket to phone Taeil. He was abruptly stopped when one of the guards grabbed the device from him and his arm. "Hey! What the fuck—"

"HEY!" Bora backed away when one of the guards tried to restrain her as well.

"Hyung, they're trying to stop them!" Sungchan exclaimed, realizing the phone call they were blocking earlier had pass through.

The scene unfolded in the monitor and Jaehyun's laugh from watching Taeil and Yuta had died down. His jaw clenched upon seeing the guards rounding up on Bora. So, he tapped a few keys on his laptop before pressing enter.

And just like that, everything went pitch black as the lights on the floor they were died. Although there was a temporary blackout on the wing, Jaehyun made sure all hospital devices and outlets were working. And he left the Operating Rooms safe, of course.

"I'm going to help them." Jaehyun stood up from his chair, grabbing his coat and a laptop, just in case.

"What, no, hyung! I can't do this alone!" Sungchan tried to grab his arm but he already went for the door.

"Relax! I still have my laptop with me. I can help you from anywhere." With that, the younger Jung was left alone in the security room, surrounded by laptops and hacking devices.

He huffed to himself and grumbled in annoyance, "You just want to be with Bora-noona."

"What the hell is going on?"

"Johnny, go!"

Johnny could hear a few shuffling and few yells from around him. A loud yelp can be heard when a wheel ran over a foot, which he can only assume was Jihyo, who was pushing Daniel's wheelchair around.

It was chaos around him.

"Head straight to the elevator. It's still working." Bora didn't realize she was still on the call with Jaehyun, who's voice instructed her through the speaker. "I'm on my way."

"Johnny, elevator!"

Upon hearing his cousin's voice, Johnny towards the lift, using the emergency lights at the hallway to guide him. He can hear the sound of the wheelchair right behind him, which he assumed was Jihyo and Daniel.

"Stop them!" The guards screamed that put Bora into panic. There were footsteps following after Johnny's – she assumed the big foot silhouette was him – moving figure.

She spotted one of those hand sanitizers that the hospital has in every corner. God bless the Kang's clean obsession. She grabbed one of the bottles, and sprayed it all over the floor in front of her, where the guards were just standing.

Bora managed to make 2 out of the 4 guards slip while the remaining ones were hot on Johnny's tail.

The youngest Moon ran after them, hoping she could still help in stalling the armed guards.

Johnny can see the small light provided by the freight elevator. His hands flew to press the button so it could fetch them. It was a painful 5 seconds before the doors slid open and they could enter.

Looking back, Jihyo and Daniel were still a few feet away from them, the guards hot on their tail.

Making sure he pressed the 'hold open' button, he slipped his coat off, taking a deep breath. He eyed the guards behind the two, steeling himself for what he's about to do.

Johnny started running towards the guards – charging at them. As soon as he ran past Jihyo and Daniel – who almost broke their necks to watch what the fuck was he gonna do—

Their jaws dropped.

With the faint light provided, they could see Johnny's large figure tackle two other ones that were at least ¼ of him. Dude had massive height.

Jihyo paused by the elevator, asking him if he was okay but he only yelled at them to go and book the helicopter. Nodding, Jihyo took Daniel in the lift and headed for the rooftop.

Meanwhile, Bora had caught up to her cousin and saw the scene before her. "Holy shit," she cussed. "You're built like a cement truck."

"Shut up." Johnny pushed himself up, staring down at the guards who were groaning in pain. "I didn't even tackle you guys that hard..."

"This isn't some fucking football game, Johnny," Bora reminded him. She forgot how strong he can get. That's why she never understood why he didn't do sports in school. Just joined some cheesy film club doing skits with his friends.

"Well, it's their job to literally take whatever's coming for them." Johnny huffed, smoothing down his dress shirt. "C'mon. Let's go after Jihyo and Daniel."

Over back at Kang estate, the two other Moons weren't as successful. Their impromptu performance was cut short by Taeyong's dad, who grabbed the mic and guitar from them with a glare. He was in the middle of yelling at them when Taeil received a message from Johnny.

Taeil's eyes shot up as soon as he finished reading his cousin's message. He glanced at Iseul, looking hopeful. "Iseul." The way he said it – it was like a telepathic message between the two best friends.

A smile grew on Iseul's face as she read Taeil's expression. They did it. Oh my god. Looking down at her wrist, where Taeyong had his hand wrapped around tightly. She snatched it back.

"I'm not marrying you," she declared, earning a few gasps and glares from the crowd. "I don't love you, Lee Taeyong. I love Johnny Suh. This wedding isn't happening."

"Iseul!" Taeyong reached out to her but she took a step back.

"Kang Iseul!" Kang Ilhwa raged from her seat upon hearing the news from the hospital. "What the hell did you do?"

From the side, Yuta secretly readied his phone to record the scene in front of him. He made sure he captured Ilhwa's livid face for the shareholders.

"I'm cancelling this wedding, Mom." Iseul answered back. "And I'm going to save my brother from your selfishness. If you thought taking him hostage in our hospital to force me to marry Lee Taeyong was gonna work, then I'm sorry... I'm not gonna let you control our lives again."

"Don't be ridiculous! I'm doing this for the both of you!" Ilhwa marched towards her daughter to grab her arm tightly.

With the way Iseul got grabbed and manhandled today, she was sure she was gonna go home to a lot of bruises.

"You're not, Mom! And I'm sick of it! I'm sick of you using me and Daniel as your pawns, thinking you could control everything in our lives! But you can't, Mom. Daniel and I have a life to live on our own."

"You think your brother has a life left? He's never gonna make it pass your father's age with the way you're acting."

"Why? Because you can't even treat him properly? You're prolonging his sickness so you could keep him in the hospital and use it against me?"

"Holy shit." Yuta thought this was a good stuff. NOT because Iseul and Daniel were stuck with a deranged mother, but this would be good evidence to show the hospital board to replace Kang Ilhwa as the hospital's chairwoman.

"That's not what we intended, Iseul—" Taeyong tried to explain, wanting to hold her hand again.

"Don't touch me!" Iseul snapped. "Don't ever fucking touch me, Taeyong. I don't belong to you. To any of you. I'm my own person. I can make my own decisions. My own choices."

"And I choose to save my brother from you, Mom." She took a glance at Taeyong, staring hard. "And I choose Johnny."

With that, Iseul grabbed Taeil's hand and motioned Yuta to go with them. The three ran out of the estate, a mob of angry yells calling after them.

When they arrived at the front door, the valet already drove the car up for them. Hopping inside, they all headed for Kang Hospital where the rest were waiting for them to celebrate their triumph.

Left at the altar, Taeyong could stare blankly as the woman he's only ever loved went to be with someone that wasn't him. He didn't understand. Was he not enough for her? He loved her. He was willing to give her everything. He would do anything for her. He would kill for her.

And this is what he gets?

"Go." A voice spoke from behind him. He turned around to see his father pushing his shoulders. "Go get what's yours, son."

Taeyong sucked in a deep breathe.

"Don't let another man take her away from you."

He curled his fingers into a tight fist, barely controlling the shake of his rage.


Johnny, Bora, and Jaehyun all waited back at the security room for the other three while Sungchan went to fetch some food from the cafeteria. Bora was on the phone with Yuta, the latter updating them on what happened at the Kang Estate.

The two men waited in aggravation at what had occurred. Jaehyun, especially. After that whole Taylor Swift performance, he didn't get the chance to see what happened to his favorite duo.

Hanging up, Bora let out a deep sigh, her hand dropping to her side. "I can't believe they fucking did that." She groaned.

"I don't know, I'm not really surprised they're Swifties," Jaehyun admitted with a shrug. He earned himself a judgmental glare.

"Yeah, that's not what I'm talking about."


"They're gonna be here soon so maybe we should prepare for our next step of Dr. Kang's evil plan?" Bora didn't remember all of the plan because of Dr. Kang's rambling. Or maybe she hated the woman too much to pay attention. "Head of PR?"

"We'll wait for Yuta. We'll see if he gathered some evidence from the party. Who knows maybe Ilhwa did a little tantrum." Johnny replied, checking his phone for the nth time. Iseul has yet to reply to his messages. He wondered if she was alright.

"Maybe we should start with the hospital records?" Bora was growing impatient. She'd rather not sit around here when they could snoop for more evidence. "Didn't Dr. Kang mention something off with the hospital records? Embezzlement or some shit?"

"Yeah, maybe we should wait for her," Jaehyun suggested.

Of course, Bora being Bora, she only rolled her eyes. "I'll go see if I can find something in Dr. Kang's office. That way when she gets here, she doesn't have to." With that, she headed out to gather more evidence for Kang Ilhwa.

"She's so stubborn." Johnny only commented letting her do whatever.

"Hmm." Jaehyun opened his laptop to see the programs still running. He saw that he still had access to the security cameras and did a few surveillances. "They're here." He saw Taeil, Yuta, and Iseul get in the elevator from the parking lot, on their way to meet them.

He then saw another figure follow after, making him squint his eyes in suspicion. He tapped a few keys to follow the guy and he wounded up at same wing where they we—

"Shit." He felt the pit of his stomach sink as a heavy feeling of dread enveloped his chest.

He shot up from his seat and ran out of the room to chase after Bora. He didn't even bother greeting the three that he just ran past.

"Hey, Jung!" Yuta called after him but he was focused on reaching where Bora is.

He didn't bother with the elevator and just used the emergency stairs just so he could get there in time.

Rounding up on the corner, he saw Lee Taeyong almost entering Dr. Kang's office with a knife. "HEY!" he yelled, his speed increasing – which he didn't know what's possible. "What do you think you're doing?"

He grabbed onto Taeyong's shoulder, shoving him away just as he was turning the door knob.

Bora glanced at the door after she heard yelling on the other side. Curious, she was about to reach for the doorknob when Jaehyun's voice boomed at the door.

"Bora, don't come out!"

"Jaehyun?" Stubborn as she is, Bora still peered out of the door. There was grunting and clattering of metal, what the hell—! "Oh my god—"

Lee Taeyong was holding a fucking knife to Jaehyun's throat while the latter struggled to keep his neck from getting sliced.

"Where. Is. Suh." Taeyong gritted his teeth, his big dark eyes filled with rage.

"You're fucking crazy!" Jaehyun bit back. "There's a reason Iseul-noona didn't choose you!"

"Oh, she will." Taeyong laughed maniacally. "And if she doesn't, she can be with Johnny in the afterlife."

"Stop taunting him!" Panicked, Bora grabbed the nearest thing she could smash onto Taeyong. She found a pretty thick book on Dr. Kang's desk and used it to hit Taeyong at the head.

It placated the crazy fuck for a bit, so Bora could help Jaehyun up but Taeyong was quick to grasp the knife again and charged at the two.

Jaehyun pushed Bora out of the way, being the one to receive the stab on his lower stomach. He froze for a moment as he felt the knife pierce through his skin.

"Jaehyun!" Bora screamed, her eyes widening as Jaehyun slowly sank to his knees from his wound. She caught sight of Taeyong smiling down sinisterly and she felt a shiver ran down her spine. She needed to do something. Anything—Jaehyun's—

"HEY!" Another voice soon joined them, and Johnny came into view, once again making use of his strong body and tackled Taeyong down on the ground. Bora took this chance to take the knife out of his reach.

"I'm going to kill you Suh! I'm going to—" Taeyong writhed from underneath Johnny, who felt like he was sitting on a piece of paper.

"Shut up." Johnny sent him a quick look of annoyance before punching him in the face and knocking him out cold. He then took a quick glance behind him. "Shit, Jaehyun! We need help over here!"

"Jaehyun—" Bora crouched down next to Jaehyun, unsure what to do. She wasn't a doctor for fuck's sake! Where's Dr. Kang when you need her?

Johnny took it upon himself to press onto Jaehyun's stab wound, blocking out the blood seeping out of his body. "Help! Medic!" he yelled.

Bora's hand shook as she held onto Jaehyun's. "Hey—Hey, you're gonna be okay—" she tried to comfort him.

"Shit, Bora—" Jaehyun tried to talk but she shushed him.

"Medic's—they're on their way—" Bora's lips wobbled. She scanned through the hallway, and true enough, some of the employees heard of the commotion and was now contacting ER.

A nurse then joined them, replacing Johnny from pressing on the wound while their colleague arrived with a first aid.

"Bora, hey—" Johnny had to pull Bora away from Jaehyun. She didn't want to let go of his hand.

"Jaehyun, you're gonna be okay," she croaked out. "Jaehyun—"

"C'mon. The nurses will help him."


Bora broke into a sob as Johnny gave her a bear hug, rubbing her back soothingly. She can't feel her fingers that was covered with Jaehyun's own blood. There was ringing in her ears; her vision blurry. She can see the figure of Jaehyun's limp body get carried onto a bed and rushed to the operating room.

Before she knew it, Bora was fell into Johnny's arms, unconscious. Last thing she heard was her cousin's voice calling out to her.


Author's Note: this was longer than I though taghakjga HHHHHHHHHHHHHH 

sorry for the long wait guys ive been real busy this week ahaha i just drop a chapter and disappear from wattpad it's a cycle

but thank you for reading this!! lemme know what u think !! <33

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