Dandelions | Yuki Ishikawa

By NikkieKnickKnack

94.1K 2.1K 550

After her parents died in a car accident, Mio was forced to move with her grandmother from Okinawa to Okazaki... More

Four Eyed Freak
Call Me Yuki
Tall, Scrawny, Smart and Cute
Sports Day
Go Out With Me?
Meet Kasumi
I Messed Up
Cold Christmas
Sleep With Me
Friendly Visit
We're going out?
You.. What?
What Have I Done?
What about my ice cream?
Ice Cream
Love at First Sight
Hen Party
It's You
Masa & Yuki
Karma is a B*tch
One Day
Time Apart
Truth or Dare
Not When You're Drunk
Failing to Protect
Against All Odds
It's Blinding
Little Peanuts
Uncle Yuji
All is Well
Bonding with the Ishikawa Twins

Thinking Out Loud

1.5K 44 7
By NikkieKnickKnack

Yuki's POV...

I arrived in Heathrow airport the Wednesday before her aunt's wedding on Saturday. The stewardess handed me my hanging bag that stored my suit during my 14hrs+ flight to London. I got my luggage and headed out to the gate where she'll be waiting.

She has been a bit quiet these past couple of days. I'm not sure why, but I think something must have happened during her aunt's party. I am tempted to ask but I want her to come to me on her own and tell me about it.

As I exited the gate, I found her jumping and waving at me. We met halfway as she jumped in for a hug, wrapping her legs around my waist as I wrapped my arms around her, completely dropping my hanging bag.

"I missed you" she whispered.

"I missed you more"

I'm not one for public display of affection since we are trying to keep this relationship as private as possible. Even my team doesn't know much about her. All they know is that I'm seeing someone for the past couple of years, but they think it's just an excuse to get out of a mixer. I had to show them a few messages from Mio in order to prove that I do have a girlfriend.

"So, we're staying at my aunt's apartment and heading to the venue on Friday. It's a couple of hours drive outside the city, but it's beautiful!" she told me as she hailed a taxi.

"She's currently at work right now so, you'll meet her later... more like in an hour or so" she added.

We got inside the taxi and she immediately scooted next to me. She leaned her head on my shoulder and relaxed. "Tired?" I asked.

"Yeah and I just miss you... I always miss you"

"I know" I kissed the top of her head.

"I thought about moving back to Japan once I graduate"

"You don't want to stay in Italy anymore?"

"It's... not home. I feel more comfortable in Japan than in Italy"

"I see"

I spend more time in Italy though, actually, I spend more time travelling. I looked down at her and that's when I noticed fatigue setting on her. She's skinnier than before, eyebags forming under her eyes, and she seems to have less energy.

We arrived at our destination, high rise apartment building. We walked inside and she used a key card to get passed the gate. We took the elevator to the 15th floor and when we got there the door to the apartment was at the end of the hall. She opened the door there's a small hallway decorated with paintings of Japan from Japan. Mio handed me a pair of indoor slippers as she took her shoes off.

"She misses Japan a lot and she basically had all of her things shipped here when she moved. The paintings in the hallway are from my parents and some of the vase as well" she told me as I followed her in.

It was an big open space surrounded by full length windows the shows the skyline and the Big Ben. On the left was the kitchen and dining and on the right was the living room with a hallway which I assume goes to the bedrooms.

"She lives her by herself?" I asked.

"For now, after their honeymoon her fiance is moving in"

She took my luggage from me and guided me to the bedrooms which was through the hallway in the living room.

"So, bathroom is second door on the right and our room is through here" she said opening the first door on the left.

She put the luggage on the side and took my hanging bag and put it in the closet to my right. The bed was on our left with 2 side tables on each end. There's a tv mounted across the bed and a dresser underneath. It was a decent size room. Full length windows as well with the same view, curtains on the side. I walked to the window to watch the fading hue of the Spring sky.

I felt her arms wrap around my waist, head resting on my back. "I'm sorry" she said.

I turned around to face her. Sorry for what? Did she do something?

"What are you sorry for?" I asked.

"I told my sister's friends that whatever happened this past Saturday stays between us girls... but I can't keep it a secret from you" she started before pulling her phone out, she went through a few messages before finding what she was looking for.

"Here..." she gave me her phone and I played the video.

It was loud, a lot of people screaming. She was on stage with a couple of other girls sitting on their own chair. Then 3 men came out from somewhere and stood in front of them.

"I didn't volunteer to be up there. The host picked me and my aunt and her friends pulled and pushed me up the stage" she explained as I watch the man grind on her. She looked terrified at the beginning but then she started looking comfortable, her hands all over this man's body.

I don't know how to feel about this. I feel betrayed, but she didn't actually do anything. Was I jealous? Yes, she's enjoying whatever this guy was doing to her. I'm angry that she actually let this happen and it looks like she enjoyed it too. What got me over the edge was at the end, it looks this guy licked and kissed her neck. I looked at her neck, there's nothing there. Good.

"Did you enjoy it?" I asked, tossing her phone on the bed and crossing my arms. She sat on the bed, looking at her lap, playing with her fingers.

"Did you?" I asked again.

"I... I-I didn't mean to..." she whispered, "it's... I don't know how to explain it, but it's different..."

"Is there more? Did you do anything else that I need to know?"

She nodded. She explained how the same guy came up to her their booth had a conversation with her and touch her and kiss her. What was she thinking?! Was she even thinking?!

I just stood there, not knowing what to say or do. I'm glad she told me about it rather than finding it out from someone else. But how did she let it go that far? It's not as bad compared to what I did back then, but it's close to it.


I looked at her and before I could say anything...


She looked towards the door and sighed. "That would be my aunt" she said.

"We'll talk later" I told her.

We both left the bedroom and went to the main room where her aunt was. Just like the picture she's showed me, they do resemble a little except that Mio's eyes a bit rounder than hers.

"Is this him?!" she squealed.

Mio nodded.

"Hi, I'm-"

"I know! The Ishikawa Yuki. I've heard so much about you, I'm her aunt, Fujioka Miyako, but you can call me Miya if you want." she said giving me a hug.

"He's much more handsome than the pictures" she told Mio.

"I hope you had a nice flight, I don't have much in the fridge and pantry right now, but I do have some take out" she told us as she took out the containers in the kitchen.

"Also, make yourself at home. I'm gone the majority of the day so, if you want to go ahead and watch or play something on the tv, please do. If you want to do something else with her, just don't do it in my bedroom and office" she smirked while Mio blushed.

"Thank you, I'll keep that in mind"

Dinner was chinese take out. She bought a variety of food since she wasn't sure what I would like.

"I hope you don't have any allergies" she said.

"No allergies, he just hates tomatoes" Mio told her and I nodded in agreement.

"Alright, I'll let the caterer know tomorrow"

We finished dinner and Mio cleaned up while Miya-oba and I sat in the living room.

"Thanks for taking care of my little Mio, I know she can be a handful sometimes" she said in a low voice.

"Mio's been nothing but perfect, she's taught me Italian and that tremendously helped me in the league"

She smiled.

"You love her a lot, don't you"

"More than volleyball"

"To be young and in love, you two look good together. Do I hear wedding bells?"

I chuckled at the comment. I've thought about it a few times but my career just started and she's still in school, I don't think it's the right time.

"Hopefully in the near future" I answered.

"In the near future what?" we both heard and turned to see Mio standing just a couple of feet behind us.

"Oh nothing, sweetie. I'm going to bed since I do have an early start tomorrow, don't stay up too late... also, my room is practically sound proof, so you two can do whatever you desire"

Her aunt is a complete opposite of her. She just speaks her mind. I nodded in reply. She left to go to her bedroom which was at the end of the hall. "Let's go to bed?" she asked. I just nodded.

We both went to the bedroom after she turned off all the lights. There was this awkward silence between us when we entered the room. We haven't finished talking about what happened. Honestly, I don't even want to know if she enjoyed it or not.

"Is that all that happened?" I asked, closing the door behind me and locking it.

She sat on the bed and nodded.

"I pushed him away before it went too far. Yuki, I'm really sorry..." she stood up and hugged me. I just stood there. For some reason my arms wouldn't move to hug her back.

"Don't worry about it" I told her, "I'll go ahead and wash up"

She let go of me and nodded. I got my things from my luggage and went to the bathroom across the hall. I shouldn't be this angry. It's not like she fucked the guy. She forgave me for having sex with Kasumi, but why am this agitated with a simple lap dance and a few kisses on her neck?

I turned the shower own, putting it on cold. I need to calm down, relax. It took me longer than expected in the shower. By the time I got back in the room, she was already passed out on the bed. I laid down next to her and closed my eyes.

Mio's POV...

Yuki's been distant since I told him. I know he's not much into pda, but his first night here, he didn't even cuddle with me. I know that sounds a little too immature, but we always cuddle. Then I took him out the next day to have a little tour around the city. We went to see the Big Ben, the famous Abbey Road, Buckingham Palace, and the London Eye. We got into the London Eye and barely spoke a word, well, the entire day really. I looked through the pictures that we took together and his smile was not as bright, not the Yuki smile that I'm used to. I kind of regret telling him what happened now...

We arrived at my sister's venue on Friday afternoon. It was a small castle with a huge rose garden in the back. There's about 10 bedrooms that were accommodate for us to use. Yuki's different when around others, he'll smile and pretend like I didn't tell him what I told him a couple of days ago. When it's just us, his smile will disappear. I don't know what to do... Everytime I try to talk to him at night, he would just say he's tired and that we'll talk tomorrow, but we never do.

Wedding day...

I woke up early to help my aunt get ready. Her hair and make up person was there already, working on her. We were all wearing a blush pink silk robe matched with fuzzy slippers, while my aunt was wearing white. They were all drinking champagne as they chitchat while I, on the other hand, was making sure that Yuki's doing alright by himself.

"Pretty face, it's your turn" Rosie called.

My make up was simple, just a light touch of blush, a mascara, and a pink tinted lip gloss. My hair was curled loosely and to finish it off, I wore a baby's breath crown which I pinned using some bobby pins.

"Have you always been this pretty?" Kate asked as she finished her glass of champagne.

I just shook my head.

"So, you had a late glow up then?"

"I guess?"

"No such thing, you've always been. beautiful" my aunt interrupted, "you guys should meet her boyfriend"

"Your boyfriend is here?!" Ellie asked.

I just nodded.

"I heard he's a professional athlete, do I know him?" Rosie chimed in.

"Uhm, if you follow volleyball then I guess?"

"Oohh Kate does! Right?" Rosie pointed at Kate who was munching on some macarons.

"Sort of, I know a few players here and there, what's his name?"

"Yuki Ishikawa" I answered. She almost choked on her food after I said his name.

"THE YUKI ISHIKAWA? Japan's ace?" Kate asked.

"I guess?"

"Kate, is he that good?" Rosie asked.

"Uh yeah! He's like the star athlete of Japan's team, he's good looking too"

"Where's your room again?" Ellie asked  as the make up artist finished up on her.

"Last door on the right"

That might have been the worst idea ever. After telling them where my room was, all 3 of them rushed out to go to my room followed by my aunt, followed  by me.

They knocked on the door and he opened it. He looked surprised seeing 3 grown women outside the room, eyeing him.

"Uhmm... can I help you ladies?" he asked.

All 3 of them were trying to contain their giggles or whatever is going to come out of their mouth while my aunt and I watch from down the hallway. They were in awe, speechless.

"Uhh.. actually, have you seen Mio?" Ellie asked.

"She said she's in the bridal suite, is she not there?"

"Was she there, Rosie?"

"I don't know, did you see her there, Kate?"

"I must have missed her"

I just shook my head.

"I can go and look for her" Yuki offered.

"No such thing, you're a guest. I'm Kate by the way, this is Ellie and Rosie"



Yuki just nodded and smiled.

"Thanks again, see you later... Yuki right?"


"Alright, nice meeting you!"

The trio walked away as Yuki closed the door, confused at what just happened. We all made our way back to the bridal suite, the three of them giggling.

"Holy shit, he's taller and more handsome in person" Kate blurted out the moment we got back in the room.

"How did you meet him?" Rosie asked.

"We went to high school together"

"High school sweethearts?"

I shook my head no, "We met in Italy a year after graduation and yeah"

"That's so cute"

I just smiled.

We helped my aunt get into her wedding dress about 30 mins before the ceremony starts, we took a lot of pictures throughout the day in the suite, including the trio's shenanigans with Yuki.

I put on my dress and it fits just right. It's a blush pink A-line off the shoulder dress with a lace bodice and some tiny Swarovski crystals sewn in to them. The bridesmaids dress were the same color but different style. Theirs were tea-length dress with one thick chiffon strap on the right shoulder.

We were just by the doors to the garden where the wedding is going to take place. We all lined up and waited.

"Mio... I don't think I can do this" my aunt whispered.

I turned to look at her and she looks nervous. I've never seen her like this. I hope she doesn't get cold feet.

"Hey... look at me" I told her.

"Right outside is a man waiting for you. A great man who's fallen head over heels in love with your crazy ass self. Remember what you told me when you met him after arriving from Japan all those years ago?"

She nodded.

"You said you'll never let him go because there's no other man like him, there's no other man that can keep up with your energy, there's no other man that understood your love for your family and your love for Japan. You told me that if he's not going to propose to you, you will do it yourself because you know he's the one for you"

She was about to cry so I immediately got a handkerchief just in case.

"I remember that. It's funny how we met when I tripped over a red rope going to work and he was there to catch me" she said, taking a deep breath.

"Red string of fate?" I asked

"More like a rope"

She took another deep breath and nodded. "Thanks, Mio"

The music started and one by one we walked out. I walked before she did. following the white carpet to the small stage with a white arch covered in baby's breath and white and pink roses. Yuki was sitting on the second row, right behind where I'm going to sit. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I got up to the stage next to the trio, just in time for my aunt to walk out.

She was wearing a white A-line lace strapless dress. The lace design is full off cherry blossoms that's in blush pink which is mostly concentrated near the hem of the dress that fades up. Her veil was about 3-4 feet longer than the train of her dress. It was pretty long.

Her husband-to-be, James, was crying as she walked down the aisle. I've only met him a few times, but the way he looks at her, the way how his hand is always touching her back or her hand... the small gestures, I knew that he loves her with all his heart.

The ceremony was short and sweet, James wrote his own vow in Japanese. He really put a lot of effort into learning it, he would even call me and ask me if his translations were correct, if he was pronouncing words correctly. He wanted it to be perfect, which it was.

Yuki was quick to hold my hands as we made our way to the reception, which was in a another building. "You look so beautiful," he whispered, kissing the side of my temple after.

"You look dashing, you should wear a tux more often"

He blushed a little.

"You're not mad anymore?"

He shook his head, "I just needed a little bit of time to cool off and then seeing you walk down the aisle just made everything better"

"I really am sorry"

"It's not your fault that you're too beautiful and guys can't resist you"

"Not like I have other suitors.. I think it was that skimpy black dress that they made me wear"

"Was that even considered a dress?"


The reception...

We all made our entrances after the small cocktail hour. Speeches were a mix of laughter and tears. What made me like her now husband more was when he included me in his speech.

"Lastly, I would like to thank the maid of honor, Mio, my wife's niece, for always being there for her even when she's busy studying in Italy. For anyone who doesn't know her, she's this incredibly smart and sweet woman who has been through a lot this past few years. I've only known her for sometime, but during that short time, I've realized how strong and determined she is to make her dreams come through. Did I mention that she's a polyglot? She's helped me translate my vow and helped me with pronunciations while she was studying for exams. She's selfless and she loves to share her knowledge to others without asking for anything in return" he paused and took a sip of his drink, which I assume is beer.

"Mio, I would like for you to know that I am very grateful for you for pushing her to accept that job offer years ago, if it wasn't for you then I wouldn't have met her. I know it must have been a tough decision for you back then, but thank you so much, I am forever in your debt. Also, I know that she's all you've got left, but I want you to know that you have me now too. You're always welcome in this family and don't ever hesitate on asking for help if needed. Miyako and I will always be there for you. To Mio" he raised his glass and so did everybody else.

He went to where I was sitting and gave me a hug as I was in tears. I was probably ugly crying like my aunt at the time. Yuki was had his arm around my shoulders, comforting me. "Are you okay, love?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine"

The reception had an open bar. So, people were getting drunk here and there. The trio fawned over Yuki whenever they get the chance and he would just awkwardly give them a shy smile and engage into their small talk.

Yuki was at the bar waiting for his drink while I was sitting on our table taking a picture with my aunt when the dj switched up the song. He played Ed Sheeran's Thinking Out Loud. Yuki stood in front of me with his hand out, inviting me to dance with him. This was new, I wasn't expecting this since he's normally shy around other people he doesn't know. I accepted his invitation and gave my hand to him.

We walked to the dance floor and I put my arms around his neck. Thank you 4 inches heels, I don't think I'll reach him if I wasn't wearing it. His hands were on my waist as we slowly sway to the music.

"Wasn't expecting this" I told him.

"I wasn't either, but I didn't want to waste the opportunity"

I leaned closer, my arms sliding down from his neck to his chest where I also laid my head, listening to his heartbeat. I felt him kiss the top of my head and pulled me closer. We swayed to the song, enjoying each other's company. Blurring out everything around us. It was just me and him.

Mid way through my the song, I looked up at him and he looked down on me. I can tell from his eyes that he wants something, the same thing that I want.

"Let's get out of here?" I asked.

He just nodded.

I walked off the dance floor hand in hand. I told him to wait by the door so I can talk to my aunt.

"Miya, James.." I called out to them as they were talking to a few guests.

"Hey Mio, having fun?" James asked as Miyako finished talking.

"Yeah, I uhmm.. Yuki and I are tired and we're going back" I told him.

"Sure, go ahead. I'll let her know. Thanks again for everything, Mio" he said, bowing.

"Oh, it's no big deal. I'll see you guys tomorrow before you leave?"


I met Yuki by the door and we both left the reception. We walked through the garden and that's when I saw a single dandelion puff. "Look!"

Yuki looked at where I was pointing at and he smiled. I plucked it and held it up to him. "Your wish or my wish?" I asked.

"Your wish" he said.

I made a wish and blew the puff away into the night sky. The breeze taking it somewhere.

"What did you wish for?" he asked.

"If I tell you it's not going to come true"

I looke back up at him and smiled. He moved a loose strand of hair tucked it behind my before he leaned down, capturing my lips in a soft gentle kiss. I kissed him back, my hands on his chest pulling him down a bit.

"Room..." I whispered.

He just nodded and took my hand as we made our way back to our room.


A/N: I'm debating whether I should make an MA chapter or not for the next one. Let me know!! Masa will be returning soon, so that means.... ahahaha

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Not much happened but yeah. I'll try to get the next one up by tomorrow, depends on whether you guys want an MA chapter or not.

Song mentioned in this chapter:

Thinking Out loud by Ed Sheeran

As always, thank you for all the support, votes, comments, and follows!! I really appreciate them all!!

Take care and see you guys on the next chapter!!

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