Paradise (Deltarune) (KrisxRa...

By DoctorBlu5

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This story is just a written theory I came up after what happened after Chapter 2. All rights to toby fox. Af... More

Welcome to my story
CHAPTER 1| A New Fountain
Chapter 2| The paradise behind the door
Chapter 3| Paradise
Chapter 4| A random island
Chapter 5| The tour of the islands
Chapter 6| Four new people
Chapter 7| Confession
Chapter 8| HIM
Chapter 9| The smoke expands
Chapter 10| Now what?
Chapter 11| Trouble in Paradise
Chapter 12| Fun?
Chapter 13| Time had fun.
Chapter 15| The Truth
Chapter 16| Pandora and Paradox
Chapter 17| Reunited
Chapter 18| Incursion
Chapter 19| Revived
Chapter 20| A Happy End?

Chapter 14| Who is "Gaster"?

248 2 19
By DoctorBlu5

Harold: I totally forgot. there are more islands for H we can go to them if you want.

Susie: What are they?

Harold: Horror is land and honeymoon island.

Susie: Horror? sounds fun.

Harold: I thought you would like it. How about everyone else?

Ralsei: H-horror island? I don't know... it sounds scary.

Susie: That's why it called horror island. To scare you. What is there?

Harold: There is a room for everyone there, and inside is what you are most scared of.

Susie: Sounds fun! i'm down! how about everyone else?

All of them look at each other, with the look of fear in their eyes.

Susie: Cmon, guys. It can't be that bad, can it?

Ralsei: I'm pretty sure we already know what's in our rooms.

Susie: Really, well what is in your rooms?

Silence filled the air, no one answered Susie.

Susie: Harold, can I talk to you for a sec.

Harold: Sure!

Harold and Susie walk of to talk for a second.

Susie: What's wrong with them? why don't they want to go?

Harold: Because they know what's in their rooms and don't want to see it.

Susie: Well what don't they want to see?

Harold: All of their rooms are the same.

Susie: What?

Harold: They fear the exact same thing, even you do.

Susie: Which is?

Harold: Me.

Susie: You? but you aren't scary.

Harold: They... don't trust me. They are scared of me and I know it.

Susie: How could they be scared of you? You are the nicest person i've met.

Harold: They know what they have to do and they don't want to do it.

Susie: Do what?

Harold: Kill me. You have to kill me to get out of here.


Harold: They don't need to kill the "prince" to get out of here, they need to kill me.

Susie: Then why are you helping us?

Harold: Because... I feel bad for you guys... so i'm helping you when I can. But I will give you some advice, when we do fight just remember... thank you.

Harold walks back to the others and gives them a sad look and tries to play it off.

Harold: Alright, guess we're going to skip horror island then.

Ralsei: No.

Harold: No?

Ralsei: We'll go, we talked about it and thought why not, why not get scared.

Susie: That's not like you Ralsei, you feeling ok?

Ralsei: Yes i'm fine, let's just go.

Harold: Ok... but if you want to leave just tell me.

Harold teleports them to horror island and in front of them is the room, for all of them, what they all fear.

Ralsei: Let's go in.

All of them except Harold walks into the room with Harold watching them go in and close the door. After 1 minute, he could hear them all scream and run out of the room with some of them even crying. It must have been really scary what was in the room.

What was in the room? Truth. The truth scared them and made some of them cry. Harold didn't comfort them he just stood there, watching them.

Susie: What are you looking at! aren't you going to help us.

Harold: No.

Susie: Well screw you too then!

Harold: You know I can't do that.

Susie: Why not!

Harold: Because it would make everything worse! it can't undo what you saw.

Ralsei: W-what was that?

Harold: The truth.

Ralsei: No it can't be! no... no no no no no no no no no no.

Ralsei starts to cry as he was so scared at what he seen.

Harold: I'm sorry Ralsei, but there is no other way.

Ralsei: There has to! it can't end like this!

Harold: It has to and you know it. 

Kris: I'm... going back in.

Ralsei: W-what!? Kris! no! please!

Kris: I need to see... the rest.

Kris walks back into the room and after a minute he comes back not surprised.

Kris: Of course... that's how it ends.

Harold: Do you understand?

Kris: Yes...

Harold: Good.

Kris: It's going to be ok Ralsei.

Ralsei: No it not, I don't want to do it.

Kris: We have no choice, you know that.

Ralsei: No please, please don't make me, please.

Kris: I'm sorry but we have to, there isn't a choice there never was one.

Kris hugs Ralsei while he's crying, as he doesn't want to do what he was shown.

Harold: Let's just... forget about it... let's go. There aren't any islands for H, I, J, K. So we will go to L.

Harold: Teleports them all To Library island.

Susie: Library island?

Harold: Yes... I promised Ralsei and I need to be here as well so you can suck it up as it's not going to kill you.

Harold walks into the library and looks for a book that will help him find out what "beware the man who talks in hands" means. Ralsei is still crying but when he seen where he was he started to get happier.

Ralsei: Library island? at least this will make me feel better.

All of them walk into the library with Kris holding Ralsei's hand. When they entered they could see Harold reading multiple books trying to understand what it means. They left Harold to read his books and to think it over, so they went to get some books to read while Susie, Noelle and Berdly went on the computer. 

Ralsei picks a cooking book so he can learn how to cook more stuff than just cake. Kris picked up a book on how to flirt, they then sit down next to Ralsei who was reading his book. Sans picked up a book about jokes, Papyrus picked up a book that has 50 uses for spaghetti you can use and sits next to Sans who was sitting by himself reading his book. Undyne reads a book on how to catch criminals better.

Everyone was quite reading their books but they could sometimes hear noises coming from Harold, they sounded like anger but trying not to be too loud to not draw attention. Ralsei talks to Kris about his book.

Ralsei: There are some good recipes in this book, I can't wait to use them! What are you reading?

Kris: A book on how to... flirt...

Ralsei: Flirt? why do you need to read a book on how to flirt?

Kris: So I can get better at it.

Ralsei: Well I think you already know how to flirt.

Kris: Really?

Ralsei: Yeah! flirt with me, to test it.

Kris: Ah yes, to test it...

Ralsei: I'm serious, use one on me.

Kris: Ok, if you say so.

Kris looks into Ralsei's eyes and says the following.

Kris: I never believed in love at first sight, but that was before I saw you.

Ralsei instantly blushed and hid his face in his scarf even though he asked to be flirted at.

Kris: Why are you hiding your face in your scarf? you asked for it and did you forget we are a couple?

Ralsei: N-no, it's just... You looked into my eyes and said it! how would I not blush after you said that!

Kris: So you liked it?

Ralsei: It was... ok.

Kris: Great! then i'll keep going.

Ralsei: No, please.

Kris kept saying pick up lines and Ralsei felt more and more embarrassed the more they said. By the time Kris had nearly finished Ralsei's face was red as a tomato. Ralsei was going to explode if Kris kept going so he did the only thing he knew he could do to get him to stop.

Kris: How about this one! If being sexy was a crime, you'd be guilty as char-

Before Kris could finish the pick up line they felt Ralsei kissing them... on the lips. (JESUS CHRIST, I SAID I WOULDN'T RIGHT ABOUT THIS, BUT OH WELL, TOO LATE NOW) After Kris realised what was happening he kissed back, they had both of their eyes closed and continued for 5 minutes which felt like hours to them. After they stopped Ralsei blushed again and kept apologising.

Ralsei: I'm so sorry! it was so unexpected! it was just... you kept... saying pick up lines... and that was the only way I could get you to stop...

Kris: It's fine, I kind of enjoyed it...

Ralsei: What!?   

Kris then kisses Ralsei on the lips which he didn't expect and started to kiss back. It felt like hours had passed again but they only kissed for another 5 minutes. They only stopped so they could get some air.

Ralsei: Oh Kris, um, I didn't know you loved me that much.

Kris: Of course I do, you're my special goat boy. Don't tell anyone though.

Rasei: Don't worry, I won't, this will be our little secret.

Ralsei winks at Kris and they start to blush. Kris quickly changes the subject.

Kris: Anyway, you said you seen some good recipes in your book.

Ralsei: I did? I did! Yeah! some very good ones!

Kris: What are they?

Ralsei: Well you know how I can only bake one type of cake?

Kris: Yes?

Ralsei: Well there are some interesting ones in here I would like to try! like "Victoria sponge cake" I don't know who Victoria is but their cake sounds lovely.

Kris: Please... can you rephrase that.

Ralsei: Why? what wrong with saying i'd like to taste Victoria's cake?

Kris goes through every option in their head to what to say next but they just want Ralsei to carry on.

Kris: (Oh you are so innocent.) Forget about it, forget I said anything.

Ralsei: Oh, ok! another one i'd like to try is a "red velvet cake" I don't know what velvet means but it sounds delicious. The last one i'd like to try is a "chocolate cake" I don't know what chocolate is-

Kris: Wait, you don't know what chocolate is?

Ralsei: No, what is it?

Kris: It's hard to explain, you have a bar of brown hard stuff shaped like a rectangle, when you eat it, it starts to warm up in your mouth making it easier to chew then you, you know when you eat something, swallow it. 

Ralsei: Sounds weird, and what is a bar?

Kris: It's hard to explain, you'll have to try some as it's quite hard to explain something you never had before.

Ralsei: Oh, ok! it sounds... nice! I can't wait to try some!

Kris: Now what do we do?

Ralsei: Read more books silly!

Kris: (Great) Oh yeah, I guess this is why we are here.

Ralsei: Let's go get some.

Kris and Ralsei go to get some different books to read while on the other side of the library Harold was still looking through his books.

Harold: Really!? nothing!? ugh... how? how isn't there any books about this. It seems very important to write down.

Harold gets up to look for different books when he stumbles upon something.

Harold: What's this book? "need help? pick me" very interesting book title, why not, it sounds like it can help me.

Harold picks up the book and sits down to begin reading it. When he opens the book he could see a screen you put what you need help with and it will tell you what it means. He puts in "beware of the man who speaks in hands". It comes up with everything he needed.

Harold: W.D Gaster. HP:666666. AT:66666. DF:66666. "Beware of the man who speaks in hands" or "Beware of the man who came from the other world." No one knows where this information came from but many people state that a river person said it to someone. Many people have speculated that the person the river person is talking about is someone not of this dimension. No one has ever seen the person the river person is talking about but some people have said they saw him, even the "prince".

Is that what's he's afraid of? W.D Gaster? Sounds scary, I wonder if any of them have heard about him. I think I can remember when I was a robot and Toriel and Asgore used spell on Kris they said something about Gaster. I wish I could talk them about it, but they're dead. (I wonder if I can bring them back to life, but it would take a long time and energy, I might do it but I don't know if everyone would want that.) I guess I could talk to Kris and Ralsei about it, they might know who this "Gaster" person is.

Harold got up and put the book back and walked over to Kris and Ralsei where they could be seen reading a book together.

Harold: Hey guys! what are you two reading?

Ralsei: Hey Harold! we are reading a book about how someone has fallen down into the "underground" and the only way they can get out is defeating a king!

Harold: Cool, you guys don't suppose you know anyone called "Gaster" or "W.D Gaster"?

Both Kris and Ralsei stop reading their book and look up to Harold with a straight face, They then put the book down to concentrate on what Harold was saying.

Harold: Oh, it seems you two have heard that name before. I'll sit down next to you two to make it easier.

Harold sits next to them and talks about his findings.

Harold: So you two have heard that name before then?

Ralsei: Well, only recently, when Toriel and Asgore used their spell on kris they said something about "Gaster" and I think it was a black heart because when they removed him from Kris's body a black heart came out of them.

Kris: I heard about it when I was younger, I over heard my parents saying something about removing black hearts from everyone. But that's the only time I heard about it.

Harold: Oh, well a book I read said something about "Beware of the man who speaks in hands" and "Beware of the man who came from the other world." I don't know what it means but the book then said something about a river person saying those exact words to someone, it didn't say who the person was though. The book then said something about people actually seeing the man that the river person talks about, even the "prince" maybe that's why he's so scared, he might be hiding from W.D Gaster.

Ralsei: Hmm, yeah, I guess that's why the "prince" is scared. Wait! this book says something about the person that fell down to the "underground" met a river person and they said the exact same thing to them.

Harold: Very interesting. What section did you find that book in?

Ralsei: Non-fiction.

Harold: Non-fiction? that means... it actually happened.

Ralsei: Our book or yours?

Harold: Both. Because they say the exact same thing in them so your story must be real.

Ralsei: But that's... impossible.

Kris: Wait a minute, there's this bunker on the light world in our town. You don't think...

Ralsei: Noooo, it can't be... can it?

Harold: I think it is.

Kris: So the "underground" in what is behind those locked doors. Good thing it's locked I would not like to go there. But whenever I go over there, I can hear noises coming from it.

Harold: Like what?

Kris: I don't know, just some weird noises like a hissing sound.

Harold: Maybe it's been transformed into a lab? as it isn't being used.

Kris: But it's locked, no one can get in there.

Harold: What about the owner?

Kris: No one owns a lab in our town, there isn't any scientists that live in our town.

Harold: There might be, you might not know about it.

Kris: Well, we can only guess for now, if my parents were alive I think they would know what that place is.

Harold: (Yeah, if they were alive) Yeah, maybe time will reveal it soon.

Ralsei: Should we continue reading our book or get the others.

Harold: I don't mind, i'm not in a rush, you guys can choose.

Kris: Let's finish it, I want to see how it ends, even if it did happen.

Kris and Ralsei finish their book while Harold goes to check on the others.

Harold: Hey, how are we all doing in here?

Noelle: I'm doing great thanks for asking!

Harold: Great! and what are all of you up to?

Susie: Just watching videos on the computers.

Harold: Cool, I was just coming into see how everyone was doing. You guys ready to leave? or do want to stay longer?

Noelle: I don't mind if we leave, i've done all that I needed to do here.

Susie: I want to watch a couple more videos.

Harold: Great! well i'll come get you guys when the rest of us are ready to leave as Kris and Ralsei are reading a book, so i'm come get you when they are done.

Susie: Cool.

Noelle: W-wait Harold, before you leave I need to tell you something.

Harold: Sure what is it?

Noelle: I haven't told Susie or Berdly but i'm pretty sure I saw Kris and Ralsei kissing. I mean... it's no problem... but I just thought you should know that.

Harold: Oh ok, yeah don't tell Susie or Berdly as they would make everything worse. Don't worry i'm good at keeping secrets.

Noelle: Good, and don't worry I won't tell anyone else.

Harold: Great, well see you guys later!

Noelle: See you later!

Susie: Huh? oh see ya.

Harold then walks over to other three.

Harold: Hey guys! just came by to see how you were doing.

Papyrus: I am doing great! thanks for asking!

Sans: I'm doing just fine.

Undyne: And i'm doing great!

Harold: Great! that's lovely to hear! what are you all reading?

Papyrus: I'm reading a book on how you can use spaghetti in 50 different situations!

Sans: I keep telling you, you are never going to be in those situations to use them.

Papyrus: One day I might, you never know.

Harold: Sounds... interesting.

Sans: Whatever, i'm reading a book full of jokes. Do you want to hear one?

Harold: Sure!

Sans: What did the ocean say to the beach? Nothing, it just waved.

Harold: Hahahahahaha! that one gets me every time! It's so stupid, I love it!

Sans: See guys, these jokes aren't that bad if he laughed.

Papyrus: Just because you made one person laugh doesn't mean it's funny.

Sans: If one person laughs at one of my jokes then it's funny in my books. Thank you Harold, unlike these lot you have an actual sense of humour.

Harold: Well I try my best. What are you reading Undyne?

Undyne: A book on how to be better at catching criminals!

Harold: Sounds right up your alley! well I just came over here to check on how everyone is doing. When you're done with your books just come over to me when you're ready to leave.

Papyrus: You got it!

Sans: Hmm? Sure.

Harold walks over to the sofa near where Kris and Ralsei are, he sits down and starts to think about things.

Harold: (I'm glad I met them, they are all very nice, it's going to be a shame when I have to... fight them. I would hate to harm them they are all so lovely, they don't deserve this, to hurt a friend. I wonder if I can make myself not fight them, I would like to but I don't think I can. But if I do end up fighting them, Before I die I want to- wait, those are spoilers i'm going to stop thinking about that.)

(I wonder what islands are next, well next is M, so there is music island and meme island. There is also lie detector island but I don't know if I should mention it to them as lying and being truthful kind of hurts them. If they see the island and ask what it is, i'll tell them what it is and say I wasn't going to mention it a lying is a touchy subject for them.)

(So Kris and Ralsei kissed that happened. Well that's what Noelle saw, but I won't bring it up as they probably want to keep it a secret.)

As soon as Harold thought that he saw Kris give Ralsei a quick kiss on the cheek without Kris and Ralsei realising that Harold was sitting there.

Harold: (Or not, I thought they were keeping the kissing a secret. I don't think they Know i'm here, as the book is right in front of them and they are reading it. I wonder what else I can see them do. This sounds creepy but i'm already in to deep so let's just continue.)

Harold watches them from a distance on the sofa so they can't see him. After many kisses on the cheeks and once on the lips but quickly. Harold starts to get uncomfortable but they do something he didn't expect and had to speak up. He could hear them talking about something.

Kris: Hey, Ralsei.

Ralsei: Yes, Kris?

Kris: Seeing as no one is here right now, should we do something naughty?

Ralsei: Naughty? Like what?

Kris then stared to touch Ralsei everywhere (I'M SO SORRY, BUT DON'T WORRY I WILL STOP IT) then Kris started to move his hands slowly down Ralsei's body to which Ralsei was blushing to. As soon as Harold realised what they were going to do he spoke up making them stop instantly and blush with embarrassment.

Harold: (Wait they aren't going to do what I think they are? no not here, not now, how have they not seen me? I have to stop them.) What are you guys doing?

Ralsei: Harold... didn't see you long have you been sitting there?

Harold: Umm, like 10 minutes before Kris gave you a kiss on the cheek.

Ralsei: What! you saw that! why did you say anything!

Harold: I thought you guys knew I was here, I was just thinking about stuff when Kris gave you that kiss so I wondered how long I could stay here until you both noticed me.

Ralsei: Noooooooo, please, you haven't been here for that long have you?

Harold: Yes I have. I thought you guys were keeping the kissing a secret but guess not. Also Noelle saw you guys kissing as well but won't tell anyone.

Both of them kept on blushing and Kris hid their head in the book while Ralsei his his face in his scarf.

Harold: I'm sorry if I stumbled upon a secret but thank I was here as I don't even want to know what you guys were going to do if I kept my mouth shut.

Kris: Wait, you didn't see me touch him, did you?

Harold: I did and was having none of it, why here? you guys could have left to go do it, but no you decided to do it here.

Kris: I'm... so sorry... I should have checked if anyone was around.

Harold: No i'm sorry for not telling you earlier that I was here, but I wanted to see how long you guys would carry on without noticing me.

Ralsei: Let's just... forget that ever happened.

Harold: Yeah. Are you guys done with you book?

Kris: H-huh? oh yeah, yes we are.

Harold: Good, how was the ending.

Ralsei: I liked it! it's nice that the humans and monsters got to live in peace together.

Kris: It was, alright. Crazy to think a flower was someone's brother.

Ralsei: Yeah, I wasn't suspecting that at all. Wait, we aren't spoiling it for you are we?

Harold: No, no it's fine. I've read it multiple times and I was there.

Ralsei: What did you say?

Harold: Huh? nothing nothing, I just said i've read it multiple times.

Ralsei: Oh cool, so you basically know what happens then.

Harold: Yep! but what ever you do, don't show anyone else this book, they can't know about it.

Ralsei: What, why?

Harold: No reason, no reason at all...

Ralsei: Ok... well i'm ready to leave.

Kris: So am I.

Harold: Great! then I'll go get the others!

Harold walks of to get the others while Kris and Ralsei wait after 10 minutes of waiting they all come back.

Harold: Alright! we all ready to leave?

Ralsei: Yep!

Harold: Great! let's go then!

All of them leave the library and go outside, when they are outside Harold's about to teleport them to the next island when Susie points out something.

Susie: Hey wait a minute, what's that island over there?

Harold: (Great guess we are going to lie island) Oh that's lie island.

Susie: What's it about?

Harold: Well... it's about... lies. There's this machine that can detect if you're lying or not. A lie detector essentially.

Susie: Can we go there?

Harold: I don't know, depends if everyone else does. I wasn't going to mention that island as lying and truth has a lot of tension between all of you and me.

Susie: Do you guys want to go there?

Ralsei: Yes, I need to know some things.

Kris: Sure.

The rest of them agree to go to lie island and Harold cautiously teleports them all.

Harold: Are we all sure? do you all understand the damage it could do to you?

Ralsei: Yes, I need to know somethings.

Harold: Well alright then, don't say I didn't warn you as this is all of your own doings if you feel sad or angry I am not responsible for that. Let's go.


Wow another long chapter, long chapters are good because there is less of a chance there will be 100 chapters. Don't worry i'm not rushing through them, they are still the quality I want them to be and i'm still having fun writing this story.

Also i'm sorry for that "sexual" bit but don't worry I won't go any further than that, I know how to stop myself if it gets to much. I hope you liked this chapter, and see you next one.

Blu out. 

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