Choosing Home

By Ginnyrules27

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Auradon was at peace. Their King was engaged, and relations between the mainland and the Isle were being rebu... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty

Chapter Fifty Seven

494 19 12
By Ginnyrules27

Hadie couldn't help but smile as he rode through the horse pasture over at Charmington castle, Alexandria riding past on her palomino and gold horse. Sure he didn't have a horse of his own, but Chad had been happy to load him his horse Arthur for the day.

Chad's certainly changed a lot since he was at Auradon Prep, Hadie thought. Though it was for the better—after all Chad had been the one to teach him how to ride a horse a couple of years back. Jay was off at college before getting scooped by the Auradon Lions Tourney team, Ben was doing his kingly duties...and Harry was caught in the 'honeymoon' phase of his relationship with Uma.

As great as the death of the denial had been, that didn't mean Hadie wanted to be around his surrogate brother while he was being all...Hadie couldn't even think of the right word to describe how Harry had been acting. Maybe annoying but that just fit Harry in an every day situation.

Not to mention Gil was just as...maybe cutesy was the right word to describe the way the two boys acted with their girls but that didn't fit VKs. Though it did fit the way Gil acted with Macaria.

Honestly, I swear that boy's about two seconds away from proposing, Hadie thought with a small snort. No one knew exactly how the two of them became a thing and at this point, Hadie was scared to ask.

"Whoa! Easy Mirabelle," Alexandria said, grinning as she slowed from a gallop to a trot, trying to keep her horse so that she was at the same pace as Hadie. "You've got something on your mind, Hads? You're quiet."

"Just thinking," Hadie told her. "Not to mention I'm more focused on not falling off the horse."

"Chad wouldn't have lent you Arthur if he thought that he'd make it so you'd fall off," Alexandria said. "Arthur's so well behaved, especially recently now that Chad bought Ginny Gwen."

"Can you really call a gift given a year ago a recent one?" Hadie asked.

Alexandria giggled. "Oh hush. Arthur's the tamest of the four of our horses, probably the one that matches his temperament is Mirabelle. Though I figured you wouldn't want to share a horse, would you?"

"Not with the way you gallop," Hadie told her.

"Don't tell me the big bad VK is frightened?" Alexandria teased with a small chuckle.

Hadie shook his head. "Oh please, the way you ride a horse should come with a disclaimer. Riders accompanying the Princess who holds these reins may end up meeting Lord Hades before they're ready."

Alexandria stuck her tongue out at him and Hadie chuckled. They'd been friends long enough that they could tease each other and still know that they were friends in the end. Honestly it was almost like the report he had with CJ or Celia or Dizzy.

Sura was nice to hang out with but the daughter of Stromboli wasn't exactly on Hadie's 'tease and stay friends' list. Plus she still preferred to stick to Quinn above all others.

Evan Fitzherbert was great as the son of a former thief, same with Ashaki though as a daughter, since they both got the fact that not everyone would have the same leaning toward morals as people in Auradon would. In fact, when Hadie first got to Auradon, he'd started a pick pocketing competition with Evan.

Or maybe it was Evan who started it. Either way, there was a competition that Hadie swore still went on to this day.

Herkie and Melody were probably two of Hadie's favorites of the small group of friends, though if he said that, people would probably assume it was because they were family. And yes there were some benefits to being friends with family.

The mental link meant you always had someone to talk to, and since it wasn't hampered by distance like cell phones were, you never had to worry about being out of range.

I mean if I managed to have conversations with Mal while she was in Auradon and I was on the Isle, I think we proved that the link knows no boundaries, Hadie thought as he gently tugged on the reins to keep Arthur at a trot.

"You're thinking again," Alexandria told him.

Hadie chuckled. "Sorry Alex, I'll try to stop doing that just for you."

"That's all I ask," Alexandria teased but then shook her head. "Honestly Hads, we've been friends for how long? You can tell me anything. After all, you were there for me after the whole Freddy fiasco with Chad."

"The less said about Freddy, the better," Hadie said, grinding his teeth as to avoid yelling obscenities and spooking both of their horses. It had been bad enough being sent up to Olympus like a naughty little boy being sent to his room, though Hermes had helped him see some sense.

But when Hadie found out that Freddy had gone after Alex?

Let's just say it'd been a good thing that he had a handle on his powers, otherwise Hadie might have resembled his dad after he found out that Hercules had still been alive.

But Alex had been fine, he told himself. Thanks to Chad doing something I'm sure every VK has longed to do...well maybe not Strat or Shayla or Locklyn. But everyone else for sure has fantasized about punching Freddy in the face.

"Hey..." Alexandria said gently, softly resting a hand on Hadie's shoulder. "It's okay. Freddy can't get me."

"How'd you—?"

"Your hand's clenched around that rein so tightly, I'm almost surprised it hasn't broken in two," Alexandria told him.

Hadie gave her a sheepish smile. "Sorry. I guess I...thinking about how he went after you, even after all these years just kinda boils my blood a little. I know this is going to sound cruel and all but...I hope dad's making him suffer in Tartarus."

"Only if it sounds cruel that I kinda hope the same thing," Alexandria told him.

"You do?"

Alexandria shot him a look. "He shoved my brother in a closet Hads. He kidnapped Celia to use as bait from what Mal said. Why wouldn't I want him to suffer?"

"Well I can tell you something, dad's not the fondest of Freddy even before he crashed Cotillion," Hadie said. "He probably had a list that was a mile long before Mal turned Freddy to ash."

"And now she's going to be Queen of Auradon," Alexandria said, smiling at the thought. "I'm sure she and Ben are looking forward to the 'official' wedding."

"Shh!" Hadie said though he couldn't help but chuckle. "Mal's been determined that no one say anything that implies that they're already married. The last thing she wants is for any rumors to spread around the kingdom about the potential for an early heir or some rot like that."

"Hads, who's going to eavesdrop on us out here?" Alexandria asked, gesturing to the wide open pasture. "Unless you're saying someone from The Gazelle can shape shift into a hawk or something?"

"Hey, first off I wouldn't put it past them," Hadie chuckled. "But second of all didn't you tell me once that they got their stories from people sending in photos and stuff?"

"Exactly my point Hads," Alexandria chuckled. "No one's allowed on property who's not family or our guests—and no one we invite over would sell anything to The Gazelle. That I can promise you. Now come on, I'm sure the horses are tired of staying at a trot. Let's get you up to a full gallop!"

With that, Alexandria sped off, Hadie shaking his head in amusement as he watched her. Her golden hair, despite being restrained by her helmet, flew behind her like she was Apollo pulling the sun in his chariot, and while he couldn't see her eyes, Hadie knew they were sparkling in delight.

Horses were the thing that the whole Charming family seemed to have in common, it seemed, as every member of the family had one.

Kitty had a chestnut mare with a blonde mane and tail she aptly named Eowyn. Seemed that the eldest Charming Princess was a fan of the fictional shield maiden from Rohan. Lucy had a pure black mare she named Raven. And, as already mentioned, Alexandria had her palomino and golden maned Mirabelle.

Hadie hadn't had the chance to be introduced to Queen Cinderella or King Kit's horses but he had a feeling it was coming. He'd met all the other horses after all. Yes, he had even met Ginny's horse Guinevere but everyone just called her Gwen.

You know it's kinda funny, horses are Uncle Poseidon's sacred animal, Hadie thought. You'd think that was a sign or something that I was destined to be friends with Alex.

"Come on slow poke!" Alexandria called.

"Slow and steady wins the race Alex!" Hadie called back to her.

"Not when it comes to horses, Hads!"

Hadie chuckled and shook his head as he cautiously urged Arthur to speed up a bit. Though, due to his inexperience, he accidentally urged Arthur to speed up a lot. Zooming past Alexandria, Hadie fought to keep his eyes open as to look his impending doom in the face.

The way a VK would after all.

"Whoa! Good boy Arthur, whoa!"

We're slowing down...good...wait why are we slowing down?

"You don't do anything by half, do you Hads?" Alexandria teased as she let go of the reins. "Maybe we'll just stay at a trot for now."

"Thanks Alex," Hadie said, thankful that the burst of speed had caused the wind to whip at his cheeks causing them to turn red and thus hiding his flush.

"No worries Hads," Alexandria said, giving Hadie a small smile. "And don't worry, I won't tell Mal that this happened."

"Please, she's so distracted by the fact that my parents are having another kid, she's finally laid off the protectiveness," Hadie shook his head before pausing. "Though...knowing I'd been on a runaway horse might just cause her to up that protectiveness again."

"A runaway horse that you caused," Alexandria reminded him.

"Gee, thanks," Hadie snorted as they made their way back to the stables, having had enough excitement for one day. Leading the horses into the stables, Hadie shook his head.

"I can't tell you how weird it is seeing you in something other than a dress."

"What, you think I'd ride in anything other than jeans?" Alexandria chuckled. "Just because I don't wear them all the time doesn't mean I don't own them Hadie. I just prefer dresses."

"So you say but I think you're in denial," Hadie teased.

"You're insane," Alexandria told him, taking off Mirabelle's reins and bit before leading her into the stall so she could take off the saddle.

"Thank you!"

"Not a compliment and you know it!"

Hadie snorted in amusement before sliding off Arthur and handing the reins to the attendant who'd come to see if they needed assistance.

The Charming stables hadn't had an assistant before however after Chad had gotten a visa to get the donkeys from the Isle, there were too many creatures in the stables for the Charmings to handle.

Though Ginny was over the moon and that was probably all that mattered to Chad, Hadie thought as he watched Alexandria brush out her horse.

"Hey...I've been thinking..."

"You know that's a dangerous past time," Hadie teased as Alexandria turned to look at him.

"Ha ha Hadie. Anyway, you know how we all have that engagement coming up?"

Hadie couldn't help but smile slightly at the way Alexandria spoke in code, as if respecting the wishes of Mal and Hadie that the fact that there'd been two weddings remained a secret. "Yeah?"

"Well what if we went together? As friends of course. I know Kitty and Lucy are going to be pestering me about a date and Mal and Uma are probably doing the same with you."

"More so Jay and Harry, which is weird considering they went to Cotillion 'stag'," Hadie said with a smirk. "Though we all know that their hearts were with Lonnie and Uma."

Alexandria snorted. "You got that right. I can't help but feel bad for Jay in a way. With him on the Auradon Lions and Lonnie on the professional R.O.A.R. circuit, there's not much time for them to see each other."

"If I know Jay, I know he'll figure out a way to see Lonnie if he really wanted to," Hadie said. "It's Harry I feel bad for. At least Jay and Lonnie are still on land together—Uma got that royal commission to run a trading boat remember? Carrying trade between kingdoms and captaining her own ship."

"Why didn't Harry go with her?" Alexandria asked.

"Dad's opening up an Auradon branch of his restaurant and wants Harry to manage it with Mr. Smee since dad's going to be busy with the restaurant on the Isle and running the Underworld," Hadie explained. "Plus Harriet and Sammy have their swimming school here and there's no way Harry would risk being at sea and end up missing their wedding."

"He's the son of a pirate though. I'd have thought that the sea would call to him? It calls to Melody and Elle."

"Just because he's the son of a pirate doesn't mean he has to do what his dad did, Alex. Besides, calling Captain Hook Harry's dad is a stretch. My dad did more for Harry than Hook ever did, from what I gathered eavesdropping on Mal. Harry's my brother, just like Jay is. Doesn't matter that they're not related by blood. In fact, I think that just makes it better."

Alexandria smiled slightly as she brushed a bit of Hadie's helmet tossed hair out of his eyes. "So you're saying that Harry's loyal to his family."

"Without a doubt," Hadie nodded.

"Well then I'm glad Harry's family's so loyal to him," Alexandria told him. "But you never answered my question Hads."

"I didn't?"

"About you and me going to that engagement as friends?"

"Oh...oh! Yeah, I'd love to," Hadie said with a smile. That probably makes things easier too considering we're part of the wedding party.

Alexandria smiled back at him. "Great! It'll be so nice to have a friend there—well you know what I mean."

"Yeah I was going to say, aren't all of our friends going to be there?" Hadie chuckled as he teased her.

"Yeah yeah," Alexandria shook her head. "Come on, I think dad's making his double chocolate cookies with white chocolate chips! First one to the kitchen gets to lick the bowl!"

"You're on!" Hadie said as the two of them left the stables, running for the kitchens and possibly almost knocking Chad over as they passed him in the hallway.

"Dad! Two whirlwinds heading your way!" Chad called.

"Warning appreciated but a bit late Chad!"

Kitty chuckled as she walked out of the den. "What's got them so excited?"

"Dad's making cookies apparently," Chad said.

Lucy poked her head out of a nearby room. "I'm sorry. Dad's making cookies? And he didn't tell us? How did Alex and Hadie know?"

"You know what this means?" Kitty asked.

"That our sister and her friend are really good at figuring out dad's baking schedule?" Chad asked.

"Well that and it means that they get first dibs on the bowl!"

All three elder Charming kids looked at each other before making a beeline down the hall, each one trying to get to the kitchen first so that way there'd be some leftover batter for them to consume. They didn't have much hope though, after all, Alexandria and Hadie had a head start over them.

Sure enough when the three elder Charming kids got to the kitchen, it was to the sight of Hadie and Alexandria going to town on the mixing bowl.

"Aww!" Kitty whined.

Kit chuckled. "I knew you three would be making your way into the kitchen when you realized I was making cookies. There's a ramekin of dough for each of you in the fridge."

"Dad, you're awesome," Chad said as Lucy went to get the ramekins and three spoons.

"I try," Kit chuckled and leaned over and ruffled Chad's hair. "How're wedding plans going?"

"We're taking a break until Ben gets married, and yes I know he's technically married already but you know what I mean," Chad said, trying to straighten his hair back out. "Ginny doesn't want to take the attention off of his wedding plus it takes some of the strain off of Evie."

"Plus it gave you time to get the donkeys from the Isle," Alexandria pointed out.

"She speaks the truth," Chad nodded.

Probably a good thing or else they'd more than likely be hyena chow sooner or later, Hadie thought but didn't speak out loud. As his sister used to say, destroying an AK's bright and shiny outlook on life was not on his to-do list, thank you!

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