Temptations | ✔️

By glossynessa

1.5M 27.2K 5.9K

Eden Lane has never been in a relationship before. In fact, thanks to her overprotective older brother, she's... More



35.3K 766 244
By glossynessa

~Jagger's POV~

I sat in the living room the next day at the little desk that faced the wall, surfing through Hulu in hopes for something good to watch. Eden and her friend, Aspen if I remembered correctly from what she'd told me, were hanging out in the guest room that Eden slept in, leaving me to attempt to find some sort of entertainment on my own. I wouldn't admit it aloud, but I was sulking a little bit at the fact that her company had been stolen away from me.

There was nothing to do for a while, and eventually I found myself going down a fucking painting rabbit hole on YouTube, unsure what I was even doing watching videos of people painting random ass things. I'd never cared about watching people paint or about art, so I knew I must've been even more bored than I thought if I was resorting to this for entertainment, above all other things I could've done.

As I was sitting at my desk, I heard the sound of laughter from down the hall, causing me to glance over my shoulder and pull out an earbud. I frowned, watching as Eden came wandering down the hallway after a minute or so, a pep in her step. Despite how sulky I was being, I couldn't deny that I did like seeing her so happy. She looked beautiful all the time, but when she was smiley I found her even more attractive.

My gaze followed her as she disappeared into the kitchen, returning a minute or two later with her arms full of a bunch of snacks. I cocked up a brow as I leaned back in my chair, throwing an arm over the back of it so I wouldn't fall off the seat. "You taking the entire kitchen with you to your room?" I asked playfully, my lips tugging into a teasing smile as I spoke. Her crystal eyes flicked over to me as she stopped walking, hesitating before she strolled a little bit closer to me, clutching her food a little tighter so none of it would fall. "Aspen and I wanted some snacks." She said simply, shuffling on her sock covered feet.

Unable to stop myself, I trailed my eyes down the length of her figure, taking in the way her thick thighs and wide hips looked in the tight skinny jeans she had on, which had multicolored butterflies on them. The rainbow striped cardigan she wore over a cropped white tank top was a little baggy on her frame, one of the sleeves drooping down over her shoulder. Her long black hair fell down her back in pretty waves, some of the shorter strands falling into her face. I bit my lip slightly and flicked my eyes back up to hers, my pants slightly tighter than only a few moments before. No longer was I smiling, too distracted by my attraction to her that I knew Silas would have probably kicked my ass for. "Right." I muttered stupidly, clenching my jaw when Eden cocked her head to the side as she looked at me. "Everything okay?" She asked me, as if she knew something was on my mind.

Not responding at first, I stared at her and then nodded. "Yeah." I gave her a smile. "You should go back now. Your friend is probably waiting for you." I advised her, causing her pouty little mouth to part as she remembered her friend was indeed waiting. She turned and hurried back down the hall, the oversized cardigan hanging down to the back of her thighs, preventing me from looking at her backside.

I turned away, rubbing a hand over my face as I cursed beneath my breath.


"Jagger?" A soft voice called my name as I slept on the couch. I groaned in annoyance and rolled away from it, pressing my cheek into the cushion. The voice called my name again, quieter this time, as if afraid to bother me. I ignored it, wanting to go back to sleep.

Then, after a minute or so of me not responding, I felt a small, warm hand brush my back. I flipped over and snatched my hand around the dainty wrist, peering up into the surprised face of Eden as she leaned over me. "Jagger!" She huffed and pouted at me, not happy with the fact that I had been ignoring her. She placed her free hand on the back of the couch as I held her other one, trying to keep herself from potentially falling. With her leaned over me like this, strands of her dark hair fell forward beside her face, reaching my chest. It was then that I realized another thing—her tits were right in front of me, looking like they were about to pop out of the already low cut tank top.

My cock stirred as the blood pooled into my groin, causing me to immediately loosen my grip on her wrist and divert my gaze. "You should move." I told her, keeping my eyes locked on hers. If I let them wander, I'd do something that I shouldn't, like kiss her or try to get her naked.

However, Eden must've taken my words as a bad thing because a look of hurt crumpled her innocent face. "I didn't mean to make you mad by waking you." She mumbled when I completely let her wrist go. I shook my head, correcting her misrepresentation immediately. "Your top. I'm getting more than just a little peak down it right now." I said, but I didn't dare to look again. She did, though, and she gasped as she straightened once she understood what I meant.

Crossing her arms over her chest, she took a step away from me. She cleared her throat, trying to brush off how flustered she was. "It's late." She told me. "I woke you because I figured you'd want to get something to eat. Aspen's long gone, so it's just us."

Eden sat down beside me once I had sat up from my laying position, the warmth of her thigh pressing against mine. My patience was thinning, every slight little touch from her making me ache. I clenched my hands into fists atop my thighs as I subconsciously pressed my thigh firmer against hers, seeking out anything I could get from her. With my mind swimming with thoughts of her, I stared at the place where our thighs touched, a frown of contemplation on my face. If I had kissed her that night, like we both had wanted, what would have happened? I knew it wouldn't be like this, all tense and filled with a want that neither of us acted on.

"Jagger?" Eden's soft voice spoke again as I was thinking, placing her hand on my bicep to get my attention. I looked down at her and my entire body felt like it was on fire when she cocked her head to the side as she peered up at me. "Dinner?" She asked again. "Do you have anything that you want?" She wondered, and I just bit down on the inside of my cheek. My gaze fell from her pretty eyes to her full lips, slightly shiny with a little bit of clear gloss. That mouth, I could've kissed it by now if I'd let her, but I hadn't. I stared down at her until I wanted to kiss her more than I had ever wanted anything before.

"Yes." I muttered, hearing the huskiness come out in my voice even more than usual.

She gasped when I leaned in more, her body pressing back into the cushion at the center of the L shaped couch. I could tell she was caught off guard, probably unsure what I was doing, but I didn't care. "Do you still want to kiss me, birdie?" I muttered, placing a hand on the back of the couch as I leaned into her. She nodded, staring up at me through her lashes. That was all I needed to know before I leaned down, finally sealing my lips over hers.

I knew what this kiss meant. There was no going back now, and I didn't want to.

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