Classroom of The Elite FanFic...

By user89814429

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What if Ayanokoji Kiyotaka is a dumb nice guy who has the maximum luck stat. What if Kiyotaka uses only his... More

Vol. 1 Chapter 0 The Lucky bastard
Vol.1 Chapter 1 New life
Vol. 1 Chapter 2 Swimming Class
Vol.1 Chapter 3 The wonderful of teenage life
Vol. 1 Chapter 4 Fallen
Vol. 1 Chapter 5 Defected
Vol.1 Chapter 6 The idiot trio.
Vol.1 Chapter 7 Onii-Chan
Vol.1 Chapter 8 Begin again
Vol.1 Chapter 9 The mask
Vol.1 Chapter 10 The midterm
Vol.2 Chapter 0 The monologue of Ike Kanji
Vol.2 Chapter 1 the scheme
Vol.2 Chapter 2 A little help from my friend
Vol.2 Chapter 3 Ichinose
Vol. 2 Chapter 4 Sakura-San can't communicate, Ichinose-Chan want to hang out
Special Thanks
Vol.2 Chapter 5 Crime and Punishment
Vol.2 Chapter 6 Sakura?
Vol.2 Chapter 7 Liar Liar
Vol.2 Chapter 8 A little luck
Vol.2 Chapter 9 Shizuku
Vol.2 Chapter 10 Epilogue
{Short Story} Tachibana-San wants to be confessed: Love is war.
Vol.3 Chapter 0 The monologue of Chabashira Sae
Vol.3 Chapter 1 Aloha, Summer!
Vol.3 Chapter 2 Toilet's problem
Vol.3 Chapter 3 Harmony
[Halloween Special] Rules Horror: Welcome to the classroom of the defect.
Vol.3 Chapter 4 Chiaki Onee-San
Vol.3 Chapter 5 Visiting
Vol.3 Chapter 6 Class A
Vol.3 Chapter 7 Operation S and M
Vol.3 Chapter 8 Something
Vol. 3 Chapter 9 Paradise Island
Vol. 3 Chapter 9.5 Mission
Vol. 3 Chapter 10 Panties
Vol. 3 Chapter 11 Secret
Vol. 3 Chapter 12 Case Closed
Vol. 3 Chapter 13 Horikita Suzune needs no friend.
Vol. 3 Chapter 14 Something we want to hide
[Short Story] Volume 1 Reaction (1)
[Short Story] Volume 1 Reaction (2)
Vol. 4 Chapter 0 The monologue of Karuizawa Kei
Vol. 4 Chapter 1 Finally, Peaceful life(?)
Vol.4 Chapter 2 Zodiac Test
Vol. 4 Chapter 3 Rabbit Group
Vol. 4 Chapter 4 Sometimes, I don't know how I should name the chapter.
Vol. 4 Chapter 5 Again, I don't know how I should name this chapter.
Vol. 4 Chapter 6 Gambling never makes anyone rich, except the casino's owner.
Vol. 4 Chapter 7 Karuizawa Kei
Vol. 4 Chapter 8 Spread your leg
Vol. 4 Chapter 9 The Last Gambling
Vol. 4 Chapter 10 Summer Night
Vol. 4.5 Story No. 1 Ibuki Mio and the elevator of secret.
Vol. 4.5 Story No. 2 Ichinose Honami and the Chaotic Comic-Con
Vol. 4.5 Story No. 3 Horikita Suzune and the Bo'ohw'o'wo'er
Vol. 4.5 Story No. 4 Yama "God" Uchi and his holy love letter.
Vol. 4.5 Story No. 5 Ayanokouji Kiyotaka and the mystery of the pool (Prelude)
Vol. 4.5 Story No. 5 Ayanokouji Kiyotaka and the mystery of the pool (Serenade)
Vol. 4.5 Epilogue
Vol. 5 Chapter 0 The monologue of Sudo Ken
Vol. 5 Chapter 1 Sport Festival
Vol. 5 Chapter 2 Arrangement
Vol. 5 Chapter 3 Practice
Vol. 5 Chapter 4 Welcome to the sports festival
Vol. 5 Chapter 5 Ryuen's plan
Vol. 5 Chapter 6 Now, we reached part 69! Lucky number, isn't it?
Vol. 5 Chapter 7 Excacitraitrecogzinator
Vol. 5 Chapter 8 Rest for a while
Vol. 5 Chapter 9 Everything is nothing
Vol. 5 Chapter 10 Epilogue
A Little Announcement
Vol. 6 Chapter 0 The Dream of Ayanokouji Kiyotaka
Vol. 6 Chapter 1 Wake up
Vol. 6 Chapter 2 Paper shuffle
Vol. 6 Chapter 3 Rule
Vol. 6 Chapter 4 Tutoring Group
Classroom of the Elite's sequel is finally coming!!!!!
Vol. 6 Chapter 5 Weapon
Vol. 6 Chapter 6 Shiina

{Short Story} Tachibana-San wants to be confessed: Love is war. 2

1K 67 34
By user89814429

"Ah! What the hell are you doing, Nagumo!?" Kiriyama screamed as soon as the student council's door opened.

Tachibana was shocked until she couldn't say anything because Nagumo Miyabi, the student council vice-president, was standing in front of her, trying to wear his pants.

She could see his boxer wear. Tachibana's face turned red.

"Or you try to do that kind of stuff!?"

Tachibana flinched. "What kind of thing is Nagumo-Kun going to do?"

Kiriyama looked at his upperclassman in a dilemma. Tachibana Akane was raised like a girl in the box. She didn't know anything about sexual things. Horikita Manabu banned all of the Ecchi things from the student council because he want to protect her innocence.

Kiriyama sighed and whispered to Tachibana.


"You're misunderstanding, Kiriyama." Nagumo laughed while fastening his belt. "I just checked out my new boxer, how do you think, Kiriyama?"

"Buy new boxer again? Why do you like the boxer that much? On your birthday, both Asahina and Kiryuin gave you a boxer, didn't they?"

"Yes, Nazuno gave me a boxer, but Fuuka gave me a brief instead." Nagumo smiled. "She wants to tease me. Chad never wears brief, you know?"

Kiriyama looked serious immediately.

"Oi, what's wrong with a brief?"

"my my, we have a brief guy here." Nagumo giggled.

"Well, so you're another brief supremacy?"

"Boy. What's the matter about the different kinds of panties?" Tachibana asked with confusion.

Nagumo smiled and walked to the couch.

"The thing is, Tachibana-Senpai. "He said. "The brief is for losers who never get the girl. They wear like the children because no one will see their pantie. But for someone that is often seen inside the pant by girls like me, underwear's style was as important as shirt or hair. The girls think the boxers highlight the body's line and look sexy, you know?"

Kiriyama laughed satirically.

"Ha Ha! The one wearing sexy boxers to get the girl just doesn't confidence himself! A real man doesn't need it!"

Tachibana raised her eyebrows.

"But you didn't get any girl and Nagumo-Kun just get a new girlfriend, doesn't he?"

The tears came out of Kiriyama's eyes.

"Anyway! Anyone who wears the boxers was a total manwhore!" He pointed to Nagumo. "Nagumo is manwhore too!"

Nagumo smiled. "That's harsh, Kiriyama."

"This is the only way that a virgin like me can insult you! Uwaaaaaa!" Kiriyama cried and ran out of the classroom.

Tachibana turned her face to her underclassman.

"Nagumo-Kun. What is manwhore?"

Nagumo flinched.

"Eh, Senpai. I don't think I should tell you. I thought you should wait until you grow up."

Tachibana pouted.

"Mo! I'm older than you!"

Nagumo looked around to make sure Horikita wasn't there. Then, he bent himself to whisper aside Tachbana's ears.

Tachibana's eye opened wide. Her face was painted red.

And then, she swooned.



When Tachibana Akane opened her eyes again, the student council room was dark. She saw the orange light through the window.

She heard the door opening sound, so she turned her face to the door and saw Horikita Manabu come into the classroom.

"Oh, you wake up. Tachibana." He said when he saw her.

"How long that I swoon, President?"  Tachibana asked.

"About 3 hours. " He said. "Other student council members are gone. You can go if you want."

"Will you go now, President?"

"No. I have to prepare the paper for the first year special exam first. " 

"So I will be with you. I'm your secretary anyway."

Horikita nodded. "As you wish." 

He said and walked to his table. Tachibana and Horiktia started their work. They paid all attention to their work.

No, not Tachibana.

As soon as she woke up, she knew what she want and she had planned her trick already.

She wanted to know what kind of panties the president wear.

If he wore the boxers, he might be the manwhore. Come on. This is Horikita-Kun. He was a respectable man. He isn't a womanizer like Nagumo-Kun, is he?

There is no way that Horikita Manabu will be a manwhore. But Tachibana wanted to make sure.

That was the reason she wanted to stay with him alone in this room. So she could run her plan.

Tachibana stood up and walked to President's table.

"President. What was the meeting yesterday about?" Yesterday, Horikita had a meeting with the principal and the chairman. Of course, Tachibana knew the meeting's topic. Although she didn't join the meeting. But she was the one who checked the minutes. That was the reason why she choose this plan.

"About improving school's rule about student's wearing," Horikita replied. "Someone in the board thought we're too flexible about student's fashion. They dye their hair too much. We walked into the school and we'll find someone with blonde hair without any piece of Cocasoid's DNA, the Chinese girl with blue hair and I met at least three girls who have white or silver hair."

He glared at his secretary.

"You have purple hair too."

Tachibana touched her hair buns.

"Mo, this is my natural color!"

"I'm sure Japanese---no, no nation in this world born with purple hair." Horikita shrugged his shoulder. "Anyway. I convinced them to not change the rule. Our students were stressed enough by special exams, just let them free with their fashion life."

Tachibana agreed. She pushed in.

"Say about fashion. I never know how your fashion taste is."


"Yes. President always works at school although on the weekend or vacation. I can't remember when is the last time I saw you in casual wear." 

"When you said it, I just realized how my taste of fashion is."

Tachibana raised her lips.

"Well, let's discuss it, we haven't chit-chatted for a long time, President."

"Last time we did, You looked at me with disgust," Horikita said with frustration. "You judged my anime taste."

"Well, I wasn't disgusting. It was my surprise Pikachu face. I always accept others' tastes. " She said although she felt weird back then when Horikita answered Yosuga No Sora without indecision after she asked him which anime that he felt the most relatable.

"Forget it. Tell me, President. What kind of shirt do you like?"




"What about shoe?"


"You like the leather?"

"You can say that. Actually, I want a black leather mask too."  

"So that is? And what kind of panties do you like?"


Horikita almost answered but then he realized something.

Would she accept his answer?

Horikita Manabu was different from other guys, his friend always said he had a unique taste. Although Tachibana said she could accept it. But in this case----he didn't think she could.

He couldn't tell her the truth. 

No matter what people say. If you're in love. You have to prepare to be a liar. Nobody is perfect, but not everyone can accept it.

In the end, love wasn't making your lover love yourself, but it was fixing yourself until she like you. 

And how should I answer?

He thought.

I have to answer some kind of panties that people normally use. Um. It shouldn't be some virgin thing. It has to be cool. What kind of panties that the chad wear? Ah, Nagumo! Nagumo is a chad. He said once he liked to wear the boxers

So he answered.




It was like being hit by thunder.

Tachibana tears flew on her cheek.

Manabu-Kun who she always admired.

Manabu-Kun who always help her.

Manabu-Kun, a decent and serious man.

Manabu-Kun...Who is the manwhore!!!!

"President---are the man whore!!" 

Tachibana screamed with disappointment. She ran out of the student council room crying.

Horikita stood up with panic. He was wrong! He should know it! If he wanted to be with Tachibana, he should show her his true self. He had to make her love him what he is.

He looked down upon love. This was his karma!

He had to follow her.

Horikita ran following her and shouted.

"Wait! Tachibana! It's just a joke. The truth is I like the black panties!!!!!!!"

Yes, Horikita Manabu liked the black panties. Black lace panties.

He usually wore black lace panties.

Actually. He was wearing black lace panties now.

He collapsed to the ground and wailed with pain!

"I like the black panties! Do you hear me? I like the black panties!!!"

"Animal---" Someone mumbled with fear beside him.

Horikita raised his face up and saw the girl with pink-blonde hair standing in the corridor.

He knew her. She was Ichinose Honami from class 1-B. She had to ask him about the student council's work once. He thought she wanted to join the council.

"I-It's not what're you thinking, Ichinose." He tried to fix her misunderstanding. But it didn't work.

"I-I'm not wearing the black panties, so don't attack me!" Ichinose cried and ran away.

"Damn it!!! I won't attack you!!!!!!!!!"

The corridor was filled with Horikita's scream. 

Today's result: Horikita lost.


"It's very scary, Nagumo-Senpai," Ichinose said.

"I know. Horikita-Senpai acted weird sometimes." Nagumo nodded.

Ichinose lowered her head with an uneasy feeling.

"I ain't sure if I will join the council."

"Why, Ichinose? You have the property to become the president."

"Well, I scare president Horikita very much. I saw him trying to hurt his sister and he screamed he liked black panties in the corridor with no shame."

Nagumo smiled softly and padded Ichinose's head.

"Look, Ichinose. You won't worry about it. If you joined the council, I promise I will protect you at all cost."



Ichinose smiled with happiness after her upperclassman's promise. "Thank you very much, Nagumo-Senpai. I have to go now."

"No problem. I hope we will work together."

Ichinose bowed to Nagumo and walked out of the Palette. Nagumo sat down on his chair and took a sip from his cup of coffee.

Then he grinned.

Just according to his plan.

Ichinose was in his palm.

Ichinose or other first-years who applied for the student council would never be accepted. Horikita knew Nagumo had a talent to convince them. He wouldn't let any of them be controlled by Nagumo.

Horikita didn't trust his vice-president now.

But it was his wrong move. Nagumo could use his talent to induce their feeling to resist Horikita. And they would trust him instead, just like Ichinose.

Nagumo started the plan with show his boxers to Tachibana and Kiriyama. Then, insulted Kiriyama's brief. Kiriyama would be angry until insult the boxer's guy for being manwhore. The virgin always used this word for referring to the chad.

Tachibana didn't know this word and then, Nagumo just told her its meaning. After that, she would be certainly curious about Horikita's underwear. Nagumo knew his president's taste, he also knew him enough until he was sure that the virgin monster will answer the boxers instead.

Next part, he predicted when Tachibana would wake up. then, he told Ichinose to go to the student council to apply at that time.

The rest was, let the misunderstanding do its work.

Now, Ichinose felt bad toward Horikita, she would feel worse after Horikita rejected her apply.

That would be the time love detective Miyabi stepped in.

Ichinose would become his.

Nagumo laughed when thought about this idea. He took another sip.

Today's result: Nagumo win.

Next Chapter: Welcome to volume 3!

Ayanokouji The Lucky Bastard volume 3: Island, Panties, and I

Coming soon.

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