By crybabybarbie

266K 15.4K 11.3K

โค๏ธCover by MadPierre_ Malia Ward was never the IT Girl. She was always a reserved, quiet student. Until th... More



3.8K 255 113
By crybabybarbie


Malia is pushing buttons I didn't even know I had. The crazy part is, I don't know if she's doing it on purpose or not. First, she went to hang out with Xavier again after I told her ass not to.

Then she responded to some dude's DM right in my face while she was laying on my chest. Now she chatting up some boy after the game we just had.

If pissed off was a person, it'd be me.

"Hey, Namjoon."

I stop walking and freeze and at the sound of Raeya's voice.

She's been blocked since Malia brought her up the last time. That day in her room, I really did block her. I've been able to force her out of my mind since then.


"You blocked me... on Instagram?" Raeya asks as she moves to stand in my view.

"I did." I confirm.

My heart feels like it's beating out of my chest.

"..why?" She wonders. Her eyes swim with confusion.

"Because I-.."

"Namu?" Malia calls as she walks out of the locker room.

Raeya turns her head to look at her at the same time that I do. My heart beats even faster. Malia looks between us, faltering in step.

Hesitantly, I hold my hand out for her, hoping that she'll take it.

"Oh..." Raeya says. "I see." She nods as she crosses her arms. "A crush."

Malia walks over slowly, unsure of what she's stepping into.

"You'll be over it one day." Raeya says, just to me. "I'll give you some more time."

Malia slides her fingers in between mine and I stare at her so I don't have to look at Raeya. The woman looks Malia up and down before walking away.

"What was that about?" Malia wonders, looking up at me.

I shake my head. "Nothing", I tell her softly. "Let's get out of here. I'm sweaty."

"Yeah, you could use a bath... or two."

We walk out of the building and down the steps. We don't say much else until we get to the suite building.

She lets me know that she's coming upstairs after she showers. I tell her that's fine, I'll be waiting for her.

Midas is already in the suite when I get up there. I can tell by the sound of his shower running and the bass of his JBL speaker.

I jump in the shower and run my hands over my body to spread the water. I tend to do a lot of my thinking while I'm in here. Lately, it's been revolving around Malia.

Everything about her is so inviting. I want her around all the time. She hangs out with me as much as she can and vice versa. Even though we both have a lot of practicing and schoolwork, we still spend time together. We've been doing it together the last week.

I just want to be around her always. Is that crazy to say? That she makes me feel... better? That I feel... safe?

'Safe' feels like the right word... but it also feels like the wrong word. I don't want to have to use 'safe'. So why is the word I'm looking for... 'safe'?

I splash water in my face, letting it roll my cheeks, taking the hot tears with it.

As I wash my body, I look up at the ceiling, willing them to stop. I've cried enough about this. I'm done with it. It's gone. There's no reason to cry about it any further.

Malia doesn't deserve that.

"Namu?" Her voice sounds from outside of the door.

"Yes?" I wipe my face.

That's another thing. Her nickname. It's cute, I like it. But my first instinct when she says it is to respond in the language that she's using. It doesn't phase her, she's never reacted to it. Jay and Camryn looked at me like I had three heads yesterday when I responded to her in it.

Not because I speak a different language, I told them that I do. Everyone knows. They've just never heard me speak it before. It threw them off.

I rinse my body off under the shower."

"Can I have some of your juice?"

"Take it. I have two."

"Thank you."

I turn the water off and wrap my towel around my waist. I open the door and walk to my room as she goes to the kitchen.

I get dressed in sweats and a t shirt before joining her. My heart thumps as I watch her pour herself the drink. She sips it from the cup and her eyes peek over it.

"You're wearing your glasses." She points out with a smile as she finishes drinking her juice. Malia puts it in the sink and walks to me. Her arms wrap around my torso and she looks up at me.

"Can you help me with my homework?"

"First or last class?" I ask.

"Last. I've been confused the entire segment. I just didn't want to ask for help in front of everybody."

"Why? If you need it, then you need it, Lia."

"I know... but still. I don't want people to think I'm dumb."

"You know you're not. Why do you care what everybody else thinks? You never did. When did this start?" I put my hand in her hair, massaging her scalp.

Malia's eyes bore into mine. "Recently." She says it quietly and that's all she says before she's leading the way to my room. She turns the heater on and we get into my bed as we work.

I help her with the things that she mentioned that she was having trouble with. They go as far back as two weeks ago. That's bothersome to me. Something is stopping her from completely doing what I know she enjoys; learning.

When we're finished, I tell her to put her shoes on and give her a hoodie of mine. I want to show her something.

She's tired as she grabs my hand to walk to my car. Our fingers intertwine without us thinking about it when we get in there. It feels natural for us to be this way.

When we get to the mural, I park on the street and get out. She looks around confused as she takes her seat belt off. She gets out and point to the side of the building.

She gasps as she looks at it. There's a smile on her face as she takes it in. "It's beautiful. They even got the jewel around her neck."

A couple nights ago, the guys and I went out to the bar for food. We drove past a movie archive building and on the side of it was a mural of Jack and Rose. I was on my phone but Tyrell slowed down as he drove by it.

"Aye, look. It's that sad ass movie Lia be crying about."

I snickered about the way he described before I looked at it. I knew I had to show her. She would love it, I thought. And she does.

"She threw it in the ocean at the end, right?"

"Yeah." Malia takes her phone out to take pictures of the building. A guy walks by with his dog and Malia stops him.

"Can you take a picture of us in front of this, please?"

"Sure. No problem." He holds her phone in his hands and she yanks me to stand with her. Was I expecting this? Not really. Am I complaining? No. I stand next to her as her pinky links around mine.

I smile at her as she smiles at the camera. She's so happy, her face has to be hurting from smiling so much. Mine is.

Realizing that I'm cheesing at her, I fix my composure and smile at the camera. The man shows us the pictures and we thank him. Malia swipes through them and squeals.

"Look, they're so cute!"

She's happy as hell but I can see her breath when she talks now. It's too cold for her to be out here. She's gonna get back in my room and boil me to death.

And she does just that. I have to strip down to some shorts while she's in her leggings and t shirt against me. I look at her as she sleeps. My heart skips up in my chest.

That's when I realize where this has been going the last several weeks.

I have a crush on Malia Ward.



Midas knocks on the door for the third time and I wake up. Crawling over Namjoon, I get up to open the door.

"Y'all dead in there or something?" He asks, playfully.

I'm too tired for jokes. "What do you want? It's early as hell."

"It's 11 o'clock. Wake Joon up. We going to the gym."

"No. You're not gonna take him from me."

"You just had him the whole night. Stop being stingy. He's allowed to have other friends."

"Not today he ain't. Midas gon head somewhere."

He smacks his teeth and opens the door. "Joonie, get up!" He calls to him and he rolls over.

He taps the bed a few times where I was sleeping before turning his head to the side. His eyes land on me and then move to Midas.

"Why y'all look so angry in the morning? She rubbing off on you." He scrunches his face up.

"Shut up. I'm getting up. Get out."

"So rude. Joon, we're leaving in 30."

"What am I supposed to do?" I stand there and look back and forth between them. Midas decides that that's his exit cue.

Namjoon sits up on the edge of the bed. "You don't have to go everywhere with me, Lia. I'll be back in a couple hours. That's enough time for you to watch Titanic."

I screw face him. Nobody asked him to say all that.

"Fine." I cross my arms over my chest and get in his bed.

"Don't do that."

"I'm not doing anything." I take my phone off my charger and text Xavier to see what he's up to. Maybe I can go out with him. Namjoon narrows an eye at me when he sees the thread.

I assumed he was going to say something but he doesn't. He gives me a kiss before before he stands up to stretch. His shirt rides up and his torso shows. My eyes lower and he watches me watch him.

"Stop looking at me like that." He puts his hand over his crotch.

"Like what?" I look into his eyes and he licks his lips.

"Like you wanna be nasty." He looks as me as he puts his hands on the bed on either side of me.

"And if I do?" I tease him. I didn't care to before. He just looked good. But now.... Maybe.

"What do you want from me?"

"You got tested since you got back?"

"Yesterday, why?" He looks me up and down with a furrowed brow.

I shrug. "Just asking." I kiss him and then lean back onto the bed. My phone buzzes and look at it. Namjoon has a look of curiosity on his face as he watches me.

"Let me know when you get those results back." I tell him and his eyebrows raise. He blinks at me and I text Xavier back before looking at him. "What?"

"What you got going on in your head, Malia?"

"Nothing." I shrug but his gaze doesn't falter. He doesn't believe me and that's not a surprise.

"You lying?"


That's all the confirmation he needs to pull me by my legs over to him. I laugh as he grabs me up. "Why are you doing this to me right now?" He says as he laughs and kisses me.

I cup his bulge and squeeze lightly. He clenches his jaw and exhales slowly. "Doing what?"


I rub my palm against him and push. He watches me as I feel him harden. "You're so big, Namu." His breathing changes as he looks at me. I pull him onto the bed and continue to palm him through his shorts. To reduce layers, I tug at the waistband and he licks his lip.

"Go ahead." His gaze is intimidating as I put my hand into his shorts. Pulling him out is... a wonder of its own. I rub him up and down and he twitches when I rub the pre cum around the head of him.

Enough saliva has gathered in my mouth as I lean over it. I tease him with the heat of my breath, close enough for him to feel it as I open my mouth.

I stick my tongue out and get close enough to let my saliva drip down onto him. It wets him up and my hand pumps and circles around him. I've been looking him in the eyes this whole time and his brows furrow when my hands glide against him.

He puts his head back on the bed and his Adam's apple bobs. He pants quietly as my hand moves against him. There's an urge to put my mouth on him but it's gone when I remember he hasn't gotten results back.

The last thing I feel like being is just another girl to give this man head.

I get lost in the quiet noises and pants that he makes. This is fun, watching him squirm.

"You're so tough until you're ready to cum, aren't you?"

He grunts in response and I speed my movements up. "Yes... don't stop." He gulps to ease the dryness in his throat.

"And what if I do?"

"Malia please." He says and I smirk. Look at everyone's D-1 point guard, whining.

"You talk about me and you're so needy."

I taunt him as his hands fist the sheets and he looks at me. He throbs in my hands as his thighs firm up.

"Lia, move." He looks like he wants to take over. Why? I started this, I'll finish it.

"No." I push his hand away and I hold it down.

"Li, I'm gonna-."

"Then cum, Namu." I smile at him and he puts his head back as his brows furrow.

He lets out a slew of curses as he spurts and spills onto my hand. I rub my thumb over his slit and he moves his hips away from me and hisses. When he's calm, he sits up and watches me grab the wipes.

I clean off my hands as he cleans himself up. I go wash my hands and when I get back in the room, he's looking at me.

"I don't want to go to the gym anymore." He says and I start laughing.

"Boy, get out. You can't just bail on Midas."

He groans as he stands up. He rolls his eyes and gets dressed. Before he leaves, he kisses me.

"Are you going to be here when I get back?"

"Mm hm." I kiss him one last time before he leaves.

+ I know people will be thinking 'ohmg Namjoon's always tryna be sexual'. If you read what was published of senior year, you already know why. If not, you'll figure it out if you haven't already

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