Yours, Forever & Always.

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Tom is at the end of his ropes. He left Edd and Matt, He's moving from apartment, to apartment, and has no on... Daha Fazla

A Knock In The Night.
Go Back To Biology Class.
Houston, I Have So Many Problems.
Time For a Bit of Improvisation.
Never Call a Crazy Guy Crazy.
Papa Bear: Gone Wild
I Found Out That Car Chases are Really Intense, My Therapist Would Not Approve.
How The Hell Did Our "Relationship" Change in One Night?
A Hoodie a Day Keeps The Assholes Away.
Les I'm Miserable.
T is for Trauma
Feel My Wrath and Extreme Self Doubt.
A Million 'What ifs?"
Can One be Funny When Stuck in a Room?
You Won't Believe This False Hope.
"You Threw Away My Milk!!"
I Should've Stayed in Bed.
My Baby's a Demon, You Know- From Hell?
Embrace for Impact.
Boop. Boop. Boop. Boop.
Please Don't Leave...
Old Habits Don't Die That Hard
I Am Running On Spite And Fury
The Sneakiness Is Strong With This One.
New Year? No Thanks.
Grumpy Beginnings
Sleepy Heads and Smelly Beds
Runnin' High On Serotonin
A Difficult Call
I wont hesitate BITCH
You Took My Hand And You Made Me Run~
Lemon Trees
Sweet Tom of Mine!
Th𝙴 𝚏𝑢𝑡ᴜᖇ𝙚 Ⓓo͜͡e͜͡s̆̈n̆̈'̆̈t̑̈ 🄴🆇🅸🇸 𝓽
Life of My Dreams Would be Promised and Someday be Mine~!
You Can't Marry a Man You Just Met.

How It All Began...Kinda.

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mrtobiaz_ tarafından

-this is the story of how Tom and Tord first got together! And to show a bit of Tom's childhood with his mom.-

"Keep running you little freak!"

Tom ran from the dumb bullies chasing him. "Yeah. T-That s-sounds like a g-good s-suggestion!" Tom panted. "I'll be s-sure to do th-that!"

Tom ran into an empty classroom. He sighed. "L-Lost 'em."

"You'd think that huh?" Tom heard from behind him.


The bully slammed Tom's head down onto a desk. Tom groaned and cried out in pain. The bully grinned evilly. And Tom had just the break to kick him where it hurts most. The bully cried out and held on to his baby makers and fell on the ground in pain.

Tom smirked. "W-We can't all be w-winners, h-huh Adam?"

"Fuck you...and your fucking stutter..." Adam mumbled.

Tom smirked. "M-Maybe later. W-Wanna w-watch?"

"No! Gross! You fucking slut!" Adam spat.

"I t-thought your t-therapist said not to sh-shame yourself? And that you were h-hurting your s-self esteem?" Tom smirked.

This shut Adam up. Tom ran out of the room with glee. Tom-1. Adam-0. Ha! He certainly was proud of himself. Now, where to go for lunch...Tom had a bran muffin with his name on it. It was what he's been waiting for all week! After four days of not eating anything, this was gonna be good!

Tom waltzed down to his locker when he was startled by some interesting conversation. And it started by none other, then Tord.

That little Norsk decided that, in repay to Tom teaching him English, might as well hate him! And gee, bully him? Oh that sounds just grand. Tom rolled his eyes. Edd and Matt still talked to Tord...maybe? They don't speak to Tom much. Probably because they didn't like him always getting into fights. But he can't stop that! They say to always speak up for yourself, and if someone's hurting you, say stop, but you shouldn't really talk back to your mom, should you?

Tom listened carefully to the conversation. They were talking loudly, Tom was in the area, he had a right to eavesdrop!

"So," Tord spoke. "I am throwing a birthday party tonight, it is Thursday, and I know it's weird to be having a party on a Thursday , so I figured we could watch a movie, egg some houses, then skip school tomorrow...are you in?"

Tord's friends laughed. The shorter of the two laughing harder. "Birthday parties are lame! And what makes you think we'd want to go to your party? C'mon Chad, let's leave this moron."

Chad snickered. "Aight Ethan."

Chad and Ethan left Tord standing in front of his locker. "God, parties are stupid. I should have known..."

Tom sighed. He should go see Tord. Be the better person!

No! That's a horrible idea me!

Tom sighed and nervously walked over to Tord. God stutter, can you just maybe not show up right now? Please? "H-Hey T-Tord!"


"What? Oh hey..." Tord mumbled.

Tom sighed. He looked down at his muffin. Goodbye sweet, sweet muffin. He handed it to Tord.

Tord looked at it with confusion. "The fuck?"

"It's a m-muffin."

"I see that?"

"It's b-bran, t-there's nothing b-bad in it. And it's r-really good."

"And why are you giving it to me?"

"B-Because it's your b-birthday! H-Happy b-birthday Tord!"

Tom held his breath. Ohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuck.

Tord took the muffin and smiled as he bit into it. "You are right! It is good. Thanks for remembering..."

Tom smiled. "N-No problem."

Tord sighed. "I am throwing a party tonight...wanna come? You do not have too, I know it's weird, because it is Thursday and all but you know, birthdays only happen once a year."

Tom smiled. "O-Of course I w-will. F-Fuck, I n-need a present..."

"No! No! I am fine. The muffin is enough!" Tord smiled.

Tom smiled. "S-So c-can I w-walk to your p-place with y-you?"

Tord shrugged. "Sure." And he walked off.

Tom smiled. His heart fluttered in his chest. He did it. He was nice to someone! And he gets cake. I guess being nice has its perks. For example, Tom gets to spend the night with his crush.

Yes, he likes Tord. Get with the program! This isn't new. Well, for pretty much everyone it is. Except Tom.

Anyway, Tom practically skipped to his last class. Today was a good day.

Tom stood outside of the school impatiently. Tord was a bit late, but eh. Who cares?

Tom does.

Tom cares.

"Hey! You!"

Tom turned to the voice. "Y-Yes?"

"The fuck are you doing?"

Tom rolled his eyes. "Y-You tonight. W-Why?"

The bully frowned. "Oi! Fuck off!"

Tom sighed. "Y-Yeah, you d-do that, C-Chad."

Chad rolled his eyes and sighed.


Both Chad and Tom turned to the voice. Both knowing who it was.


"Lay off of him." Tord snarled.

Tom looked around. "M-Me? H-He-!"

"No! Not you, Chad. Fuck off. He's my friend. Unlike you." Tord growled.

Tom gasped. He could barely believe his eyes! Tord called me...


Chad rolled his eyes and walked away. Tord smiled and walked to Tom. "Hey!" He smiled.

Tom could feel a faint blush rise to his cheeks. He smiled. "H-hey."

"So," Tord smiled. He slipped his hand into Tom's. "Let's go." Tom blushed and walked alongside Tord with a flustered expression. Tord smirked. "You okay?"

Tom nodded and looked away from Tord. The rest of the walk was uneventful. They walked hand-in-hand to Tord's house. They both smiled and walked inside of the house. Tord's parents ran to the door in excitement and Tom quickly let go of Tord's hand.

"Tord!" Pau smiled.

Patryck looked towards Tom and Tord. "Tord? Where's everyone else?"

Tord sighed. "They did not want to come. But Tom did! He gave me a muffin!"

Pau chuckled. "You haven't changed Tom."

"Well, I-I mean...I m-might've..." Tom laughed nervously.

Pat smiled. "Well, we have the cake in the fridge, but we're going out to get supper. It depends on what you want though, Tord."

Tord thought for a minute. "Meat lovers pizza!"

Paul smiled. "Good choice! Tom, do you have any new allergies?"

Tom shook his head. "No..."

Pat sighed. "Tom? Are you okay?"

"Yeah. It''s just...I h-haven't had p-pizza in a w-while...or even g-gone to a b-birthday p-party." Tom mumbled.

Tord smiled. "Well than, let's party!"

Paul smiled. "Okay! So Tord, as an 17 year old, you can almost do whatever you want. R rated movies? Sure! Drinking? Nope. Safe sex? Sure. Not safe sex? Hell no."

Tom blushed. "W-We w-won'"

Pat chuckled. "Paul, stop scaring Tom. Okay, we're leaving now!"

Tom smiled. "B-Bye, P-Paul! B-Bye, P-Pat!"

Paul gasped. "Oh wait! Here Tord!" Paul handed Tord a small present, which turned out to be a Norwegian romance novel.

Tord smiled. "I already have this, I bought it last week, but! I haven't read it yet! So thank you Far."

Paul and Pat wrapped Tord in a tight embrace. Pulling Tom into it as well. Tom blushed profusely.

Is this how most families act? Or is this just a Norwegian thing?

Paul and Pat left, and Tord smiled. He walked into his room and pulled out the other copy of the book, he handed it to Tom. "Here." He said while smiling.

Tom shook his head. "I-It's y-your b-birthday!"

Tord shrugged. "Exactly. It is my birthday, and I want you to have it."

Tom smiled and took it graciously, and Tord smiled. "So, what do you want to do?"

"'s y-your b-birthday..." Tom shrugged.

Tord smiled. "Wanna watch a movie?"

Tom nodded, and they walked towards the living room. Tord grabbed a movie and smiled. "Wanna watch It?"

Tom nervously agreed. And Tord played the movie. Tom smiled. "Ha! L-Look at that g-gore!"

Tord smiled and stared at Tom. Tom noticed this, and looked back at him. Tom leaned forward and pressed his lips onto Tord's. Tord gasped and Tom pulled away in a panic. "I'm s-sorry! S-Sorry! I sh-should've asked!"

Tord chuckled and shook his head. He pushed Tom down onto the couch and smirked. "Personally, I liked about you?"

Tom blushed. "" Tom swallowed. This is what he wanted. "Y-Yeah. I l-liked it."

Tord smirked again. "Kiss me."


"Kiss me."

Tom sighed. He grabbed Tord's hoodie collar and pushed their lips together. With Tord happily returning the gesture. Tord nibbled Tom's lip asking for entrance, which Tom graciously approved. Tom slid his hands up Tord's shirt and smiled with the feel of Tord's toned chest. Tord pulled away and replaced Tom's hands with his own. He slipped his shirt off and Tom bit his lip.

Tord smirked. "Like what you see?"

Tom nodded. "Yeah...I-I do."

Tord smiled. He slipped his hand under Tom's shirt and began to pull it off of him. When Tom butted in. Yelling, "stop!" A bit too late.

Tord stared in horror at the sight of Tom's chest. Tom sighed and tried to cover himself up, when Tord stopped him. "Hey..." he said softly.

Tom sighed. He shouldn't known this would happen! Tord's scared of Tom's scars. His whip marks, his burns, all of the healed and fresh marks. All of the little "gifts" left by his mom. He had tears filling his eyes. He wiped them away and frowned. "I-I...I'm s-sorry..."

Paul and Pat burst in with the pizza and cheered. Chanting happy birthday, until they saw Tom's face. "Tom?! What happened?"

Tord sighed. He grabbed Toms hand and kissed it gently. He walked over to Paul and Pat with Tom in tow. Tom sighed anxiously. And Paul and Pat froze. Pat inhaled sharply. "Paul...she's still at it..."

"I know...we should call someone." Paul mumbled.

Tom gasped. "N-No! Y-You can't call the p-police!"

Pat sighed. "We're not. But, you're staying here, with us."

Tom nodded. And Paul sighed. "Pat, love..." he pointed to Tom's chest. "Are!"

Tom looked down and shrugged. "I f-forgot those w-were t-there." He pulled each staple out. One. By. One. Tord flinched and grabbed Tom's hands.

"No!" He cried. "No more staples! God! That is unsettling! Faen i helvete!"

"Tord!" Paul shouted sternly. "Language!" Pat sighed he turned to look at Tom's back and gasped. "Tom! You're bleeding!"

"It's-its f-from this m-morning..." Tom mumbled. "M-My mom g-got mad. Because t-the school c-called her about s-some bruises."

Pat sighed. He grabbed a first aid kit and started bandaging Tom, also taking some pictures with his phone. Tom sighed. "S-Sorry T-Tord."

Tord shook his head. "No, trust me. I did not know this was happening, I am so sorry for being an ass to you."

Tom sighed. "It's-its okay..."

Paul sighed. "Pat...we should go."

Pat nodded. "Tom, take it easy. Okay? Tord, be gentle with him."

Tord nodded. "I will make sure he's okay. I will be gentle, and loving. Okay?"

Paul smiled. "Good."

And him and Pat left without saying much else. Tord sighed. He hugged Tom, and he inhaled sharply, and Tord pulled back in fear.

"Oh god! I'm sorry! Are you hurt?!" Tord exclaimed.

Tom shook his head. "N-No it's- it's just that I'm happy...I don't really have any other friends..."

"Well, now you have more than one. You have a boyfriend." Tord smiled.

Tom gasped and blushed. Tord kissed his cheek and smiled. Tom blushed. "T-Thank y-you..."

Tord smiled. "By the way, your stutter is adorable. Let's go and watch a movie. Some shitty romance."

Tom smiled. He went to sit on the couch, when he found Tord's hoodie laying on the floor.

Do it. Put it on.

Alright. No use arguing with myself.

Tom slipped the hoodie over his shoulders and smiled, inhaling Tord's sweet scent. Tord smirked. "You like my hoodie?"

Tom nodded, and rested his head on Tord's chest. Tord smiled. "Keep it. I have many more."

Tom and Tord laid together criticizing the dumb movie when Tord noticed a car drive past his house, turn around, and drive past it again. "Hm..."

"W-What's w-wrong?" Tom asked nervously.

Tord sighed. "This car keeps driving past the house."

Tom stood up and gasped. He looked out the window and gasped. "T-TORD! G-Get d-down!"

Tom grabbed Tord and pulled him down onto the floor. Tord frowned. "Tom? What's wrong? Who is that?"

Tom sighed. "It's-its my m-mom..."

Tord grabbed his phone and called his parents.

"Hello?" Pat called from the phone. "We're on speaker. What's wrong?"

Tord nudged Tom. And Tom sighed. "M-My-...m-my m-mom..." Tom stuttered. He turned to Tord. Tord smiled and placed a hand on Tom's. Tom exhaled deeply. "M-My mom is here...we don't know what to do..." Tom spoke, without stuttering! Tom smiled at Tord.

Paul sighed. "Okay, Tom. Get down. Make sure she doesn't see you guys, and if she comes to the door, hide."

Tord groaned. "Why can't we just use the guns?"

Tom shook his head. "What? No!"

"I agree with Tom." Pat started. "Just hide. We're on our way. Tom, can we call the police?"

Tom stayed silent.

Tord sighed. "Tom, it would really help. We can get you out of this."

"O-Okay..." Tom mumbled. "C-Call them."

Paul smiled. "Tom, you're doing the right thing." Paul then hung up.

Tord sighed. "Okay, what now?"

Tom shrugged. He kissed Tord's cheek gently. And Tord smiled. "Oh! I see." He leaned over and kissed Tom passionately. Tom smiled and leaned into Tord's gentle kiss.

Though, all was interrupted when they heard a strong knocking at the window above them. They both cautiously looked up and screamed.

Tom's mom stood screaming at them. Tord heard the familiar sound of the front door opening. Tom's mother ran inside in a fury of rage.


Tom jumped up. "Its-It's not what y-you think!"

She slapped Tom across his face and gasped. "I saw you! Fucking this little horned bitch!"

"Ma'am! With all due respect, we did not fuck, we merely kissed. There is a difference." Tord stated bluntly. All while keeping a firm hand in Tom's.

Tom's mother of course, noticed this and immediately blew up. "You turned him?! Made him fucking gay?!"

Tom shook his head violently. "N-No! I w-was always! I-I k-kissed him f-first!" He exclaimed nervously.

"You kissed him?! Did I raise you wrong?!" Tom's mother spat.

"Apparently so." Paul snarled as him and Pat ran inside. Tom's mother groaned and grabbed Tom's hoodie collar, and shoved him violently into the sharp countertop. Tom yelled out in pain as Paul and Pat attempted to pull Tom's mother away from him.

Tord watched in absolute, sheer horror, as Tom's mother violently punched and slapped him. Paul managed to pull Tom's mother off of him, and Tom ran into Tord's arms.

"Let me GO! YOU CAN'T HOLD MY CHILD AWAY FROM ME!" Tom' mother spat.

"He's sixteen!" Tord spat. "You fucking abuse him!" Tord held Tom close to his chest and called the police. Tom sobbed into Tord's chest and flinched with every word his mother spat. She grabbed a hold of Tom's hoodie and tried yanking Tom out of Tord's arms.

Tom panted and looked towards Tord. "T-Tord! P-Please, please! I-I d-don't want to go b-back! I l-like b-being here! W-With y-you! D-Dammit, I f-fucking l-love y-you!" Tom cried out.

Tom's mother gasped. "You do fucking NOT! I DID NOT RAISE A FAG!"

Tom sighed and pressed his lips against Tord before pulling away, letting go of Tord in the process. Tord gasped. "TOM! NO! YOU CAN'T TAKE HIM! PLEASE!"

Tom's mother forcefully pushed Tom into her car. Paul and Pat still held her back until, she punched Paul in the face, knocking him onto the ground. Pat gasped and held onto his husband in a panic. And watched angrily as Tom's mother drove off.

And Tord watched with pain as Tom screamed and cried from the backseat.

As she left, the fucking police arrived. Pat explained what happened, showed them the pictures, but the most they could do was call Child Protective Services. Pat of course, called them, and the police left.

"Dad! Far! Look at what they did!" Tord exclaimed angrily.

Pat nodded. "We know Tord..."

"They did nothing! Tom is hurt and I can not help him! This is not fucking fair!" Tord spat.

Paul sighed. "We'll drop you off at school tomorrow, tell Tom to come see us, if he's there. Okay?"

Tord nodded. Please be at school tomorrow Tom. Please, please, please.

Tom cried in the backseat of his mother's car. He looked at the small item in his hand. The last thing Tord gave him. His book.

He'd need to get a dictionary, and translate it, but Tom was excited. This was his book. He never had anything that was his anymore. Not since his dad died.

Once at his house, Tom ran to his room. His mom stayed in the car and drove off. Tom sighed. He went to take a shower. Afterwards, he needed to clean up, and set out some beer for his mom. If not beer, than vodka. And maybe, if he's lucky, he could make something to eat. Boy, how Tom wished he had that pizza.

Tom sighed and walked into the shower. He looked at his unclothed body in shame. He looked horrible. He turned away from his ugly self, and cringed as the warm water entered his open wounds, making them sting.

The shower didn't last long.

Tom got out and sighed. He left his clothes at Tord's. Pat wanted to see the full extent of Tom's abuse, so Tom stripped. Leaving on his boxers of course. Tom just had Tord's hoodie. Tom put on his boxers and hid Tord's hoodie under his bed. Well, he'd call it a bed, but it was just a small army cot, with a pillow, and a thin, scratchy, wool blanket. The cot was inside of his room, which was about the size of a linen closet, with a large, open window. Tom had a small dresser, and a bookcase, and that was it. That was his sanctuary.

Tom ran to the attic, and slipped on some of his dad's old clothes. He needed pants a size too small, so they'd fit around his waist. The shirt didn't matter much. He put on a gray shirt with a neon pineapple on it.

Cool beans.

Tom ran downstairs and cleaned. He swept every surface, dusted until everything was practically a fucking mirror, and finally, set a bottle of fresh beer on the kitchen table. He sighed. This was his routine.

Yes, he did this every, fucking day.

Tom sighed. He sat on the cot in his room. His mother ran inside and slapped him across the face, again.

"Why?! What did I do?!" Tom cried out.

"For being fucking alive! That's what! I NEVER WANTED YOU! OR NEEDED YOU! JUST FUCKING LEAVE ME!" She spat.

And with that, she left. Left Tom a confused, sobbing mess. He didn't ask for this! He didn't ask to be born!

Tom laid down and cried himself to sleep on his cot. School tomorrow would be better. It had to be.

It was not better.

Tom woke up and quickly tried to leave without aggravating his dear old mumsy whumsy. He kept his pants on, because, why change? But he put on a tank top. It was supposed to be hot, so yeah. Looking fresh, staying cool.

Tom put out another bottle of beer, and some water and Aspirin. In case you were wondering, the reason Tom needs to clean the house every. Fucking. Day. Is because his mom is a total germaphobe. But when she's drunk, she rearranges the fucking house to her liking.

Tom sighed and cleaned up after his mom's drunk ramblings from the night before. He smiled when finished. He grabbed his bag and turned to leave when he heard a AHEM from behind him.


"M-Mom?" Tom asked nervously.

She rolled her eyes. "Where the fuck are you going?"

Tom looked around, confused, he replied, "s-school?"

"I'm driving you today." She spat.

"B-But-..." Tom was cut off by a violent slap to his face. Tom sighed as tears ran down his face.

His mom rolled her eyes and walked out to the car. "Get in, stop crying and cover up your fucking face. Or just say that you fell down the stairs or some shit."

Tom sighed and had a quiet cry on the way there. He hurried out of the car when he was pulled back by his mother's firm grasp on his arm. She walked out of the car and screamed at him. In the fucking school parking lot!


Tom shook his head in fear. He looked around at all of the shocked students. Tom cried out in pain as his mom pushed him onto the ground and stood on his arm, forcing her entire weight on Tom's poor arm.

Tom cried out at his mom. "P-Please! S-Stop! M-Mom! P-Please!"

"Tell me, that you FUCKING LOVE ME! IS THAT SO FUCKING HARD?!" She spat. She grabbed Tom's head and smacked it against the firm pavement violently, practically splitting his head open. Tom screamed as tears streamed down his eyes. Tom opened one of his eyes and saw hope.

"T-TORD!" He called.

Tord ran to Tom's aid. He turned and looked behind him. "DAD! FAR!" He called before getting kicked straight in the face by Tom's mother.

Tom sobbed. "T-Tord...M-Mom...S-Stop..." Tom mumbled before passing out.

Tom's mom groaned. "Not this shit again." She kicked Tom's limp side. "Get up, bitch."

Tord gasped and pulled Tom closer to him. He picked him up and carried him into the school. He ran to his parents, who were talking to the principal in his office. Tord ran inside in a panic. "Dad! Far! Please! Tom needs to go to the hospital! He's hurt!"

Paul jumped up and called the police. Tom groaned quietly and nestled his head into Tord's chest. Patryck turned to the principal in anger. "This is what I'm talking about! Do you have cameras? Anything?!"

The principal grabbed his laptop and played the video of the reviewed security camera. He stared in horror at the sight of Tom's mom. Pat covered his mouth in shock. He had tears streaming down his face, and Tord sighed and rocked Tom close to his chest. He kissed Tom's forehead gently and frowned.

Paul sighed and hung up on the phone. He looked out of the window and gasped. Tom's mother stood screaming at the secretary, attempting to get into the office. Thankfully, the police arrived. And Tom's mother was taken into custody.

Tord smiled. He whispered softly to Tom. " are free."

Tom woke up and looked around in confusion. Tom smiled sadly. "O-Oh...I'm t-tired..."

Tord frowned. "You need to stay up, okay? Please. Stay awake."

Tom nodded slowly, and the office door opened to reveal a paramedic.

"Hey Pat. Long time no see." The paramedic smiled.

Pat sighed. "Hey Alan. Just, please help Tom."

Alan nodded. Tord held Tom close to him protectively. And Alan sighed. "Hey, I'm Alan. I'm just a paramedic, I'm not going to hurt you."

"Its not me I'm worried about. It's Tom..." Tord mumbled.

"I know. Some kids filmed the video and showed us. Don't worry, I'll take good care of him." Alan smiled kindly at Tord. "I'll take care of that bleeding lip too."

Paul and Pat rushed to their car to drive to the hospital, and Tord rode in the ambulance with Tom.

Alan smiled. "He's your friend?"

Tord blushed faintly. "Boyfriend..."

"Ah! Well, he's going to be okay. He has a broken arm, and some broken ribs, and I'd strongly recommend therapy, but with a bit of TLC, he's going to be okay."

Tord looked down at Tom and smiled. No matter what, they were going to be okay.

Once at the hospital, Tom had fully woken up. But he wasn't very cooperative. He was scared, and confused. -Tord...?" He asked nervously.

"Yeah?" Tord replied.

Tom sighed. "I-Is my m-mom g-going to be h-here?"

Tord shook his head. "No, no she won't be. She's in police custody."

Tom smiled. "O-Okay..."

"I'm just going to go to the washroom, okay Tom?" Tord said softly.

Tom nodded and away Tord went.

The paramedics led Tom in by stretcher. Tom sat up and groaned. Alan rushed in. "No, Tom it'd be best for you to lay down, okay?"

"HOW DARE YOU TELL ME WHAT'S GOOD FOR MY SON!" A familiar voice screamed.

Tom attempted to sit up, run away, anything! But he couldn't. His mother rushed in and ripped the IV's and needles off of him. Tom cried out in pain. "M-MOM! S-STOP!"

His mother slapped him across his face. "You do NOT have permission to speak to me!" She snarled.

Tom sobbed and cried. The hospital security attempted to grab her, when she pulled out a gun.

Tom froze. And his mom noticed this. "Oh! Now you listen to me! Is it the gun? Is it the fact that you hate me? I'll fucking shot myself Tom, my own son, hates me.

Tom shook his head violently. "N-NO! N-No! I-I d-don't hate y-you!"

"Use your fucking words!" She screamed shooting the gun at the ceiling. Tom sobbed and cried. His mother grabbed his arms and yanked him outside. She was just about to shove him into her car when Tord ran out. "NO! YOU LET HIM GO RIGHT FUCKING NOW!"

"Tom! Your boyfriend is here! How about, you see him one last time? Before he dies? Or would you rather it be you? Do you want to die?"

Tom nodded silently as he sobbed. It broke Tord's heart. Tom's mom gasped. "You do?!" She threw him into the car and locked the doors. Tom screamed and sobbed. The hospital's security guards ran out to stop Tom's mom as she got into the car. She sped away while shooting at the security guards.

Tord tried to run after her but couldn't. He screamed in rage. His parents came running in and hugged him tightly.

Pat cried. "Tord? Tord! Are you okay?!"

"Does it even matter?!" Tord spat. "Tom could be dead! He wants to fucking die!"

Paul sighed. He held Tord close to his chest. "You'll get him back Tord. We promise."

Tom cried. "T-TORD! T-TORD!" Then he felt a cold object pressed to the back of his head. He gasped.

"Fucking, listen up. I'm stopping at Walmart. You stay here, and stay down. You have my phone to play games, and I swear to god if you call the police I'll split your fucking skull."

Tom stayed silent. And his mother left. Keep in mind, it was extremely hot out. And the car's AC was broken. So Tom sat cooking in this hot car. He sighed.

He grabbed his mother's phone and started playing games, when he started becoming lightheaded. He panted. He looked at the time, she's been gone for no more than twenty minutes. Her trip maybe took an hour, longer if she ran into a friend, which happened somewhat often.

Tom sighed and dialled the number. He put the phone to his ear. Tom sighed. "H-Hello? I-Is this t-the p-police...?" He asked nervously.

The 911 operator smiled. "Hello, I'm Lacey, what's your name?"


"I'm sorry sweetie, can you speak up for me?"

"I-I'm T-Tom...a-and I-I h-have a s-stutter..."

"Oh, Tom it's okay. She what's wrong?"

Tom sighed. "M-My mom l-locked m-me in the c-car...w-we're at W-Walmart on th-third s-street..."

"Walmart on third...wait, are you Thomas Rose?" The operator gasped.

Tom nodded frantically. "Y-Yes, yes...t-that's m-me."

The operator smiled. "Okay I'm sending dispatch to your-!"

"N-No! S-She's c-coming back! F-fuck! W-We l-live at 324 B-Blackwire S-Street."

"Okay, Tom, calm down. Okay? Take deep breaths. I need you to stay on the line for me."

Tom sighed as he put the phone on speaker, and hid it under the seat. "O-Okay...b-be quiet..."

The operator heard the sound of the car door opening and closing shut. Then the husky, gravelly voice of a woman. She sounded very drunk. Then the sound of a nervous kid.

"M-Mom? Y-You c-can't drink and d-drive..." Tom mumbled.

His mother smashed a beer bottle on his head in anger. "I do what I fucking want to! YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" She started the car and drove off.

"M-mom...p-please..." Tom mumbled softly. His mother didn't hear.

The operator gasped. She had tears streaming down her face. She sighed. She couldn't say anything! She talked to dispatch, they'd be at the house in half an hour. Shit.

Tom's mother sighed, and parked the car. "We're here, wake the fuck up."

Tom slowly got up and sighed. His mother rolled her eyes. "Get out, unload the groceries, clean the house, and set out some beer and vodka for me."

Tom nodded. He sneakily grabbed the phone and put it in one of the grocery bags. He watched from inside of the house as his mom drove off. Tom sighed. He put the phone on the counter and made sure it stayed on. "H-Hello? L-Lacey?" Tom asked.

Lacey sighed. "Hello Tom, I just want to say that I'm so sorry."

Tom smiled sadly. "D-Don't be. C-Can you c-call someone f-for m-me?"

Lacey smiled. "Sure. Who is it?"

Tom sighed. "It's P-Paul and P-Patryck L-Lost. Th-Their son T-Tord is um...h-he's my b-boyfriend..."

Lacey smiled. "Sure. Calling them right now."

Paul sighed. "Hello? Who's this?"

"This is Lacey, I'm a 911 operator."

"What?! I'm putting you on speaker, Pat, it's a 911 operator!"

Pat gasped. "Oh god! What happened?"

Lacey sighed. "I got a call from Tom, he was locked in his car, he's back at his house now, I have 911 on their way."

Tord chimed in. "Can I talk to him?! Please?!"

Lacey smiled and transferred the call. "Thomas?" Tord asked nervously.


Paul and Pat smiled and cheered with glee. He was alive! Paul, Pat and Tord ran into their car and drove to get Tom. Tom sighed. "I-I um...I m-miss you T-Tord..."

Tord smiled. "I miss you too."

Tom smiled. "I-I..." he chuckled. "I d-don't k-know what to s-say! Um...m-my h-head k-kinda h-hurts..."

Tord sighed. "Lay down, Tom. It will help. Is it just a headache?"

"I h-had a b-beer b-bottle s-smashed against m-my h-head." Tom muttered.

Tord gasped. As did Paul, Pat and Lacey. "I d-don't f-feel good..." Tom sighed. He panted. "Th-there's uh...there's a...a lot of b-blood..."

Lacey then heard a knock on the door. She panted. "Dispatch isn't there yet, Tom is your mom back?"

Tom gasped. He looked towards the door and panted. "I-I don't k-know!" Tom looked at the phone and gasped. It died. Suddenly the door burst open, Tom closed his eyes and prepared for the worst. Then he was wrapped in a tight embrace. Tom opened his eyes and gasped. "T-Tord! O-Oh my g-god!"

Tom wrapped his arms around Tord and smiled. Tord kissed Tom's forehead and cupped his face in his hands. "Are you okay?!"

Tom sighed. "I-I m-mean..."

"Right, right. Sorry, stupid question. I am just so happy to see you! I thought you might have died!" Tord exclaimed.

Tom kissed his cheek. "I-I would've t-told you b-before I did. S-So I c-could s-say bye. Q-Quote m-me on th-that."


"It-It m-means it's a p-promise."

Tord smiled.

Paul ran in and sighed. "God, Tom come here."

Tom hesitantly walked over and Paul scooped him up in his arms. Pat sighed. "That gash on your head looks deep..."

Tord smiled half-heartedly at Tom, he sighed. "I-Is t-the police h-here yet?"

Paul sighed and shook his head. "No, I'm sorry." He put Tom down inside of his car. Tord climbed inside with him.

Pat smiled. "Tord, keep Tom self."

"Jeez, not even keep myself safe?" Tord smirked.

Pat rustled his hair. "I know you can keep yourself safe. But here, keep this knife. Stab her if she even comes close to either of you. But, try to keep down. Stay low."

Tom nodded, and awkwardly shuffled onto the floor of the car. He stared at the carpet and frowned. "I-I g-got blood a-all over..."

Pat smiled. "Doesn't matter, it's a rental."

Tom chuckled and gasped. He held his side in pain. Tord gasped. "What happened?"

Tom chuckled. "I l-laughed t-too h-hard..." Tom snickered.

Tord chuckled. "You scared me for a second there..."


"It's fine!"

Pat closed the door. He locked the car, but opened the windows halfway, so some fresh air can circulate throughout the car. Shortly after. She arrived. She started shouting at Paul and Patryck. She stepped out of her car and screamed. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Paul walked up to her and smirked. "Pardon me neighbour, what a lovely day! Could we par chance borrow a cup of your finest sugar?"


Paul took a step back.


Paul shrugged. "You said to walk away from your son, I'm nowhere near your son."

"Well I-...I-I..." She stuttered. Paul walked up to her and smiled. "Use. Your. Fucking. Words."

She gasped. "No not fucking quote me!" Paul smirked as the police neared the house. "Are those...? Sirens? Did you call the police?!"

"Nope. My phones dead."

The police pulled in and raised their guns. As did Tom's mother. "I will shoot you!"

"Go ahead."

Pat gasped. "Paul! No!"

Tom's mother punched Paul in the face, so much so that his nose was bleeding, again. He smiled and punched her even harder. She gasped. "You assaulted me!"

One officer smirked. "It was in self defence ma'am."

"NO! I'M GONNA SHOOT YOU!" She shouted.

One officer stood in front of her and smiled. "This gun? The one you dropped?" Tom's mother gasped. The officer kicked her onto the ground. "Hands on your head."



Tord led Tom out of the car. Tom gasped and hid behind Tord. Tom's mother ran to Tord and pushed him to the ground. Tord stood up and punched her. Again, she screamed. "HE ASSAULTED ME!!"

An officer held her back and put handcuffs on her. "It was self defence, ma'am." He forced her into a police vehicle, and an ambulance arrived. Tord looked at Tom and smiled and kissed his forehead. "You are free now Thomas."

Tom looked up at him and gasped. "F-Free?"

Tord nodded. And Tom smiled. Tord kissed him gently, and Tom kissed him back, smiling gleefully.

Paul and Pat smiled and hugged Tom and Tord gently as they pulled away. Paul smiled. "Come on. Let's go."

"Home? Paul, you're bleeding! So is Tord! And don't get me started with what happened to Tom!"

"No, Love, I mean go to the ambulance."

Pat smiled, and they all walked towards the ambulance together.

They now had a weird family. Beautiful, but still weird.

And they all loved every moment of it.

Okumaya devam et

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