Yours, Forever & Always.

mrtobiaz_ tarafından

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Tom is at the end of his ropes. He left Edd and Matt, He's moving from apartment, to apartment, and has no on... Daha Fazla

A Knock In The Night.
Go Back To Biology Class.
Houston, I Have So Many Problems.
Time For a Bit of Improvisation.
Never Call a Crazy Guy Crazy.
Papa Bear: Gone Wild
I Found Out That Car Chases are Really Intense, My Therapist Would Not Approve.
How The Hell Did Our "Relationship" Change in One Night?
A Hoodie a Day Keeps The Assholes Away.
Les I'm Miserable.
T is for Trauma
Feel My Wrath and Extreme Self Doubt.
A Million 'What ifs?"
Can One be Funny When Stuck in a Room?
You Won't Believe This False Hope.
"You Threw Away My Milk!!"
I Should've Stayed in Bed.
My Baby's a Demon, You Know- From Hell?
Embrace for Impact.
Boop. Boop. Boop. Boop.
Please Don't Leave...
Old Habits Don't Die That Hard
I Am Running On Spite And Fury
The Sneakiness Is Strong With This One.
New Year? No Thanks.
How It All Began...Kinda.
Sleepy Heads and Smelly Beds
Runnin' High On Serotonin
A Difficult Call
I wont hesitate BITCH
You Took My Hand And You Made Me Run~
Lemon Trees
Sweet Tom of Mine!
Th𝙴 𝚏𝑢𝑡ᴜᖇ𝙚 Ⓓo͜͡e͜͡s̆̈n̆̈'̆̈t̑̈ 🄴🆇🅸🇸 𝓽
Life of My Dreams Would be Promised and Someday be Mine~!
You Can't Marry a Man You Just Met.

Grumpy Beginnings

136 5 5
mrtobiaz_ tarafından

Tom rolled over and groaned. "Tord...get off of me..."

Tord mumbled something unintelligibly and continued sleeping. Tom groaned and sighed when he heard Torin crying over the baby monitor. Tom yawned and sat up. "I'm already up, so I'm coming Torin!" Tom stretched and turned to Tord. He sighed and elbowed him in the arm, and he still didn't wake up!

Tom rolled his eyes and went to see Torin. He looked scared. Tom picked him up and held him close to his chest. Now, Torin rarely woke up at night. So right off the bat this was weird. Tom walked back to his bed and kissed Torin's head gently. "Okay honey, you can sleep with us, okay? I love baby boy..." Tom hummed and rocked Torin to sleep. He yawned. He laid down and closed his eyes. When he felt something tugging at his blanket.

"H-Hello?" He called. He looked down and saw, "Marie? Honey, what are you doing up?"

Tom wasn't too surprised by the fact Marie was out of her crib. Tom left her bedroom door open, and though she can't walk yet, Marie has proven herself to be quite the escape artist. Climbing out of her crib, her playpen, and her car seat.

Marie sobbed and cried. Mumbling in a panicked tone. Tom sat up and pulled her into his lap. Torin was sleeping beside Tom on the bed, was, as in past tense. When Tom sat up, it must've scared Torin, waking him up in the process. Tom sighed, now having two crying children to care for, he needed a second hand for this. He turned to look at Tord and gasped. What was that?! I swear...out of the corner of my eye...was that someone in here?! Holding a knife?!"

"T-Tord? Tord, wake up!" Tom whispered. "There's someone in here!"

Tom's visor adjusted to the dark. And he could see the man come closer. Tom stood up and put Marie and Torin back into the bed. He looked in the bedside table for anything! A knife, a switchblade, a gun...something he can use to defend himself and his kids! Tom found the pistol Tord got him; Tord wanted Tom to be able to protect himself, after what happened with Marie, Tord didn't want to take any chances. Tom smiled in an panic and loaded it. He turned to the man, who was mere inches away. Tom panted and fired a blank extremely close to the man. He jumped and stared at Tom with wide eyes. Tom panted. "TORD!" He screamed. "Wake up! Why the hell are you sleeping?!" The man walked to Tom and held his knife to Tom's neck. Tom panted and screamed.

Tom fired another blank away from the man and Tord woke up. He stared with wide eyes at the sight in front of him. "Tord! Help!" Tom cried out. Tord looked confused, then he pulled cotton balls out of his ears. "Seriously?!" Tom shouted. "Cotton balls?! What the hell?!"

Tord shook his head in an angered panic. "I didn't! I swear!" Tord grabbed his own pistol and aimed it at the man. "Fucking, drop. Now. Hands behind your head."

The man gasped. "W-What...?!" He mumbled.

"Did he fucking stutter?!" Tom yelled angrily.

The man dropped his knife in fear. He fell to the ground and held his hands behind his head. Tom put the gun down and knelt down to see Marie and Torin. "Hey! Hey, calm down...okay?"

Tord ran to Tom and his kids. "Hey! Thomas, are you okay? Please? Are you hurt?! Are the kids hurt?!"

Tom gasped, he touched his neck and pulled his hand away to see blood. " neck..."

Tord gasped. "Shit." Tord ran into the bathroom to get a first aid kit. While, Tom spoke to Marie and Torin. By now they were calm, but were worried about their papa.

Tord came back in and sighed. "Okay, so-."

"This might hurt. I know, I know." Tom mumbled.

Minutes later. Tord faintly heard the door open, but brushed it off. Besides, he still had his gun. He turned to Tom, who was holding a wet cloth up to his neck. "Is it clean yet?"

Tom rolled his eyes. "Oh gee, lemme just look at my neck. Oh wait, I can't! I'm not a contortionist. And I'm not Matt. I don't have any mirrors on me 24/7."

"I know you're not, Love. Just, move your hand. I want to see if it broke any blood vessels or nerves." Tord stated.

Tom moved the cloth and groaned as Tord gently moved Tom's head, making sure he could still move everything. Tord sighed with relief. "Okay, you seem fine, but-...!"

"What the fuck happened in here?!"

Tord turned to see who spoke. Whereas Tom shouted, "language!" angrily.

Tord gasped. "Edd. Give us a minute before we deal with your bull...crap."

"What did you do to Matt?!" Edd cried.

"The man who held a knife up to my neck?! That's Matt?!" Tom spat angrily.

Edd ran to the man and took off the black ski mask he was wearing. Matt sat terrified! "Edd! You said Tim would be happy to see us..."

"It's Tom." Tom mumbled.

Edd sighed. "I thought so too! But, I said to use the knife as self defence. Not to hurt someone..."

"They had guns! They were going to shoot me!" Matt cried out.

"And I still won't hesitate." Tord snarled. He placed a bandage onto Tom's neck and smiled. "There! Are you feeling better?"

Tom smiled and held Tord's hand. "Much. Thank you, Tordy." Tom gave Tord a gentle peck on the cheek, then turned to Marie, who was frowning intensely at Edd and Matt. Tord smiled at her. "Darling?"

Marie turned to look at Tord. And Tord nodded. Marie frowned and spat. "G-g-go a-away!" Tord smiled and held her close to his chest. "Good job honey! You did amazing!" Marie smiled shyly. And Tom smiled as he held Torin and he fell back asleep.

Edd sighed. "Look, guys can we talk?"

Tom sighed. "Ignoring the fact that you broke in? Yeah. Sure." Tom said sarcastically as he stood up and walked past him, and Tord followed. The put their kids down to bed. Smiling and giggling as they smile and coo over their amazing bundles of joy. Tord smiled. "I wish we could stay like this forever."

Tom nodded and rested his head against Tord's shoulder. Tord picked up Tom and smiled. He was holding Tom's thighs as Tom wrapped his arms gently around Tord's neck. He carried him to their room. Tom yawned and mumbled a small, "I'm tired..." into Tord's ear.

Tord frowned. "I know, Love." He grabbed a baby monitor and turned to Edd and Matt. "Follow." Was all he said before walking out of the room. Edd and Matt sheepishly followed as Tom sighed and nestled his head in Tord's shoulder.

Tord walked into his office and checked the time on a clock he was placed on the wall. Tord groaned. "It's 3am...god..." Edd and Matt walked in a looked around awkwardly. Tom kissed Tord's cheek and Tord smiled. He sat Tom down on his desk, and leaned on it. With Tom resting his head against Tord's back, and Tord rubbing Tom's thighs gently. Tord sighed. "Okay, so breaking and entering, assault, and stalking. And somehow, you think you're in the right?"

Edd sighed. "Okay! We get it, we fucked up-!"

"Language." Tom mumbled against Tord's back..

Matt frowned. "What happened to Tim-...Tom?"

Tord sighed. "He is exhausted. It's a New Year, and of course, we stayed up, got a bit drunk, and hoped for at least three hours of sleep."

Edd jumped. "Three hours?!"

Tord shrugged. "We are parents. Sleeping is sort of rare. On on top of working at an army, sleeping is not a top priority."

Edd sighed. "Look, we want to talk about what happened...okay? We-...we want to stay sorry."

Matt nodded. "We know we screwed up Tord! We didn't want to hurt you, Tom or your kid. Or kids now. When did you have him?"

Tord sighed. He decided to go by Torin's birthday, which is December 19th. He went to speak when Tom butted in. "No? Don't tell them! They could hurt him! They could-...they could..."

Tord turned around and held Tom close to his chest. " is okay Torin's okay...Do you want to go see him?" Tom nodded and sighed. Tord walked Tom back to their room. He turned to Edd and Matt. "Wanna come?"

Edd and Matt's faces lit up. And the four walked into their room. Tom and Tord walked into the kids' room and stared in horror. Tom screamed in fear and cried into Tord's chest. Tord ran out to see Edd and Matt. "You were with us. It wasn't. It's not..." Tord grabbed Edd and Matt with wide eyes. "Please. You really want us to go back to normal? Right?!"

Edd nodded. "Yes! We hate being like this! Please!"

Matt nodded. "We only want you and Tom to be happy..."

Tord smiled while tears filled his eyes. "Then help us find our kids..."

Matt gasped. "They're gone?!"

"Where did they go?!" Edd asked in a panic.

Tom walked out of the room in a silence. He handed Tord a piece of paper. He sighed. And backed away. "I-I...I'm sorry..."

Tord looked at the letter in rage. His breathing became heavier and more laboured with each breath.

Edd looked at Tord with a confused expression. "What the- Tord! What's wrong?"

"What's wrong? What's wrong?! Whats wrong, is that Tom's bitch mother kidnapped our kids! And Thomas, I love you with all that I am, but her doing this is NOT FUCKING OKAY!" Tord spat.

Tom nodded. "I know...Tord. And it's fine. I know what she did..."

"But they don't! They think that your mom is amazing and so nice but SHE NOT! SHES FUCKING NOT! YOU HAVE SCARS ON YOU. SHE FUCKING ASSAULTED YOU!"

Edd gasped. "Tom? She-..."

Tom sighed. He was wearing his boxers with Tord's hoodie. He took of Tord's hoodie and threw it onto the bed. He spun around slowly in a circle while holding his arms out.

Matt gasped. "Tom..."

"See?!" Tord spat angrily. "She fucking whipped him. And who knows what she'll do to our children! Children...THEY'RE JUST FUCKING KIDS!"

Paul and Pat ran into their room in a panic. Pat ran to Tom's aid and sighed. "Tom? Are you okay?!l

Tom stared at Tord with a worried expression. "I-I...I just want Tord to be okay..." Tom ran to Tord and hugged him. "Please calm down...please. This isn't helping find them..."

Tord sighed and hugged Tom back. "I'm so sorry...I didn't mean to...god..." Tord sat down on his bed and sighed. "I just miss them. So, fucking much..."

Tom nodded and slipped Tord's hoodie back on himself. "I's my fault, it's my mom...I know..."

Edd shook his head. "No, it's our fault. Truly. Your mom reached out to us. She said that she hadn't spoken to you in forever, and that she couldn't reach you..."

"We thought Tord wasn't allowing you contact with her, so..." Matt mumbled.

"No..." Tom gasped. Tord stood up. "Thomas, let me handle them..."

"No!" Tom screeched. "They brought a monster here, and I blamed it on myself!" Tom turned to Edd and Matt with tears in his eyes. "You two are fucking retarded if you think that for one second that you are in the right. Because all you've done is try to break our family, and haven't even bothered to try to fix it!" Tom sobbed. "'re as bad as her..." Tom walked off towards his dresser. He opened the bottom drawer and searched tirelessly, eventually pulling out a thick, black duffel bag. He opened it and threw some clothes at Tord.

"Ta tak i vesken. Vi drar nå. Hun er sannsynligvis hjemme hos henne. Si til Edd og Matt at vi har klær til dem at de begge kan bruke våpen, så de vil være greie med å hjelpe oss, og de kjenner England bedre enn oss, etter å ha vært her og alle." Tom mumbled.

Bold is Translation:
"Grab the bag. We're leaving now. She's probably at her house. Tell Edd and Matt that we have clothes for them so they can both use weapons, so they'll be fine helping us, and they know England better. than us, having been here and all"

Tord looked confused. "Er du sikker på at du er klar for dette? Tom, hun er mammaen din."
Are you sure you are ready for this? Tom, she's your mom. "

Tom sighed and frowned. "Faen i helvete, jeg hater hun!"

"Dammit, I hate her! "

Tord ran to Tom and hugged him tightly. While Tom cried into Tord's chest. "Jeg hater hun. Jeg hater hun. Jeg hater hun..."

"I hate her, I hate her, I hate her"

Tord kissed Tom's forehead lovingly. I know. I know..." he turned to his parents. "Get the jets ready. Please." Tord sighed.

Edd sighed. "Look, even if you guys hate us, we still want to help."

"Tord you asked us if we really wanted to make things right, and we do!" Matt smiled.

Tord sighed. "Fine." He looked through the duffle bag and pulled out some bulletproof vests, glasses, and some guns. "Take these. And wait for us, okay?"

Edd and Matt nodded, and waited in the kids' room, while Tom and Tord got dressed. Tom brushed his hair out of his face and put on a black, skin tight jumpsuit, whereas Tord wore pretty much his old uniform, but in black. Tord looked at Tom and sighed in annoyance.

Tom looked at him and smiled. "Once we find the kids, I'll parade around in this suit, okay?"

"Still can't believe that is appropriate..." Tord mumbled.

Tom chuckled and kissed his forehead. They grabbed the duffel bag and with Edd and Matt, left to the hanger.

No matter what it took, they were going to get their children back.

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