FELLOWSHIP || Ateez Fanfiction

By Poicatari

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In the strange, magical world of Wolkmaar the young captain Hongjoong and his new crew, Seonghwa, a man from... More

Intro: The crew and Wolkmaar
Chapter One: Halt in Kroosborg
Chapter Two: Treasure Hunt
Chapter Three: Run Away
Chapter Four: Caring
Chapter Five: Storm
Chapter Six: The Clairvoyant
Chapter Seven: Kruslfaesd
Chapter Eight: Into The Unknown
Chapter Nine: Snowfall
Chapter Ten: Ispaledts
Chapter Eleven: Burglary
Chapter Twelve: Falling
Chapter Thirteen: New Friends
Chapter Fourteen: Deceived
Chapter Fifteen: Investigation
Chapter Sixteen: Alone
Chapter Seventeen: Family
Chapter Eighteen: Decayed
Chapter Nineteen: Chased
Chapter Twenty: Faisnvild
Chapter Twenty One: Unwelcome
Chapter Twenty Two: Nervous
Chapter Twenty Four: Trapped
Chapter Twenty Five: Kidnapped
Chapter Twenty Six: Enamored
Chapter Twenty Seven: Blinded
Chapter Twenty Eight: Coel Wajasi
Chapter Twenty Nine: Brotherly Love
500 Reads Special
Chapter Thirty: Information
Chapter Thirty One: Training
Chapter Thirty Two: Temple
Chapter Thirty Three: Through Wind and Storm
Chapter Thirty Four: Undiscovered Lands
Chapter Thirty Five: Foreign Island
Chapter Thirty Six: Split Up
Chapter Thirty Seven: Regret
Chapter Thirty Eight: Ungrateful
Chapter Thirty Nine: Going Back
Chapter Forty: The Border To Darkness
1000 Reads Special
Chapter Forty One: Memories
Chapter Forty Two: Trying To Escape
Chapter Forty Three: Rebellion
Chapter Forty Four: Inside The Dungeon
Chapter Forty Five: Hide and Rest
Chapter Forty Six: Exploring Nekra Cueda
Chapter Forty Seven: Set Me Free
Chapter Forty Eight: Into The Jungle
Chapter Forty Nine: Old Letter
Chapter Fifty: Dugang
Chapter Fifty One: House Number 666
Chapter Fifty Two: Just Imagine
Chapter Fifty Three: Wolkmaar History Lesson
Chapter Fifty Four: Rivalry

Chapter Twenty Three: Spooked

34 4 6
By Poicatari

Yunho POV
I wake up because Wooyoung is laughing very loudly in the kitchen.
Apparently I am not the only one who woke up because of him. Haneul sighs.
"Why is he always so loud? I wanted to sleep a bit more."
"That's just how he is. You'll get used to it."
I go into the kitchen and find the reason for the noise. Yeosang is trying to make himself morning eggs but it isn't going very well. Wooyoung just stands there and is laughing about his best friend's clumsiness.
I eat my breakfast then Hongjoong tells me to navigate the ship today even though it actually is Yeosang's turn today. I guess it's part of their birthday plan.

I put on my new shirt on that I bought yesterday at the village and go onto the deck. I take over the wheel from Seonghwa who goes straight to bed.
It's very hot and sunny today but the airstream makes it bearable.
Two hours later Yeosang comes onto the deck.
"I'm taking over now. Oh and Hongjoong told me to give you this."
He gives me a rolled up piece of paper. "Thank you for being a reliable member of the crew. You always take care of us and try to make us laugh when we are sad or bored.
P. S. I think I forgot a candle in the kitchen storage can you find it for me?"
Let me guess there is going to be another piece of paper in the kitchen storage.
I go down through the kitchen and open the small door in the back. I search through some boxes with various ingredients in them. I find the candle next to some carrots. As expected a piece of paper is tied to it.
"You're the sweetest, most loyal friend ever. Thank you for always being by my side and listening to my problems.
Love you!
P. S. You have a really nice view from the crows nest don't you?"
Aww, Mingi must have written it. He is so sweet.

I go up onto the deck again and climb up the main mast where I find the next paper tied to the mast.
"Thank you for being so caring and playing with me when I am bored. You are always there to comfort me when I miss my parents and lift me up when I feel insecure and unworthy.
P. S. Don't you need to go to bathroom?"
The warm message makes me smile. I climb down again and go into the bathroom. I search for the note but this one is a bit harder to find. I actually also need to pee. While peeing into the toilet bowl, I notice that the note is stuck to the bottom of the shelf next to the toilet.
After washing my hands I take the piece of paper and open it.
"You're the best puppy in the world! Please keep on making us laugh and cuddling us. Thank you for always being understanding even when I am annoying.
P. S. You should wear something pretty today."
You are never annoying Wooyoung, well... okay sometimes.
I go into the bedroom and open my wardrobe. I have to search through my clothes until I find the note between two sweaters.
"You are so handsome, tall, cool, sweet and cute. I sometimes wish I could be more like you. Thank you for helping me out of this sorrowful mood at least temporary. I will keep trying to be like a reliable older brother to you.
P. S. Do you want to drink some tea?"
Isn't Seonghwa already all of these things? Let's see who wrote the next message.

I go back into the kitchen. First I take a look at the teapot but the paper isn't there. Then I search for it on the tea itself but it isn't there either. Where else could it be? Maybe by the cups?
I finally find the paper under one of the cups.
"I am not good at expressing my feelings but thank you for always being there for all of us and not judging me for my family background. I hope you continue having fun and stay happy and healthy on this journey.
P. S. The engine is a bit dusty."
This seems like it was written by Yeosang. I hope you stay happy and healthy too.
I go to the engine room. I search the cabinet for the note but it isn't there. Then I spot it in the corner where we found Yeosang and Wooyoung after they snuck onto the ship.
"Thank you for being born. You are always so brave, witty and stay calm even when we are in precarious situations. Thank you for taking care and guiding me on this rough journey.
I hope everything you wish for comes true. Stay healthy and strong!
P. S. The captain is very messy."
I don't think I am that awesome but thank you Jongho. What does he mean with the captain is messy?
There are only two rooms I haven't been in yet. The captain's cabin and the storage room. I'm guessing he means the captain's cabin?

I go up onto the deck. Yeosang smiles and waves at me as I walk towards the captain's cabin. For some reason his eyes seem a little red and seem to be watering a bit. I smile and wave back then I quietly enter the room. I thought Seonghwa would still be here but he isn't. When did he wake up and leave? And where even is everyone? I just noticed that I haven't seen anyone while I was collecting the papers. Maybe they are hiding to surprise me?
I notice a piece of paper on the desk.
"Hey, Yunho. We don't really know each other yet, so I don't know what I should write. Anyway thank you for welcoming me so warmly on the ship. You seem very sweet and funny. I hope you have a nice birthday.
You can find your gift in the storage room."
Oh, so Haneul wrote one too. All the sweet messages giveme a lot of strength and make me happy. Did they not prepare a cake or a meal for me?
I go down again. I wonder what gift they prepared for me. As soon as I open the door I get startled by what is inside.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!", my friends screams. I laugh and hug them.
"Haha, you got me! So this is where you were hiding.", I say.
"Here, your present.", Hongjoong utters.
"I will make the lamb skewers now.", Wooyoung states and runs into the kitchen.
"Lamb skewers? Yummy!", I exclaim.
We sit down at the kitchen table and open my present. It's a new game that we can play together.
"I hope you like it.", Mingi says.
I nod.
"I also loved all of the messages from you."
"It was a bit embarrassing to write them though.", Jongho comments.

Suddenly it is rumbling and the ship is quaking.
"What is going on?", Haneul asks.
"I think I can see it. The ship is scratching against a small rock.", Wooyoung, who is looking outside of the window, says.
"Shouldn't Yeosang be able to see that? With this weather he should have a perfect vision.", San comments.
I remember seeing him with kind of red eyes earlier. Then I remember our conversation in the dark cave on Faisnvild.
"Yeosang's and Wooyoung's eyes are made for seeing in the dark but not for bright sunlight. The sun today is very intense. So he probably doesn't see much. They were also red and watering when I saw him earlier.", I tell.
"I completely forgot that his eyes are sun sensitive. I will replace him before he turns blind and wrecks the ship.", Hongjoong says and leaves. I also go up in case Yeosang has trouble seeing where he is going.
I guide Yeosang down the stairs and ladder.
Immediately after getting out of the sunlight, his eyes become less teary and he is able to open them properly again. We sit down in the kitchen next to the others.
"Your eyes really don't look good.", Mingi states.
"They burn a bit."
"Seonghwa is making a tea for you. Apparently it should help to calm them down.", San explains.
"I guess you and Wooyoung shouldn't go outside for too long here.", Jongho utters.
"That sucks! I wanted to enjoy the sun and get tan.", Wooyoung sulks.

A few minutes later Seonghwa brings Yeosang a cloth soaked in cold tea and puts it over his eyes. Shortly after the lamb skewers are also ready. They are delicious and later we have a lot of fun playing the new game.

3 days later
We just reached another island. I go up onto the deck where Hongjoong is waiting for us. He gives Wooyoung and Yeosang two hats.
"You can have my two sun hats to protect your eyes a little bit from the sun. Also I have never been on this island, so I don't know what to expect. Obviously there is a village on it. Let's see if they have an inn or something like where we can eat lunch before we explore the island.", he says.
We leave the ship. We walk over the dry ground towards the village in the distance. The grass here is a very pale green color, there are a lot of smaller bushes and the trees are weirdly shaped. The trunk is on the thinner side and the crown is flat but broad and gives a lot of shade. Some animals stand under them. They look like less fluffy, tall, brown goats with weird patterns on them.
"Aaah, there is something in the grass!", Mingi screams.
I look to the ground and spot a long, thin animal without any limbs a meter away from us.
"Oh, a snake! Don't get to close to it! It might bite you and poison you. Let's hurry up a little bit!", Hongjoong explains.
Mingi clings to my arm and we move on.

We finally reach the village. While we walk through village a herd of cow-like animals walks past us. Most of the others are afraid of them and hide behind me, Jongho and Hongjoong. The people here wear very colorful, patterned clothing. A lot of the men also wear dress-like garments, making us stand out in our shorts.
"Oh, I think over there is a inn.", Hongjoong exclaims.
The building is made out of stone and has a sign with a tea cup on it above the door. On the inside the walls have small, beautiful patterns drawn on it and the floor is made out of blue and green painted stones. A few handmade vases decorate the tables.
We sit down and immediately a tall, very tanned man with a beautiful black beard asks us what we want.
I order a tea and a stew.
"Does every island in Wajasi look so scary?", Seonghwa asks.
"Why is it scary?", Hongjoong wonders.
"The plants here look weird and poisenous animals and weird looking animals and all that stuff.", Haneul replies.
"It's just how things look here because of the dryness. It rarely rains in Wajasi. There is almost no vegetation on the main island and the islands around it. Only in Coel Wajasi it is really green because of the oasis."

Our food arrives.
"Are you adventurers?", the waiter asks.
"Yeah, we are.", Wooyoung answers.
"I would be careful if you plan to go into the ruins. There are lot of dangerous traps in there and it said to be haunted. Many adventurers and archeologists tried to explore them and had to give up or never came back."
The waiter leaves and we start eating.
The tea is a flavour I never had before but it is very nice. The stew smells very interesting and looks like nothing I ever ate. I take a spoonful and try it.... IT'S SPICY!!!
Wooyoung looks at me and laughs.
"Everything okay, puppy?", he asks.
"I didn't expect it to be so spicy!"
"Most of the food here is very spicy.", Hongjoong tells.
I take another bite and slowly get used to the taste. Some of the others also have spicy dishes and struggle a bit with it.

We leave the inn and the village. After five minutes we find the ruins that the waiter talked about in a valley. The building must have once looked like a smaller version of the one on my coin.
"We are not going to go there after what the guy said, are we?", Mingi asks.
"I have a lot of experience. I'm sure it will be okay.", Hongjoong says.
"But the rest of us doesn't. We should play it safe and not go inside. Maybe we can explore the area around it.", Seonghwa suggests.
"It kind of seemed to me that the waiter was just joking around and trying to scare us. The ruin also doesn't look that big.", Jongho utters.
"Yeah, it sounded very cliché: "There are ghosts... buhuhuhuu!"
Do you really believe that?", Wooyoung adds.
"Let's just vote. Everyone who doesn't want to go inside, raise your hand!", Hongjoong suggests.
Seonghwa, San, Mingi and Haneul raise there hand. I am unsure...
Jongho is right the waiter sounded like he just wanted to mess with us but on the other hand, last time I ignored a warning, it almost didn't end well.

Eleven years ago
I sit at the river with Mingi and stare at the forest.
"... anyway, mum was able to help the bird and I brought it back to its family. Are you listening, Yunho?"
"Hmm... yeah. It's good that you found it and were able to help it...
Do you ever wonder if all of the stories that the adults tell about the forest at night are true?"
"You mean the ones with the creepy sounds and shadows between the trees and that you might get possessed by a ghost and go crazy? I don't believe in ghost but the forest is creepy and dangerous at night nonetheless. Like, what if you get attacked by a boar?"
"I don't believe in it either. Should we go there tonight?"
"No. Like I said it is still dangerous and creepy."
"Pleeeaaase. I will protect you like always. I promise that we will have fun."
"Okay... but we won't go too far inside."

Late in the night when everyone is sleeping I sneak out of the house to meet up with Mingi.
"Did you bring a torch?", he asks me.
"Yes, let's light it when we are a bit further away from the village. Otherwise someone might see us."
We walk towards the forest. I light the torch and give it to Mingi. As soon as we enter the forest he is clinging to my arm again.
"It's so scary. Do you really want walk around here?", he whines.
"Yeah, I think it is kind of calming."
After walking around for a while, I spot a fluorescent mushroom in the distance.
"Woah, look at that mushroom.", I exclaim. I let go of Mingi's hand and run towards it to take a closer look.
It is a white mushroom that gives off a greenish light.
"Mingi, come over and look at it!"
No, one answers. It is almost too quiet.
I turn around but I can barely see anything. I turn around again and someone is standing a few footsteps away from me. In the moonlight I recognize Mingi's face.
"Oh, there you are. I got scared for a second. Why didn't you answer? And where is the torch?"
He doesn't answer. He just stares at me.
"Mingi? Is everything okay?"
He raises his arm and points into the forest. I look in the direction he is pointing at but don't see anything. When I turn around again, Mingi is gone.
"Oh, come on. That's not funny. Where are you?"
I walk into the direction where he just stood. I freeze as I walk through the dark forest. Sometimes I trip over some roots. Mingi is nowhere to be seen.
"Where did you go?"
I suddenly spot him behind a tree.
"Found you! Let's go back now before we get completely lost."
He doesn't say anything. Instead he turns around and goes deeper into the forest.
"Where are you going? I thought you didn't want to go too far in."
I follow him until we reach a very big old tree.
"Did you find something here? Why aren't you talking?"
I look into his eyes but his gaze seems kind of... hollow. Is this even Mingi? He does look like him. Two shadows appear between the trees. As they come closer I notice that they have also Mingi's face.
"Wait, you aren't him?!"
I try to get away but he pushes me backwards. I stumble and fall into a bush with thorns. I get several small cut on my arms and legs. The three figures surround me and come closer and closer. Then I spot a light between the trees.
"Yunho?!", I hear Mingi shout.
"I am here!"
The figures get startled and disappear into the darkness. Mingi runs towards me and helps me up.
"Are you okay? You are bleeding."
"It's fine."
"Who were those figures?", he asks.
"I don't know. Let's just get out of here."
We run through the forest until we can see the village. Was I really attacked by ghosts or was it just our imagination?

"Yunho? Are you raising your hand too?", Hongjoong asks.
I was so in thoughts that I didn't notice that I halfway raised my hand.
"Eh, I'm unsure."
"So it's fifty-fifty."
"Let's do the match thing.", Jongho suggests.
"The match thing?", San asks.
"You split a match in two uneven parts. Hold them in your hand so that they look the same length and let two people draw them. The one who gets the shorter one looses."
Jongho prepares the match. Seonghwa and Hongjoong draw.
Seonghwa draws the shorter one which means we are going into the ruins.

We enter the old building. There is a short halway with two small rooms to each side. They are fairly empty so we quickly move on to the main room. There are drawings all along the walls. Stairs lead down into the underground in the middle of the room. On the right side stands a small treasure chest. We open the chest which only has a little bit of gold and some robes inside of it and take a closer look at the paintings. They show mostly the everyday life of Wajasi's people. Then we light a torch and go downstairs.

The stairs are followed by a hallway that leads into a small room. In the middle of the room is a mechanism. It shows a picture of the night sky with a sentence written at the top: "The small cat and the big fish sail with the fishing boat across the honeystreet."
At the bottom are several buttons with star constellations that you can press.
"Ehm, does anyone know star constellations?", Hongjoong asks.
"I learned them as a child but it has been a while.", Jongho replies.
"Me too.", Yeosang adds.
We let the two through to the mechanism.
"The small cat is easy.", Jongho mumbles and presses one of the buttons. They discuss a bit about the big fish before they agree on a constellation.
"I think this is the honeystreet because it looks a bit like three honeycombs next to each other... kind of... with a lot of fantasy.", Yeosang tells.
"If you say so. I have no idea to be honest.", Jongho says.
"Do we have to press them in the right order?"
"Probably. I can't remember what the fishing boat looks like."
"Me neither."
The rest of us try to help them with the last constellation. We discuss for a while before we decide on one.
Jongho presses the last two buttons.
There is some rumbling and the upper-half of each wall goes up a little.
"DUCK DOWN!", Hongjoong screams which we all do. A second later arrows fly through the room.
"Well, that was clearly not it.", Haneul remarks.
"Now the question is, which of them was wrong?", Seonghwa states.
"I think we are pretty sure about the cat and the fish. The last two are the problem.", Yeosang says.
"Do you think the thing will shoot again if we get it wrong again?", San asks.
"Usually that's how it is.", Hongjoong answers.
"I have an idea! We could just stay ducked and one of us tries different combinations. We already have two symbols. So there aren't that many.", Wooyoung exclaims.
"Okay, let's try that.", Jongho says.
"I will press the buttons.", I state.
I press the same three buttons as last time, only for the last one I press a random button. Then I quickly duck down. It is rumbling again but no arrows are shooting. I carefully peek over the mechanism. There is now a passage on the other side of the room.
"Oh, it's open."
"Really?!", Wooyoung shouts into my ear.
"Good job!", San adds.
"Did you know the solution?", Jongho asks.
"No, it was just luck."

We move on to the next room. It's very cold and something feels unsettling. Suddenly our torch gets blown out and it's rumbling again. I hear Mingi, San, Seonghwa and Hongjoong panic. Someone accidentally steps on my foot.
"Sorry!", Jongho says.
"San!", Yeosang and Wooyoung scream at the same time. Someone pushes me. Then it rumbles again.
A few seconds later Hongjoong has finally relit the torch. Most of us are looking around confused. Wooyoung and Yeosang are knocking and pulling on the wall.
"San...", Wooyoung cries out. I look around and San is missing.
"Brother! He is gone!", Haneul exclaims.
"I told you that we shouldn't go in but of course you didn't listen! Look what has now happened because of you!", Seonghwa scolds the captain.
"I'm sorry that I brought us in this situation..."
"It's not your fault. We picked a match to decide so we ended up her by chance.", I say.
"But I suggested it in the first place."
"And ignored the warning.", Seonghwa adds.
"Let's calm down for now. It won't change anything if we dwell on our past decisions. Yeosang, Wooyoung what happend?", Jongho asks.
"San passed out! And then something pulled him backwards! We tried to hold on to him but it was a very strong force! Then he disappeared through a hidden passage in the wall!", Wooyoung explains vividly.
"Why did he pass out? And what pulled him?"
"I don't know. There was nothing. It was just like an invisible force that pulled him.", Yeosang tells.
"That's so creepy.", Mingi says.
"We need to find him!", Haneul states.
"Of course but how do we open the hidden passage?", Hongjoong wonders.
"There is a button on that wall.", Mingi comments and walks towards it.
"Press it.", Seonghwa says.
Mingi presses the button. The passage to the last room closes and the ceiling slowly lowers.
"I am sorry!", Mingi shouts and starts crying. I go and hug him.
"Lovely! I always wanted to get squished to death.", Yeosang jokes while the others are panicking.
"There has to be a way to stop this.", Wooyoung says.
We start searching the room. Two people inspect each one wall.
"I haven't found anything.", Haneul says.
"Me neither.", I remark.
The ceiling is already so low that the taller ones have to duck down. I start examining the floor. There has to be something, somewhere.

Then I spot it. One of stones on the floor has a small symbol engraved in the corner. I test if it's loose and it is. The other stones in the row are actually also a bit loose. I push the other stones all little bit to the side to make enough space to grab the engraved stone. But my fingers are just a little bit to big.
"Seonghwa! You have thin fingers, don't you? Can you help me with this stone?", I ask.
Seonghwa pulls out the stone. Under it is a button that is identical to the one that Mingi pressed. I push the button. The ceiling goes up again and a passage opens up but not the one that San disappeared through.
"Oh, thank god it stopped!", Hongjoong exclaims.
I help Seonghwa up. I notice that he keeps holding his stomach.
We go through the passage. Another corridor follows.
"This leads further away from the direction that San got pulled in. Should we really go in that direction?", Yeosang comments.
"I don't know. But it seems like the only option.", Hongjoong replies.
We arrive in the next room. Two of the walls are full of buttons in the middle is a pedestal with a book on it.
"Not another riddle!", Wooyoung whines.
Hongjoong opens the book. One chapter is marked in the index.
"Chapter Three: Photosynthesis"
The captain opens the chapter.
"This looks like one of the books that medicine apprentices learn with.", Seonghwa utters.
"Hey there is something on the floor!", Mingi shouts. He is standing in front of one of the button walls.
"The flower uses..."
Mingi sprints over to the other wall.
"... to produce..."
"So we need to explain this process that is written in the book?", Haneul asks.
"I think so.", Jongho says.
"Does anyone know anything about this... what is it called... Photosynsi... no, wait... Photosynthesis?", Hongjoong asks.
The room becomes completely silent.
Then Seonghwa speaks up: "Uhh... I..."
"You know about it?!"
"Ehh... No, it's just... I have been getting stomach cramps for like... 20 minutes now... and... I... I... kind of need to... uhm... poop... u-urgently..."
Wooyoung laughs out loud. The rest of us also can't help but giggle.
"Okay, haha..., maybe just go back outside and do your business there. But not alone, someone should go with him in case something happens.", Hongjoong says.
"I will go.", Jongho states.
The captain nods.
The two disappear into the hallway while the rest of us try to solve the puzzle.

The book is unnecessary complex and we need to read it several times to understand the topic.
"Okay as far as I understand it. A plant uses sunlight, water and this... carbon dio... xide and makes sugar and oxygen with it.", Yeosang explains.
"Really? You understand this ****? My head is already hurting from reading it just once.", Wooyoung comments.
"Okay but what do we need to do at this wall then? I see a lot of letters on the buttons. Do we need to spell it out?, Haneul asks.
"That would make the most sense.", Hongjoong says.
I look at the wall and see a sun symbol between the letters in the top left corner.
"I think we actually have a symbol for the sun.", I exclaim and point at it.
"Why is it so far up? That's discrimination against short people! You can press it, Yunho.", the captain rants.
We don't see any other symbols so we just spell the rest out. Wooyoung finishes spelling out oxygen then the rumbling returns. The passage closes and the floor behind Wooyoung starts opening up. We quickly get away. Wooyoung jumps over the holes just before blades raise from the ground. But he isn't quick enough to get away before they start rotating and hit him in the back. Wooyoung falls to the ground and crawls forward to get away from the blades. Blood is seeping through his shirt.
"WOOYOUNG!!! ****!!! Did it cut you deeply?", Yeosang screams.
I have never seen him so upset.

Authors Note:
I hope this chapter was somewhat exciting. I had a lot of fun writing it.
I can't believe Ateez already had their 3 year anniversary. I have been listening to them since Say my name and stanning them since a few days before Fever Era was announced (kind of a random point in time and it took me very long, I know. It's a long story. 😂). They have grown so much since then and I am so proud of them and happy that they got so much recognition over the past years.
I also wonder what they are going to do for Halloween.

Also it's AceWeek yaaay! 🏳️‍🌈🖤🐨🤍💜

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