Boruto Harem X Kyuubi Reader

By UnknownAuthor046

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❤Y/n Kyuubi Uzumaki, the daughter of the Nine Tails and Yuki Uzumaki. After her mother was killed by Madara U... More



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By UnknownAuthor046

Y/n as Mirajane Strauss

Y/n licked her lips, a sign of accepting Iwabe's challenge. Shikadai smirked, he knew that Y/n doesn't go easy especially in a battle. Denki was scared but excited to see both of his role models in a battle. The room went red, causing most students to close their eyes due to the blinding light.
The next thing, they knew, they were in a specialized area designed for battle.
The students stared in awe, some were scared of the outcome of the fight. The class rep, Sumire started to panic,"What do we do?","What about class!?", she blurted out nervously.

"So what,just blame them", Chocho said while eating her bag of chips.
"This is so annoying!", the young uchiha said, placing her hands on her hips.

"What? You scared?", Iwabe said with a smirk on his face, this just caused
Y/n to chuckle seductively and licked her lips. " No sweetie, I'm not scared, I'm ready to unleash my powers on you", Y/n said.

This caused Inojin to laugh, grabbing the attention of all the students.
"What's the matter with you", Chocho replied to his behaviour while slightly tilting her head.
"Hime-chan is truly wife material", Inojin said with a smile on his face while staring at the red-haired beauty.
Shikadai was tired of Inojin flirting with Y/n, I had the courage like Boruto but it was a drag to cause problems over a girl.

"This exercise hall is like a fighting ring!", Boruto said excitedly.
"This is going to be fun", he said .
Iwabe jabbed the end of his staff into the ground.
"Watch closely you guys!",he yelled loudly so all the students could hear him. Believe it or not, Y/n was truly prepared for this, 'forget the rules' was a quote repeating in her head.

"This is a ninjutsu match according to the Academy rules!",he stated and releasing his hand from the staff.
"Don't worry, I won't use it, because if I did, you'd die", he gestured to his staff, poor Shikadai was scared that she would become injured or worse.

Inojin walked in between Denki and Shikadai.
" Hime-chan will be fine but if he hurts her, I'll twist him like I do with a wet cloth, plus she'll be fine but Boruto, on the hand..." Inojin said coldly but his face lightens up after mentioning Y/n.
"But I guess he's not a coward, he's just stupid.",he added to his previous statement.

Iwabe threw shurikens at the duo, Boruto dodged them and Y/n hopped to the side.
"This gets better and better...SATAN SOUL!" Y/n said before activating her form.

"So this is the power of the Nine Tails", Denki said in a scared tone. Iwabe, himself was scared but he wiped away the thought.
Boruto threw punches at Iwabe, suddenly he collided into something, more like someone.

"Crimson Curse", Y/n said while smirking like a sadist. The force of the blow causes Iwabe to crash in the wall causing a crater. He was bleeding but he didn't care. Boruto flipped backwards to avoid the attack.
"Ara Ara, I'm impressed that you're not dead yet, I guess you can keep up a little. Boruto threw multiple shurikens and Iwabe dodged the m perfectly.

Then came a toxic gas came out of
Y/n's mouth, the students including Boruto cover their noses and mouths because if this gas was ingested and inhaled, the effects of nausea, dizziness, drowsiness or even death.
Iwabe feel dizzy and sleep, everything was spinning, this gave Boruto an advantage, Iwabe couldn't keep up, how aimed to punch him but Iwabe caught his fist, then he tried to kick him, but that failed as well. Y/n noticed, he had a very strong will but she was determined to knock it out of him


Forbidden Art: Dark Rasengan", she whispered to herself. That was it for Iwabe, he couldn't continue. He fall the ground, he was desperate to win this battle, he slowly crawled to his staff. Boruto took this as another advantage but Y/n stopped him.

He pulled the staff out of the ground, he hits the ground, causing the ground to break.

"He knows earth style too", Shikadai and Y/n said in sync.
"I become like the Hokage!", Iwabe blurted out.
Y/n just sighed "The Hokage doesn't use his power as a negative impact on others but he uses it for good, you are no where near becoming like the Hokage."
This angered Iwabe, he was about to aim after Y/n, until a bird took his staff from him.
"Super Beast Scroll", Shikadai said shocked.

"Inojin, why", Y/n was also shocked.
Inojin pointed to Iwabe,"If you placed your hands on her, you'll face my wrath and how cold my heat actually is."
"And also didn't you say you weren't going to use your weapon?", he gestured with a closed eye smile.
"How can you call it a fair fight after breaking the rules?", Inojin stated making Iwabe realize that he made a mistake, he broke the rules, his own rules.

"You're right...I'm uncool", he admitted as the class cheers.
No, Y/n did indeed want to see his will but this wasn't right, it wasn't fair for Iwabe to be sad because the path he thought leading to his future was wrong.
He didn't deserve this....

A/n: I really enjoyed writing this chapter, I'll write the part 2 for this tomorrow

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