Ereri oneshots

By Jace_Ackerman07

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Just a book with Ereri oneshots. Some of them are kinda smutty. Triggerwarning out (sh, suicide, rape, ED) More

As long as you're with me
Maby you're just a monster named Eren
Happy Birthday
AOT texts part 1
My boyfriend on his period
Last chance
Date night
Don't send me away
Toung piercing
I'm coming home
Shitty brat
My little angle
Ocian eyes
I love you, Eren
The innocense of desire (part 1)
The innocense of desire (part 2)
The german boy
Wedding night
One in two
My boyfriend on his period (Version 2)
My Toy
Happy Birthday (vers 2)
Long time not seen
Only Mine
Band contest
Dirty dog
Good morning
Baby, don't cut
Always (part 2)
Sorry, Levi
Mind change
The Letter
Family Dinner
Are we wrong?


57 0 0
By Jace_Ackerman07

Hey, my name's Eren Yeager, I'm 23 years old and I'm a quite popular photograph. I have my own studio and my clients are famous models from around the world. Today someone for me very special comes. The most famous male model of the whole country. Levi fucking Ackerman. When I got his managers mail last week, the first thing I did was just breaking out in tears. Call me cheasy, I don't really care. The thing is, I've always been a huge fan of Levi Ackerman and him coming to my studio was always a big dream of mine. Now he actually comes and I still can't believe it. Armin, my best friend and make-up artist tries to calm me down since three hours, 'cause I seriously started to panic, but he can't. Usually I'm never this nervous, but yeah, I told you why. ,,What if I mess up?", I ask, my nails digging deep into my upper thights. ,,It's gonna be fine! You're an amazing photograph and every client you've ever had loved your photos!", Armin replies and it's pretty obvious, he doesn't know what to do with me anymore. I look at the clock. Five more minutes until I have to have my shit together. My biggest fear right now is just, that I'll act to cringy and mess everything up. Shit, I really have to calm down, or I'm REALLY gonna mess it up. There I hear the bell on the frontdoor ringing and jump up like someone rammed a stick inside my ass. ,,Ready?", Armin asks and I nood slowly. ,,Wish me luck!" ,,I am!" I take a deep breath bevore I go into the reception room and there he stands. Damn, he really looks exactly like on all the pictures in those fancy fashion magaziens. Except for that he's much shorter than I imagened him, but okay. Okay Eren, time to get professional! Fuck, I'm too nervous. Just imagene him naked. Wait, no, that would make it even worst. Fuck, why am I such an idiot? ,,Ehm...hey.", I say and smile slightly, hoping I don't look to dumb. ,,Hey. You must be Eren Yeager.", Levi Ackerman replies and I nood. ,,Eren. J-Just Eren." ,,Okay, then I'm Levi." ,,O-Okay." Can I please stop stuttering like an idiot? That would be great. ,,Ehm...Shall we start?", I ask after a few seconds of akward silence and Levi noods. I nood too and lead him into the deeper studio. ,,Wow, your studio is really nice.", he says and I blush slightly. ,,Thanks. Great you like it.", I reply and still try to calm the fuck down, hoping he won't notice. ,, you have a room where I can undress?", Levi asks suddenly and I look at him confused. ,,What?" ,,Did my manager not tell you?" There I realise what am I supposed to do. ,,Oh...ehm...N-No, he d-didn't, e-ehm..." Fucking hell, Eren! Stop stuttering. ,,This fucking idiot, can't get anything right, ehm...Can we still do it anyway? Since we're both males it should it be okay, right?" Yeah, it would be okay! If I was straight, which I'm not by the way mentioned! ,,I-I don't know. Ehm...I've never done anything like that bevore, I don't know how to do that.", I stutter and Levi just shruggs his shoulders. ,,There's a first time for everything, but if you're too uncomfortable, then I can go again, it's completely fine." Wait, what? ,,N-No, I can do it, it's fine. J-Just go over there to my make-up artist Armin in the next room. He'll get you ready, then we can look further." ,,Okay." Afterwards Levi goes into the room, where Armin is and when he's out of eyeside I lean against the wall. What the hell is wrong with me? Ugh, he probably hates me, because I act so cringy. I take a deep breath and try to prepair myself for what's gonna happen next. I've never done a nude-shooting bevore and I'm not really sure how it goes. But Levi seems like he did that bevore, so maybe he'll help me out a little. Very professional, Eren! Very professional! Get your shit together and do your fucking job! God! I hit myself one time and feel overhelming confident out of sudden. Okay, Yeager! You're gonna rock this and set that man's ass in scene like no one ever did bevore! ,,Eren, I'm done!", Armin suddenly shouts and I sight, bevore making my way into the other room. I pull the white certain away and see Levi sitting on Armin's styling chair and I can see he Armin didn't change much. Okay, there just isn't much on Levi's face that you could change. My friend just matted him up a little and maybe put a little bit of black eyeliner on, but I'm not sure, 'cause his eyes were dark bevore too. Now I'm getting nervous again. Shit. ,,So, where can I undress?", Levi asks and I think for a second. I don't fucking now. ,,I'm sorry, but the only room you could use is the bathroom. Wait, I'll give you a towel, so you don't have to walk around naked.", I say then and the raven noods. I crack a little smile bevore I run the entire place, look for a big towel, what wearldy isn't easy to find here, and run back, to reach it to Levi. ,,Ehm...the bathroom is on the hallway first door right.", I say while he stands up. ,,Okay, thanks.", the raven replies and leaves the room. I hear the door closing and instantly burry my face in my hands. ,,You knew about that bevore, didn't you?", Armin asks quite unsure. ,,No, I was prepaired for a completely normal shooting, not for that!", I answer and my best friend sights. ,,Then why didn't you just say no?" ,,Are you crazy? I'm not giving up on that!" ,,I think that would be easier, if you just forgot your gayness, I guess." ,,I'm not even gay." ,,Whatever, ehm...Just try to stay calm and make the photos." I nood slowly and slowly make my way to the shootingroom. What kind backdrop do I use for that? I technicly got zero information about anything from Levi's manager, which is kinda conserning, if I think about it, so I guess I just have to improvise. This will work somehow. It just has to. With a sight I grab my beloved camera and do some settings, when I see a figure standing in the door. I look around and see Levi standing there, wearing nothing but the towel I gave him earlier. Damn, he's build nice. ,,Ehm...come in." I say and he steps into the room. It comes out Levi has the same clue as me, so we really have to improvise. We decide to just do some stuff on the random white couch I have just randomly standing around since like a year. This actually isn't as weard as I expected. At the begining it is really absolutely akward, but with the time passing, it gets better and I really start having fun taking the photos. ,,You know what I find funny?", Levi asks after a while and I shrugg my shoulders. ,,No.", I answer calm. ,,I find it very funny, how professional you're staying." I have to grin a little bit. ,,That's my job. If I wasn't professional, I would be a bad photograph." ,,That's not what I meant. Thirty minutes earlier you were a stuttering and blushing mess. I honestly didn't really understand how someone like you could make such great photos." ,,Wait, so you saw my works?" ,,Yeah, every single one. To be honest I've been following your social media for quite a while now and I'm really impressed." I blush slightly. ,,And I also really like your studio. The others I've been to were so fucking loud and full of people. I really enjoy being on such a quite place." I have to smile a little. ,,Yeah, already heard that maaaany times and I'm aways happy when people tell me that. Ehm...would you lean you face a liddle aside?" ,,Like that?" ,,Perfect." We spend another entire hour with taking photos and talking within and I have to say, Levi's really nice. I really had fun talking to him. ,,I'll send you the photos per mail then, when I'm done editing.", I say and Levi noods. ,,Thanks for your time. And...can I have your phone number?", he asks and my eyes widen fo a second. Did I hear that right? ,,Ehm...s-sure.", I answer and Levi reaches me his phone. I tipe my number in and give it back to him. ,,Great. Bye then!" ,,Yeah, bye!" With these words he leaves. Damn.

I sit on my computer and edit some photos I took yesterday, when I suddenly feel two arms wrapping around my shoulders. I turn around and see my boyfriend standing there, his head resting on my shoulder. ,,Hey baby.", I say and he roles his eyes. ,,Don't give my petnames.", Levi replies and I sight. ,,Why are you here? Didn't you want to wait at home?" ,,I wanted to say goodbye to you." My eyes widen. ,What? Why? Where are you going?", I ask, quite in panic. ,,I'm going to spain for a job.", Levi answer and burries his face in my neck. ,,And why didn't you tell me bevore?" ,,I just got told an hour ago. You know that Erwin is absolutely terrible at planning such things." ,,Yeah, I do. Then why don't you get a new manager?" ,,He's my friend, that would be something like betrayel.", I nood slowly and lean back against his chest. ,,How long will you be gone?", I ask and the raven sights. ,,One month." ,,One entire month?! What the fuck am I supposed to do without you in that time?" ,,You got along without me bevore too." I role my eyes. ,,Yeah, but I got used to you and I like having you around me.", I say and smile slightly. ,,You know, I still have an entire hour until I'm getting picked up. We can do quite much in that time.", Levi suddenly whispers into my ear and I grin. I know exactly what he wants. I stand up and grab his hips. ,,Come here."; I smirk and press my lips against his. After a few seconds I push him over on my desk and slide my hands under his shirt. I pull back from the kiss and grin. ,,Let's be quick with this.", I say and Levi noods, bevore pulling me back onto his lips. My hands wander to the buttons of his black jeans, bevore I quickly unbutton them und pull them down. Without really taking care of where they're landing I throw them somewhere in the corner. ,,I'm putting my fingers in now.", I say to Levi, who noods exited. Right afterwards I push one finger inside him and earn a little moan with that. Then I add a second one and start to stretch him out a little. ,,Hey, get on with it.", Levi says after a while and I sight. ,,No, just a little more.", I reply and the raven groans annoyed. ,,I said get on with it!" ,,Okay, okay!" With a sight I stand between my boyfriends legs and place myself on his entrace. ,,Ready?" ,,Yeah, now hurry up!" I nood shortly, bevore I push it in all at once, what causes Levi to half sit up and I feel his nails digging deep into my back. ,,Tight.", I whisper into his ear and leave a soft bite there. ,,Eren, move.", the other male says and I bite my teeth together, bevore I do the first thrust. And there I am. Levi's arms and legs tightly wrapped around me, my dick deep inside his ass and the strong earg to bite and suck on his neck, but that would leave marks and the last time I left a mark on him, he nearly killed me. Quite understandable with his job. Fuck, I love him so much. After our first photoshoot, we kept contact and after two weeks, we had our first date. That was two years ago and I'm now happier than I ever was bevore. We moved together two months ago and I love waking up to his stupidly perfect face every morning. Sometimes he's gone for jobs and fancy fotoshoots, but he's never been gone for so long like he's gonna be now. I don't wanna let him go. ,,Eren, I-I-I'm coming!", Levi suddenly moans and I grin. ,,Yeah, I'm too.", I reply and hold him a little closer. There his whole body cramps and I hear him letting out a loud, long moan. I come right after him and burry my face in his neck. ,,Damn, that was good.", I whisper and slide my hand over his back. With a sight I pull out and close my pants again. ,,Shit, my shirt is full of cum.", Levi says and looks at his shirt. ,,I have another one. You can have it.", I say and open the drawer, to pull out a black hoodie. ,,But it's way to big for me.", the raven replies and I shrugg my shoulders. ,,Oversized hoodies look good. Or do you wanna walk around with cum on your shirt?" He groans annoyed and grabs the hoodie in my hand. ,,Give me my pants." I nood and pick up his jeans from the floor. I watch him getting dressed again and when he's done I can't different but blush. He looks absolutely adorable in my hoodie. I think I'll let him wear my clothes more often in the future. ,,Rememer the time we first met?", Levi asks suddenly and I smile. ,,How could I ever forget that?", I reply and pull him a little closer to me. ,,You were absolutely nervous and I was questioning, if you're even able to take a good picture." I have to laugh a little. ,,That was because I've always been a huge fan of yours. And when you suddenly wanted to undress, I was completely overhelmed." ,,Did you have a crush on me?" ,,Maybe. I was hella afraid you might hate me, 'cause I acted so cringy." ,,I actually thought it's kinda cute." I laugh even more now. ,,Oh shut up!", I laugh and pull him into a tight hug. ,,I'm gonna miss you.", I whisper and Levi sights. ,,I'm gonna miss you too. But we can still text and call.", he replies and wraps his arms around me. ,,But it's not gonna be the same." ,,I know. I know. Just wait until next month and I'll be back." ,,I'll count the days." ,,Do that." We stay like that for a while, just holding eachother, until Levi suddenly goes back and cubs my cheek. ,,I have to go now. I love you.", he says and I smile sadly. ,,I love you too." 

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