By CrescentRWBY

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"Why I want to be a hero...? What kind of hero I want to be...? I... I... I'm not sure myself... I don't know... More

Chapter 1 (S1)
Chapter 2
Sleeping Kuuga
Chapter 3
Kuuga and Jiro
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 (S2)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
not a chapter
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 (S3)
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
New chapter?
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Thanks for 2k
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Sayo: "Yoohoo!
πŸ’žSave The World With Love!πŸ’ž
🎞Futari no Hero chapter 1🎞
🎞Futari no Hero Chapter 2🎞
🎞Futari no Hero chapter 3🎞
Zero: Q&A and Feedback section
🎞Futari no Hero Chapter 4🎞
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 (S4)
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Announcement (important)
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Gear check!
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61 (S5)
Status update (not a chapter)
How original
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Not a chapter update
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
In All of Our Hearts
Competitive Bowling (Zero OVA)
Chapter 68
Photo issues (not a chapter)
Chapter 69
Father's Day Special Chapter
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Plans and Curiosity
🎞 Zero: Heroes: Rising Chapter 1
Advanced happy new year
🎞 Zero: Heroes: Rising Chapter 2
New Art
🎞 Zero: Heroes: Rising Chapter 3
Meet the characters
🎞 Zero: Heroes: Rising Chapter 4

Surprise! (Special Chapter)

513 16 28
By CrescentRWBY

~(16th of October)~

The scene opens up to Kuuga waking up from his desk inside his room with the lamp still on as it shines over the music sheet with the title "Hero Too" on top. Beside the sheet are plans related to the visual effects for the planned concert. He glances at the glass door leading to their own personal balcony, seeing the sunlight going through. His tired eyes suddenly widened.

Kuuga: "Oh…"


The scene changes to the rest of Class 1-A doing their group's necessary preparations for the school festival when the elevator suddenly rings, revealing Kuuga bursting through it while panting and wearing a black coat shirt with a black t-shirt underneath.

Kuuga: (panting) "I'm sorry!"

Kirishima: "You okay, Kiriu?"

Kuuga walks towards the effects team and sits by them.

Kuuga: "Anyways, what did we miss here?"

Todoroki: "Not that much, Aisaka did suggest on a ghost flyby."

Sayo: "It's a cool idea!"

Kuuga: "What about the flying disco ball?"

Kirishima: "We're gonna need to buy a rope for that."

Kuuga: "I see."

???: (unseen) "A disco ball? (Chuckles) So cool."

The voice caught the whole class's attention. They stopped whatever they're doing, turning to see Arcane standing in the middle of the common area.

Sayo: "Ms. Arcane!"

Kuuga: "What are you doing here?!"

Arcane: "Oh? I was just stopping by to check on you. I heard of the festival as well, oh, youth…"

Kuuga: "I don't buy it."

Arcane crosses her arms and huffs.

Arcane: "Then don't. I just want to see how you're doing and how your classmates are treating you."

Arcane walks past her and approaches the band team and begins interacting with the members. Kuuga observed them carefully, witnessing Arcane's excited look while most of the band members except for a certain drummer gained surprised faces and began listening carefully.

After a while, she left the band team to themselves and walked towards the dance team and began whispering to all of them.

Kuuga: "What is she up to now?"

Sero: "It's rare to see other heroes stopping by here…"

Sayo: "Oooh! Is she going to help us?"

Kuuga: "I doubt it."

Todoroki presents a small notebook.

Todoroki: "We should continue working on this."

Kuuga: (nods) "Yeah. Okay, so-"

Kuuga was cut off when a guitar string was heard snapping. He swiftly turns his head towards the band team, seeing Tokoyami holding a guitar with one of the strings hanging on it.

Arcane: "Did something break?"

Kuuga: "Why are you still here?!"

Arcane: (sticks tongue out) "Ehe."

Bakugo: "What the hell did you do, Bird Brain?!"

Tokoyami: "Sorry. I may have bent the strings too much.."

Kuuga sighs and stands up, and walks towards the band team.

Kuuga: "Is there a replacement for it?"

Jiro: "No… we're gonna have to buy a new one. Can you go and buy some?"

Kuuga: "Fine. What gauge?"

Tokoyami: "I think nines will work. Less tension."

Kuuga: "I see. I'll be quick."

Ashido suddenly came running towards them.

Ashido: "Kiriu, you're going out?"

Kuuga: "Yes."

Ashido: "Do you mind buying us energy drinks? Like a ton!"

Ashido points at the dance team to see all of them excited.

Kuuga: "That's a lot of drinks!"

Ashido: "You could buy the boxed ones! Don't worry, I'll pay you back!"

Kuuga closes his eyes and looks away.

Kuuga: "Tch. I'm buying Blue Bulls, not those crappy Nomu energy drinks."

Ashido: "Deal!"

He crosses his arms as mathematical equations and "Blue Bull" drinks float around him.

Kuuga: (mentally) "If I were to buy a case of 24 drinks… they're doing brutal practice daily and there's approximately two more weeks of practice. All teams will be affected, I probably need around 5 cases or more… crap…"

Kuuga scratches his head aggressively, much to Ashido and Jiro's confusion.

Jiro: "Kiriu?"

Kuuga: "Fine. I'll buy it for everyone. But I'm bringing someone with me."

Kuuga begins walking away and suddenly grabs Kirishima by the back collar and begins dragging him away towards the exit.

Kirishima: "H-Hey, where are we going?"

Kuuga: "You're gonna help me buy some things, I'll treat you to some Karaage if you agree."

Kirishima suddenly broke free from the hold and placed his arms around Kuuga's arms with a grin.

Kirishima: "Why didn't you say so, you should've just asked! Let's go!"

Kuuga: "R-Right…"

Kirishima opened the door for the two of them and left. The tired status of the dance team suddenly disappeared as Arcane quickly stood in the middle of the common area.

Arcane: "Everyone! Just like we planned!"

Everyone begins gathering around, mostly going to the kitchen while Yaoyorozu starts making banners with her quirk, much to the effects team's confusion.

Sero: "Hey, what's going on?"

Sayo: "Yeah, Ms. Arcane, what's going on?"

Arcane: (giggles) "I'll explain while we prepare."

Ashido: "Um… it's also Kirishima's…"

Ashido: "Let's prepare for that as well!"

Ashido: "O-Okay!"


The scene changes to Kirishima happily eating the promised treat beside a food stand while Kuuga stood beside him, waiting patiently.

Kirishima: "Where are we going first?"

Kuuga: "Let's buy the easy one first."

Kirishima: "And that is…?"

Kuuga: "Guitar strings."


The scene changes to Kuuga slamming his right hand over a glass counter, talking to the music store staff while Kirishima nervously stands from behind.

Kuuga: "You don't have nine gauges here?!"

Staff: "S-Sorry! The last one was bought a while ago."

Kuuga facepalms with his prosthetics and shakes his head.

Kuuga: (sighs) "Fine."

Kirishima: "Kiriu?"

Kuuga: "Do you have any Les Pauls here with nine gauge strings?"

Staff: "I-I think so, please follow me."

Kirishima: "What are you planning?"

Kuuga: "You'll see."

The two boys followed the staff, leading them to a section consisting of multiple electric guitars.

Staff: "Here's one."

The staff picks up a Bourbon colored electric guitar.

Staff: "An Epiphone Les Paul Standard 60's Bourbon Burst. It looks like they're 9 gauges from the factory."

Kuuga: "I'll buy it."

Staff: "Don't you want to test it?"

Kuuga: "No, I'll take it as it is."

Staff: "I see… Please follow me to the counter…"

They went back to the counter and began preparing the bill.

Staff: "It'll cost you 77,970 Yen."

Kirishima: "Huh?! Kiriu, that's too expensive!"

Kuuga: "Sure."

Kirishima: "Huh?!"

Kuuga brought out his wallet and handed a fat stack of cash, surprising Kirishima even more.

Kirishima: "Where did you get that?!"

Kuuga: "I always keep tons of cash on me, not everyone accepts cards."

Kirishima: "But isn't that amount dangerous to carry around?"

Kuuga: "They must be a mad man if they try me."

Kirishima gulps as the staff hands Kuuga the guitar inside a hard case.

Staff: (grinning) "Thanks for shopping!"

Kuuga: "Yeah, thanks. Let's go, Krishima. We're buying some Blue Bulls."

Kirishima: "But isn't the Nomu Energy-"

Kuuga: "Don't you dare complete that."

Kirishima: "R-Right!"


The scene changes to Kuuga walking out of a convenience store, carrying the guitar case on his left arm while he carries dozens of energy drink cases with his mist. Kirishima follows behind carrying dozens of cases as well with one balancing on his head.

Kirishima: "Didn't we buy too much?"

Kuuga: "It's fine. I calculated it."

Kirishima: "But-"

Kuuga: "Don't you trust my math?"

Kirishima: "I trust it… but… yeah, I think it's good!"

Kuuga: "Okay. Let's hurry it up, we still have preparations to do."

Kirishima: "Right! Most of this is going to the dance team, right?"

Kuuga: "Who knows? We could sell the excess cans at the festival."


The scene changes to Kuuga and Kirishima approaching 1-A Alliance but the vibes it's giving off seems quiet.

Kuuga: "Why does the dorm feel empty? Too quiet..."

Kirishima: "Maybe they went to the school gym?"

Kuuga: (shrugs) "Whatever, I'm tired of carrying all of this."

He walks ahead and slowly opens the door, seeing Iida waiting for them. The four eyes stood in front of them while waving his boi hand.

Iida: "Kiriu, Kirishima! What took you so long?"

Kuuga: "Can't you see what we're carrying? They may be very light but getting your view blocked is something else."

Kirishima: "Yeah, they're harder to carry than they look…"

Iida stares at them for a few minutes before realizing the situation. He suddenly bows.

Iida: "I apologize for my ignorance! Please allow me to carry it for you!"

Before Kuuga or Kirishima can respond, Iida snatched the guitar case and the drink cases and sped away from the two of them.

Kuuga: "Hey, don't go around distributing them! Ashido still has to pay for it!"

He starts running after the Class Rep, shortly followed by Kirishima.

Kirishima: "Kiriu! I'm pretty sure they'll pay!"

Kuuga: "I'm not taking chances, I just spent like 80,000 Yen on a single thing and around 10,000 for all the drinks! I'm taking that-!"

They both round a corner, continuing chase but were stopped and surprised when two confetti party poppers blasted in front of them, revealing all of their classmates gathered together with excited looks on their faces except for a certain hot-head.

Class 1-A: "Surprise...!"

Kuuga: "Huh?"

Ashido walks forward from the group, carrying a Crimson-Riot themee cake.

Ashido: "Happy birthday, Kirishima!"

Kirishima's stunned face then turned to his iconic grin.

Kirishima: "Hey, thank you, everyone!"

Suddenly, Jiro walked forward, carrying a small purple cake, assisted by Kaminari and Sero.

Jiro: "Happy birthday, Kiriu."

Kaminari: "Sato really went all out on making these treats!"

Kuuga starts rambling.

Kuuga: "How did all of you know? All of my info is-"

Sero: "After you and Kirishima went out, Arcane started gathering all of us, but Ashido also reminded us of Kirishima's."

Kuuga: (mutters) "That woman…"

Kuuga crosses his arms and looks down.

Jiro: "Kiriu?"

Kirishima: "Hey, are you okay?"

Kuuga, still crossing his arms, reluctantly looks up and faces all of them with a blush on his face.

Kuuga: "It's not that I'll appreciate it, but… it's my first time celebrating it… I don't know what to do…"

Kaminari gives a thumbs up with a wink.

Kaminari: "It's pretty easy! You just-"


The scene changes to Class A celebrating the two boys' birthdays with some of them trying to get Bakugo to join. 

Kaminari: "Come on, Bakugo!"

Bakugo: "Shut it, Dunce Face!"

Arcane is seen watching the celebration from the front door beside Flash Bang.

Flash Bang: "Aren't you going?"

Arcane smiles.

Arcane: "No. I can't risk destroying his first celebration. It's better if he celebrates it with people who have been with him since his start. But me, I'm not even close to starting… Maybe next time. Let's go."

Flash Bang: "Right!"


It's October 16 in my time when this was posted, meaning it's Kirishima's birthday along with Kuuga's! (Also Tetsutetsu)

But it's not only them, this chapter was made because the author shares the same date!

See you all in chapter 62!

-Writer Crescent

1770 Words

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