The Return Of A Champion

By UltimateWarrior71

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Following the drama of An African Adventure Of A Warrior, this story follows Lincoln's life after he defeated... More

Chapter 1 A New Year's Resolution
Chapter 2 Tough Times lie ahead
Chapter 3 One More Match Against The Truth
Chapter 4 Rest Period from the drama
Chapter 5 A Break Away From The Ring
Chapter 6 The Final Hurdle before The Long awaited Rematch
Chapter 7 A Long Awaited Dream Becomes A Nightmare
Chapter 8 Trouble In Paradise
Chapter 9 The Big Meeting and The Return Of a Beaten Champion
Chapter 10 A Surprise Invitation
Chapter 11 Meeting The President
Chapter 12 Extended Family Meeting and A Preparation for a journey
Chapter 13 Unexpected Close Encounters
Chapter 14 The Deal With The Devil
Chapter 15 Sparring Practice for Martin
Chapter 16 Preparation For A Long Journey
Chapter 17 Long Way Down
Chapter 18 The Family Is Complete...With One Exception
Chapter 19 No Easy Way Out
Chapter 20 The Return Of A Loud
Chapter 21 The First Day Back
Chapter 22 An Uneasy Alliance
Chapter 23 The World's Most Awkward Dinner Date
Chapter 24 Hardcore Training-Lynn Jr Style
Chapter 25 Caught In The Act
Chapter 26 A Chance meeting with another warrior
Chapter 27 Disaster Strikes
Chapter 28 Where To From Here?
Chapter 29 Jamming Day
Chapter 30 Getting Down To Business
Chapter 31 A Painful Confession
Chapter 32 Creating Monsters
Chapter 33 A Dangerous Encounter With The World Heavyweight Champion
Chapter 34 A Brother's Promise
Chapter 35 Let's Rock and Roll
Chapter 36 The Dark Side
Chapter 37 Funny Business
Chapter 38 Whose The Best Ever
Chapter 39 A Night To Remember
Chapter 40 Twin Magic
Chapter 41 Burying The Hatchet
Chapter 42 The Sweet Science
Chapter 44 Emotional Roller Coaster
Chapter 45 Days Of Our Lives
Chapter 46 Children Meet Parents (Revisited)
Chapter 47 A Passionate Performance
Chapter 48 Weighing In: The Overconfident Champion and The focused challenger
Chapter 49 The Ultimate Final Showdown
Chapter 50 Together As One

Chapter 43 Here We Go

304 4 7
By UltimateWarrior71

10 October 1987

Lori was getting ready to go out with her brother as she was determined to get back on his good side but time was running out for her and the rest of the family as in just 21 days on October 31st, Halloween night Lincoln will fight Bruno Martin for his undisputed IBF WBA and WBC Heavyweight Championship of the world

And more than likely he'll be leaving the morning after the Martin fight never to return so the Louds window of opportunity to be forgiven was shrinking fast.

The pressure was on for The Loud Family

Lori got in her car and drove to the park where Lincoln told her they'll meet up so she packed lunches, 2 bottles of Orange juice and 2 bottles of Water into a picnic basket as well as some paper cups, spoons, forks and plates

The lunch variety was fish and chips, pork chops, sandwiches and gumbo with some money for a pizza if they needed one

Lori parked as soon as she arrived and began to set up the picnic starting with making the blanket

Meanwhile Lola was also figuring out what to do for her big brother as she also wouldn't want to be still on his bad books

She was talking with Lana and Lily on what to do ( We tune in)

Lola: I just can't let Linky leave us  for good again you know
Lana: Linc might not go as long as we prove that we have changed Lols
Lola: But I haven't had my turn with him yet how am I supposed to prove that I have changed if he just keeps avoiding me?
Lana: Look if I can get back into his good books then you certainly can

Lana comforts her twin

Lily: I have to agree with Lana big sister, Big brother might be busy but he'll give you a chance to prove yourself

Lola: You...Mean it???
Lily: Yeah just don't give up you have 3 weeks left that's plenty of time

Lola: Ok little sis I won't give up Little sis I'll make every day of these few weeks count
Lily and Lana: That's the spirit keep it up!!!

Meanwhile with Ashley

She was spending time with
The twins and her numerous cousins at the mall

Ashley: So Brandon what do you want to be when you grow up?
Brandon: Well I want to be either a court judge or a businessman
Liberty: He once said he wanted to be a fight promoter
Brandon: Shhh can you can it!!
Liberty: What it's the truth ( Laughing)
Ashley: Do you want to be that as those Don King types are thieves they steal fighters hard earned money and pay them peanuts
Brandon: That was years ago she's just crazy
Ashley: Ok then so what are you interested in?
Brandon: I want to be a court judge or businessman I don't want to work for someone I want to be the boss of everyone kind of like Dad
Hannah: What about you Libby?
Liberty: I want to be an actress and a supermodel
Dave: Wow that's awesome!
Liberty: Yeah what do you want to be?
Dave: I just wanna be a football player, soccer player or basketball ball player so I can play in the NFL, any soccer league in Europe but England and Italy are main goals or play in the NBA
Jackson: Wow those are great ideas I just want to be a fighter like dad is
Dionysus: Are you sure about I thought your dad said he fights so that you guys don't have to fight?
Jackson: I just want to fight my way up to the title after I beat the champ and take his title I retire same time
Diana: That's shrewd I don't know what I want to be right now to be honest
Logan: Ok cousin Diana so what are you interested in?
Diana: Well I'm 9 but I do like building things and I love maths
Ashley: Well Diana...I think you might be interested in engineering
Diana: Wow I'll look into that later on after I finish school
Brandon: Yeah she likes coming to watch dad fix things or replace things like lightbulbs, cars etc
Hannah: Yeah I also think that engineering thing might be better suited for you
Ashley: Ok guys let's go to the food court
Everyone: Heck yeah food food food

The kids run off to the food court

Meanwhile with the heavyweight division here's the updated top 10 heavyweights of the heavyweight division

Bruno Martin ( Champion)

1 Lincoln Loud
2 Tim Witherspoon
3 Mike Tyson
4 Tyrell Biggs
5 Carl Williams
6 Michael Dokes
7 Frank Bruno
8 Tony Tucker
9 Adilson Rodriguez
10 Trevor Berbick

Carl Williams won a unanimous decision against Randall Tex Cobb before knocking out a past his prime Mike Weaver in the 7th round in a rematch of their first fight in two stay busy fights

Tony Tubbs beat Rocky Sekrosi by unanimous decision before stopping Gerrie Coetzee in the 6th round before being knocked out by Michael Dokes in the 10th round after a very close competitive fight

Tyrell Biggs moved himself back  into title contention with a unanimous decision win against Jeff Sims and then stopping James Quick Tillis in round 8 before winning a split decision against Trevor Berbick

Trevor Berbick lost to Tyrell Biggs but won decisions over Anders Eklund and George chaplain to stay relevant in the division and he agree to fight Michael Dokes next year

Michael Dokes kept his hopes of another shot at the title alive with knockout wins over dangerous ranked contenders Pinklon Thomas in the 12th round, James Bonecrusher Smith in the 6th round in a rematch, Tony Tubbs in the 5th round and he destroyed James Buster Douglas in the 9th round and now was waiting for 1988 to fight Trevor Berbick and be in line for a meeting with The undisputed WBA, WBC, IBF Heavyweight Champion of the world and he doesn't care who wins between Loud and Martin he just wants a piece of the winner next year despite the fact he lost to both

Meanwhile with Lori After she was done setting up she was waiting for Lincoln to show up as he did say he'll come to thr park right after his workout at the gym as she waited for him after an hour and a half passed she got a little inpaitent

Lori: Where the hell is he?

Not long after she said that Lincoln came by running with Lennox Lewis

Lori: Where the hell were you
Lincoln: I was training duh and I was jogging around with Lennox I'm sure you met him right?
Lori: Yeah hi
Lennox Lewis: Hey Lori Loud right?
Lori: Yeah so are you gonna be a fighter too
Lennox Lewis: Yeah after the Olympics next year I'm turning pro and once snowball over here retires I'll Run the division and hold the heavyweight title
Lincoln: Hey!
Lori: So are you joining us for lunch
Lennox Lewis: No I'm heading back to the hotel to get some room service
Lori: Ok thanks for everything
Lennox Lewis: Cool

Lennox Lewis runs off

Lincoln: So you wanted to spend time with me?

Lori: Yeah I do but first let's have some fun
Lincoln: Alright I'm game
The two ran around the park and played on the swings and slide before skinny dipping in the park Lake and have a long swim laughing and splashing each other with water

A bit later the two dried themselves and were clothed again were eating as Lincoln had a sandwich with some pork chops and fish and chips same goes for Lori  they were having fun and eating she decided to talk to him she braced herself for his reaction

Lori: Look Lincoln I know you have a lot of anger towards me but I want to know where I stand with you

Lincoln shook his head at her question

Lincoln: Do you really wanna go down this road Lori?
Lori: Yes I'm ready to take it on it's better to find out now than later
Lincoln: Alright here we go but remember you asked for this

AN: Done Yes I cut it too early but I wanna leave a cliffhanger on y'all for the time being Lincoln and Lori are about to begin talking about their checkered past now things are gonna get hairy how do you expect it to
Please leave some comments for me I hope y'all enjoyed the chapter enjoy your day or night bye

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