The Return Of A Champion

By UltimateWarrior71

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Following the drama of An African Adventure Of A Warrior, this story follows Lincoln's life after he defeated... More

Chapter 1 A New Year's Resolution
Chapter 2 Tough Times lie ahead
Chapter 3 One More Match Against The Truth
Chapter 4 Rest Period from the drama
Chapter 5 A Break Away From The Ring
Chapter 6 The Final Hurdle before The Long awaited Rematch
Chapter 7 A Long Awaited Dream Becomes A Nightmare
Chapter 8 Trouble In Paradise
Chapter 9 The Big Meeting and The Return Of a Beaten Champion
Chapter 10 A Surprise Invitation
Chapter 11 Meeting The President
Chapter 12 Extended Family Meeting and A Preparation for a journey
Chapter 13 Unexpected Close Encounters
Chapter 14 The Deal With The Devil
Chapter 15 Sparring Practice for Martin
Chapter 16 Preparation For A Long Journey
Chapter 17 Long Way Down
Chapter 18 The Family Is Complete...With One Exception
Chapter 19 No Easy Way Out
Chapter 20 The Return Of A Loud
Chapter 21 The First Day Back
Chapter 22 An Uneasy Alliance
Chapter 23 The World's Most Awkward Dinner Date
Chapter 24 Hardcore Training-Lynn Jr Style
Chapter 25 Caught In The Act
Chapter 26 A Chance meeting with another warrior
Chapter 27 Disaster Strikes
Chapter 28 Where To From Here?
Chapter 29 Jamming Day
Chapter 30 Getting Down To Business
Chapter 31 A Painful Confession
Chapter 32 Creating Monsters
Chapter 33 A Dangerous Encounter With The World Heavyweight Champion
Chapter 34 A Brother's Promise
Chapter 35 Let's Rock and Roll
Chapter 36 The Dark Side
Chapter 37 Funny Business
Chapter 38 Whose The Best Ever
Chapter 39 A Night To Remember
Chapter 40 Twin Magic
Chapter 41 Burying The Hatchet
Chapter 43 Here We Go
Chapter 44 Emotional Roller Coaster
Chapter 45 Days Of Our Lives
Chapter 46 Children Meet Parents (Revisited)
Chapter 47 A Passionate Performance
Chapter 48 Weighing In: The Overconfident Champion and The focused challenger
Chapter 49 The Ultimate Final Showdown
Chapter 50 Together As One

Chapter 42 The Sweet Science

254 4 10
By UltimateWarrior71

8 October 1987

03:45 am

Lincoln and Christina were in the middle of a midnight fuck

Christina: Uh uh uh uh go harder babe!
Lincoln: I'm trying to but I don't want to risk cumming or waking anyone up!!!

Lincoln was on top of Christina as he held her legs on his shoulders as he pounded her pussy and he was gritting his teeth hoping he doesn't hit the orgasm wall yet but to be fair no woman even Rorisang could make their sex feel like their on a cloud more than Christina

Christina was enjoying every second of it as no man had made feel like she was on fire than her husband Lincoln

You would think that since they have 6 kids together they would lay off the sex awhile but these two just can't ignore an opportunity to make love and this husband and wife team did more together than just sex

1 They went shopping together
2 They enjoyed each other's things together
3 They paid a lot of each other's bills among others
4 And they like doing photoshoots together

Lincoln was now hitting her from behind, As the actress's ass danced or twerked to the pleasure in front of him which made Lincoln finally feel the inevitable build up that all guys wished they could control when it happens but sadly it's uncontrollable

Lincoln: Christina I'm going to cum!!!
Christina: uh uh That's good babe just keep going and pull out!
Lincoln: Ahhhhhh ( He pulls out and sticks his dick in the air as he shoots his cum in the air before gravity pulls back down as it lands on Christina's bare back and both her butt cheeks

The two breath heavily and deeply after their intense love session they tried their best to keep it down as the other house occupants are asleep
But they failed

Luna and Luan were up using the bathroom and getting a drink of water and overheard the noises coming from Lincoln and Christina's room

Before they looked at each other

Luan: And I thought I was the loudest of the family but those two are in a league of their own
Luna: Christina must have 10 ft long lungs ( they laughed)
Luan: Yeah at least it's over let's get back to bed

Back with Lincoln and Christina

They were just cuddling after their fun night waiting for sleep to embrace them and were talking in the meantime

Christina: So are you ready for tomorrow?
Lincoln: Yeah I'm not gonna let that pig butch beat me a second time
Christina: Good but don't hurt yourself Pigs do fight dirty
Lincoln: Yeah I learned that the hard way
Christina: Yeah let's sleep hopefully I didn't ware you out or weaken you before you face butch as he won't be loving when he comes at you
Lincoln: You know him loving me is probably worse as he'll obviously insist on me being the woman in the relationship ( they laughed)
Christina: Goodnight dear
Lincoln: Goodnight

The next morning

Lincoln was off at the gym sparring with Rocky Lockridge and they were both tearing at each other for 5 rounds as both got title fights 6 nights apart Rocky Lockridge will be defending his IBF Super Featherweight Championship Of The World against Johnny De la Rosa in Tucson, Arizona on October 25th while Lincoln Loud of course will be challenging Bruno Martin for his Undisputed WBA, WBC, IBF Heavyweight Championship Of The World on October 31st Halloween night

Now both men were beating on each other in sparring in respect Lockridge and Loud always respected one another in fact they know each other so well they would know if the other one doesn't engage or engages half heartedly then something is wrong

A bit later Loud, Lockridge and Benton were back at Liam's house and were doing all their training they did a week ago for the next several hours until it was finally time to face the boars

Lincoln was ready this time for butch and had learned a lot from his previous encounter

After both Benton and Lockridge stopped and beat their hogs it was time for Lincoln to take his and it was none other than Butch

As Lincoln got into position to await the soon to be released boar Liam opened the gate and out came Butch like a freight train straight for Lincoln but Lincoln jumped over the charging pig as it hit the wall before it turned and charged again but this time it was on the receiving end of a charge as Lincoln hit him Goldberg style with a spear the pig squealed in shock before Lincoln then slammed it into the mud before pinning him and checking off the last box on his natural training list to take down a pig

Rita was playing with her grandkids before she saw Brandon walking to the backyard in his swim trunks as he jumped into the inflatable pool

Rita got up and approached him

Rita: So are you having fun?
Brandon: Yes I am why are you asking?
Rita: Was just curious as usually your at the gym with your father not hanging around?
Brandon: I just felt like staying today need to spend time with other members of my family
Rita: Wait a minute did you just call us family??
Brandon: Yes since we do share the same blood I might not be happy with what y'all did to dad but I'm happy your trying to mend fences
Rita: Yeah but your father has changed a lot since I last saw him back in 1967 now it's 1987 and I'm struggling on what to say or do for him to see that I'm really sorry as forgiveness will be the most challenging and difficult for me and your grandfather and of course aunt junior above everyone else
Brandon: I noticed that judging by how dad told us the story your the ones who really must earn it
Rita: Yep so where's your sister and other siblings?
Brandon: Trish is asleep, Chris is at the park with Luan and Leni and their kids, Diana and Liberty are at the mall shopping for clothes which I hate I just prefer hitting the arcade, the comic book store and the food court
Rita: ( To herself) Like Mothers like Daughters and Like father like son these kids
Rita: Yeah these girl things can be really boring so wanna get out of the pool and let me cook you your favourite lunch?
Brandon: Do I Oh yeah

He hugs his grandmother before
He gets out of the pool and runs to the kitchen

Rita: Remember you have to wait 20 minutes before you get back in the water

Brandon: Yes grandma

AN: Done I'm back here's another chapter Lincoln beat the pig and Rita and one of Lincoln's kids had a heart to heart talk so tell me what you think how was the chapter and leave some comments on the comment section enjoy your day/night everyone bye for now

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