The Guy From The Tattoo Shop

By JessMOC

1.9K 35 12

"The problem is, you love the wrong people too much." My best friend tries to explain. Her words might hold t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 8

97 1 2
By JessMOC

Chapter 8

"Ready?" A giggle escaped from my lips "in three...two..."

"Bring it down!!" Cece laughed as we swallowed the strong liquid for the thousandth time today. At this point the burning sensation was a memory; numbness in my throat the predominant sensation. We were a step away from the definition of wasted. Seated at the edge of the pool, I swayed to the rhythm of the music. This playlist was damn great.

I could barely control my actions. I had lost track of time; it was already dark. Most of the people were drunk. I've been next to Connor and Cece this whole time, Alex checking up on us once is a while but didn't stay for long. Cece was less tense about him; I guess alcohol had a bit to do with her sudden change. It was getting kind of chilly, so a bonfire was getting set by the guys. I was playing with the ends of my shirt while Connor played with Cece's hair. She was so annoyed by him and would slapped his hands away once in a while; he would pout and stop for a moment, then go back to touch my best friend's golden locks.

We sat the little shot glasses on the floor. I took ahold of the hair elastic from my wrist to retain my hair on a bun at the sudden heat. Everyone was splattered around the backyard laughing and having drunken conversations; I was so glad I hadn't ditched this little reunion.

Once I had enough of Cece and Connor, I stood up and went to find Alex. I looked around, until I found him trying to clean the broken pieces of a crystal artifact from the floor with a worried expression. When he noticed me approaching, he looked at me.

"I'm so fucked up."

I raised an eyebrow and ducked, helping him gather most of the pieces. "Why?"

"Because" he paused, checking his thumb carefully " great, I just sliced my skin open"

"You okay?" I asked slightly concerned.

"Yeah..." He stood up, I mirrored his action " my mom will have my balls. This was her favorite... Whatever that thing is," Alex pointed to the shattered pieces " or was..."

" Can't you get her another one before she comes back?"

"Not possible. Unless I go to France, and have an encounter with my death father so he can tell me were he got it. Otherwise, no."

I was speechless. What was I suppose to say? I'm so awkward sometimes and that's living out the whole alcoholic invasion taking control over most of the things I did or thought ; so I just said the first thing that came to my head. "was your father for France?." I was aware of how insensitive that sounded, but I could barely hold my weight in a stable position. Even drunk, I felt bad and I didn't wanted to say 'sorry' just for the natural fact that is death. It's not the right term for the moment nor the situation as strange as it seemed. I know how stupid I sounded but I.. I didn't care? Yeah, yeah. I didn't.

"My entire family is from there. I was born in Bordeaux, a city France. My mom and biological father got married in Paris; then my father died from illness when I was six. We moved from Bordeaux to Auvergne -another region in France- and then when I was nine, mom met Allard, Damian's father. Mom was a good international business woman, so she started working in his hotel and then, they felt in love. Damian was seven while then and he was one hell of a grumpy kid. Now, I have survived to count this." He laughed, I as well.

"Yeah. God you were lucky" I smiled

"I don't know why I just told you all that..."

"Oh, don't worry. I'm glad to hear it. It's interesting"

"You don't even know.."

" I have a question though..." I said/slurred.


"What about Damian's mom? You never mentioned her" he swallowed.

"Well, yeah. Tha-"

"That's none of your fucking business" a very angry Damian interrupted from beside us. I snapped my head towards him. Where did he even come from?

"It was just a question. Jeez" I raised my hands.

"It's none of your goddamn concern" he spat throwing daggers at me. "What were you going to say?" He screamed, this time to his brother.

" I wasn't going to say anything" Alex monotonously spoke.


"Shut the fuck up!!" Before I knew what I was saying I shouted the words for Damien. He was looking at me incredulously now; I kept letting sentences fall from my lips without restraint, " you're such a fucking brat! Do you always have to be like that towards your brother?! At least have some respect. He pulls up with so much of your shit already!"

"Shh. It's okay, Aaren. Why don't you go back to the rest of the people. I'll meet you there in a few" Alex tried, but I wasn't taking it.

"No Alex. Don't let him be such a son of a bitch towards you!"

"Who the fuck do you think you are?!" Damian yelled back. I could heard his elaborated intakes of air. He was a living ball of fire, full of anger. His fury was nearly blinding.

"Thank God, nothing related to you! Disgraceful piece of crap!" I screamed, mad now. Damian was shaking at this point but all I thought about was the way his jaw would locked and unlocked in anger. The way his eyes seemed to look at me with extreme intensity. The way his big hands would open and close trying not to hit someone, hopefully me. I knew I wasn't thinking straight but I barely considered things in this moment. All I felt was the need to make him mad, hate me. This sounded like the top thing on the 'to do to die' list, but the passion he dedicated to this feeling -even being far from a positive one- was overwhelming. Calling even. Like a magnetic danger, like a secretive drug; something dark, addictive and pulling, but at the same time wrong and sinful. I liked making him mad. I never felt this stupid urge towards anyone, normally I'm the one being annoyed; but there's something in this that I can't quite put my finger on...yet.

In the blink of an eye Damian lashed out. He took ahold of the table full of alcoholic beverages and toppled it over, it falling harshly on the floor. The Wooden furniture cracked after the impact, breaking and shattering most of the glass bottles. The noise was horrendous; at this point everyone was gathered in a circle around us.

I was frozen. Everyone silent, perplexed. Cece and Connor were the last ones to arrive. My best friend ran to me. "Are you okay? What happened?!"

"Get out of my fucking house. This party is over!" Damian yelled.

"Nobody is living unless they want to!" Alex screamed back. I had never seen Alex so mad before. He gave his brother a killer glare, then spoke again "please guys. Go back to where you were. Nothing happened. Just go back, please" he said. No one moved a finger.

"Everyone, go!" Cece screamed looking at Alex "you heard him, nothing happened" she looked at the people and hesitantly, the mass slowly disappeared from around us. Alex gave Cece a look and she nodded back in untold message. Damian grabbed his hair with both of his hands and let go. He turned around and walk in direction to the woods.

"I- I have to talk to him" Alex followed his brother, leaving me and Cece with ourselves. I still didn't know what to do. This definitely sobered me up a little. The silence invaded us; our thoughtful minds in full action. A million questions popping inside my head and none of them with the clue of an answer. Nothing made sense now but it did a couple of minutes ago. I didn't like the aftermath of being drunk, it made me feel confused and... guilty. This was all my fault. I shouldn't have said what I said and make things worse. I wanted to help Alex, but that wasn't the right way. I felt so bad.

"What was that?" Cece finally asked. As if I knew, I thought. But I did know.

"This is my fault" I said "I shouldn't have said anything. I need to apologize"

"What? Why?" She said "w-"

"I said things to Damien that I shouldn't have. It was none of my business. I feel bad for alex too. I-I have to apologize" I said running into the woods.

"Aaren!! Wait!" Cece screamed, but I was too far in already.

It was dark and silent. The sound of the nocturnal nature enveloping me. The chirping and the hooting of the animals causing slight uneasiness in me. Am I out of my mind? Why would I run to the woods at this moment? Alone? I'm certainly fucking crazy sometimes. I looked around there was only darkness.

Okay, I'm officially shitless scared.

"Alex?!!Damien!!" I shouted in hope that they would find me. I didn't have my phone and I didn't know my way out. I was screwed. Every time I took a step, crunching sounds of the fallen branches filled my ears. I couldn't even hear the civilization from afar. A little more forceful, I screamed. "Alex! Where the hell are you?"

"Not here" a deep voice sounded from behind me.

My heart skipped a beat. He scared the crap out of me.

"Damian..." I slowly turned. I could barely make out his silhouette, but I could tell where he was.


"Exactly what I needed..." I muttered to myself. I knew I wanted to apologize, but not like this. I realized this wasn't a good idea after all.

"That not really nice" Damian spoke after hearing my thoughts out loud.

"Don't you tell me" I muttered yo myself.

"Don't be such a smart ass princess. You know I could kill you very easily right now, right?" He said, forcing a shiver run down my spine. His voice was so cold and I was truly afraid.

"Sorry. Yes, I'm aware of that.." I said, trying to hide my uncertainty. I wasn't sure what he was capable of at this point, but showing him how afraid I was would only encourage him. It had happened.

"You're a brave little thing, aren't you?" He almost laugh at the end of his sentence.

"I'm just trying to do the right thing. I came here to apologize. I was intoxicated and didn't mean to provoke you. I'm sincerely sorry." I looked down.

He stayed silent for a while and I was getting more and more anxious as the time passed.

"Okay." He finally said.


'Okay' ? Is that all he had to say? This guy is worse than a migraine.

I rolled my eyes even if he couldn't see me. "Alright-"

"One condition " he added.

Guess I spoke too soon.

I sighed "what is it?"

" I need you come with me to this place. I'll pick you up tomorrow at eight."

"You don't even know were I live. And what makes you think I will agree to this? You just threatened me."

"Aw, you know I was joking; I think. Don't you feel guilty enough to agree? Besides, you have to." I scoffed. What? Is he five? ." Anyways, I'm bringing you home now."

"What? Slow down, you're giving me a whiplash!"

"Fine. I'll bring you home, then I'll just know where you live, and that's all for now. Are you keeping up? " he asked slowly.

"For now? Wh-" You see, this here is real life struggle."I can just tell you where I live, you know"

"Not as interesting. Now, let's go back"

"What-" I interrupted myself. Arguing with him was pointless. Anyways, I can just ditch him and forget this conversation even happened. "Where's Alex?" I asked instead.

"Somewhere. He'll figure." he turned around and started walking. I followed him out in silence. Once we were out of the darkness, I was about to walk in opposite direction, but he stopped me. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going back to my friends, father"

"I'm bringing you home now. The party is over anyways." He shrugged. I narrowed my eyes at him and was about to say something, but didn't get to.

"Aaren, You fucktard! Why would you run away like that?" Cece said rushing towards me.

"Sorry. I wasn't thinking " I said ashamed. She then acknowledged Damian.

"You okay?" She whispered to me while looking at Damian.

"I can hear you " Damian spoke.

"Well shit" Cece mocked.

"It's fine. I'm okay, I think" I explained, she raised an eyebrow.

"She's fine. I didn't traumatized her or anything" Damian said. Sure Damian, I thought. "In fact, I'm bringing her home now."


"Long story, I'll tell you later" I spoke.

"Of course you will" my best friend said.

"Okay. Let's go then" Damian insisted.

"Can I at least grab my stuff first?" I said annoyed. Damian rolled his eyes.

"I'll wait for you outside" he responded and walked away.

"Ass" Cece muttered and I nodded in complete agreement. "Poor Alex. The thing he has to live with"

"Yeah.." I looked at her suspiciously.

She eyed me carefully while stepping ahead, "What is it?"

I sighed. "Can I ask you something? "

"You know you can" she confirmed.

"What I meant was, can you not divert the answer this time?"

"Okay! Ask me"

"Okay, okay... Do you have, you know, feels for Alex?"

She was taken aback by my unanticipated question. The blonde bit the inside of her lips and brought her eyes somewhere else. I cleared my throat waiting for her response; she looked back at me.

A shrug was her response.

"You promised to answer. Why are you in such denial, anyways ? I can tell you like him from the looks that you throw at him all times." She blushed, but remained silent. "Why were you acting so weird earlier?" No response "If you don't like him, then I'll go after him" I lied.

"You wouldn't" she glared at me.

I barked a laugh at my successful little strategy " is that a threat? You don't seem to care much"

"Okay!! I fucking do! Happy?" She turned around walking fast and living me behind.

"Then why were you giving him the cold shoulder this whole time? He thought he was in fault. "

She stopped abruptly to faced me. " because you were right. I shouldn't have given him mixed signals for nothing. "

"But that didn't mean you had to act as if he wasn't there! didn't we do that enough to him?" I clarified.

"I know!" She yelled. Her feet paced back and forth. She scratched her head in desperation with one hand while the other held her lips unpleasantly. Her eyes were glassy and I was wondering, what the hell did I do now?

I opened my mouth to speak, but she didn't let me. "I was trying to do the right thing. I don't know what I did wrong this whole time, so I just tried to do the right thing for once." She sniffed, trying to hold back the tears that she and I knew were coming eventually. My mouth was open but no words came out." I don't know what happened. I don't know what I did, but it must have been my fault because if it wasn't then- then.." She sobbed. "Who else's ?.." She whispered, a stream now flowing down her face. I immediately went to embrace my clueless, hopeless Friend. I knew this was coming sooner or later; I just wasn't expecting it in this precise moment much less place. She couldn't hold it in any longer and it was time for ger to erupt. Now I understood her words. She thinks it's all her fault; what had happened between her and matt. I wasn't there when everything happened, I have always been just a witness.

I don't now how much matt loved Cece, but I now how much Cece loves matt. They were friends since middle school before dating. She hadn't not just lost a boyfriend, she had also lost a friend, and that I understood. I didn't understand the amorous side of their relationship, but the friendship, yes. Of course.

I know my friend and I'm sure that it wasn't her fault. Cece wouldn't do anything rationally wrong without feeling guilty afterwards. She wouldn't throw away something were she has spent time and effort and that she thinks is worth it. I'm pretty sure that this isn't her fault because she's so passionate about what she cares about and she wouldn't just give up and leave; she's just too selfless sometimes and throws herself in the black hole before anyone else, and thats exactly what she's doing right now. She would rather take the blame and keep matt on the virtuous side. Even after what he did.

"Look at me Cecilia" I attempted. She kept crying her eyes out, now for real. I could see the emotion in every tear. Now she's crying without a matter. "Cece look at me" and she did. "It is not your fault." She shook her head."do not just hear me; Listen to me. This is not your fault. Don't do this to yourself, you know you're worth it. Stop trying to save everyone and think about yourself for once. What happened is not your fault. I'm not saying there won't be a time where you hands will get dirty, but this is not the time."

"W-why are you s-s -o sure-?" She stuttered with a sorrowful tone. I looked at her and wiped the tears out of her face.

"Because...have I ever lied to you?"

She sniffed " n-no."

"Then trust me in this one." She whipped her nose with the back of her hand."Sometimes when we devote everything to everyone and our effort is not valued nor appreciated, we must send them to hell; and even if it hurts because we love those idiots, we must continue. Now lets dry those tears. They're out, they're not useful anymore" I smiled. She nodded at everything I said.

Slowly, I saw silent realization filling her brown orbs.

"When did you even learned how to give proper advices?" She joked trying to soothe the situation.

"I guess sometimes you bring out the best in me" I rolled my eyes jokingly.

After a few moments, my best friend spoke " thank you. This time...I think I understand."

"Finally!" I exasperated, bringing my arms up momentarily for emphasis. I smiled softly. "you're very welcome darling. And I just keep adding up to my awesomeness" I winked at her.

"Agh.. I wont let you get near Damian anymore. You're getting too cocky for your own health" She grimaced. I nodded in agreement. "Now, I have someone to apologize to." Realizing that we were now located in the middle of the floor, somewhere outside, we stood up; my best friend instantly embracing me in a warm hug as I happily reciprocating the action. Once we unlocked our arms, she passed her hands through her face, "how do I look?"

"Frightful" I answered. She looked at me offended and punched me in the arm "What did I tell you about punching?" She shrugged and proceeded to walk. I narrowed my eye at her, " hoe."

"Heard that" she spoke, I stuck my tongue out at her even if she couldn't see me.


"Took you long enough" The brunette spoke from his car. Okay, I had knowledge of how wealthy his family was; I had seen enough proof, but I couldn't stop getting surprised with all the things they possessed. Now, the guy was leaned against a freaking black convertible Lamborghini- Aventador of the year. Of. The. Year.

If you're wondering how I know about this specific car brand, let me remind you that I have three teenage brothers and a really passionate dad. You would be surprised with all the things I know about automobiles, including motorcycles.

The drooling at the moment was doubled. Not to mention how steamy the owner looked with his black V- neck and black skinny jeans with the moonlight reflected on him, bringing out all his God-like features, the car itself was a beauty. It was neat and shiny, and not one imperfection was spotted. "How many times do I have to tell you? Why the eye rape when you can have me whenever you want? Just say the words, babe"

"Agh " I grimaced. The self centered bastard smirked. "Not to disappoint you, but I rather die. Now, I have to admit your car is beautiful."

"Oh, yeah. That too" he patted the roof of his flawless machine twice. " this is Nicolette for you. Dark, sexy and fast"

"So you name your V12 engine sports car Nicolette? Besides cocky, cheesy as hell. Who would say? Oh, wait" I pointed to my face "Myself." I smirked at his expression, mouth agape and incredulous eyes. "What?"

"How do you even know this?"

"What are you implying?" I walked towards his dark motorized exoticness and inspected it from a closer distance. This was really a luxury. I didn't wanted to seem like a creep, so I stood up straight from my scrutinizing position. I raised and eyebrow at his lack of answer.

"You're a girl"

"Is that so? That's really offensive by the way. Are you a feminist?"

"Oh, no. You're the first girl who acknowledges the actual beauty of this car-"

"I thought I had made it clear that I wasn't like your other...lady friends?" I faked a smiled.

He narrowed his eyes taking the door handle, opening the passengers door for me. "Sure. Now get in"

"Why?" He rolled his eyes." Stop rolling your eyes so much" he rolled his eyes again.

"You don't control me" he clarified.

"You're such a child" I frowned.

"You're such a child" he mimicked my voice, or tried to. His voice was too deep. I crunched my eyebrows in disbelief.


"Such a Princess" he muttered.

"Says it the one with the Aventador " I retorted. He shrugged.

Once I was inside of the car, he slammed my door shut, getting on the drivers seat after a while.

The ignition came to life with a splendid roar. The system was magical. The inside smelled delightful; a mixture between his cologne and a touch of peppermint. Damien turned on the radio and started backing away from his porch .

'Lies' by The Black Keys started to play and I gasped. "Oh my gosh. This song, it's like my Anthem "

"What? No Meghan Trainor?" Damien asked.

I scoffed "I was actually about to compliment your taste in music, but suddenly lost motivation. "

"I'll help you. It is exquisite." He concluded. I pursed my lips.


I took it upon myself to turn up the radio without asking him first, just to make this awkwardness less... awkward. He slapped my hand away.

"Hey!" I exclaimed pouting.

"Don't touch."

"I'm sorry" I exhaled, shifting in my seat. The tension between us was unbearable, so I started singing the song to distract myself a little. " I Got a stone where my heart should be. I got a stone where my hea- "

"We might as well crash." He interrupted me mid-verse.


"If you want us to die, then you should stop attempting to sing"

"Excuse me? I'm not as bad!" I lied. I was righteously self-conscious of how awful my singing was, but there was no need to be mean about it. I know I wasn't Mariah Carey, but he didn't have to remind me that way.

"For fucks sake; I can't feel my eardrum!"

"I think you're just mad because you feel a little too identify with the lyrics of this song. I mean, you're heart is made out of stone, isn't it?" I laughed.

"Wanna see what else gets hard an-"

"You're disgusting!!" I slapped his arm.

"Hey, hey! No slapping in here!" I stuck my tongue out at him. "Who's the child again?"

"You, still. And a bratty little pervert. And a dickhea-"

"Okay. I get it" he said, his eyes fixated on the road." Where to now?"

"Make a left at the end of the street" he nodded.

Okay, this was too estrange. Why is he acting so indifferently? I didn't know and didn't wanted to. I hoped he wasn't playing any type of game. I was acting along because I didn't feel like dighting all the time.

I brought my eyes to his hands on the steering wheel. They were so big. His long fingers slightly tapped to the rhythm of the music. My view wandered around his forearms; the familiar undefined tattoos visible. I really wanted to ask him what they meant, but with this guy you never know, so I didn't feel like making him snap all of a sudden and end up in an accident. Following the trail, my curious gaze went to his face. His expression was serious, a slight frown imprinted in between his eyebrows; his deep pink plummeted lips shut close. His eyes looked black due to the darkness, and his black untold dementor shelled by his monotonous act. I wished I knew all his secrets to see if I could understand better. To know why he is the way he is; what made him like this. Something must have happened.

Or, he simply has issues.


"The one on the right"

After a long, quiet ride we finally arrived. My street was ghost town empty; probably because it was after ten. He drove through my gateway and parked his car almost in front of my door. I opened the passengers door hesitantly and after killing the ignition, he did the same.

Once out, he spoke "tomorrow. Eight."

I faked a smile "sure" I said, about to open my door but before I could, Max came out flying.

"What the hell Max?"

He looked at me and then brought his eyes to Damian's car; they lit up. "I knew I wasn't crazy!" He almost yelled annoyingly. " is that a freaking Aventador I see?"

"Where you spying on me?" I asked in disbelief.

"No! Not all is about you. I heard an unusual roar coming from outside. Oh God, this is beautiful." After a few seconds of drooling over the convertible, my brother noticed the actual owner standing uncomfortably."and this is?" He asked pointing at Damien with his shin.

"Hey" Damian nodded " Damian... I guess you're Max?"

"Positive. Look, I don't know who you are but you're welcome to this family; you can even marry her. She's not as bad as she seems. You have a fucking Aventador!"

"Max!" I screamed, my eyes almost out of their sockets. He must be high as fuck. "Leave, now!"

"No, Max. It's fine. I think you're cool actually. Here, I can show you a few things" Damian interrupted. I looked at him extremely suspicious. What is he plotting?

"If you don't marry him, I friggin' will" my older brother whispered to me before running off. Is he serious? No, he can't be.

"It's fucking eleven in the night! If you don't come in I will lock you out!" I threatened. He pouted and sighed.

"Don't worry. I know how difficult she can be sometimes. Another day?" Damian asked.

"Not a doubt" my brother confirmed. It was my turn to roll my eyes. He waved to Damian like a five year old while I took him by the arm, dragging him in without a glance back.

Oh boy...



^Image: How I picture Connor^


I have a headache right now...

Hope you liked this chapter and sorry for taking so long... I'm a hoe at times.

Thank you so much. You're all beautiful no matter what others say, so embrace it.

Keep. Up. Baches

Did you ever watched Happy Tree Friends?

(Not edited)

Note: you might be a little bit confused. For those who are, don't worry. Things will clear out eventually.

- Jess

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