By sophia_ispeng

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What happens when you fall for someone you know you're not supposed to fall in love with? ''It's cool to have... More

Author's note.
CHAPTER 50 {The End.}


49 40 24
By sophia_ispeng

Everything about Dave changed as he began to not give a fuck about Jasmine, again!

That's what she thought tho, but that's not actually what it was.

Dave accepted the fact that he had fallen for her and he couldn't put up with that.
He knew he would live in guilt for the rest of his life if Jasmine's ex found out that they were fucking with each other.
He was left with only one option,
Pushing her away.
The same way he behaved to other girls he knew he was getting really attached to.

He began to treat her like trash and this messed with Jasmine mentally as she couldn't concentrate with the exams she was writing.
That night, she couldn't read, she couldn't eat and she couldn't think straight.

She told Tokyo about it and he was trying to calm her down and make her feel better but all was in vain.
She just needed to talk to Dave to be okay.
With the anger and pain in her, she sent him a voice note pouring out her full emotions to him.

She told him to leave her alone because she needed to concentrate for her exams.
She told him to stop running through her mind.
She asked him to block her so she won't know what was going on in his life.
She told him she hated him so much for stressing her this way.

He saw all these messages and replied.

"It's the arrogance in the voice for me.
We warned ourselves about getting too attached to each other when we met didn't we?
Now I'm no longer doing the things I used to do and you're getting upset.
I know your vibe but I'm intentionally not giving it to you.
I've never blocked anybody and you are not an exception.
You better go and read for your exams so you will pass😹."

Dave sent this message with pain in his heart.
The laughing emoji he attached was all fake.

He wanted to tell her how much he loved her and how she was the best girl he had ever come across in his life but he couldn't.
He hated to see her hurt because of him.
He didn't want her to leave but he had to let her go by treating her badly.

Jasmine saw this message and she didn't know how to feel.

She asked why he wasn't giving her the vibes she needed even when he knew what she wanted but he kept on ignoring the question and saying something else.

She told Tokyo all that he said and he asked her to just confess her feelings to him but Jasmine refused. She knew he wasn't that dumb to not know that she was in love with him.

Tokyo still persuaded her to confess her feelings, all in all.

The next morning, she was prepared for school and she stood outside waiting for a cab to come take her to school.

She saw Dave's car approaching and it parked right in front of her.
He offered her a ride and she accepted it.
They didn't really talk much because she had absolutely nothing to say to him.

They had a lot to say to each other but nobody could just start up the conversation.
All through the ride, all she did was wonder how someone like him had the power to hurt her so bad and also make her feel good at the same time.
He arrived at her school and she couldn't come down because she couldn't open the door. Funny right? It was all Dave's handwork.

He chuckled as he came down to open the door for her.
"You just like stressing your boyfriend." He stated, letting out a small smile.

She didn't understand what that statement meant but she just gave him a pale smile.
He wished her good luck in her exams and she replied with a thank you.

He watched her walk away before driving off.

This was an issue to Jasmine because she couldn't walk properly knowing the person she was in love with was staring at her.

Although he always complimented her walking step saying she walked like a model, it was still hard for her.

Thankfully, Jasmine wrote her exams well. Although she was distracted by the thoughts of Dave at the point where she didn't know what to write, she managed to finish before some of her mates.           

She came home that evening and she told Tokyo about all that happened.
He was happy for her but they were both frustrated because he was doing nothing but to confuse Jasmine.
One minute he's all lovey dovey and caring and the next minute he's blunt and arrogant as fuck.

All Jasmine could do was to go with the flow, nothing more.
As long as he was still talking to her.


The next day after school, Jasmine was home alone and she was listening to sad songs of kina's mix.

She was supposed to be reading for her exams but she just couldn't

She began to think and it led her to go through her previous chats with Dave.

"That's because there is a soul connection between us Jasmine, most times the insecurities and rough talks are part of it.
Do you think I don't get insecure too?
I fucking do.
Keep saying those things, keep on pouring your mind. That's what makes me love you more."

"Every damn space you ask for, someone else gets my attention because I need someone to always talk to."

"You love me and I love you more but wtf is going on?
You will love someone else in less that 3 months."

What happened to this guy who was once in love with her?
Why did he changed so well?
She needed to vent out to someone.
Tokyo was the only person who understood and could console her but he wasn't online.
He claimed to be busy with school work too.

Dave happened to be online and so she texted him.

Dave's POV.

I've been home alone all through today and there's literally nothing to do. I'm bored as shit right now and for some reason, Jasmine has been on my mind. I intentionally drove by her apartment yesterday hoping to see her and thankfully, I did. I was indeed the happiest guy yesterday for real. I found myself up as early as 6:58 just to meet up with her and I did. We've not really been on good terms lately. Well, I've been giving her cold treatments because of all these feelings things and man, it's really hard to stay away from someone you really like. But then again, I can't let myself get attached to her. I have to do things that would make her leave before things get worse, before our feelings grow more. She needs someone to love and take care of her and unfortunately, I can't be that person.

I stand up and walk into my kitchen to do the dishes. I've not done them for like three days now. I've been feeling really lazy. I don't know if that is because of Jasmine too. I completely zone out again as I remember the feeling I got the first time I made her whine her waist on me. That waist that I can kill for. Everything about her is just so unique. From her sparkling black eyes, to her well shaped soft pink lips, to her relaxing smell and her god damn fuckin' waist. Man I'm gonna pull a trigger for that girl, no cap.

My phone beeps indicating a text notification bringing me out of my reverie.
How long have I been thinking?

I clean my hands to check who it was that just messaged me.

It was Jasmine. If only she knew that I was just thinking about her.

"Last year, October to be precise, you told me I would love someone else in less than three months, but It's ten months now.
Why tf am I still so much attached and attracted to you?

Aww so she is still attracted? I ask myself, smiling.
I saved her name as rare because her type is really rare. Jasmine is one of a kind. She might think I do not know her worth but trust me I can say I know her worth more than she does. And that is why I do not want to hurt her. That is why I'm trying to push her away now.

I begin to type back.

"well when I said that, I didn't know you were in LOVE with me." I reply, trying to act as cold as I could. Even tough I don't want to. All of this is just so sad.

"Don't say that, I'm not in love with you, i just like you so much.
"I'm rooting for you,"
"I love you,"
"Love you too,"
All of this." Jasmine texted.

"What happened to them?'' I reply.

"You make me feel special and loved in some way and I love it.
I feel free with you like we married or we've been friends for so long."

Oh God I know I said all of this. Just go straight to the point already love.

"Woah who said that?" I text back, acting like I have already forgotten.

"You did Dave, you fucking said all of this to me." Jasmine replied.

God I hate to see her this way.

"Good old memories I guess. Right now, we meuve
All of this is now in the past.'' I reply

She leaves my message on seen and I keep my phone.  All of this will make sense to you sooner or later Jasmine, please don't hate me. I say to myself as I go back to doing the dishes.

Third person POV.

Jasmine turned off her mobile Data and tried to sleep a bit but she couldn't.
He couldn't even remember the things he said to her. And his response?
He didn't care.

All that was going on in her head was Dave and the harsh words he said to her.

She was dying inside.
She didn't know what to do.

She heard a knock on her door, it was her British friend.
Thank goodness, someone was here.
At least she would talk to her to get him off her mind for a while.

She texted him later that day and told him not to mind all she said as it was a result of mood swings and he said he understood.

He knew it was an excuse to get off the awkward situation but he just played along.

Jasmine suddenly began to get mentally unstable.
She had no vibe to talk to people.

All she did was think, think, breakdown and cry.
Tokyo was no where to be found and it did nothing but make matters worse. If he was there, he wouldn't even let her text him in the first place.

Dave would be online but he would not text Jasmine.
All of this did nothing but kill Jasmine the more.
She never imagined Dave to have this side.

She sent him a message but he didn't reply and she double texted "I feel like blocking you right now."

15 minutes passed and he still didn't reply. Why it hurt more than anything in the world was because she could see that he was Active now. So he was intentionally airing her message.

She went to her page and blocked him immediately, her heartbeat racing so fast.
This only lasted for so long as she unblocked him later that evening.

He didn't text her and she called him.

He picked after the first ring. Like, the phone had not even started ringing fully before he picked it up. It was as if he was sitting by his phone all day,  waiting for her to call.

The first thing he asked about was her welfare.
Her heart melted when she heard his voice.
He still cared enough to ask her how she was at least.

She told him she wasn't fine and he told her she shouldn't have blocked him.

According to him, he was in the bathroom when she texted and when he came out, he saw her text.
He was about to reply and he saw that he had been blocked.
He said after that, he promised himself not to ever text her again.

"That's not news to me, its not like you ever text first anyways." Jasmine responded.

''You've changed Dave.'' She added.

"You've also changed." He replied

"How have I changed?" She asked.

"Is this an interview tho, don't ask me questions." he said in a teasing way and she laughed.

"I'm serious right now Dave, please don't make me laugh" Jasmine said

"I'm not saying anything make you laugh Jasmine.'' Dave began.

''I'm doing all of this to you so you can put someone else first.
I don't have that time to always check up on you.
I'm always here but there would be times where you would need me and I will not be available.
This friendship is more on a 60-40 percent
And you're the 60.
It appears that you show more affection.
I don't deserve it Jasmine, go and give that love to someone else.
I told you not to fall for me but you didn't listen now here we are.''

Their conversation was interrupted as she was told she had one minute remaining.

She told him to call her back but he claimed not to have airtime so their last option was chatting.

Jasmine hated chatting  with Dave.

His replies will make you frustrated and you will be forced to just leave him on seen but she had no choice right now because their conversation was not over yet.

They began to chat and she told him she was sad.

Dave:why are you sad?

Jasmine:you should know you're the reason, nothing else has the power to make me sad.

Dave:pele o (a yoruba word for sorry.)

Jasmine: wow?
For real!?
You know how much I hate that word don't you?

Dave:what do you want me to say?

Jasmine: right now I just need an "I love you" so I can sleep well:)

Dave:you better go to bed.

Jasmine: just stop it already.

Dave: I guess that statement makes your love grow more and right now, we are trying to make your feelings for me die.

Jasmine:but I won't sleep if you don't say it tho😞

Dave:you blocked me earlier today and you're expecting an I love you from me

Jasmine:are you seriously bringing this back?
I apologised already.

Dave:I love you.

Jasmine: wow, why is it so plain like I'm begging for it or something

Dave:because you are.

Jasmine:okay bye.

Seen 11:40pm.

Jasmine knew this was how it would end.

She saw all of this coming.
She broke down and began to cry while she was on her bed.
She cried till she fell asleep.
She has never cried because of a guy but she began to do it regularly because of Dave.

She was hoping to receive a long text from him the next morning but when she woke up and came online, the message she saw was the last message he sent, "sleep tight."

Who was she kidding?
He no longer cared and she just had to live with that.

Have you ever experienced such a toxic relationship?
Leave your response in the comment section.
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