The Delusional Devil (Betraye...

By TrapMaster20

212K 3.5K 3K

A/n: This will probably my biggest story I've thought of so far, and possibly one of the most dark and fucked... More

Prologue - The Fall into Delusion
Y/n's Childhood Part 1
Y/n's Childhood Part 2
1 - Gaining Power, Vengeance, and an Ally
Laura Bio
2 - Infiltration Begins
Monika Bio
3 - Finding Asia and Learning New Things
4 - A Vessel for Me
5 - The Amnesiac Girl
Uzume Bio
6 - It's Time to Genocide!
Stronger Than You - Y/n's Response
7 - New Plans
8 - The Battle of Kuoh
9 - The Princess of Another World
Angelise Bio
10 - The Depressed Girl
11 - The Fall of the Misurugi Empire
Aya Bio
12 - Summer Break
13 - Time for the Next Phase
14 - The Counter Attack Against Loki
15 - Dealing with Demons
16 - The Pieces are in Place
17 - Saving Asia, Again
18 - The Whirlpool of Delusion
Updated Bio
19 - Divide
20 - The Fallen World
21 - The Reveal
Vote - Y/n Ankokuboshi Death Battle
22B - Reach out for the Truth!!
23 - Fate Works in Mysterious Ways
24 - The Silent Requiem
25 - The Beginning of The End
Opening 2
Updated Uzume Bio
DBX - Y/n Ankokuboshi vs Muzan Kibutsuji
26 - The World Now Knows
27 - The CPU Gantlet
28 - The Leading Path
29 - Y/n Ankokuboshi vs Uzume Tennouboshi; The Final Fight
Finale - Good Things Don't Come Without a Simple Sacrifice

22A - Fight for the World!!!

2.1K 41 14
By TrapMaster20

A/n: From this moment on, the story will take a turn from the original DxD plotline, and start Y/n's Ankokuboshi's attack on the Earth. Now, in order for to be able to make this chapter exactly how I want it to be, and allow the full story to be told, I'm splitting up this chapter into two different parts! The main reason for why I'm doing this is because both are happening at exact the same point time, and it would be incredibly hard to have it all be in one chapter. This part, 22A, will contain the story of the supernatural world's resistance on Y/n's forces, and stopping Y/n from getting the console. The second part, 22B, will contain the story of Issei saving Rias, and Uzume finding her path/destiny. Now, with that out of the way, let 22A commence!!!

A Few Seconds before the robots landing...

No one's POV

We see a stage in Toyko, with the current weather being rain, with a bunch of people cheering for an idol that's currently performing.

(A/n: For people reading this on mobile, don't worry. This plays before the next part.)

As the song ends, and the young woman starts waving to her fans, a meteor can be seen falling towards backstage, which does not go unnoticed by a member of the stage crew.

Stage Crew Member 1: Hey, uh, guys?

Stage Crew Member 2: What's up?

Stage Crew Member 3: You alright man?

Stage Crew Member 1: What... Is that...?

The two other members of the stage crew look up and notice the meteor that's heading right for them.

Stage Crew Member 2: A... Meteor...?

Stage Crew Member 3: Holy crap! It's coming right for us!!!

The stage crew then starts running off stage, and the meteor makes impact, causing a huge explosion, which did not go unnoticed by everyone. As everyone starts to panic and run out of the doors, the robot reveals itself to be one of Y/n's creations, Dark White.

Dark White: *Inaudible Roar*

Idol: Wh-What the hell is that thing?!

The girl then runs off-stage, but the giant axe of Dark White stops her from reaching the exit.

Dark White: *Inaudible growling*

As Dark White lifts up its right hand, ready to kill the idol, a voice is heard.


A lighting bolt then comes down and electrocutes Dark White, giving Kiba enough time to attack Dark White's arm and grab the idol.

Kiba: Are you alright?

Idol: Yes. Th-Thank you...

Kiba: No problem! Now get of here!

Idol: Right!

The girl then runs to the exit, as all the other devils start starting at their opponent.

Dark White: L̴̀͜e̶͛ͅț̷͑ ̶͔̾u̵̩͝s̶̨͑ ̴̹̏b̵̯̃e̷̘͠g̷͇͝i̸͙̒n̷̬̄ ̸̈͜t̴̹̊h̸̗͂ȩ̶̈́ ̷̬̾b̷̨̄ä̷̖́ṉ̸́q̶͍͌u̴̜͝e̴͔͐t̴̹͒ ̷̬͝o̷̘͘f̶͈̐ ̴̼̅ḍ̴̇ė̴̮s̷̹͘p̸̨͋a̶̘͘ì̶̗r̵͎͊!̴̛͈

The devils then rush Dark White, and attacks it with all of their magic. However, Dark White takes very little damage.

Xenovia: No way!

Sirzechs: What is this thing made out of?!

Devil: Sirzechs, look out!

Sirzechs: Huh?

Dark White then sends out a powerful sword slice at the devils, killing all 300 Devils who were hit by the blade.

Asia: Just one swipe... Killed all of them...

Ajuka: Let's stay calm. There must be a weakness on this thing somewhere.

As the devils try to find the weakness, Kiba goes for the chest, and Dark White, who was about to kill some more devils, quickly goes onto defense.

Serafall: Did it...?

Ajuka: It did...

Sirzechs: Everyone! Aim for the center core! That's it's weakness!!

Devils: Right!

Dark White: A̶͍͑c̸̲̖̬̃̋͆c̴̫̙̻̏̀̕ȅ̴̼̫̦p̶̪̖̋͝t̵̨͖̑ ̸̱̘̜͗̇y̷͍͉̿ơ̷̼̤̚u̸͓̞͑͠r̵͚̙̖̐̓͗ ̴̢͓̠͠d̴͍̗͎̓̾̀e̴̙͍̼͠m̸͙̭͈̒̈́ḯ̷͖̟͙͐s̵̯̜̐͠e̸̩͗̽̚!̴̳̬̫́̏͛!̵̙̑!̴̡̡̤̀̆͘

Dark White then slashes its sword at the devils, and gives them the opening they need.


Akeno then paralyzes Dark White's right arm, stopping it's movement.


Kiba then uses Sword Birth and pins down the other arm.

Sirzechs: Now, to finish this.

Sirzechs then unleashes his POD at Dark White, and destroys it's core.

Dark White: *Inaudible screams*

Dark White then blows up, causing many injuries to the devil faction. As they take the time to heal, Sirzechs notifies the other factions of the weakness, so they can quickly take out their giant foes without being noticed to much by the public.

Meanwhile, backstage of the set, we see Y/n with a Devil Soldier tied up and gagged. As he watches the Devil leave, he takes the gag off.

Y/n: Now, where did they hide the console.

Devil Soldier: I'll die before I tell you.

Y/n then just smiles, steps back a bit, and uses his stand and beats the ever-loving crap out of him.

Y/n: How about now?

Devil Soldier: I... I... Refuse...

Y/n: *groans* Fine then.

Y/n then walks up to the Devil Soldier, and grabs his lower region.

Devil Soldier: Wh-What are you-

Y/n then crushes the Devil Soldier's balls with only his hand, making him scream in pain.

Y/n: If you aren't going to talk, then I just need to give you some more... Motivation.

Devil Soldier: *panting*

Y/n then walks right up to the Devil Soldier, and uses his fingers to pierce his neck, but muffles the devil's screams.

Y/n: Now, you can either talk, and this whole thing will end, or you can keep resisting.

Devil Soldier: I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I....

Y/n: Hmmm?


Y/n: Good. Now, where is-


Y/n: ...


Y/n: Oh, I see. But just to be certain...

Y/n then uses some dark magic and finds all the information.

Y/n: I see. You were right after all.

Devil Soldier: Th-Thank you.... Now you'll end all of this right? You'll spare my life...?

Y/n: Who said I would spare you?

Devil Soldier: Y-You did...

Y/n: I said that this whole thing would end. I never said I would spare you. Now you'll die a painless death.

Devil Soldier: YOU SICK SON OF A-

Y/n: DELUSIONAL ORANGE. Shut him up.

Y/n then brings out his stand and kills the Devil Soldier, with his blood splattering everywhere.

As Y/n wipes the blood that splattered on his face, he looks up to the sky

Y/n: I guess I wasn't done with that school, after all. Time for one more trip to Kuoh Academy.

As Y/n summons his wings, and flies off of the stage, a paper falls from behind the dead devil's back.


We now see the Student Council, ORC, and all the factions leaders in Issei's room, looking down.

Sirzechs: We lost many of our forces... And that wasn't even Y/n fighting...

Odin: Can we even win this?

Ajuka: I think our first step is to find what powers Y/n possesses.

Xenovia: But how are we going to do that?

Michael: There is something we could try and do.

Sirzechs: What is it?

Michael: We look through the internet and try and figure out what Y/n's abilities are through what we saw happen.

Kiba: That could work... There's many things on the internet that involve various abilities.

Azazel: Leave that to me. I know a place that could help us find anything involving superpowers.

Akeno: Are you sure it will work?

Azazel: Not 100% sure, but it's worth a shot.

Suddenly, a Devil Soldier comes in.

Devil Soldier: Sir, we have a problem!

Ajuka! What's wrong?

Devil Soldier: It's Y/n Ankokuboshi, sir! He's discovered the hiding place of the console!!!

Everyone: What?!

Xenovia: Is there another traitor among us?!

Sirzechs: I would like to know. How did he figure it out so quickly?

Devil Soldier: I was checking our numbers, when I noticed that someone who was with us after the robot's destruction was suddenly missing. I went back to where we fought that robot, and his corpse was there. If it wasn't for his wings, I wouldn't have even recognized him.

Rossweisse: So Y/n had a devil on the inside?

Serafall: That isn't good at all!

Devil Soldier: No, that's not how. The soldier was tortured beyond imagination. Y/n even checked his own memories to make sure that he wasn't being lied to.

Michael: If Y/n does know where the console is, then we to move without haste!

Sona: But where did you hide it?

Sirzechs: We hid it the gymnasium. We figured if we lied to him, he wouldn't try looking here.

Ajuka: It did succeed for a bit, though.

Azazel: Okay, if that's where it is, then I think the Student Council and ORC should head there.

Sirzechs: Azazel's right. You're the only ones who can get into the school without being suspicious.

Sona: Alright! Let's move before Y/n gets there!

Student Council and ORC: Right!!


We see Y/n walking through the school, with many of the students wondering who he is. Suddenly, a random male student grabs Y/n by the shoulder, with a lot more students looking at the situation.

Male Student 1: Who the hell are you, and why are you at our school?! If you don't leave right now, I'm ever loving shit out of you!!

All of the students then start cheering for the male student, who smiles with confidence, while Y/n looks down and smirks.

Male Student 1: So you edgy gothic, bitch. What are you going to-

Y/n doesn't even look at the student, and swiftly breaks his arm in every single way possible, causing blood to spill everywhere, shocking the entire school.

Male Student 1: *screams in complete shock and pain* WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!?!

As all the students run away in fear, Y/n then uses his stand and breaks down a wall that leads to the gymnasium.

Y/n: Now... where is it...?

Y/n then uses brings out Gehaburn, and stabs it into the ground, having all the floor tiles fly away. After a few seconds, he finds the console.

Y/n: I've finally found it. Now...

Y/n then summons his delusional boosted gear.

Y/n: It's remove to remove the power of the dragon inside this console.

However, before Y/n can touch the console, a lighting bolt comes down, forcing Y/n to quickly dodge the attack.

Sona: That won't happen!

Akeno: We're going to stop you! Now hand over the console Y/n!

Y/n then sighs and turns around to face them.

Y/n: You're surprising persistent, Akenosy. I wanted to keep you and the Occult Research Club alive, so you all could taste eternal despair, but I've changed my mind.

Akeno: Despair is nothing, Y/n! Even if you put this world into despair, we will cleanse it with hope!!!

Kiba: It doesn't matter how many times you send out monsters to kill humanity. In the end, you will be slain!!

Y/n: You're all quite arrogant for being devils who couldn't even be called my juniors.

Y/n then taps his foot on the ground twice and summons another monster.

Saji: Dick move, but fine! We'll see who's laughing one these infant devils send you to your grave!!!

As the monster rushes towards the others, Y/n stands back and watches the event play out. As the others try to dodge the attacks made by the monster, Saji quickly whips out his Sacred Gear and grabs one of it's legs.

Saji: Got it!

The monster then starts emitting flames from it's mouth, and shoots a dark flame spell at Saji.

Tsubaki: Not on my watch! MIRROR ALICE!!!

Tsubaki quickly gets in front of Saji and deflects the attack to the monster, slowly burning it.

Xenovia: DURANDAL!!!


Xenovia then creates a slash wave with Durandal, and Kiba quickly pins down the monster with his sword. The monster then slowly evaporates, with the ORC and Student Council celebrating the victory.

Y/n: As I expected, monsters alone aren't enough to defeat you all without any mutations. But I was able to buy some time.

Tsubaki: You... grabbed the console, didn't you?!

Y/n just smiles and nods his head. He then taps his foot, causing the rook of the gym to fall, trapping all of the ORC members and Student Council.

Y/n: Angels... Fallen Angels... Valkyries... Devils... Humans... no matter how many moronic people of these five races gather to defeat me, they're still morons.

As Y/n turns around to leave, Saji speaks up.

Saji: Hah! You sure about that!

Y/n then stops and looks at Saji, confused

Saji: I mean, yeah, we might not seem that smart to someone who's been a devil for a longer time than all of us... But we still have our own willpower! We all still have the right to live!

Baraqiel: Now!!

Suddenly, Baraqiel knocks the console out of the distracted Y/n's hands.

Y/n: ...WHAT?!

Baraqiel: Young devil, you diversion was perfectly timed!

As Y/n is now shocked with what has happened, Sairaorg comes in and hits Y/n right in the chest, having Y/n fly back into the gymnasium wall, with his Aura taking the full force of the hit, creating a 50 meter crater.

Y/n: *grunts in pain*

Baraqiel then helps get the others out.

Akeno: Father, what are you doing here?!

Baraqiel: Azazel sent me, incase things got dangerous here. Luckily, thanks to that boy *points to Saji* I was able to get here and take the console back.

Y/n then lands on his feet, and stumbles a bit, looking directly at Sairaorg.

Y/n:You thoroughly got me this time. To think that the first person to land a decisive blow on me would be someone related to Rias! *spits to the left* I really felt that one...

Sairaorg: I've been training hard to get this strong. I'm glad to see that I've made a good impression on you.

Sona: Thank for you the assist, now let's move!

As everyone starts to leave, they stop when they feel a powerful aura. They look behind them and see that the energy is coming from Y/n.

Y/n: *Image Below* How dare you take the console from me...! I've waited so long to finally enact my revenge...! Don't think you'll leave this school alive!!!! THIS PLACE WILL BE YOUR BURIAL GROUND!!!

Kiba: This aura and power... It's insane!!!

Xenovia: Yeah! More insane than when Issei went berserk!!!

Koneko: He really wants all of us dead...

Akeno: It's not just power he's bringing out... It's his bloodlust...!

Saji: Hey, is it just me, or does Y/n seem WAY more terrifying then before?!

Sona: No. It's not just you. This... This is his true strength...!

Sairaorg: I can't even call that kid a person anymore... I'm starting to sweat bullets... I can't even move my body....

As Y/n slowly approaches the others, with their bodies refusing to move, Y/n suddenly grabs his head in pain, and screams in pain.

Y/n: ...! Wh-What is this?! What's this discomfort that's spreading from the depths of my heart!?

Y/n tries to shoot a magic blast at the ORC, but his circle fades away.

Y/n: No...! My negative energy is being neutralized?! This feeling... I could never forget it... SHARE ENERGY?! Where were they able to find such a concentrated amount of it...?! No... are they using...?!

Gasper: I'm confused... Why's Y/n no longer angry?!

Xenovia: Yeah. He didn't lose his bloodlust, he seems to be in pain...

Akeno then remembers what Y/n had said about heart dimension.

Akeno: I see.... Issei must have saved Rias...! And if Heart Dimension is a dream that any CPU can have, then that world must have some kind of spiritual connection to Y/n's soul!!! They must have done something back in their world!

Sona: So, Y/n being a CPU has now backfired on him, without him even realizing that.

Koneko: Good timing though. Any longer, and we would've been dead!


Y/n then quickly grabs Gehaburn and cuts a portal to the Heart Dimension. As soon as Y/n steps through it, it disappears.

Kiba: He's gone...

Gasper: What do we do?

Akeno: Right now, let's back to Issei's house. We need to know if Azazel found anything relating to Y/n's powers.

Everyone: Right!

The team then starts heading back to Issei's house, hoping that Azazel found a possible weakness for Y/n's strength.

To Be Continued...

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