another stupid hate song

By swaggymf7

26.7K 900 899

harry is 21 and louis is 23. they are music students in manchester. niall, who is harry's best friend, hangs... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 27

600 23 7
By swaggymf7

After they finished eating, everyone decided to do the same ride. Louis and Harry sat together in the middle. Louis was clearly tense and wasn't comfortable as it was the biggest roller coaster in the park.

Harry could feel him shift and rub his hands on his shorts uncomfortably next to him and it was stressing him out.

"You don't have to do it if you're uncomfortable" Harry said, looking at him

"Yeah, I know. But I want to do it" he nodded

"It's still time to go down if you want" Harry pressed

He needed to make sure Louis wanted to do it. What if he passed out or god knows what?

"No. Stop trying to get rid of me" he smiled slightly but the unease was still clearly written across his face.

The harnesses went down, the security checked them and then they were going up. It went higher and higher and when Harry glanced at Louis, this one was digging his nails in his thigh.

"I can't do it. Fuck I should have left when I still could have" he said, shutting his eyes tightly

"Hey it's okay" Harry said, reaching for his hand.

Louis opened his eyes and looked at Harry's fingers as they intertwined with his, then looked down over his harness. Bad idea. He squeezed Harry's hand tightly in his and shook his head.

"Oh my god. Oh my god. I'm going to pass out" he said shakily

"He, hey, no you're not. I'm right here, just breathe an-"

Before being able to finish, they were going down at full speed. Louis was screaming and gripping at Harry's hand until his knuckles turned white. It was lowkey painful for Harry but probably less painful than Louis' thigh at the moment.

The ride ended after what seemed like forever for Harry's hand, and Louis got out first, his legs shaky. Harry got out shortly after and when he saw Louis' expression, he quickly walked to him. He cupped his jaw to make him look up and rubbed his cheeks, trying to relax him. He'd say it kind of worked. Louis looked really shaken by this and Harry didn't think he was that scared.

"Hey baby it's okay, it's over" Harry said, rubbing the skin under Louis' eyes

Harry had never used words of affection toward Louis, except maybe during sex or ironically, but never quite seriously. Louis did, when Harry was feeling poorly, and it was probably the same right now. No meaning behind it. But it didn't feel weird to say it, almost normal?

Louis was breathing shakily and nodded "Yeah, I'm just- adrenaline and all that" he said, taking a step back and letting Harry's hands fall off his face. He quickly rubbed his eyes "Right, um. Sorry, this is embarrassing"

What was embarrassing was the number of times Harry had fallen in tears into Louis' arms and not this one time that Louis did.

"No it's okay" and it was, everyone had fears

Louis pursed his lips and avoided Harry's eyes, clear unease upon his face. Uh, okay, Harry should try to do something like, tell him a joke? It was probably a bad idea, Harry always told bad jokes. Maybe a bit of teasing? Teasing would do.

"Admit that you were pretending to be scared just to hold my hand" Harry smirked

"Shut up" Louis said, jabbing Harry's shoulder but his mouth quirked up

Harry took that as a win.

"We should go, the other left like five minutes ago?" Harry said

"Yeah, um. yeah" he nodded

They left together and stuck to more peaceful rides until the end of the day. When they found their group back, River immediately came to Harry, throwing an arm around his shoulders. Louis frowned next to him as he eyed River's arm around Harry. It was childish, but Harry leaned into River touch, just to annoy Louis.

"So, Harry. You and I are going to have a little chat, okay?" he said, wiggling his eyebrows with a smile

"Sure" Harry replied

Harry glanced briefly to the side, but Louis wasn't next to him anymore. Harry looked for him while they continued walking and found him to be laughing with Eden and Georgia.

"So" River started "I know you said you and Louis weren't a thing" that caught Harry's attention "But it's hard to believe"

"Why is that?" he asked

"I didn't mean to intrude and eavesdrop, keep that in mind" they said, smirking up at Harry "But I wanted to make sure you were alive as it had been a good ten minutes since you went to wash your hands"

Harry's eyes widened and his cheeks heated red. Oh no.

"But then I heard noises" they said, lingering on the last word "And I mean, okay, but like, you were loud. Very loud" they laughed

"I'm really embarrassed right now" Harry said, hiding his face in his hands

"No need" River said as they stepped inside the bus "He doesn't seem to like me though" they said, nodding toward Louis.

Harry looked at Louis who was openly glaring at River and he shook his head. Harry sat next to them at the same seat as this morning.

"Nah, he's just weird"

"Or jealous"

"We don't do jealousy" Harry said, resting his head on the seat

"Right" they rolled their eyes

Was Louis really jealous, though? What if he was? They don't do that. No place for jealousy when they weren't even a thing, and when Harry had himself said Louis was jealous of Mars, it was just to rile him up, he didn't mean it. Did he, though?

Oh god, Mars, River's boyfriend. Harry felt bad, but like, if he hadn't rejected him (and unintentionally hurt his feelings, by the way) River wouldn't have found a boyfriend. So Harry was indirectly a sort of matchmaker.

And what even had stopped Harry from dating Mars? His trust issues and fear of commitment, probably, and maybe something else. Like. He said it didn't feel right, and that was true, but what did that even mean? It made no sense.

"You know" River said after a beat of silence, the bus having moved on "Mars told me about a Harry he had, um, seen for a bit? Not officially but anyway"

Oh. That was awkward, now. Harry's eyebrows were raised and his mouth was forming a 'o'. River continued talking, not bothered the slightest and not even seeming to see Harry's embarrassment.

"It didn't take much time for me to connect the dots when you told me your name, and the expression on your face when I mentioned Mars" they said

"Ul, well. We did kiss" Harry said, not looking at river

"I know the full story, Harry" they chuckled

They seemed so... unbothered by that? Like, it was great but surprising

"Ah. Sorry for hurting him then?" Harry offered

River laughed "God you're stupid" they shook their head "I can't believe you apologized to me. I think he took it the wrong way when you said it 'doesn't feeling right'" they quoted

Yeah, understandable. Harry wouldn't have taken it well either. It was such a shitty excuse, yet it felt like a good one to Harry. It made sense even if it didn't.

"He didn't understand why, but I do" River said, tilting their head with a smirk

"What do you mean?" Harry asked

What did they mean? even Harry didn't, how could River -who Harry had known for a mere 12 hours- know what he meant by that?

"You'll get it soon enough" they shrugged, putting their headphones on "Gonna sleep a bit, wake me when we're at the hotel" and with that, River closed their eyes and leaned on the window.

Harry didn't want to get it soon, he wanted to get it now. Like, what the hell? Were they some sort of mind reader, being able to read inside Harry's subconscious or something?

Harry's phone buzzed in his pocket. Great, a distraction from his irrational thoughts. He took it out and looked at the text Niall just sent him.

Niall: mate can we go to your flat pls

Harry frowned. Didn't this guy have a house?

Harry: uh why

Niall: lottie's mum and sisters are home and my parents are home too

Harry: why would you-
Harry: you're not gonna fuck in my flat are you?!

Niall: no?

Harry: no way
Harry: no fucking way you're not gonna fuck in my bed it would be so gross

Niall: you're my best mate c'mon
Niall: I would've said yes if it was the other way around

Harry: you're not having sex in my bed

Niall: fine we'll just watch a movie

Harry: I don't trust you about that

Niall: and you're right

Harry: you can't it's gross

Niall: why?

Harry: her brother fucked on that bed idiot



Niall: yeah okay we'll really just watch a movie

Harry: okay you can
Harry: why did you even ask you have a key

Niall: I am polite

Harry snorted.

Harry: of course you are

Niall: yeah yeah thanks mate

Harry: no problem have a good night

Niall: thx you too

Harry pocketed his phone and shut his eyes. After not even a minute, he dozed off, exhaustion from the day dawning on him.


After they got back to the hotel, the night happened in a blur. James and Jake left and Harry and his classmates all went to one of the bars nearby.

Harry had talked with Ed and Nick a bit, both of them were with Josh this morning. Harry got along well with them and they shared a few drinks

It had been three hours since they arrived at the bar, and all of them were tipsy. Louis was nowhere to be seen and it somehow annoyed Harry.

"So I'm making my own music and I hope to be able to produce it one day" Ed said loudly over the noise

"I'd love to hear it" Harry said enthusiastically

"I'll send you one or two songs so you can tell me what you think about it!" Ed said with as much enthusiasm as Harry

"Yeah!" he replied "cheers mate!" the two of them clinked their glasses and drank

"Do you write any songs?" ed asked

"Yeah, i've just finished writing one not long ago actually"

"Why don't you sing it to us?" Nick said, coming from behind ed

"Yeah! There's a stage, just go up on there and sing" Ed said

"No" Harry laughed "I can't just do that, but I'll sing it to you one day"

"I take that as a promise" ed smiled

"It is one" Harry replied

Harry started to look around the pub, searching for hypnotic blue eyes and a bright smile. He looked over people's shoulders and his eyes finally fell on Louis at the counter. And a stranger next to him. Louis was obviously forcing a smile as the guy put a hand on his lower back.

Nope, not happening. Not as long as Harry was there

Harry stood up and went toward the counter. As he came closer he could hear the guy say something about British accent and living nearby, his hand slowly making its way lower. Louis was just nodding, shifting uneasily on his feet and trying to get away from the guy's grip.

As soon as Harry reached them, he moved the stranger's hand away harshly and put his hand around Louis' shoulders. Louis was tensed as fuck.

"Hey there, mate" Harry spat, glaring at the guy

Louis looked up to see Harry and his shoulders relaxed.

"Hazza!" he said leaning into Harry's body and sneaking an arm around his waist

The stranger looked unimpressed and didn't budge.

"He was having a conversation. You're interrupting" he said, looking at Harry

Harry looked down at the body pressed against him when all of Louis' weight was on him. Harry guessed he probably dozed off a little. How many drinks did he have?

Harry looked up at the guy and his previously soft gaze turned hard

"I think I'm rather here at the right time" he said steadily, but the longer the guy stayed here, the more anger was boiling in Harry's body.

"He was enjoying my company, there was no need for you to interrupt. Did your mum not tell you it's rude?"

Breathe. Harry needed to breathe and keep his calm. Each word leaving this guy's mouth made him even angrier.

"Did your mum not tell you not to harass people, plus people who are under alcohol's influence? Have you ever heard about consent? Because he didn't seem like he wanted your filthy hands to touch him" he said, not even hiding the venom in his voice

The guy snorted "Don't bring my mum into that"

"I wouldn't have if you hadn't"

"Well, that's because your mum's a-"

He couldn't even finish his sentence that Harry's fist had already collided with his face. Louis woke up abruptly and his grip around Harry's waist tightened. The guy was holding his nose and looked up, almost ready to hit Harry back but Harry let go of Louis and hit him a second time. This time, the guy fell on the floor, folding in two because of pain.

"Learn to respect people or I won't be the last one to hit you"

Harry said and then he turned to Louis who was looking at the guy on the floor with wide eyes.

"Let's leave okay?" Harry said softly and Louis nodded but didn't tear his gaze from the guy as he did so.

Harry wrapped a hand around Louis' waist, seeing he couldn't stand upright and they left, not letting the others know. To be honest, Harry had totally forgotten about them, the center of his attention right now was Louis.

The second they were out the door, Louis tripped on something and Harry caught him before he fell. Louis was on the verge of falling asleep and he didn't look like he could walk.

"How much did you drink?" Harry asked, concern audible in his voice

"Too much" Louis scrunched his nose, shaking his head

"Do you want me to carry you?" he asked

Louis just nodded as an answer.

"Alright" Harry sighed, turning and bending his knees "Jump on my back" he told Louis

He felt his tiny hands gripping his shoulders before he felt him jumping on his back. Harry gripped Louis' thighs as Louis wrapped his legs around Harry's middle and his arms around his neck. He pressed his face in the crook of Harry's neck as Harry started to walk to the hotel.

"Are you okay?" he asked Louis

This one hummed and nodded slightly against Harry's skin. Harry didn't ask further questions, thinking that Louis probably fell asleep. But after a few minutes Louis muttered something. It was muffled by Harry's skin though.

"What?" Harry asked softly

"I hate people who come at me when I go out only to try and grab my ass whenever I'm not looking" he said lowly, almost ashamed.

Harry frowned "Does it happen often?"

A few seconds of silence went by before Louis nodded slightly.

Harry opened the door of the hotel and walked toward the lift, pressing on the button to go up

"Thank you" Louis said

"For what?" Harry asked

"Yelling at this guy for me"

Harry looked to the side to see Louis with his eyes closed. The door of the lift opened and Harry stepped in.

"I'm here for that" Harry said

"That's not true. You don't even like me. You always say you don't like me" Louis shook his head

Well, that may be true. Harry always said that, but did he mean it?

Harry stayed silent until the elevator arrived at their floor. Harry stepped out, careful not to hit Louis on the wall or anything and walked to the door of their room.

"Are you asleep?" he whispered softly, reaching in his pocket for the key

After not hearing any reply, he opened the door and walked to the bed to lie Louis on it without waking him up. Harry then went to the bathroom to shower and get changed. He undressed and realized he was still wearing the thong.

He wore a thong all day and he forgot about it. It wasn't uncomfortable and at that moment, Harry thought maybe he should wear more lingerie. He liked it and it seemed to be something Louis liked as well, so he'd be pleasantly surprised if he ever undressed Harry and found him in a thong.

He showered and when he was brushing his teeth, he heard a soft knock on the bathroom door then a soft voice whispering "Can I?"

Harry spit in the sink and opened the door. Louis smiled and walked past him to go inside. He undressed and walked into the shower. Harry quickly rinsed his mouth and then left the bathroom. He then laid on the bed and closed his eyes.

Harry hated the way some people were taking advantage of others - sober or drunk- and he hated it even more now that it had happened to Louis. It wasn't like Harry to be violent, but when he saw this guy disrespecting his mum and disrespecting Louis, it was too much. He deserved to be punched and Harry didn't regret it, not even the slightest.

The bathroom door opened and Harry heard Louis' footsteps coming closer to the bed. The sheets dipped and not long after, he felt a warm body close to his.

"Can we cuddle?" Louis' soft voice whispered

"You don't need to ask" Harry answered, still eyes closed, waiting for Louis to cuddle him

He didn't wait long. Louis pressed his chest against Harry's back and wrapped his arms around him, his arms around Harry's stomach.

"It's not fair what this guy did to you" Harry said

"I know" he replied

Harry used his hand that wasn't under his pillow to reach for Louis' arm, rubbing it with his thumb

"You know that whenever I'm here it won't happen, right? I'll make sure it doesn't" Harry said, looking to the side where Louis had nestled his head in Harry's neck

"Thanks" he said, kissing his neck

Harry looked back in front of him, not stopping the movement of his thumb.

Harry would have never thought he'd be that way with Louis, almost protective. He didn't want anything bad to happen to anyone, of course, but it was stronger when it came to Louis, for some reason.

"Are you asleep?" Louis asked

"No" Harry answered

"Do you realize we had sex in a plane?" he said out of the blue

Harry chuckled "Yeah"

"It was crazy" he said "You were so loud the entire plane probably heard you" he said, amusement clear in his voice

"Hey I wasn't that loud" he was

"You were"

"Okay, I may have been" he admitted

"Do you think the old lady heard us?" Louis asked after a bit

"I feel like she heard" Harry said "Her smirk hinted that she did"

"Yeah" he chuckled

"Even if she did, I don't care. It's not like she judged us"

"Yeah, that's true"

"I'm hot just at the memories of you fucking me up there" Harry said

Louis laughed in Harry's neck, making him shiver "Yeah well, there's a flight back if you want more memories"

Harry mouth broke into an amused smile.

"I didn't know you have a pain kink" Louis then added

"Yeah, well" he shrugged "Do you think that's weird?" he asked after a beat of silence

He didn't know why he wanted to know if Louis thought it was weird but he kind of needed to.

"No, why?"

Why? Easy answer.

"Seth thought it was weird"

Louis didn't answer right away and a knot formed in Harry's stomach.

"You know, the more you talk about him, the more I hate him" he said and Harry could feel him frown.

Harry pursed his lips and closed his eyes. He remembered when he barely talked about it with him and he had said it was stupid and weird. Thinking about it, Harry always tried to make it good for Seth but Seth never did the same. It was never about what he wanted, except if Seth wanted it too. It was such a shitty relationship.

Louis wasn't like that, he made sure to please Harry as much as himself. He was the opposite of Seth, and Harry and him weren't even in a relationship.

What would Louis be like in a relationship? He would probably be caring. He would maybe try to cook for his partner, making them laugh and organizing romantic dates, always trying to make them happy. He would walk around their apartment naked and smoke by the window, he'd hold his hands and kiss him in public, he'd always be careful not to hurt his feelings, helding him when he'd cry. He would love him like nobody had ever been able to, being everything Seth wasn't.

Wait. How did Harry go from thinking about Louis' unknown future partner to him being Louis' partner? His train of thoughts was a mess. He didn't mean that. His brain didn't mean that. He-

Harry held his breath when he felt Louis' leg intertwined with his and his head nestled further into Harry's hair. Right. Louis was asleep and he couldn't hear Harry's thoughts.

Harry's head was a total mess.


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