Finding You » SuperFlash {5} √

By themiko2

60.5K 2.3K 1.3K

After Mon-El is sent away and Barry is trapped in the Speed Force, Iris and Kara only have had each other for... More

girl of steel
it's just another night, and i'm staring at the moon
i saw a shooting star and thought of you
i sang a lullaby by the waterside and knew
if you were here, i'd sing to you
far from the tree
you're on the other side
as the skyline splits in two
the faithful
miles away from seeing you
but i can see the stars from america
wake up
the flash reborn
so open your eyes and see
the way our horizons meet
mixed signals
and all of the lights will lead
into the night with me
luck to be a lady
and i know these scars will bleed
but both of our hearts believe
elongated journey into night
all the stars will guide us home
i can hear your heart
girls night out
boys night out
on the radio beat
when harry met harry
they're playing 'chasing cars'
and i thought of us
therefore i am
back to the time
crisis on earth-x : PART ONE
you were lying next to me
i looked across and fell in love
crisis on earth-x: PART TWO
evil doppelgängers
heroes vs nazis
crisis on earth-x: PART THREE
so i took your hand
back through lamp-lit streets
crisis on earth-x : PART FOUR
the calm after the firestorm
the danvers-allen union
and knew everything led back to you
can you see the stars over amsterdam?
legion of superheroes
hear the song my heart is beating to?
so open your eyes and see
don't run
the way our horizons meet
and all of the lights will lead
the trail of the flash
into the night with me
and I know these scars will bleed
fort rozz
but both of our hearts believe
all of these stars will guide us home
the elongated knight rises
i can see the stars from america
all of the stars
for good
when your legs don't work
like they used to before
both sides now
and I can't sweep you off of your feet
will your mouth still remember the taste of my love?
honey, I shrunk team superflash
will your eyes still smile from your cheeks?
and, darling, I will be loving you 'til we're 70
true colors
and, baby, my heart could still fall as hard at 23
and I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways
subject 9
maybe just the touch of a hand
I fall in love with you every single day
enter flashtime
and I just wanna tell you I am
so, honey, now
run, kara, run
take me into your loving arms
kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
null and annoyed
place your head on my beating heart
i'm thinking out loud
schott through the heart
maybe we found love
right where we are
in search of lost time
when my hair's all gone
and my memory fades
of two minds
and the crowds don't remember my name
when my hands don't play the strings the same way
I know you will still
love me the same
lose yourself
cause, honey, your soul could never
grow old, it's evergreen
fury rogue
baby, your smile's forever in my mind
in memory
therefore she is
I'm thinking 'bout how
people fall in love in mysterious ways
harry and the harrisons
maybe it's all part of a plan
I'll just keep on making the same mistakes
shelter from the storm
hoping that you'll understand
take me into your loving arms
think fast
kiss me under the light
of a thousand stars
we are superflash
place your head
on my beating heart
the fanatical
maybe we found love
right where we are
dark side of the moon
take me into your loving arms
not kansas
kiss me under the light
of a thousand stars
make it reign
place your head
on my beating heart
battles lost and won
I'm thinking outloud
maybe we found love right where we are
the start of a new beginning
Iris and Mon-El quotes
𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔

i wonder, do you see them too?

629 21 29
By themiko2

Later that day, Winn walked into the cell Mon-El was in, and softly tapped on the glass, so Mon would know he was there. But when Mon looked up at him, Winn could just tell he was different from before. His eyes were darker, full of responsibility and anguish. "Okay, you look different," Winn said and Mon nodded a little.

"How are you?" He asked.

"I'm fine, thanks. I'm better than Iris," Winn said but Mon didn't say anything. "Yeah, I'm assuming that since you didn't tell her anything, you are definitely not gonna tell me anything, so...Still, here I am." He then sighed as Mon stood up. "Thought I'd give it a shot." He watched as Mon started to slowly pace the cell he was in but Winn could see right past him. "I know something's going on. Oh, yeah, that alien ship." He then scoffed to himself. "That's not just any alien ship, is it?"

Mon then faced him and Winn eyed him. "There's a lot that you don't understand, okay? It's...It's different now," He said.

"Different, how?" Winn asked.

"It's just different! Okay? There's a lot...There's a lot to explain here, okay? I acknowledge that. And I'm sorry, Winn, but I need you as a friend right now. I need you to believe me. And I need your help to get back to that ship," Mon said but Winn scoffed before he started to walk off. "People will get hurt if I don't." Winn froze in place, feeling the eyes on the back of his head. "Iris will get hurt." Winn then turned back at him, to see Mon pleading. "Please."

Mon-El's Ship

Mon-El placed the circular weapon into the ship's mainframe, and it caused all of the screens to power up. "Oh. Oh," Winn let out as he and Mon watched everything come back to life.

"Come on, come on," Mon muttered.

"I think it's working," Winn said, looking at a tablet he connected the ship to.

"Okay, the stasis fluid levels are okay. How's the power?" Mon asked.

"Are you sure this is safe?" Winn asked.

"Crief, the therian pump is jammed," Mon said as he stared at the screens, but Winn just stared at him confused.

"I don't know what that means," Winn said.

"Okay. Just reset the circuit on the end of the first pod," Mon said and Winn turned around to do just that, just to see Supergirl was behind them.

"Winn, you okay?" She asked.

"Um-" Winn let out as Mon looked back at her as well.

"He's fine. He's...I just made him help me," Mon said.

"You kidnapped him," Supergirl said.

"I didn't-" Mon started.

"He didn't kidnap me. Listen, we only have Iris's best interests at heart," Winn said.

"So, which of you two is deciding what Iris's best interests are?" Supergirl asked, but they both stayed silent and Mon sighed. "Good. I'm taking that and you back to the DEO."

She then started to head for the object Mon stole but he tried to stop her. "I...I can't let you," he muttered, trying to shield her away from the object.

"Get out of my way!" She yelled as she pushed him off of her. But when she did, she saw that Iris's necklace was still dangling around Mon's neck. She grabbed hold onto it, to get a better look at it, as Mon looked down at her annoyed. "Iris's necklace."

He pulled her hand off of him, stuffed the necklace back into his shirt, before he walked over to Winn, who was standing behind some controls. "Why'd you have to come down here, anyway?" He asked.

"If we hadn't come here, you would have died," Supergirl said.

"It doesn't matter, I'm not your problem anymore," Mon said and Supergirl scoffed as she glared at him. Why would Iris let herself love a bastard like him?

"How could you have changed so much? It's only been seven months," Supergirl said.

"No, it's been seven years!" Mon yelled and Supergirl eyed him. "It's been seven months for you, but it has been seven years for me since the day I went in that pod."

"What?" Supergirl asked and Mon sighed.

"When I left Earth, I went through some kind of wormhole. Kor-El calls it a disruption. And it took me to the future. And I've been living on Earth, in the 31st century, for the past seven years," Mon explained.

"That explains why he's not allergic to lead anymore," Winn said.

"L-Corp develops a cure about four-hundred years from now," Mon added.

"So what?" Supergirl asked and Mon looked at her again. "You just...You just forgot about Iris? Why are you still wearing the necklace?"

Suddenly, the entire system started beeping and flashing red. "No. No, no," Mon said as he ran up to the screens and Supergirl stared at it confused.

"What? What is it?" She asked.

"The power to the chambers are failing," Mon said before he ran back over to where Winn was.

"Does that mean that everybody else is gonna wake up?" He asked.

"No, it means they're going to die," Mon said before he started to press buttons on the controls. "We can reroute the power to all the chambers except..." He then turned to one of the chambers, a specific chamber, to see that whoever was inside, started to drown within it. "No."

He ran up to the chamber, placing his hands on the chamber, not sure what to do. "What's wrong?" Winn asked.

"She's drowning," Mon said before he tried to punch the chamber, but it wasn't breaking. He tried again and again but nothing happened. "Damn it. I can't... It's white dwarf glass, I can't..." Supergirl then intervened and punched the glass, which broke.

Inside the chamber, was revealed an unconscious woman, with short dark hair. She fell forwards but Mon caught her before she could crash to the ground. He slowly lowered her down as Winn and Supergirl eyed him. "Imra? Imra? Imra?" Mon asked, trying to wake her. He then leveled his ear to her mouth, to slightly hear that she was breathing and he sighed relieved. "She's okay. She's breathing."


Standing around in the med bay, Alex hooked the woman, Imra, into machines, while Mon, Winn, Kara and Iris stood around. "Are there any updates?" Mon asked.

"She's stable for now," Alex said.

"We're still analyzing her genetic makeup so we can treat her properly. I mean, is there anything you can tell us to help?" Winn asked.

"She's from Titan," Mon said before he glanced at Iris for a moment, just to see her crossing her arms, and looking sternly at the woman in the bed. "Without power to the ship she may have been off life support longer than we think."

Iris then slowly walked in front of him, clearly wanting answers questioned. "Who is she?" She asked.

"Her name is Imra," Mon said and Iris nodded before looking back at the woman. "Winn, will you let me know if her condition changes?"

"Yeah, of course," Winn said before Mon walked away. Iris watched him go as Kara and Alex stood by her, watching with her.

"He's from the future," Iris whined and Kara placed an arm around her.

"Yeah, I can safely say I was not expecting that," Alex said and Iris sighed as the girls comforted her.

Unknown Location

That night, J'onn unlocked the doors of an empty apartment and walked in, with Myr'nn behind him. "What are these empty rooms for?" He asked as J'onn closed the door behind them.

"It's not much. But, um, it's an apartment. To live in," J'onn said as Myr'nn looked around intrigued. "I never thought I'd see you again, Father." Myr'nn then looked back at his son. "Not after the invasion. I'd gotten so used to living here on Earth, on my own." He then walked over to where a table was, in what seemed to be the kitchen. "Work has always made me feel productive. Useful." He placed the keys on the table before looking back at his father. "But you are so right. I have isolated myself in my work. When I was a child, you taught me to always see the beauty in life. I've lost sight of that over the years."

"Nothing is ever lost for good," Myr'nn said as he started to walk up to the table as well. "It may not be Mars, but there is much beauty to find on this planet."

"There is," J'onn agreed.

"I am here for you now, son," Myr'nn said.

"I know. That's why we're here," J'onn said.

"At this apart...apartment?" Myr'nn asked.

"I thought it might be a better fit than the DEO. For both of us," J'onn said.

"You shall move here too?" Myr'nn asked.

"We could make this our...home. If you'd like," J'onn said and Myr'nn smiled.

"I would like that very much," he said.


Later that night, Iris walked out onto the balcony where Mon-El was, finding him looking out at the stars. He knew it was her, but he didn't acknowledge or look at her. But he knew it was her. They both knew that the other was there. They just watched the stars together. "I'm sorry," Mon finally said but Iris kept her eyes on the stars. "For all of this. I never thought I'd see you again." Iris then sighed, looking down at her hands as Mon looked at her finally. "I had to keep living."

"Kara said you kept the necklace," Iris muttered before looking at him.

"Of course I did. As a reminder of everything you taught me and did for me. A reminder of you," Mon said and Iris smiled.

"It means a lot," Iris said, but now, all Mon could think of was the accusations Kara made, that Mon just went and forgot about Iris. Forgot about everything she meant to him. He also knows that women talk.

"You have to believe that no matter what...What century or universe, or world I'm living in," Mon started and Iris fluttered her eyes towards him. "...that I would never forget you. Never. It was wrong of me to keep the truth from you."

"Well, the truth never hurts as much as secrets," Iris said.

"Yeah, and I should have known better. Secrets just kept us apart," Mon said, remembering the one time that Mon kept the secret that he was the Prince of Daxam from Iris. Fun times. "You don't have superpowers or super speed, but you've never really needed my protection." But then he kinda squinted his eyes, thinking back on a memory from the year before. "Except for that one time when we went for all-you-can-eat ribs with Kara and Barry. And you, were inhaling those things, if I remember correctly." Iris gave him an annoyed look as he continued to make fun. "I swear if I hadn't stopped you-"

"It was a limited time offer," Iris said and Mon let out a smile. "I had to."

He then started laughing and Iris smiled a little too. "That's a good point," he said.

"That's the first time I've seen you smile since you got back," Iris said and Mon smiled more.

"I haven't had a chance to say it yet, but,'s really good to see you," he said and Iris agreed. "There's something I have to tell you."


The two turned to see that the woman, Imra, was standing at the doorway of the balcony, awake, and okay. "Imra. Imra," Mon said as he ran up to her. But when he did, and held her close, kissing her, Iris's world just shattered right in front of her. "I'm so glad you're okay. We thought your life support failed."

"No, I'm fine. Tired, but fine," Imra assured, and Mon looked back at Iris, to find her just staring at the two, almost numbly.

"Uh...Imra, this is Iris West," Mon said and Imra looked at her. "Supergirl's best friend." Iris shook a sigh before she smiled but Imra, she just — she couldn't believe her eyes. Iris West. The Iris West. She was a legend from her time. So was Supergirl. They both were. "Iris, this is Imra Ardeen. My wife."

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