Me and Liam Payne

By pay_boo

723 30 14

Hi my name is Payton and I have two amazing friends names Marielle and Paige. We were on the radio one day an... More

Me and Liam Payne
The Beginning
With the boys
Waking Up
A Bad Thing
New Beginning
More Surprises
The Beach (PART1)
The Beach (PART2)
Making Up (PART1)
Making Up (PART2)
A New Life

Getting Well

36 2 0
By pay_boo

(A/N: ok Im so sorry but short chapter sorry don't hate me please!?)

#Liam's P.O.V#

"Payton said she would like to see you." A nurse says softly while walking towards me.

"She's awake?!" I say still broken but happily.

The nurse nods her head and motions me to follow her.

We walk down a long white hallway that seems to never end. Then we stop at room 1243.

"She's in there waiting." The nurse says and walks away.

I take a deep shaky breath noticing Im still crying. I reach for the door knob and turn it slowly. I walk into the room and lock eyes with Payton. She looked lifeless in the bed. Her arm had a long red puffy scratch on it with stitches holding it together. Her face was still beautiful but there was pain in her hazel eyes. I walked over to her slowly and caressed her cheek.

"How do you feel?" I whisper being barely audible.

"Fine." She says with a fake smile and tries to sit up but curses under her breath.

"You need to stay laying down." I whisper and the nurse comes in.

"Are you in pain anywhere Payton?"

the nurse said as she walked in.

"Hell yeah." Payton grunts as she tries to sit up again.I hold her head and slowly lay her back.

"Stop getting up." I said soft yet stern.

"Ok" she huffed defeatedly.

I half smiled at her.

"Here's some medicine that should help." A doctor said as he came in and handed Payton the medicine.

"Let ME help you sit up." I smiled a bit at her and helped her up slowly.

"Ow! Ow! Ow!" She whispered very quietly as she sat up. She took the medicine and leaned back.

"I'll be back later, ok." The doctor told Payton and she nodded.

"Are you sure you're ok?" I said worried. I really needed to know she was.

"Yes!" She said and playfully hit my arm.

"What was that for?" I asked jokingly rubbing my arm even though it didn't hurt.

"For asking that too much." She said "Im already feeling a bi better after that medicine, it must be very strong."

"I just care about you" I say shyly " I wanted to know you we're ok."

"Thank you" she blushed a deep pink. I smiled.

"So how did this all exactly happen, I remember it but not exactly what happend." She asked playing with the sheets.

"Well you were taking a shower, Paige came to talk to you, she opened the door and scared you, you fell pretty hard, you started bleeding, we all got into the car and I ran into the hospital with you and the doctors took you." I say shakily and a tear escapes my puffy eyes.

"Don't cry please I hate seeing people cry. It makes me all upset." She said and hugged me while she cried. I stopped crying.

"Im sorry" I say calmly.

"Ok one more thing you have to stop is apologizing." She said and somewhat smiled.

"Ok Im so-I'll stop." I stopped myself from apologizing.

" You know what, I look like shit don't I?" She asked frowning.

"You look beautiful" I say charmingly. She blushed.

I sat down and held her hand. We sat there for a while in a COMFORTABLE silence. It was nice. I had time to think. Man, she is so pretty. I feel like I've known her forever. There's something really special about her. I definitely can't let her go. I just can't and won't.

"Oh my God are you okay Payton?" "How are you feeling?" "You're alive!" All those words filled the room as everyone came in. Well so much for silence.

"Im fine bit no more yelling I still have a headache." She said and smiled. Then the the all the girls: Marielle, Paige, Perrie, and Ashley gave her hugs. Then the boys all gave her hugs.

"You look terrible!" Louis said jokingly. I glared at him. Ashley softly punched him.

"Oh, you are the kindest person I have ever met." Payton said sarcastically and smiled.

We all laughed. See that's another thing about her that I like. she's funny.

The doctor walked in. "Ok your charts say you're fine and you can be released today. Do you feel ok? Is there anything you want in the meantime?" The doctor asked nicely.

"Yay! I can leave! Yes I feel fine, that question has been asked a lot and ummm I am like really erm... Really hungry so may I please have some food?" She asked happily.

"Yes you can." He chuckled and the doctor left. You know what he looked a lot like Payton. Weird.

"Hey, um do you know who that guy are you guys related because you buys look a lot alike?" I asked curiously.

"He does look like you Payton." Everyone agreed.

"I don't know him." She shrugged.

"Let's ask him when he gets back if he knows you." Zayn suggested and we all nodded.

Almost like it was on cue the doctor came in.

"Do you like know who I am like ummm...are we like related?" Payton asked.

The doctor stood there with a warm smile plastered to his face.

(A/N: OOOOOHHHHHHHH cliff hanger sorry for the short chapter I have to go sorry but I shall write more tomorrow if I get 5 comments. So comment for an update tomorrow. Please comment, vote, fan!)

-A Friendxx

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