Par CrescentRWBY

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"Why I want to be a hero...? What kind of hero I want to be...? I... I... I'm not sure myself... I don't know... Plus

Chapter 1 (S1)
Chapter 2
Sleeping Kuuga
Chapter 3
Kuuga and Jiro
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 (S2)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
not a chapter
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 (S3)
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
New chapter?
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Thanks for 2k
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Sayo: "Yoohoo!
💞Save The World With Love!💞
🎞Futari no Hero chapter 1🎞
🎞Futari no Hero Chapter 2🎞
🎞Futari no Hero chapter 3🎞
Zero: Q&A and Feedback section
🎞Futari no Hero Chapter 4🎞
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 (S4)
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Announcement (important)
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Gear check!
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 61 (S5)
Surprise! (Special Chapter)
Status update (not a chapter)
How original
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Not a chapter update
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
In All of Our Hearts
Competitive Bowling (Zero OVA)
Chapter 68
Photo issues (not a chapter)
Chapter 69
Father's Day Special Chapter
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Plans and Curiosity
🎞 Zero: Heroes: Rising Chapter 1
Advanced happy new year
🎞 Zero: Heroes: Rising Chapter 2
New Art
🎞 Zero: Heroes: Rising Chapter 3
Meet the characters
🎞 Zero: Heroes: Rising Chapter 4

Chapter 60

437 19 12
Par CrescentRWBY

"Recognition doesn't matter.

With the sudden change of chapters reeks of disaster.

The sudden increase of lethality.

Can you be a Hero in that reality?"



Arcane's eyes glow as black mist spikes shoot from the ceiling, forcing the other Nomu to fall to the ground. She jumps down, using her mist to ease her fall, and she lands, facing the Nomu on the busy street.

Arcane: "So you're the rumored Nomu, huh?"


Arcane is seen face to face with the Nomu as the civilians in the street begin panicking and running away from the area. A few cloaked heroes are seen running towards her.

Cloaked hero 1: "Arcane! Allow us to assist!"

Arcane raises her hand, stopping them from advancing.

Arcane: "Only a few of you are assigned in Kyushu! Be efficient with our numbers!"

Arcane brings out her small shades and fixes her cap as her purple eyes narrow at the dark-looking Nomu.

Arcane: "Go and start making a perimeter, me and other heroes in the vicinity will try and resolve this Nomu situation."

Cloaked hero 1: "Roger! Everyone! Let's go!"

The cloaked heroes turned around, leaving Arcane in a standoff with the Nomu.

Arcane: (mentally) "An effective way of dealing with things like you, is disabling you first."

Here eyes glow as black mist appears and flows around the limbs of the Nomu.

Arcane: "Separate."

The mist shrunk and snapped all four limbs of the Nomu, making it lie to the ground. An explosion was heard as Arcane looked up to see the building she, Endeavor and Hawks were previously in, had a chunk of it cracked and was threatening to fall down towards the busy streets.

Arcane: "Tch…! That stupid reckless conflagration of a man…"

Arcane noticed multiple red feathers flying around the building and flying out civilians in the danger zone.

Arcane: "Not enough time…"

Arcane glares at the broken building and a barrier made out mist to delay the fall of the building. A small drop of blood seeps out of her eye as she walks towards the disabled Nomu and looks down at it.

Arcane: "From all the Nomu's seen, this is a new one… features are different… What are they up to now?"

The Nomu's limbs suddenly regenerated and smacked Arcane away towards a pole. The mist keeping the building's damage part from falling dissipates suddenly. Arcane looks up to see the Nomu standing in front of her from a distance.

Nomu: "You… think… your… mist… w-will… decapitate… me?"

She stands up, glaring at the Nomu, with blood on the side of her head.

Arcane: (Mentally) "Regenerating type, similar to the one in Hosu. Two special types present. It should not be a problem with mist."

Nomu: "Are… you… strong… enough?"

Arcane: "Shut up."

A huge explosion was heard, she looked up to see the broken part of the building scattered in pieces along with Hawks jumping out.

Arcane: "Good riddance…"

She turns around to see the Nomu charging towards her.

Nomu: "You're… in the… way!"

The Nomu leaps towards her but suddenly a huge spike emerges from the ground and pierced the Nomu's head, scattering blood everywhere. But the Nomu suddenly continues to move and knocks her into a nearby building.

Arcane: "Damn it…"

She quickly got up and ran outside towards the street to see the Nomu waiting for her.

Nomu: "Are… your… mist… gone? Or. Are… you… not… using it… properly?"

Arcane sighs and shakes her head as the Nomu charges towards her again. She crosses her arms.

Arcane: (sighs) "Yowai Mo." (I've had enough.)

She closes her eyes and looks away as the Nomu suddenly stops advancing and begins to shake.

Nomu: "Are… A-Are…-"

The Nomu suddenly bursts into multiple pieces, scattering blood everywhere, showing a sight no one wants to see, from it, a solid body of mist is seen floating on top of the scattered remains and slowly dissipates.

Arcane: (opens eyes) "Gross…"

Arcane winces as a small drop of blood emerges from her eyes again.

Arcane: "I hate this downside…"

Footsteps are heard as a small group of Cloaked Heroes are seen approaching. They stopped as a familiar voice began speaking.

Flash Bang: "Boss, we heard of the situation here. There are more on standby and on the way. What's the situation?"

Arcane: "Nomu situation. I already took care of this one."

Arcane looks at the smoothy-looking remnants of the Nomu she faced.

Flash Bang: "Isn't that a bit…"

Arcane: "I know."

Flash Bang: "No. I mean… that looks like quick work."

Arcane: "This new type of Nomu is dangerous and the situation doesn't allow for containment. Termination is the only option for now. Endeavor is taking care of the other one. The least we can do now is assist in evacuation and creating a controlled area. Follow our usual protocol."

Everyone: "Yes, ma'am!"

Suddenly, weaker-looking Nomus came flying in around them and some civilians.

Flash Bang: "Nomus!"

Arcane: "Basic-looking types!"

One of the cloaked heroes pointed his index finger at one of the Nomus and it suddenly melted.

Cloaked Hero 1: "One down."

The other cloaked heroes began charging towards the Nomus but Hawks suddenly flies down and slashed the Nomus head with his feathers.

Cloaked Hero 2: "It's Hawks!"

Hawks: "Arcane, it looks like you made quite a gorey show."

Arcane: "Stop your lousy humor right now. We need to focus on evacuation. How's Endeavor?"

Hawks: "Let's leave it to him. Majority of us available aren't good against power types. Maybe you should be ready in case things get hot."

Arcane: "I understand. Everyone, do your roles, now! I'll assist Hawks."

The heroes nods and begins doing their jobs more professionally than your typical hero.

Arcane: "I'll scan the area for more Nomu."

Hawks: (nods) "Go ahead."

Suddenly, a huge light engulfed the city, they both looked up to see a silhouette of Endeavor blasting the Nomu with a flame beam. It died down, revealing a levitating Endeavor and a Nomu head falling, but it suddenly regenerated and jumped towards Endeavor. The two heroes on the ground noticed.

Arcane: "Hey!"

Hawks: "Endeavor!"

The Nomu's limbs hit Endeavor on his left eye and left side, taking him out of the air, Arcane grits her teeth as mist surrounds Endeavor and attempts to slow his descent.

Hawks: "Arcane! Go! My feathers won't do much."


From the common area of 1-A Alliance, Todoroki is seen staring at the TV in shock as Kuuga stood by him, staring tensely at TV after noticing the mists.

Kuuga: "She's there as well…"

Jiro: "Kuuga?"

Kuuga: "..."

The TV shows an angle of Endeavor lying on some ruins with Nomu standing over him.


Nomu: "Boring. A-Aren't there any stronger heroes around?"

Arcane: "Endeavor!"

Arcane jumps in towards the Nomu, kicking its face, stunning it for a second before trying to pick up Endeavor but the Nomu recovered faster than she anticipated. The Nomu grabs her by the hair and slammed her back into the ground, covering the area in smoke. After a while, the smoke clears, revealing Arcane with a bruised face and broken shades.


Kuuga's eyes widened from the sight of the two fallen heroes. The TV shows the Nomu about to throw a finishing blow towards Arcane.

Kuuga: "Dominance!"


Arcane slowly opened her eyes to see the Nomu being held by black mists.

Arcane: (mutters) "Kuuga…?"


Kuuga's classmates noticed the Nomu being held by mist from the TV.

Kirishima: "It stopped!"

They look behind them to see Kuuga staring intensely at the TV with his eyes glowing.

Kuuga: "Get up…"

He tightens his grip on the sofa as Jiro holds his right hand in an attempt to put him at ease.


Nomu: "What. W-What is-"

Suddenly Endeavor got up and blasts a huge wave of focused flame towards the Nomu, due to the intense heat, the mist disappears in an instant, allowing the Nomu to tilt its head and manage to dodge the attack.

Nomu: "Too slow."

The Nomu then smacks Endeavor away and walks towards the downed Arcane but it suddenly gets blinded by a flash. A cloaked hero jumps in and assists Arcane in getting up.

Flash Bang: "Boss, you need to get to a doctor."

Arcane: "I may have dislocated something…"

Flash Bang: "We need to hurry up, we'll get someone to help Endeavor."


They arrive at a different part of the city to see civilians panicking as the police and some cloaked heroes try to control the situation.

Cloaked Hero 1: "Everyone! Please do a single file line!"

Cloaked Hero 2: "This situation is turning worse!"

Arcane stops holding on to Flash Bang and walks towards the civilians.

Flash Bang: "Arcane?"

Arcane: "The situation's taking a turn for the worse right now, we need the heroes that can stand to keep everyone safe. Prioritize evacuations. This will be hard to contain. We don't have enough assistance in this area."

Flash Bang: "O-Of course…"


Some of the students in Class 1-A are still seen watching the news.

TV: "There's no symbol… This is what it means to have no symbol…"

Todoroki: "You've gotta be kidding me…"

Tokoyami: "Everyone's panicking! This is bad…"

Aizawa suddenly entered the common area.

Aizawa: "Todoroki, Kiriu… You already saw it?"

Sero: "Mr. Aizawa!"

E. Fanboy: "Don't just say whatever you want!"

Everyone looks at the TV as it shows the same Endeavor fanboy in the previous chapter.

E. Fanboy: "What are you looking at to come up with that, TV?!"

Kid 2: "Stop that! It's not the time for it."

E. Fanboy: "Look at that! The flames are still burning, see?"

The TV shows flames in the sky.

E. Fanboy: "You can see that, can't you? Endeavor's still alive and fighting! Stop letting something that isn't there get you down!"

Kid 1: "You're taking this seriously! Stop it! Let's hurry up and get out of here!"

E. Fanboy: "Right now, who's the man… risking his life for our sakes? Look!"

The Endeavor fanboy points at the sky, seeing the real deal chasing the Nomu in the air, the camera quickly pans towards an injured Arcane who's being surrounded by other cloaked heroes.

Cloaked Hero 1: "Ma'am, we'll handle this, get medical attention!"

Arcane: "We need every hero available in the area, as long as I stand, I will hold my ground and assist, step aside."

Arcane approaches the media.

Reporter: "A-Arcane!"

Arcane: "Please move your broadcasting to a different area. The evacuation is slower because of this."

Another cloaked hero approaches Arcane.

Cloaked Hero 2: "Arcane! Endeavor is predicted to fire a huge blast and it may reach here."

Arcane: "Relay it to the others. We aren't moving fast enough."

Cloaked Hero 2: "Roger!"

Arcane rose up from the ground using her mist.

Arcane: "Everyone, pick up the pace! All heroes with defense-related quirks, make defensive barriers if possible!"

Arcane lowers herself to the ground and produces a huge barrier made out of dense mist.

Soon, more barriers made out of plants, energy, water, and many more begin forming. Arcane glances at the sky to see Endeavor being assisted by Hawks.

Arcane: (mentally) "Sorry, I couldn't be of much help, Hawks, Endeavor. This is the least I can do, to help the defenseless…"

Arcane wipes the blood dripping out of her eye as a blinding light is suddenly seen as well as the hard blowing of hot winds. The first barrier made out of water suddenly vaporizes. Allowing the hot wind to advance more. Arcane increases the density of the mist to fight the heat, but is visibly struggling to hold up.

Arcane: "Everyone, stop moving, crouch and protect your head!"

The civilians followed as the authorities and heroes nearby kept their ground. The mist barrier suddenly disappeared, giving them a clear view of the blinding torch in the sky.

Reporter: "E-Endeavor is fighting…"


TV: "Even as he suffers... and struggles… He's fighting!"

Todoroki grits his teeth as he doesn't remove his sight on the screen. Kuuga notices Arcane wincing in pain as more and more blood comes out of her eye.

Kuuga: "She's pushing the capabilities of her mist too far!"

Kuuga's eyes glow as mist begins surrounding Arcane, assisting her in standing.

Kuuga: "Your body has reached its limit for now… mom."

Jiro: "Kuuga, don't push yourself too much on this-"

Kuuga: "Not now, Kyoka. That person is probably the only one alive in my family tree. It would suck if she ended up like them."

Jiro: "R-Right…"

Jiro rests her head on Kuuga's arms as Todoroki clenches his left fist.

Todoroki: "Old Man… I'm watching! I'm watching!"

Annya: "Mr. Endeavor!"


From the streets of Kyushu, the heroes noticed Endeavor bringing the Nomu at a higher altitude.

Cloaked Hero 1: "He's going higher!"

Parapet: "He must be planning to create a bigger blast! Be ready for anything.

Arcane is seen looking at the sky with one eye closed as black mist still holds her up.

Arcane: (mentally) "Finish it, new number one!"

A bigger light suddenly erupted, followed by an explosion, everyone who was watching the news and near the combat zone stared in shock. Todoroki looks on with a horrified face. Annya stood up and hugged his arm.

Annya: "Shoto…"

A fireball landed on a nearby street, creating a shockwave, revealing Endeavor still standing and with his fist raised.

Reporter: "Endeavor is still standing! He's standing! Standing… with his fist raised high!"

Shoto loses his energy and kneels on the floor and looks down as some of his classmates surround him.

Reporter: "A sign of victory- no- of his start.

Todoroki is seen trying to catch his breath as Annya pats his back. Kuuga is seen catching his breath as well while Jiro brings him some water and medicine for the eyes.

Jiro: "Drink your medicine, Kuuga. It's okay now."

Kuuga: "Yeah…"

Kuuga glances at the TV seeing Endeavor still having the same pose.

Kuuga: (mentally) "A symbol cannot always last forever… there will always be a successor. This is a start, of a new part."

Jiro: "Hey, what are you looking at? You need your health in top shape."

Kuuga: "R-Right, sorry."

End of Season 4

I'm sorry for disappearing for like 2 weeks. School life just hit me hard and the hell will continue next week. I'm sorry for the quality of this chapter, it doesn't fit my personal standards but I need it out.

See you all in Season 5.

2398 Words

-Writer Crescent

Continuer la Lecture

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