Incomplete love

By sarcastic_frog1221

7.8K 379 127

Your life alters when you fall in love with someone, not just for the romantic moments but even the saddest m... More

A Day
In Sickness
Why not?
Red Herring
Lost words
Ugly Duckling

Is it morning?

469 20 3
By sarcastic_frog1221

A hermit sitting on a mountaintop. Except for meditation, he was sneezing. That is what embodied Kim Taehyung currently, wrapped up in a blanket on their bed. His eyes popped open to hear their bedroom door click. 

'JIN-AAH! I-need-a- new- blanket!' he whined, his voice almost nasal. Jin bit down harder, almost smiling at how adorably pink Taehyung looked.  He walked past to quickly open the blinds and let the sun in blinding the complaining child. 'Ah no!' he whined some more. 

'Already ordered you one.' Jin answered his pouty glare while pulling the blanket from his hands now, the man resisted.

'You wouldn't give me any! AND IT WAS FUCKING COLD!!' Taehyung mewled or tried to. Jin frowned at how raspy his voice was. He pulled Taehyung to stand to feel his forehead.  

'Your voice is off.' he announced. 'You should have woken me up if you were freezing!' Jin sighed to find him not warm enough to have a fever.  

'I don't feel feverish.' he shook his head, pouting at Jin's frown. 'At least not yet.' he stepped closer to Jin. 'And you pushed me away.' his arms wound around Jin's waist. 'I have a recording today, I don't want to go.' he whispered against Jin's lips, kissing him, it was a sweet and tender exchange between them every morning. Jin kissed him back, giggling at his sneaky efforts.

'But I have a full day of schedule, so get dressed.' Jin complained, he shoved a towel in his hands, squirming out of the embrace. 'I will ask Baek-shi to prepare some medicine for you.' he suggested and pushed Taehyung into the washroom.

'Sejin Hyung?' Taehyung asked while brushing his teeth. 

'He is here, I sent the plants with him to my parents, good idea right? I mean we would just kill them here and then-'

'Yeah, perfect!' Taehyung answered quickly before Jin spirals into overthinking. 

Validated by his decision, Jin shifted his focus to the routine. His closet was a meticulous mess. Most of it was Taehyung's stuff, accessories in tie cabinets, shirts, and coats together in one section, he sighed. But then it was clouded by annoyance.

'Tae! Have you seen my pale blue jeans?!' He finally yelled out loud, to make sure he was audible in the shower.

'Yeah. It's in the laundry.' a very raspy voice came back. Jin didn't know whether to be worried for Teahyung or for Baek-shi's spot-on complaint about his laundry habits. 

'Baek-shi! Will you make some medicine for Taehyung, he has a cold.' he relayed the order and hovered around grabbing things they will need for the day. Taehyung felt better after the hot shower, he headed straight to the kitchen attracted to the aroma of breakfast. 

'Good Morning, Baek-shi! How are you today? How is your leg?!' He asked the older man. 

'Good morning! My leg is much better, Kim-shi. Thank you for asking.' Baek-shi answered, returning the smile. Taehyung's eyes were fixated on his boyfriend looking lost in his own apartment. He knew that look on Jin's face. A case of missing phone, or misplaced phone. 

'On the bed.' Taehyung answered, and Jin rushed back inside. 

'Baek-shi, please don't make it spicy. Make it nice and sweet, just like this hotteok!' Taehyung teased and Baek-shi couldn't help but laugh and nod. 

'How do you fall sick so easily, Kim-shi! You must take care of your health in this weather...' Baek grumbled between laughs when Taehyung sneezed a couple of times. His nose was runny now.

'I do! We were freezing the bedroom-' 

'Ayy no no!' Baek-shi yelled his complaint, startling the young man. 'No bedroom details! We discussed this!' he shook his head covering his ears, like a child throwing a tantrum.

'Sorry.' Taehyung mumbled, stuffing his mouth with the last pancake. 

'Drink while it's hot.' Baek-shi suggested placing the mug with the green concoction in front of him. Taehyung eyed it with distaste. 

'Hyung is not back yet?' Jin asked, coming back into the living room all dressed for the day. He dialed and put it on spoken, adjusting his jacket. 

'Seokjin-shi, kindly eat your breakfast so that I can do the dishes.'Baek-shi warned him and Jin complied. He came rushing to stand beside Taehyun, quickly shoving them in his mouth. 

'I really need something to sit on.' Jin gulped down the last piece and put the dish in the sink. 

'Let's look for some dining furniture tonight.'Taehyung answered his worries, 'These barstools hurt my ass.' both of them smirked at the undertone. 

'No. We need to get a couch first. I cannot take Kookie's threats...' Jin stopped mid-sentence, his gaze catching hold of Taehyung's chest. The day-old hickeys littered on his porcelain skin made Jin hesitate. Taehyung played with his shirt, enjoying the lusty gaze on him. But his boyfriend caught hold of himself and shifted his focus to the bag, much to Taehyung's disappointment.  

'Ahem- will you bring back my black LV bag from your place?' he asked a disappointed Taehyung, who simply nodded. 

'Should I bring Tannie over tonight?' he asked and Jin nodded. They were already at the shoe closet when Sejin called out to them, they were late. Taehyung frowned at Jin when he opened the main door, he hopped with half a shoe and pulled the man closer by his coat lapel only to crash his lips on the soft ones. Jin's startled state dissipated into giggles in their kiss. He had almost forgotten their daily ritual. Taehyung's bite on his lower lips will ensure he never does it again. He was smiling like an idiot when they stepped out of the apartment. Even after all these years...

'We are leaving, Baek-shi!' Taehyung announced before shutting the door.

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