Love Across The Stars - Super...

By Korijin

42.2K 1.7K 258

After his mistake of Flashpoint the Dominators have come to collect the bounty placed upon Barry Allen's head... More

Actions Have Consequences
Stronger Together
Going Back Home
The Grief of a Son
Don't Give Up Yet
Music Meister
False Hope
Exchanging Feelings
Overprotective Sister
Greatest Fears
Old Enemies
Three Steps Behind
Complete Eachother
A Bright Morning
A Lazy Day Off
A New Emotion
Tag Team Duo
Hypocritical Secret
Birth of a Hero
Awake and About
Stranded (Part 2)
Stranded (Part 3)
Stranded (Part 4)
Stranded (Part 5)
New School, New Faces
Stranded (Part 6)
Group Assignment
Stranded (Part 7)
Stranded (Part 8)
Stranded (Part 9)
Stranded (Part 10)
Project Icarus
Broken Friendship
Strained Relationship
Five Months Later
The Truth
Negative vs Positive
Healed Hearts
A Glimpse of a Future
Fears of a Hero
Love Story
Rescue Plan
I Always Win
Same Mistakes, New Enemies
Finding Peace
In Search of Balance
Back on Earth-5
His Lightning Rod
Face to Face
In the Face of Despair
Free of his Reign
Is it Over?
Settling In
The Fate of Krypton

Stranded (Part 1)

533 29 7
By Korijin

The blue portal opened but it was too late. Barry and the other speedster had vanished into thin air leaving nothing but a trail of dust. She had just gotten him back from his coma and now he's gone again. It was as if fate didn't want them to be together.

"Kara what happened?" Caitlin asked

"H-He....vanished." Kara stuttered, unsure of what actually happened.

"They must hacve created a breach." Cisco sighed, "Come back to STAR Labs we can figure something out."

She flew away from the scene and back to STAR Labs where she changed back into her civilian clothes and walked into the Cortex, "What happened?" She asked

"Barry's combined speed with the other speedster so......that means they created a breach and travelled to an alternate Earth. We just need to figure which one that is." Cisco said.

"And who was the speedster?" Kara asked as Caitlin and Cisco looked to eachother.

"It was......Zoom." Caitlin answered.


"Speedster dressed in all black and has dark blue lightning, real creepy guy. Long story short he betrayed us and killed Barry's dad in front of him." Cisco answered as Kara's face softened.

"So......Barry could be anywhere in the multiverse with Zoom?" She asked as Cisco sighed and nodded.



All he could focus on was the demonic speedster in front of him. He didn't notice his girlfriend right behind him or the breach opening in front of them. But it didn't matter, he needed to get Zoom and figure out how he's still alive.

Once they made it through the breach he lost Zoom's trail and found himself in an umfamiliar city. His head snapped around and the citizens of this city were staring at him like they had never seen him before. He quickly sped away and got changed into civilan clothes he 'borrowed' from a nearby store.

His first step was to figure out what Earth he was on and try to find a way to contact his Earth. He needed to find out anything he could about this Earth and how much different it was to his. The first thing he thought of was his lab in CCPD. Having sped past everyone and vibrated through the floor as he started to type in his computer, except his password wasn't working.

He looked around the lab and saw that nothing was the way that he normally arranged it as. He was confused until he saw the name on the desk.

'Patty Spivot.'

He wasn't the CSI of CCPD? He was too busy caught in his confusion until he heard the door to the lab unlock. Panic washed through his body as he looked around for a hiding spot until the door fully opened.

"Barry?" Patty asked

"Ohh...hey Patty." Barry said awkwardly resting against the pillar of the room.

"Whaaaat are you doing here?" She asked slightly confused.

"You know...just looking around."

"My lab?"


Patty dismissed his awkward behaviour and chuckled softly, "How have you been Barry?" She asked

"Good...." He said squinting his eyes carefully as to not reveal that he doesn't know anything about this Barry's life.

"I'm glad. I'm sure having a kid is pretty tough." Patty chuckled.

At that setence Barry started to choke on the air in his mouth. He is a father on this Earth, "Yeah, yeah...having a kid is hard."

"Don't you have three?" She asked as Barry's eyes widened further in shock.

"Yes...I most certainly do have three kids." Barry said which weirded her out even more, "You know what. I'm gonna go." He said quickly leaving her lab. As he was walking down the stairs his heart sunk to the bottom of his chest when he saw bumped into someone in the lobby

"Oh sorry." The man apologised.

The pit in his stomach grew bigger as his the doppelganger of his foster father was looking straight at him, "'s okay." Barry said before quickly turning and walking away.

"Hey!" Joe called out as Barry turned to face him, "Have we met before?"

"No, I don't think so." Barry said wanting this interaction to end.

"You're Barry Allen aren't you?" Joe said.

"H-How did you know?"

"Everyone knows you. Took down one of the biggest crime families in the world and one of the best FBI agents to exist." Joe smiled.

First he found out this Earth's Barry is a father of three and now he's a renowned FBI agent, "Yeah, that's me."

"Anyway what brings you by?" Joe asked.

"Nothing......I was just stopping by." Barry chuckled. But talking to someone who looked like his foster father was too much for him too handle.

"Barry? You good?" He asked

" just look like someone I knew before he died."

"I find that talking helps with the grief of losing someone you care about. So talk to me, if I were the person you had lost, what would you say?"

"I would tell him......that I loved him. That he was the best person I knew and that I was proud to call him my dad." Barry said as Joe put his hand on his shoulder.

"If you ever need to talk you know where I'll be." Joe smiled before walking away.

Even thought it wasn't the man who raised him it still gave him the comfort of knowing that somewhere in the multiverse Joe never dies and lives his life how he's supposed to.

He learnt a lot about this Earth's Barry Allen but learnt nothing about anything else and even worse he had no leads on where Zoom was. Then it dawned on him, the facial recognision used by the FBI is some of the best in the country, it was no STAR Labs but it would have to do for now.

All he had to do was pretend to be this Earth's Barry and find Zoom. He sped to the FBI buidling located in Central City and walked through the front door.

Immediately people smiled at him and greeted him politely, "Hello Barry." The reciptionist smiled.

"Hey....Gwen." Barry said reading her name tag.

"How are you and Caitlin doing?" She asked 

" in Caitlin Snow?" He asked, it would be nice to have a familiar face around and someone he could trust.

"Yeah....Caitlin Snow-Allen...your wife."

Wife......? Wife?! His older half sister on this Earth is his wife? It kinda made him feel nausous at the thought of being married to his half sister, let alone having children with her. 

Gwen saw him turn pale and gave him a conerned look, "Are you okay?" She asked

"Hmm, yeah...I'm just tired." Barry lied.

"Having a newborn does that to you." She laughed, "Kara and Luke stopped by their waiting for you in your office."

"T-Thanks." He said before walking past her.

His thoughts were all in a mess. First he find out he's married to his half sister then Gwen metions Kara and someone named Luke. He couldn't get to wrapped up in this Earth and it's people because 1, be might mess up this Barry's life and 2, this life has nothing to do with him. All he has to do is ignore as many people as possible.

"Dad!!" Someone called out. He couldn't recognise the voice so he figured they weren't talking to him, "Dad!" A different voice yelled.

He was walking through a hall until someone jumped on his back, "Are you still angry at me?" A girl's voice asked, "Because I did say sorry."

The girl hopped off his back as he turned aroudn the face the two teenagers. As soon as their eyes met he instantly recognised her, "Kara..?"

"That's my name...." She said confused, "What's going on dad?"

"Dad?" He asked even more confused.

"Yeah." A teenage boy that looked similar to Kara said.

"I-I'm sorry...I'm really busy but I'll talk to you soon." Barry said as he quickly walked away from th two very confused teenagers. Once he was out of their sight he phased through the wall and was standing outside.

A tired sigh escaped his lips as he heard the cock of a gun. He opened his eyes and saw the one person he didn't want to see.

"Who are you?" A very familiar voice asked

"Ummm, I know this looks very weird but please but the gun away." Barry asked

"Tell me the truth then I'll put my gun away." Barry Allen of this Earth said.

"Well if you shoot me that's technically shooting yourself." Barry joked but this Earth's Barry wasn't in the mood for jokes. He put his finger on the trigger as Barry held his hands up.

"Okay, okay, no jokes. I'm going to tell you the truth but you have to keep an open mind."

Barry slowly explained to his doppelganger the theory of the multiverse and left out the part of him being a speedster, "So that's the full truth." Barry said.

"If you're from a different Earth then what's this Earth?"

"Still working on that. But I'm just going to assume this is Earth-4."

"Alright." Barry-4 said (A/N: Barry-4 means Barry of Earth 4)

" took that pretty well. Normally when people find out about the multiverse they go crazy." Barry chuckled.

"You told me to keep an open mind didn't you? And how else do you explain someone just magically showing up who looks identical to me?" Barry-4 laughed.

"Anyway I answered you questions now I have a lot of questions for you and I mean a lot." Barry said

"Alright, shoot."

"You and Caitlin Snow..."

"We're married." Barry-4 said happily.

"Okay on my Earth Caitlin Snow is my older half sister." Barry said.

"Yikes..." Barry-4 said, "This is going to be very weird for you I imagine."

"It gets weirder trust me." Barry warned, "Kara and the boy that looks like a male version of her."

"Kara and Luke my two adopted children plus my youngest daughter, Dawn." Barry-4 explained.

"So Kara on this Earth is your daughter?"


"Alright I'm going to tell you something and you to promise to keep it cool." Barry said as Barry-4 nodded.

"I'm dating Kara on my Earth." Barry said. Barry-4 stared at him blankly as he slowly raised his gun again, "She's obviously my age. I'm not dating an eighteen year old." He quickly corrected.

"This is getting too weird for me..." Barry-4 said rubbing his temples, "Anyway I think it would be easier if you avoided anyone you knew from your Earth."

"Too late." Barry said sheepishly.

"What do you mean?" Barry-4 asked.

"I kinda already ran into Kara."

"What did you say to her?" Barry-4 asked worriedly.

"Nothing, it's not like I'm messing with your life or anything."

"Dad?" They heard someone call out.

"Shit..." Barry-4 muttered.

"What? Who is it?" Barry asked.

"Hide." Barry-4 said, "It's Kara."

As soon as Barry-4 looked away Barry start to vibrate faster than the human eye could see and disappeared from sight.

"There you are." Kara breathed out as she walked over to her dad, "Why are you outside?" She asked.

" know, getting some fresh air." He said as Kara raised her eye brow at him

"Mom is looking for you. She's in her lab." She said walking away. Once she was gone Barry stopped vibrating, seemingly appearing out of nowhere.

"What the hell was that?" Barry-4 asked.

"Yeah I know, what's with that attitude?" Barry sighed.

"No I'm talking about how you can turn invisible!" Barry-4 exclaimed.

"Oh that. I thought it would be easier if I just didn't tell you but now that's it had come to this...." Barry said as he sped away and brought back ice-cream for the both of them.

Barry-4 was still in shock. The existance of the multiverse, the sudden arrival of his doppelganger and now someone who can run faster than the speed of sound.

"Hello?" Barry said waving his hand in front of his doppelganger's face, "Anyone home?"

"That's so cool." Barry-4 smiled.

"If you think that's cool on my Earth Kara is actually an alien." Barry said 


"You know what? Forget I said anything." Barry said quickly said, "Now, onto the reason why I'm here."

"I actually need your help." He said.

"With what?" Barry-4 asked.

"I need to find someone that isn't from this Earth. His name is Hunter Zoloman and he is very very dangerous." Barry warned.

"I'll see what I can do." Barry-4 said, "So this Hunter Zoloman. What did he do?" He asked. Barry's eyes darkened as he clenched his fists.

"He's a speedster like me. The sooner I find him the sooner I can get my answers." Was all Barry said. Upon entering the FBI building again Barry turned invisble by vibrating himself so no one would ask any questions about why there's two Barrys

"Hey Gwen." Barry-4 smiled. She looked up from her desk and gave him a confused look.

"D-Didn't you just come in?" She asked in a confused tone.

"Uhhh, yes I did but...I just needed some fresh air." He lied with an awkward chuckle at the end.

"Uh huh." Gwen said going back to her work.

Once they had entered Barry-4's office he closed the door behind them and let out a sigh of relief until he heard someone clear their throat behind him.

He jumped in fear slightly upon seeing his glare from his wife, "I've been trying to call you all morning where were you?" She asked crossing her amrs over her chest

"I was chasing down a lead and it turned out to be longer than I thought. I'm sorry I didn't call you." He said putting his hands on her shoulders as her eyes softened.

"One text.....that's all." Caitlin said leaning up for a kiss from her husband. Barry-4 knew his doppelganger was in the room so he put his finger in front of her lips.

"But I did run into quite the problem." He said as his wife pouted at him for not kissing her, "Yuo can show yourself now." He sighed.

Caitlin gave her husband a confused look until in the corner of her eye she saw what appeared to be a man materialise out of nowhere. She let out a small scream and his behind her husband, in the process knocking over a plant that was on his desk only then to realise that the man that appeared out of nowhere was......Barry?

"Hey...." Barry said awkwardly.

"Barry you need to explain what is happening right now!" Caitlin whispered yelled at her husband.

"Alright I know this seems weird but at least let me explain." Barry said trying to calm her down. During their commotion the door to the office swung open as Kara ajjd Luke walked in, "Great.....more people are getting involved."

"What's going on we heard a loud........crash." Luke said as he looked between the two Barrys and his scared mom, "Am I going crazy?"

"Do you also see two dads?" Kara muttered.

"Okay everyone calm down." Barry said walking to the door and shutting it as Kara and Luke slowly made their way to their parents. Barry grabbed the whiteboard near him and wheeled it over to where he was standing.

"Have any of you heard of the multiverse before?" He asked as Barry-4 let out a sigh and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

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