Carlac- A Luxsoka Fanfic

By Rainbow-Rocker

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After Ahsoka and Lux discover that they are bound by a prophecy known as a Legat the two friends relationship... More

Chapter 1: Persuasion
Chapter 2: Peace Talks
Chapter 3: Rescue
Chapter 4: Conflict
Chapter 5: Frustration
Chapter 6: Infiltrating
Chapter 7: Betrothed
Chapter 8: Healing
Chapter 9: Promises, Promises
Chapter 10: Terrorists
Chapter 11: Fighting Talk
Chapter 12: Crash Landing
Chapter 13: Ice Cold
Chapter 14: Past, Present and Future
Chapter 15: Home Free
Chapter 16: Family Lost, Family Found
Chapter 17: Tensions Rising
Chapter 18: 'Till Death Do Us Part
Chapter 19: Padawan Old and New
Chapter 20: Don't Worry, We'll See Each Other Again
Chapter 21: Welcome Home
Chapter 22: Danger
Chapter 23: Worry
Chapter 24: The Plan
Chapter 26: Love or Liability?
Chapter 27: Love Fruit
Chapter 28: Threat
Chapter 29: Master Gone
Chapter 30: The Bounty Hunter
Chapter 31: Grieving Jedi
Chapter 32: A Criminal
Chapter 33: Information
Chapter 34: Division
Chapter 35: The Truth

Chapter 25: Light, Dark, Balance, Peace

70 2 0
By Rainbow-Rocker

Ahsoka exited hyperspace and saw the dark green planet filled with lush forests, huge mountains and ruled by the psychopathic Count Dooku. Her blood boiled at the thought of the former Jedi but not even the Force could save him now. Ahsoka flew downwards into the atmosphere and landed in the clearing of a dense forest. Climbing out of her ship, Ahsoka looked around and was immediately struck by the intense humidity of this place. It was nearly unbearable as she wiped a layer of sweat off her brow and it surprised her that this was the chosen homeworld of Count Dooku. Unfortunately, Ahsoka had no means to find Lux as the hologram of the planet didn't show where Dooku lived. She suspected that he'd done this on purpose using the Force to hide his residence because the Jedi Temple appeared on Coruscant's map. 

Still she refused to be deterred and walked confidently into the dense darkness of the forest. Overhead many different birds and animals called out to one another but Ahsoka wasn't afraid of predators because she had her lightsabers with her. Right now Ahsoka was searching for any clue that could lead her to wherever Dooku was keeping Lux. So far there was nothing to go on but Ahsoka remained positive and continued on her trek. She only hoped she could get there in time before Dooku tried to do something really bad and it was too late...


Lux cried out in pure pain as Dooku's droids activated the shocking machine and sent 100,000 joules running through his body. They were trying to break him and we're doing an excellent job so far. Lux refused however to give into such cowardly methods and jepordise the safety of Ahsoka along with the other Jedi. "ENOUGH!" Dooku's voice boomed through the small chamber as he swept in, his hooded Master following him.

The cloaked figure hobbled up to Lux and looked straight at him. The young Senator couldn't tell who it was as the cloak obscured most of his face but he was frightened. Suddenly the older man sighed and stalked over to Dooku. "You're wasting your time! He'll never break using such crude implements. Use the Force, he's already been exposed to that. Remind him of who he's protecting, he will break." With that, he walked out the door with a menacing aura as Dooku prowled over to stand in front of Lux.

"Why do this, Dooku? Getting your hands dirty isn't usually your style." Lux growled at him to show that he wouldn't be intimidated but Dooku just laughed.

"My dear boy, you wouldn't understand. Your Uncle did though; he made the right choice. Now, tell me what I want to know." Dooku hissed and pulled on the Force to probe at Lux's memories. Lux didn't feel anything at first but then he felt a slight tug. It was nothing to be concerned about but then that rig turned into a pull, a yank, until Lux was shouting out and writhing in pain.

Dooku could see many of his memories very clearly now and continued his search. 'Lux and Ahsoka discovering the Legat prophecy, the two teens talking via the Force on Mortis, meeting again on Mandalore, the chase for a ship, the arguement, going their separate ways, finding her blaster to saber on Carlac, pretending to be betrothed, sharing a bed, Ahsoka going to work with the Ming Po people, the burning of their village, Lux, Ahsoka and R2 freeing themselves from Death Watch but ending up in the cave...' The memories replayed to Dooku however long he liked while Lux felt like passing out from the pain. Eventually the Count stopped and Lux took his first breath.

Dooku gave a cold grin and smiled softly at Lux. "She means so much to you doesn't she? I'm sure that you'd hate for anything to her. Just tell me and my Master what we want to know and we'll personally see to it that you can both live together peacefully away from everyone. Just give me the information." Dooku snapped at him and lifted Lux's face up to the light.

Lux merely stared at him, nothing in his expression. "If I gave into you, I would never be worthy of her love. I'll never tell you anything." He spat at Dooku and saw the rage etch into his face. Tutting, the Count stalked away and the droids continued their electric torture of Lux.


Back on Coruscant, Anakin and Obi-wan were looking at the holo-map trying to find out where Ahsoka had gone. Anakin slammed his hand down on the table, angrily. "It's no use! We're never going to find her!" He began to pace while Obi-wan looked on calmly.

"Patience Anakin, I'm sure that the answer will present herself. Ahsoka believed that Lux was in danger from Dooku. That Dooku had captured Lux with the help of his Uncle Lor. Where would Dooku take Lux? And why?" Obi-wan looked over at his friend.

Anakin merely glared back at him. "How should I know?! They could be anywhere in the galaxy by now!" Obi-wan coughed and looked pointedly at his chest. "Fine. I'll search my feelings, although you know I doubt that will work." Anakin closed his eyes for a moment along with Obi-wan and searches for Ahsoka. Suddenly, they sensed something! She was desperate and annoyed. She was... On Serenno! "I've found her!" Anakin cheered.

"We've found her." Obi-wan corrected.

Anakin brushed him away. "Yeah, yeah. Just get the men and the shops ready. Hold on, Snips, we're coming for you." They raced out of there, down to the hanger.


Ahsoka was annoyed and desperate. She'd been looking for Dooku's home for a good few hours and was now exhausted. Losing hope that she would ever find Lux and rescue him, she slumped, defeated, against a tree. Overhead, many new birds were flying and squawking at her but Ahsoka refused to be motivated. Dragging her feet along the ground, she pushed her way through some dense trees and fell into a large open area out of the forest. Looking up, Ahsoka saw a huge grey and green palace. She'd found it!

Renewed with courage and determination, Ahsoka marched forward in a frontal assault on his home. Activating her sabers, with ease Ahsoka blasted the door down with the Force, ignoring the alarms. Droids of every type charged at her but Ahsoka striked them down on seconds as she proceeded to where she could sense Lux was being held. When she got there, Lux was being shocked so much that his vital signs were dropping rapidly, it filled Ahsoka with an unparallel rage. Slicing the droids into pieces, Ahsoka freed Lux and smiled at him. She'd done it, he was safe. They kissed and the passion only fueled her. Lux wanted to get out of there but he was covered on scars from the shocking and other tortures as well as looking beaten from Dooku probing him. Ahsoka full on hated Dooku more than hell on that moment. How dare he di that to Lux!?

Ignoring his pleas to turn around and leave, Ahsoka screamed in pure rage as she went to hunt Dooku down. He and his Master were waiting in the main chamber but they weren't prepared for the horror that awaited them. Ahsoka blew the door to smithereens that decimated many of the droids while the remaining ones were dealt with swifty. "DOOKU! YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!" Ahsoka screamed bloody murder and felt a huge Force explosion blast from her body. It was pure carnage as the hatred and anger consumed Ahsoka and the Dark Side overtook her. Her eyes turned bright yellow and her vibrant orange skin became tattooed with black lines. Her clothes became long, ripped, flowing and black while her powers went evil.

Dooku and the Emperor had the grace to look terrified as Ahsoka's powers grew. Lux was blasted into a corner, helpless to do something. Anakin and Obi-wan took this moment to rush into the room and see their Padawan be consumed by darkness. They'd never seen anything like this before but they knew it wasn't good as Ahsoka turned to them with tears in her eyes. "HELP MEEEE!" She screamed as the transformation completed.

Ahsoka was uncontrollable, she'd never felt such anger, such hatred course through her veins. Lux stood cowering in the corner, terrified of the spectacle in front of him while Dooku and the Emperor were trapped in the centre of the room. The Force was binding them to the spot and constricting every action in and out of their bodies. The sheer power that flowed from the young Togruta could practically been seen rolling off her in waves; Anakin and Obi-wan were stood behind her looking petrified for their friend. Obi-wan had never seen such ability from any Jedi before, not in Yoda, Anakin or even Ahsoka when she and the Daughter merged together to defeat the Son on Mortis.

This was not like then because then Ahsoka had been in complete control and had been releasing positive energy onto negative. This time she wasn't in control and the negative energy was tearing Ahsoka apart whilst fuelling the abilities of her Dark-Side-using enemies. Lux knew that there must be something that he could do to help her but Lux could see Obi-wan and Anakin shaking their heads at him. There was nothing any of them could do for her now...

Ahsoka was utterly terrified. The power coursing through her veins was nothing like she had ever felt, it was almost painful. Ahsoka would work through the pain though, it was ebbing away slightly. She wanted to make these Sith Lords suffer for all the heartache, torture and suffering that they had caused people! They deserved to die! They deserved to feel every ounce of pain that was coming to them!

However it was not the Jedi way. Ahsoka focused on this one thought for a while and began to feel peace find her in this maelstrom of pure malevolence. In this peace, a calming and gentle voice spoke to her. "Ahsoka. Ahsoka. Listen to me. Why are you acting in this way? There is always a better way, always. Life will never be easy, nor will it never be impossible. You must find a way to balance that; not as a Jedi or a Sith. The era for those who define what cannot be defined into such simple terms is coming to an end. You my dear, will out live those who try and do that. But first, you must let go and find balance within yourself. I believe in you Ahsoka Tano." Ahsoka realised who the voice belonged to and smiled as they darkness began to leave her system.

Lux, Obi-wan, Anakin, Dooku and Emperor Palpatine looked at the Togrutan Jedi and saw the chaotic darkness transform into a soft yet blinding white light that surrounded her. Ahsoka felt pure joy envelop her as the hatred turned to love and the Force relax around her. Dooku and the Emperor were freed from their chains and in the midst of purity, the Sith Lords escaped. The remaining people didn't see or particularly mind at that moment as their main concern was for Ahsoka.

The young Togrutan Padawan eventually settled on the floor and Lux ran over to her. She looked rather tired but happy so Lux felt relief rush through him as he kissed her. The ethereal glow that had engulfed Ahsoka before faded, leaving her with rather glowing veins. No one minded however she appeared to be in perfect health. Anakin practically shoved Lux out of the way to get to Ahsoka and wrap her tightly in a big hug. He'd never been more afraid for his Padawan then he had in that moment. Ahsoka was extremely grateful for the concern of her Master and happily returned the hug. Obi-wan moved closer to her as well and hugged her too. Together the quadruple made sure that everyone was okay in one big hug. "Are you okay Snips?" Anakin asked her worriedly.

Ahsoka looked around at the three faces who meant the most to her. Looking inside her she found peace and love coursing through her. For the first time since becoming a Jedi, Ahsoka understood what it meant to be one with the Force. "Yes Master, I'm fine. I'm so happy to see you all!"

Hi all! I really hope that you enjoyed this chapter, this chapter was quite long so I'm only partially sorry its come a couple of days late. I'd also like to say thank you to Pheonix2Fulcrum for becoming my latest follower. I'll update again soon. Bye, bye.

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