Who's next?

By hisokasbungeegumshot

69.9K 1.8K 1.9K

You're 20 years old living on the outskirts of the big city, York New. Along the way, you unintentionally mee... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 6

3.1K 91 70
By hisokasbungeegumshot

Word count - 1928

   Instant embarrassment from last night slapped your face when you opened your eyes.  You reached over your shoulder to check the clock on the nightstand. 10:47 AM. You groaned slapping yourself in the face

Originally, you planned to be up at 8 a.m. to start training. you didn't expect hisoka to be in your living room when you got home...or for things to go how they did. how was he able to trap you like that? and why didn't you secretly like it?

what was he talking about anyway? chrollo could've stolen my nen? was he serious about that? trying to protect me? or is he just jealous? he's pulling shit out of his ass. whatever. I'll ask him later. where ever the fuck he is.

you weren't not his toy, but he clearly thinks so. finally getting out of bed, you peeked out your bedroom door making sure hisoka wasn't standing in the living room ready to jump at you. you didn't feel his aura, so you assumed she wasn't there.

I wonder if chrollo will text me...

You entered the bathroom to wash your face. staring at your reflection, you noticed a small scar on your neck. it was from hisokas card. you ran your fingers over it as it stung a bit, but it wasn't seriously deep. he wouldn't allow it to go that deep anyway.

later on, you decided to just take the day to be lazy in your apartment while you had the chance. "he could've beat them! weak ass." you spat sitting on your living room couch watching a live match on the TV before you.

on your lap was a plate full of fruits, eggs, and toast from room service, that you had ordered after you cleaned yourself up.

after you finished eating, you sat on the floor to meditate. meditation sessions were to focus specifically on your patience, and mental capacity. you kept this up for ten minutes exactly, keeping track of the time in your head.

doing this exercise also helped you improve your basic senses and expand your aura. right now, your aura wasn't able to reach a far distance which gave you a great weakness. if your aura can't reach far, it meant you couldn't detect a presence from far away, attack someone from far away, etc. so it was something you needed to improve on.

after you finished, you noticed your fridge was pretty empty so you took a trip to the grocery store. on your way out the door, you eyed hisokas apartment. you contemplated banging on his door to interrogate him for more answers, or simply walk away.

your impulsive decisions got the better of you. knocking on the door and waiting for a few seconds, no one answered. you knocked harder, no answer again. "Open the door. it's the least you can do asshole" you shouted through the door.

the door swung open "What? don't tell me you miss me already" Hisoka was leaning against his door in nothing but his pyjama pants. His hair fell over his face as he stood in front of you grinning

Was he sleeping? oops.

you couldn't help but stare at what was in front of you. it reminded you of what happened on Zevil Island during the hunter exam at that lake. The only difference was that his hair was soaked as the water dragged across his chest...

Ignoring your thoughts, you pushed him aside and walked into his apartment. he only shrugged and shut the door behind him.

"What were you talking about last night? What do you know?" you glared 

He stood with his arms crossed "I know you'd taste absolutely won-"

you quickly shut down his dirty reply "-you know what the fuck I'm talking about. I'm talking about chrollo"

Hisoka walked over to his kitchen "Would you like some french toast? I'm putting strawberries on top" he smiled, disregarding your question

"Answer me." You ignored him, while he prepared his meal anyway.

hisoka searched his cabinet for some cinnamon "It's simple my love. Are you a bit slow?" he said opening his fridge

"Don't call me that." you scoffed

"Slow? ~" he grinned knowing what you were implying

"Don't call me, mY lOvE" you mocked. hisoka was getting on your last nerve with the way he was treating you. he had to be delusional.

He chucked grabbing some bread from the counter and placing them on the kitchen island with his other ingredients. "Hmm, maybe I should make a breakfast sandwich instead" he sarcastically thought out loud, ignoring your presence.

You leaned against the kitchen island "...is he really capable of stealing my nen? If he is...why didn't he do it last night?" You kept interrogating him hoping for a response

"..probably because you are not ripe yet. when you are, I will be the one to kill you. I will be the one to see more of your nen, that you've sadly been containing from me." Hisoka cracked a few eggs into a small bowl

he said that so casually. yeah, he's delusional.

but maybe you could convince him to stay away from you if he wanted you to stay away from chrollo. "I'll stay away from him under one condition" you suggested

"I'm listening ~" he stopped what he was doing, genuinely interested in your next words.

"Don't pull what you did last night. ever again" you strained "Don't show up in my apartment unannounced, or hold me against my will like that"

"Are you embarrassed that you liked it? ~ Every inch of you was trembling" Hisoka smirked at you, then drew his focus back to his French toast

You hate it, but he's right. you were trembling under his grip. and you quite literally got sick. that's a weak spot you can't let him get to again.

but, you had to deny it. admitting that out loud would just prove to him that you had a weak spot. and your ego was too big for that. so, you stood there in silence waiting for him to agree.

"As you wish," Hisoka said raising his hands in surrender. he didn't mean that. he only said that so you'd be currently satisfied. "I'll be here if you ever want more" he then teased. He silently left the conversation turning his back to you to apply his breakfast to the stove

You shot him a side eye before leaving his apartment. fucking asshole

the day went on, and you arrived back at heavens arena around 4 p.m. with Grocreis in hand. you were clearly out of breath the weight of four bags on each arm slowed you down.

"Hey! y/n"two small footsteps approached you. Looking up to see who it was, you weren't disappointed seeing Gon and killua run toward you

"Hey, guys! killua you're okay!" You dropped your grocery bags onto the floor, giving killua an unwanted hug. he stood there awkwardly, not hugging you back. "What're you guys doing here?!" you asked pulling away from killua

"We needed money, I used to come here all the time when I was little, it's a great place to earn cash" killua shrugged he came here as a little kid. alone? damn. "Fair enough," you agreed "I'm here for the cash as well. They've already given me my room"

Gon looked at the pile of groceries lying on the floor "Let us help you with your bags!" he offered

You felt relieved "Sure! That'd be awesome, I can show you guys my room while we're at it"

The boys took some of the bags that were on the ground and followed you upstairs. you were truly excited to see them, even though it's only been a little while. you've only known them for a month or so, but they felt like little brothers to you. family even. something you've never truly had.

"Here we are, room 248," you said opening the door

"No way!" Gon said running inside. he ran around the apartment admiring the decorations and sectors. killua was unbothered as he's been here before, so he just followed you into the kitchen helping you with the groceries

"It's just like an apartment!" gon yelled from the bathroom.

"Don't get too comfortable!" you yelled back laughing, killua chuckled at your comment

as the two of you put the food away in silence, you began to overthink. maybe I should've gone to help killua instead of coming here right away. it was a little selfish of me. "I'm sorry I didn't come to get you with the others" you apologized

he was taken aback by your apology "Don't be sorry, it's embarrassing." he blushed "Gon told me you were busy, it's fine y/n," he reassured you. it wasn't a big deal to him, and he wasn't sure why you made it seem that way.

After Gon finished running around like a puppy with zoomies, he ran back into the kitchen to finish helping.

when the three of you were done,  you sat in the living room catching up with each other. you had asked where kurapika and leorio were. they told you kurapika had 'business' and leorio went to med school.

you didn't think anything of what kurapika had to take care of. after all, it was none of your business.

you told them Hisoka was in the building, signalling to be careful. Hisoka was much stronger than all three of you. That scared you knowing you couldn't protect them, but you'd never tell gon and killua that.

"You guys hungry? I can cook something" You suggested

"Sure! We'll help cook!" gon responded while Killing gave a slight nod

The three of you scurried to the kitchen, deciding on spaghetti for a meal.

You made the whole meal yourself as you were just teaching the boys how to do things, but you didn't mind at all. You enjoyed spending time with them.

After the meal was made, gon and killua stuffed their faces like there was no tomorrow finishing their plates in 12 minutes, while you were only halfway through it.

time went by fast. soon enough, it was almost 6 p.m.

"We should go, We've gotta get our rooms before it gets too dark." killua suggested

"Alright, you know you can always stay here if you need to. Don't hesitate to call me" You stood up walking them to the door

"We won't! thanks so much, y/n, we'll see you later!" gon hugged you before walking out the door as killua shot you a smile.

you closed the door behind them, sitting down on the couch out of exhaustion. even though you didn't do much all day, you were still pretty tired, mentally at least.

so you decided to meditate once more for the day. sitting down on the floor again, you closed your eyes putting the focus on your mind.

suddenly a dark aura hit the back of your neck, one you've felt before. it wasn't hisokas, his was different. unless he was really pissed off.

you didn't move a muscle, acting like you didn't notice yet. this way you were able to track where this aura was coming from

the balcony??

you side-eyed the window door to the balcony. nothing you could see.

can I just get one moment of peace?

you stood up facing the door to the balcony. "I know you're there dumbass"  

The door slid open. a tall figure walked through with long black hair.


"Good evening, y/n."

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