Carlac- A Luxsoka Fanfic

By Rainbow-Rocker

3.8K 83 6

After Ahsoka and Lux discover that they are bound by a prophecy known as a Legat the two friends relationship... More

Chapter 1: Persuasion
Chapter 2: Peace Talks
Chapter 3: Rescue
Chapter 4: Conflict
Chapter 5: Frustration
Chapter 6: Infiltrating
Chapter 7: Betrothed
Chapter 8: Healing
Chapter 9: Promises, Promises
Chapter 10: Terrorists
Chapter 11: Fighting Talk
Chapter 12: Crash Landing
Chapter 13: Ice Cold
Chapter 14: Past, Present and Future
Chapter 15: Home Free
Chapter 16: Family Lost, Family Found
Chapter 17: Tensions Rising
Chapter 18: 'Till Death Do Us Part
Chapter 19: Padawan Old and New
Chapter 20: Don't Worry, We'll See Each Other Again
Chapter 21: Welcome Home
Chapter 22: Danger
Chapter 23: Worry
Chapter 25: Light, Dark, Balance, Peace
Chapter 26: Love or Liability?
Chapter 27: Love Fruit
Chapter 28: Threat
Chapter 29: Master Gone
Chapter 30: The Bounty Hunter
Chapter 31: Grieving Jedi
Chapter 32: A Criminal
Chapter 33: Information
Chapter 34: Division
Chapter 35: The Truth

Chapter 24: The Plan

82 2 0
By Rainbow-Rocker

Yippee! Yay! Over 300 reads! I thank all of you wonderfully loyal readers for enjoying this story. I know that these updates for readers come later than Raxus but that is my fault for not always updating my profile that gives me the most recent number. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Now on with the story!

Ahsoka lent back in her seat, hyperspace flowing pass her eyes. She had not liked mind controlling Fives and Jesse but it was a necessary distraction. While she'd been waiting for the distraction to start, Ahsoka had had another vision which was clearer. Lux was being dragged unconscious along the ground inbetween numerous black stone pillars towards a grey, green castle. Ahsoka did not know what planet he was on but she knew that Dooku was involved somehow. Ahsoka knew that there were other Jedi who knew Dooku's homeplanet but Padawan's were often left out of the conversation. Ahsoka really hoped that Lux was okay and that Anakin wouldn't too mad with her or Fives and Jesse. 

A sharp pain shot through her forehead and Ahsoka cried out in immense pain. Her vision blackened and when it cleared she could see a dark, damp chamber with the sounds of whimpers and chain rattling echoing all around her. "Ugh! Why is this lump of flesh so heavy?" Ahsoka spun around to see a bloodied, broken and beaten Lux being pulled along the ground by a  group of battle droids. She gasped: His hair was matted with more blood than when he'd cut his head on Carlac which she'd healed on Cehla's ship before they left. It was a pure, ugly red that made Ahsoka extremely afraid indeed. He had a large, bleeding gash running along his neck and a black, swollen eye. Lux's clothes were ripped, dirty and stained with blood. Why was he always covered in blood? Ahsoka couldn't see anymore damage to her beloved but she was shaking- how dare Dooku do this! Ahsoka then thought for a moment because this extent of damage wasn't usually in Dooku's desire; sure the guy enjoyed frightening his enemies or simply killing them but this level of torture seemed excessive.

The droids threw Lux into a nearby cell, laughing cruelly at his pain. As they left, Lux groaned and regained consciousness. He'd never felt such pain as he did now racing through his body. Every inch of him felt as though it was on fire or about to fall off but the only thought that raced through his head was who the mysterious stranger had been and why they clearly wished him dead. Their voice had been distorted due to a special device and they had been wearing an enhanced clock that changed depending on the scenery or the mood of the wearer. The only way that Lux could've seen who it was would have been if they had stood right in front of him and removed his cloak. Ahsoka looked at Lux and then turned away, her eyes stinging with oncoming tears. It pained her to see him in this way but she wished that he could see her so they could work out a plan. "Lux?" Ahsoka whispered to him as a tester to see if he could hear her but the beaten Senator remained impassive and unresponsive. "Lux? LUX? HELLO?" Ahsoka tried again in case she'd been too quiet however Lux showed no sign of detecting her. "Ugh!" Annoyed, Ahsoka huffed and began searching for another way to get his attention but her hand passed through anything and everything she touched. 

Giving up and feeling utterly crushed, Ahsoka waited to be pulled from her vision like always but this time the Force refused to let her leave without gaining whatever information she needed. There was no tug to return her to reality or desperate urge to stay, this time it was the other way around and this annoyed Ahsoka even more. What she hated the most was that Lux was in complete and utter distress, bloodied and broken and Ahsoka could do absolutely nothing to relieve his pain. "'Soka... Ahsoka. If you can hear me, I'm on Serenno. Dooku, he has gone nuts. More so than before. It is not safe for you or I to be here, there is someone else here who wants to eradicate everyone and everything that stands in his way. Dooku seemed really, really, terrified of him. Ha, who am I kidding? You can't hear me and even if you could, you probably can't even talk to me. I'll just die here, alone, insane and forgotten." Lux curled up into a ball and even though Ahsoka felt dreadful for him she could not help but sigh at how dramatic he was being.

Now Ahsoka felt herself being pulled out of the vision and back in her shuttle, hyperspace still flowing past her eyes. At least now she had a destination to go to which put a smile on her face. Now she could and would rescue Lux despite his obvious warnings to stay away and protect herself but Ahsoka was going to get her friend back. Even if that meant facing Dooku, his army of battled droids, this new mysterious stranger, Grevious and Ventress. The odds were not in her favor but she was reminded of something her Master had said at the Citadel. "It's when things don't go to plan that we Jedi are at our best." That statement resonated with her a lot and it was one of the reasons she loved being his Padawan so much. Setting in her new hyperspace coordinates, Ahsoka felt reinvigorated with adrenaline to rescue Lux and bring the evil Count down a peg or two.

On Serenno, Count Dooku and his new friend were standing jn his chambers. They were looking at the footage of Lux in his cell and had overheard him tell Ahsoka where he was. "It is all going to plan, my Master." Dooku bowed to the cloaked, elderly man before him.

Emperor Palpatine grinned evily. "Then it all coming together, my Apprentice. Soon Skywalker and Tano will be ours."

I really hope you enjoyed this chapter, I enjoyed writing it. There will be a big fight scene in the next couple of chapters which will be a lot of fun to write. I apologise if it seems a bit short as it just made my minimum word count but I got the main point across. I'll update soon though so don't worry. Bye, bye.

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