The Blink of an Eye

By StoryTeller96

7.8K 65 5

Heather Haggler, a young but comely fifteen year old faces extreme difficulties shortly after the death of he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 18

146 1 0
By StoryTeller96

I stared at him in shock. A smile had then crept up on my face, and I couldn't wipe it off. "Hey." He greeted, flipping his black hair. He looked so nice, a black long-sleeve shirt, black denim jeans. Yummy.

"Brandon, how did you know I live here? What's with the..." My voice trailed off as I smiled ever harder.

"I went to your actual house and your mom told me," He answered, walking inside. I closed the door behind me; I don't mind company at all! I've been alone long enough. He settled the box of pizza onto the table and smiled, looking around. "I saw your friend, um, Lola I think. I picked up the pizza when I saw her walking inside a restaurant with a guy." He confirmed.

I raised both of my eyebrows, "Oh, really?"

He nodded. I thought about how she lied to me, how she said she was going alone. Why can't she just admit that she's back to talking with Kresten? She's wouldn't be at fault for it.

I quickly shook my head, trying to push those thoughts aside. Right now, all I could think about was Brandon...and him being here. At least he wouldn't blow me off for some other person, like Lola. And Michael did the same, not staying with me, just to go hang out with James, probably up to no good anyhow. But I can't do anything funny with this kid, I'm taken, remember?

"So, why are you here anyways?" I questioned, approaching him. All he did was smirk as a response. "I mean, not saying that I don'tenjoy your company, I actually love your company! I'm just wondering..." My voice had been trailed off once again as he did something with his eyes, and it sort of had me mesmerized. I snapped out of it, staring at him as if he were an angel.

"We should probably just eat before the pizza gets cold," He suggested, sitting down on the couch I sat on before.

I gazed at him as he opened the box, and I sat beside him. "Um, Brandon..." I let out in a murmur, studying him as he started eating.

"Hm?" He replied back, looking at me with such curious eyes.

"You do know I have a boyfriend, right? Michael." I mentioned. He swallowed and it took him a while to reply, until he did.

He had then started playing with the toppings on his pizza, "Yeah, I kind of figured. The way he held your hand when you two stormed off earlier." He let out, staring down at a pepperoni. I bit my lip as I stared down at the pizza, and as much as it looked tasty, I still wanted to talk with him.

I don't think he understands still. I'm happily taken, or at least I think I am. This whole thing is sort of like a couple thing, and as much as I wanted to be with him before, me and Brandon aren't a couple.

"So...this whole thing is kind of like a date." I let out randomly.

"It doesn't have to be. We're just friends, eating pizza and watching whatever it is that's on TV." He looked at the TV weirdly, and focused his gaze back on me. I played with my fingers, quiet. "Unless, you'd want for it to be a date?" He suggested, raising an eyebrow.

"Nah, I'm good with the hanging out term." I replied tersely. He exchanged a smile and stood up, dusting himself off. I stared at him, trying so hard not to give into just, kissing him or being affectionate with him at all.

Why is he offering all of this attention to me all of a sudden anyhow? After just an hour, Brandon decided to leave. I gave him a hug goodbye and closed the door shortly after. I stood with my back against the door, confused as I ran my fingers through my hair.

The rest of the night was a little weird, I was yet alone again in the house, and all I could think about was Brandon. Another hour had past, and Lola still hadn't shown up yet. Instead of waiting for her so I can confront her about her little white lie, I decided to just drop it, it wasn't meant for me find out anyhow. I managed to have enough strength in me to go upstairs and make it to the guest bed, and within minutes, I fell asleep.

Okay, so...the next day was just another normal day. After I got up and did everything there was needed to be done for the occupation of school, I decided to peep inside Lola's room, to see if she hadn't stayed over Kresten's house all night. But she was perfectly in her bed, texting on her cell phone. She hadn't noticed me until I took a step inside.

"Oh, morning, babe." She greeted, her eyes focused on her touch screen. I smiled at her as a response. "Parents are sleep, you have to be quiet." She added.

Just as I was about to open my mouth to confront her, she started talking.

"I think I saw that Brandon kid yesterday. He was at Mario's, getting a pizza." She let out, giggling afterwards.

I nodded, "I know."

She turned towards me and raised an eyebrow, probably curious of how.

"I mean, he called me and told me." I lied out, I didn't want her to know that he came over last night, she might tell Michael and then he'd get violent with the whole thing.

"Oh." She turned back towards her cell phone, not saying a word.

"Hey, can we talk?" I sat next to her on her bed, and she breathed out a sigh, putting her cell phone away.

"Won't you be late to school or something?" She asked.

"I'm pretty sure my attendance will survive," I assured, giving her a dead stare.

She eyed me and grinned, "Okay, what's there to talk about? I'm all ears." She got out of her bed sheets and sat up, as if this were a total one-on-one girl chat.

I started fiddling with my fingers, trying to confront her the best way I can. "Brandon also told me he saw you last night." I mentioned. Her face had fallen as soon as I had said that. "And he said he saw you with some guy. Now, I'm going to assume its Kresten?" I questioned, tucking my lips in my mouth. It took her a while to reply, until she started giggling.

"No, it wasn't Kresten. I happened to run into an old friend at the parking lot, and we happened to be going into the same restaurant, that's all." She confirmed. I nodded my head, hesistant, trying to get the information processed correctly in my brain.

"Then who picked you up last night?" I asked, I could tell that she was getting annoyed with all of these questions, but I could also tell that she'd have a good answer to every single one of them.

"I took a cab." She answered tersely, and in a dismissive voice tone.

I looked her in the eyes as she gave me a look as if I should just eff off, and stop pestering her with so many questions, and maybe she's right. Friends trust each other, what kind of friend am I if I don't trust her? I bit my lip, sighing afterwards. I stood up, leaving the room and out of the house in defeat, headed to school.

Once I made my way there, the first place I went to was Mrs. Morse, to see if she'd be in there. And she wasn't. Hmm, must be absent. She DID say that she'd sometimes be out working with her other patients, since she's also an outside school shrink. I walked out of her office in a hurry, might as well get to my next class.

As I was strolling to my class peacefully and quietly, I noticed Brandon at his locker, talking with some guy. I smiled as I walked over, steadily and quietly. I cleared my throat and that was when he finally noticed my presence. He quickly settled his eyes into my own, a small smile tugging on his lips.

"Hi." I greeted his guy friend so that I could be polite, and he quickly smirked as a reply, walking away. Brandon watched him as he abandoned us, leaving the two of us alone. I raised an eyebrow, "Is that one of your buds?"

He nodded, closing his locker and standing in front of me appropriately.

"He's hot." I commented, a smile sprouting onto my face. Brandon laughed as a reply, not saying anything afterwards. "So, I'll catch you sometime around school? Or tomorrow if we don't see each other? Cause I know how this school is and stuff, so huge that you barely see a person but one time..." My voice trailed off as he handed me a sticky note, smiling afterwards.

"Let's make it sooner." He demanded softly with a smirk. I studied the handwriting on it, and then read away. It read:

Meet me at the school parking lot after school (;

I read it over and over again, looking up at him afterwards. He winked and walked away, not saying another word, and then the bell rung for class.

I stared at him as he walked away, so curious and confused. Within that, I huffed, not even bothering to run after him and ask what he meant, even if the note was pretty specific and to the point. I turned away and headed to my first period.

The whole class time flew by very slowly, so slow that I almost fell asleep. And right after second, third, lunch, fourth, and fifth periods, I was about ready to just skip my final one. But I only have one more class, and that's it. So I decided to just hang on, and get this over with.

My brain started plotting out my problems in order, from the order of which was buzzing around in my mind the most to the very least. And I was so determined to meet Brandon after school; I know it's bad and everything, especially when I don't know what he has in stored for me. It could be some romantic date, and I already told him I wanted to just be friends, because I'm with Michael, of course!

After school, I went to my locker to put my things away, not having any homework. I sighed as push through the students that were talking to each other in the hallways. Once I made it outside, I directed myself to the parking lot, seeing Brandon leaning against his car door, his hands in his pockets. I bit my lip hesitantly, my fingers fiddling with each other.

I was basically weighing my options, the consequences of being caught with him, or just lying to him, telling him that I have to go and get another piercing of some sort. And as I finally made up my decision, I started walking towards him, until someone touched me on the shoulder from behind. It was Michael, smirking directly at me.

I gazed up at him, looking at another angle to see the Kresten's van.

"Hey, you ready to go? We don't have all day." He claimed with a smile, planting a kiss on my lips. After he drew back slowly, he had a crooked smile as he started recognizing my puzzled and panicky face expression.

"Um..." My eyes went broad as I quickly glanced at Brandon, who was looking around, then quickly exchanges a glance at his wrist watch. "Can't." I answered tersely, biting my lip. Michael cocked an eyebrow, probably wondering why.

"What do you can't? You're not in any athletic teams or clubs, and you don't have to stay after school for anything. You would've texted me before I went through ALL the trouble of trying to get Kresten to come with me to get you." He confirmed, giving me a weird gaze, holding his cell phone in the air to prove his statement.

"I know, but uh..." My voice trailed off as I tried to think of a quick and understanding lie. "I see the shrink." I answered quickly, saying my word in a soft squeal. He continued giving me that weird gaze. "'s our secret, right? I didn't text you because I was afraid Kresten or one of the other guys would have read it, remember?" I quickly held his hands and kissed him, to disguise my lie.

He touched his lips with his fingers, probably trying to process my reply in his brain, so he'd understand it better.

"Look, I'll be back. And hey, don't worry about coming back over here to get me, I'll find a way to get home." I assured with a soft smile.

"You sure?" He raised an eyebrow, probably skeptical of me being safe.

"Yeah. I'll just get Ms. Morse to drop me off." I answered with a nod. He stood there for a little longer, and the longer he stood, the more I wanted to shove him back into Kresten's van and demand for Kresten to drive off.

"Well, okay. I'll see you later then." He walked away, putting his hands in his hoodie pockets. I finally dusted the smell of slight smoke off of me as soon as they were finally gone. I breathed out a sigh of relief, turning around to see Brandon still by his car. I walked over to him, flashing a cheesy grin. He looked up at me and smiled, pressing a button on his keys to unlock my side of the car.

Once we both got inside, and he finally drove off, we rode in silence. I bit my lip as I watched the ongoing students walk home from school. I turned back towards Brandon and fixed my gaze on him, slowly admiring his face features as he drove blankly, like driving wasn't a hard thing to do. Like it was simple. And even though silence is good to have while driving, I wanted to glow up our atmosphere.

"So, where are we going?" I asked with a smile.

"Can't tell you." He answered, a small smirk appearing on his face. I could tell that he was trying so hard to keep a straight face, because just in any face expression, you can give any secret out. Sometimes they are more 'to the point' than words are.

I studied him a little longer and turned straight ahead. After a few minutes, he finally slowed down his car, and I looked around to observe our surroundings

. grassland, trees, a huge lake, what could this all be adding up to?


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