Chapter 19

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I quickly tried to unhook my seat belt as he already made it out of the car. And as I tried unhooking it, it wouldn't let me. I huffed in exhaustion, a little tired of trying to deal with it. So instead, I pouted like a six year old, crossing my arms in defeat. It sounded like he was now at his trunk, and when I heard it close, he came to the passenger door and opened it.

He sat a brown basket down on the grass as he squatted by me. "Um, wow..." His voice trailed off as he tried to unhook my seat belt for me.

I giggled. "Well you try. It's hard unhooking it..." My voice trailed off as I looked at him studying the belt that was stuck in the button of the seat belt buckle, which was probably the reason why I couldn't unhook it. He's just so gorgeous, it's breath taking.

As soon as he unbuckled it and unwrapped the belt off of me, I got out of the car, and he stood back up, dusting himself off. I closed the car door and he picked the brown basket up.

"Let's go by the lake." He suggested, walking off. I followed him, and as we were walking, I had a sudden urge to hold his hand, though I kept it to myself. When we finally got there, we sat on the mini boardwalk, and he laid the basket in between us.

"What's in there?" I questioned as he started unhooking the small hooks on it.

"Food," He answered with a small smile, handing me a neatly wrapped sandwich, a small bag of chips, and a can of soda. I took them nicely; I love just about every sandwich, beverage, and snack. And what makes it even better is that I didn't eat in lunch at all today at school, so I can be able to stuff all of this down my mouth and be satisfied, and it'd probably make him happy.

After we ate our lunch, we left the basket on the board walk so we can eat dessert after we take a small walk by the edge of the lake. I hugged myself, ignoring the cloudy day and the slight cold winds. He looked around, stuffing his hands in his shorts' pockets. I inhaled and exhaled the smell of fresh cut grass, and the smell of fresh water.

"It's very beautiful here, Brandon," I complimented, gazing around and finally at him.

"Hmm, thanks. I just...I thought it'd be cool to show you a place like this, it might take your mind off of your other life." He claimed, giving me a hinting stare. I gazed at him, staring back at the grass we walked on. "So, how is your other life? Are you getting better? I mean, if you don't mind me asking." He hugged himself, even affected by the chill winds.

I nodded, "Yeah...Angie, my shrink, is helping me. I even stopped smoking a while ago." I smiled at this comment, realizing how I truly am proud of myself for it.

He smiled lightly and flipped his hair, staring up at the dull but peaceful looking sky. When we got back to the board walk, we sat down and ate a piece of chocolate cake that he wrapped up himself at home. I sliced it carefully and with caution, careful to try and not get chocolate on my clothes or skin. He watched me for a quick second as I ate quietly, cherishing the taste.

"Mmm, I love chocolate." I moaned out, closing my eyes while treasuring every moment my tongue could taste on it.

"It's very good, very romantic..." His voice trailed off as I opened my eyes to meet a stare at him, and he quickly settled his eyes back down on his cake. I swallowed the pulverized and now squishy piece of cake, licking my lips as I could feel it travel down my throat.

"Brandon, don't forget. I'm with Michael." I warned, giving him a sorrowful stare.

Even if I have no evidence of Brandon liking me, it was pretty obvious that he was trying to hint on about something.

"I know." He started studying the chocolate frosting, placing it back onto his soft napkin. I continued to observe him, trying to predict his thoughts, what he was thinking. But as I settled my eyes back onto my own cake, I realized that the efforts of trying weren't even necessary. So I moved in for another bite, and a piece of my cake had gotten on my shirt. He chuckled at first, staring down at it.

"Don't just laugh, hand me a napkin," I confirmed with a giggle, reaching my hand out.

"Nah, I'd rather leave it on you. I think I'll take a picture, actually." Just as he was reaching for his cell phone in his pockets, I grabbed a piece from his cake and rubbed it on his mouth before he could even turn back towards me. I'm pretty known for my fast motions. He looked at me and blinked twice as the chocolate was smeared all over his mouth. I laughed, examining him.

"Now, we can take pictures." I offered warmly. He continued to look at me, until a small smirk had begun appearing on his face. He shrugged in thought, scooting closer to me and holding his cell phone in the air with the camera hole faced towards us.

Right after the flash occurred, he pulled it back down to our elevation, and we both started laughing as we gazed at the picture.

"I look so weird..." I confirmed with a giggle.

"No you don't, you look like you're having fun. Nothing weird about that." He commented with a serious face expression.

I gazed at him for a few seconds as he scooted away from me to clean up. I had then jerked myself, realizing that I should help. I got on my knees and started picking up the napkins, the plastic cups, and placed them back in the brown basket. When we finished cleaning overall, he decided to take me to Lola's house, which is now my home, if you hadn't noticed. I was sure that Michael wouldn't be there, so I knew it was okay.

Once we got there, he teased me by taking off my belt buckle first, and then his. I rolled my eyes with a grin, getting out of the car as I met him to the other side, walking on the walkway. When I got to the door, a flash of lightening came out of nowhere, and thunder followed up. It had then started raining. I panicked at first until he held onto my hand to calm me down. I looked him in the eyes, as we stood so close by one another, face to face.

Well, it is spring now. I must say, storms are one thing I didn't miss when it was winter. Rain started punching against us annoyingly, and it was so ice cold on my back! I knew this was the right moment for him to do something, and for some reason, I wasn't in any hurry anymore to get inside the house, and he wasn't in any hurry to get back to his car. Within a few seconds, he stepped closer to me and leaned in, and I closed my eyes, feeling his lips on mine.

I exhaled all of the air that was trapped inside of me from the moment he pulled away. Just as I thought he was going to plant one kiss, he moved in for another...and so on. I could feel his lips press against mine, and it felt so good. His kisses are so sweet, just how I had once imagined. I wasn't fighting back, and I figured that the house was empty.

Maybe Lola was out treating herself to another dinner, or at least that's what she always claims. And Michael, Ha, he's probably somewhere with James and the others. All I know is that I just wanted Brandon and Brandon only. I knew this was wrong, but I didn't dare to bring myself to predict the consequences.

I draped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist, and we both moved our heads slowly towards one another as we continued to make out. It kind of brings me back to the days when my dad kissed me. Not like that, of course! But on the cheeks, and Brandon's kisses were just as sweet as my dad's.

I sighed as he finally pulled away from me and I rested my head on his chest. He was slowly rocking me back in forth slightly as we stood there for a few seconds, ignoring the rain on us. He had finally unclasp himself from me and backed away as he still had access to my hand, and the further he backed away, the more he lost his grip of my hand.

I held onto his index finger, as it was the only finger I had access to, until he finally backed away enough for me to not reach him anymore. He smiled and winked, walking to his car as it had then started drizzling.

I watched him drive off with a smile on my face, turning away afterwards and going inside the house. Once I got inside, I squeezed my wet hair onto the clean carpeted floors, not even realizing until I sat down on the couch in silence. Brandon's sweet...tender...and romantic. I quickly jerked myself and gasped in horror. Oh.My.God. I just made out with another guy!

My eyes widened as I covered my mouth, shocked. What do I do?


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