Chapter 8

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It was now Friday, and for some reason, this week had gone by really fast. I went to my locker to put my books and binders away, as it was dismissal time, obviously. Michael and the others had the chance to return yesterday, but of course, they skipped, like usual. But I was more curious about 'us', even since he made out with me Monday, I haven't seen him since. Which means I haven't earned a chance to ask him questions about us being together, and I haven't seen Brandon either.

Why am I surprised?

This school is too huge to see one person more than once. But he was also drifting around in my mind, haunting me.

As I was walking home, trying to find every and any near and dear excuse to go to Michael's house, my thoughts and worthless ideas were being interrupted by someone calling my name.

It was Lola. I forced a smile, not really expecting for it to be her.

"You have to get a tongue pierce! I was just picturing you with one, and you'd look so hot." She commented, a small smirk her lips were forming had appeared completely. Gee, I don't know. Another piercing? It's already bad enough my mom hates me with this one.

"My uncle does them, and he won't charge you, of course." She stuck her tongue out and pointed to her very own piercing, I guess she wanted to prove that he could do it well and perfect, and for free. I pursed my lips upwards in thought, Ido have nothing better to do, I guess I could get a tongue piercing. I sighed with a small smile, nodding. She squealed, dragging me to follow her to her house.

Once we had gotten there, it smelled like weed, it disturbed me. Her uncle had walked out of the bathroom; he had at least ten ear piercings on each ear, not to mention his nose piercings. But he's a hot 21 year old.

"Where are we doing this?" He questioned, he seemed like he was in a rush to get somewhere else.

"The tongue." Lola answered straight forwardly. He smirked and approached me. After a few seconds of doing what he had to do, he stabbed the needle in my tongue.

I screamed bloody Mary.


I sat on her couch with a tissue on my tongue, dried up tears on my cheeks.

"Oh, come on! It wasn't that bad." She started up, sitting close to me on the couch. I rolled my eyes, ignoring her facetious remark.

This whole tongue pierce thing was so unexpected, and it's more painful than getting a lip pierce.

As I sat in pain, her doorbell rung, and she glanced at the door and back at me, "Try not to cry while I answer the door." She smirked, and I rolled my eyes again.

"Hey, I've missed you." I heard someone say. Kresten. Yep, it wasso him. I shifted on the couch uncomfortably, Kresten and Lola are very...affectionate and active when they're around a lot of people, and they never seem to care. Just imagine what they'd do if it was justme who would be paying a little attention them?

I shuddered, just thinking about. I stood up and he met eyes with me, smiling.

"Oh, hey snowflake. How's it going?" He questioned with a taunting smirk. I hate that nickname. He made it up for me since I'm pale, and my name rhymes with Feather, which is light and feathery, like a small substance of a snowflake.

"Kresten, I told you tonever call me that." My face flustered with anger, but he just laughed it off, tossing my irate emotions to the side.

"Anyway, Michael's coming over much later on. It should be interesting, you know?" He asked, giving me a wink. I gulped in anxiety. Michael's coming over?

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