Chapter 32

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Brooke had on a black shirt, a white cardigan, denim jeans, and flip flops. Her hair was in a ponytail, and she was clutching her handbag to her sides, she gazed at us with broad eyes. I breathed out a sigh, knowing that I’ve been caught. “What the hell is this? Get out of my parents’ bedroom!” Brandon shouted. Michael had an amused look on his face as he got off the bed to retrieve his shirt, slipping it on. “You think this is funny?” Brandon snapped, shooting a glare at him. Michael burped with a shrug,

“Eh…why not? I’m laughing, aren’t I?” He gave Brandon a wink, and I got up just before anything would go down.

“Um, babe, should I go…?” Brooke asked, glancing at me and then at Brandon.

“No. Just…go downstairs, Brooke. I’ll be downstairs in a few.” He promised her, his eyes glued on both Mike and I. I rubbed my arm, chewing on my lip afterwards. It fell silent in the room once Brooke had gone officially downstairs, probably scarred.

Michael raised his hands at the level of his face. “I’m out.” He chirped, walking to the door, but Brandon stood in front of him, and his look read: ‘Back up, I’m not finished yet’. Michael backed up and started laughing. He glanced at me and back at Brandon, his eyes settling into his, “Haha, look. I’m not in the mood to-”

“I thought you broke up with him.” Brandon said to me in a low and serious voice. I lowered my head, a little guilty of this.

“So?” Michael suddenly asked, narrowing his eyes at him.

Brandon opened his mouth again, “So…this doesn’t make any sense. If I hadn’t come here at the right time, you two would’ve-”

“Fucked? Yeah, and we were so close…until you showed up.” Michael stated.

I opened my mouth to protest against the ‘soon to be’ argument, but Brandon had beaten me to words. “This is my house. I live here, I’m pretty sure I can walk in on anyone if I want to.” He crossed his arms, glaring at the both of us.

I breathed out a sigh. “We’re sorry. It won’t happen again, Michael was just leaving.” I assured, taking Michael’s hand, but it had left my grasp once he snatched away from me.

“I’m not going anywhere,” Michael spat out in another slur; he snaked his arm around my neck and pulled me in closer, “Not until we finished what we started.”

I cocked an eyebrow, “What did we start? We didn’t start anything.” I pushed him away from, taking a few steps back. Michael widened his eyes quickly and they went casual.

He started laughing, finding this all amusing, “I love how you wanted to let me fuck you before, but as soon as this douche bag comes, you change your mind."

“Douche?” Brandon asked, stepping closer to him. Michael just stood in place, giving him an ‘I wish you would’ look.

“Stop.” I screamed out before anyone could take a swing or kick. I got in between them as Brandon was in his face, giving him a venomous look. Michael just smirked; I bet he felt like he was on top of the world or something. He’s still intoxicated, I knew that for sure, and now I’m beginning to feel as though Brandon knows it, too. Just as it fell silent, I breathed out a sigh. “I’ll escort him out, chill.” I told Brandon, taking Michael’s hand.

As I was taking him downstairs, he was calling Brandon names loudly, but stopped as soon as we were outside alone. I crossed my arms, mad at myself, mad at Michael, mad at Brandon, but especially…myself. I should’ve never let Michael mesmerize me, I was so close to doing ‘it’ with him, and I would’ve risked another chance of being pregnant.

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