The meaning of protecting you...

By MydlaMydla

267K 15.6K 890

Ever since being taken in by the Yunmeng Jiang clan, Wei Wuxian had been told that his role in the family was... More

Fall of Lotus Pier
Departure from Lotus Pier
Guilt and vow
Jiang Yanli joins her brothers
Battle of Lotus Pier
We cannot go back
Food and medicine
Going back
Find them!
Blame, anger and resignation
Wen soldiers
Long wait
To Meishan
In Nightless City dungeons
Joining the Sunshot campaign
Burial Mounds
Successful search
You are back
Attack on Unclean Realm
New prisoner
Return to camp
I should have...
War efforts
Hot-headed fool
Rescue plan
Family reunion
Catching up
Willingly captured
All alone in the world
Failure of a father and uncle
Moment of doubt
Stupid plan
Heart wrenching regret
Final farewell
What have I done
Price of freedom
What are you doing, Wei Wuxian!?
Broken promise
Too late realization
From son to prisoner again
Too many emotions
Wen Ning
Out of time
Preparation for the final battle
Waiting as always
Complicated feelings
Battle of wills
Rescue at the last second
Anything for you
The Yin iron
Moment of horror
Bittersweet reunion
Sect leader duties
Spoils of war
Unexpected choice of supervisors
Brothers' talk
Departure for Lotus Pier
Good enough excuse
Diverting attention
Love and care
Finally back home
Healing music
Unexpected visitor
Intrigues behind the scenes
We cannot win just yet
Changing one's ways
Return of the sect leader
To tell or not to tell
Long wait once again
Confusion brought by waking up
Too shocked for words
Mixed feelings and guilt
Time to tell everyone
To bring you back to me
Such a nice dream
Be gentle
Back to reality
One apology is not enough
Hesitation and determination
What does the future hold for me
Apology and flight
Shared guilt
What is happening around me?
Staying by your side, but not in the same way as before
Let us give them some time
News from Nie Huisang
I will take care of him
Overheard rumours
Take it easy
Uncomfortable compromise
Too much love
All clear check
Now comes the hard part
Flute or sword?
Wei Ying is missing!
Goose chase
Pushing forward until there is nothing left
Wei Wuxian is found
Stubborn fool
Stirred emotions
You are not fine
Shadow of normalcy
They talk
All those misunderstandings
A happy family?
Nie Huisang's victory
Danger remains
Built-up tension
Let it all out
Considering a very hard (or perhaps not so hard) decision
Coming out
You are always welcomed
Yiling Patriarch is gone... or not

Surprise and realization

1.6K 93 9
By MydlaMydla

Jiang Cheng's head snapped up from where he had been looking intently at Wei Wuxian, watching out for any signs his brother was perhaps waking up again. He feared that it had been just a fluke and that Wei Wuxian would still stay asleep for some more, it was not too probable that he would regain consciousness right away, Wen Qing had warned them of this as well. But hope was hard to ignore.

Jiang Cheng looked with displeasure at whoever had dared to interrupt his vigil. He was decided to send packing anyone who was not his immediately family at this moment, he felt too emotional to be seen by any of the Yunmeng Jiang sect disciples or any strangers to his family. And perhaps even family would be too much right now.

His anger and irritation lessened a little when he realized that it was his father coming in. Jiang Fengmian looked tired and somewhat hesitant but Jiang Cheng had no desire to try and console him. He had enough to deal with on his own. So he only nodded in greeting and turned back to stare at Wei Wuxian's once again unmoving form.

He did not even hear Jiang Fengmian approaching until his father was apparently standing next to him and started talking. Well, more like whispering really, possibly in an attempt to not disturb Wei Wuxian's sleep. Which was at this point not needed anymore, at least in Jiang Cheng's eyes, he wanted his brother to wake up soon anyway.

"A-Cheng, how is A-Ying doing?"

Jiang Cheng was pretty sure that Jiang Yanli had already told his father about the fleeting moment of Wei Wuxian regaining consciousness so he did not really detail that: "He is asleep again. We will need Wen Qing to give him a more thorough check to see if everything is fine."

He paused for a second, not sure how and if he should continue. There was too much on his mind and he was worried that if he did not get it out, it would swallow him whole and provoke some unwanted thoughts and feelings. In the end, he let his heart's pain spill out, whispering this time: "Father, Wei Wuxian had been crying..."

He choked on a sob that he refused to let out and his voice died in his throat. He did not know how he would have continued anyway. The whole situation became too much all of a sudden and he could feel himself crumbling.

He felt strong and warm hands land gently on both his shoulders and his father stepped closer to him, letting Jiang Cheng lean against him with his back. For a second, the Yunmeng Jiang sect leader stiffened, not used to such physical affection from one of his parents, from neither of them. The next moment however, he leaned into the touch, and it was like an embrace he had always so craved. He closed his eyes and relaxed.

"A-Cheng, it is fine. You are not alone, we are here now, we are all in this together. A-Ying will be just fine; we will make sure of it no matter how hard it would be."

It took an eternity for Jiang Cheng to nod. Of course, they would make sure to never treat Wei Wuxian the same way they had until now. They would make him understand that they loved him and that he is part of the family as well. Yes, Jiang Cheng would do his best. And if his brother would refuse to believe them or would tell them he was alright even though he would be not, the Yunmeng Jiang sect leader would smack – gently of course, he could not forget that Wei Wuxian was fragile now without his golden core – some sense into him.

And speaking of his brother's missing golden core; it was time to tell everyone. Wei Wuxian would be waking any time now and they could not risk that he would go overexerting or sacrificing himself because of some expectations he would feel they – or the entire cultivation world – had forced on him. Even though, Jiang Cheng was almost certain that despite doing their best, there would still be a part of his brother which would try to pretend like everything was alright. They would however cross that bridge when they would come to it.

He was enjoying his father's warmth and support when he was startled by a knock on the door. He immediately straightened himself and Jiang Fengmian must have understood because he let go of his shoulders only a heartbeat later.

"Can I come in?" came Wen Qing's voice from the outside and Jiang Cheng was glad that it was her. He was not sure he would have been able to face anyone else right now.

"Come on in!"

He called quietly and watched the Dafan Wen clan doctor immediately opening the door and walking towards Wei Wuxian's bed with dignity. She did not ask what had happened, she must have already heard from Jiang Yanli. She must have been just as worried for her patient as the rest of them but still, she held herself calmly and did not rush. Jiang Cheng suddenly found himself admiring her.

He had always though she was a strong woman, seeing that she had served as a personal doctor to the most terrifying man the cultivation world ever knew. It was also her knowledge of the impacts of demonic cultivation on its wielder that were enchanting him, she clearly knew what she was doing and this helped Wei Wuxian out of a near death more than once. Not that Jiang Yanli was not a great doctor herself, but she was not used to dealing with resentful energy and wounds which were not on the surface.

Suddenly, a realization hit Jiang Cheng; although he hated the Wens with all his might and was hoping that their imprisonment in the hands of the Lanling Jin sect would be less than pleasant and more importantly very long, his hatred did not quite apply when it came to a specific Dafan Wen clan doctor. Even when he could not imagine himself accepting any other Wens, Dafan Wen or Qishan Wen alike, into his home like this, having Wen Qing live in Lotus Pier was fine with him, he even came to like it during the two weeks that they had been back from the war.

He did not know how to handle these feelings and right now, he did not want to even try and understand them. He just shoved them deeper inside and willed his mind to focus on something else, namely watching Wen Qing checking up on his brother with her long, pale and agile fingers.

When she was taking way too long for his taste, he became impatient and asked, with more heat in his voice than he had intended to use: "Well? How is he?"

Wen Qing shot him a glare and Jiang Cheng almost shivered under it with how fierce it had been. He however did not give way and did not let any of his discomfort nor admiration for her show on his face. They stared at each other for almost a minute before the Dafan Wen clan doctor shoot back at him: "I cannot work with you glaring at me like that and distracting me. Go clear your head outside for a bit, I will inform you once I finish the examination."

Jiang Cheng considered for a second starting an argument with her. But he remembered that he had never won one and that it would most probably be pointless this time as well. Moreover, it would delay her from examining his brother and that was the last thing he wanted. So Jiang Cheng gave in easily enough. He had things to do anyway and it was not like Wei Wuxian would wake up any faster if he sat by his side all the time.

"Fine," he agreed begrudgingly, "it is time we informed the disciples about Wei Wuxian's missing golden core anyway." He stood up and headed towards the door after taking one last look at his sleeping brother's face. He however turned around just as he was opening it. "Send someone as soon as you will be finished with the exam."

That was not a request but an order and he could see on Wen Qing's face that she took it as such. Her eyes softened ever so slightly, apparently she could understand his bad mood caused by his worries.

"Just go already." She sent him away but her voice lacked her usual edge. Jiang Cheng nodded and he was on his way to the training grounds.

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