last love | vsoo rosekook

By zephyrpyree

117K 6.8K 2K

"take my hand" "no!" "look, i'm not asking you to marry me. i'm just trying to help you." - "will you be quie... More

last love
bonus chapter
thank you!


1.9K 137 31
By zephyrpyree

Author's POV

Jisoo and Chaeyoung were now infront of the xxxx cafe, waiting for their husbands to come. Like everytime Jennie scheduled their double date, but this month's here today. Chaeyoung and Jisoo were dressed in elegant clothes, looking like two carrer woman. They arrived 10 minutes earlier than the scheduled time. Already knowing Taehyung and Jungkook will arrive only on time, at 10:30!

6 months was a long time, for situations and circumstances to get changed.
Taehyung and Jungkook become more busy in their company works as now they barely have weekends off. As there is changes in Chaeyoung and Jisoo's bonds with their husbands too.

Their relationship is so much better than before, here Jisoo and Chaeyoung aren't afraid to ask them something. They can speak to them about anything but Jisoo and Chaeyoung still minds to maintain a distance, maybe they used to it.

So we can ask, are they lives like they have to, as husbands and wives? Then the answer will be a big NO! Still in four rooms.
Then, at least are they friends? The answer will be again a NO! As four people.

Their relationships are still there where it started. But now Jisoo and Chaeyoung aren't that bad treated by them. They are having a comfortable bond with each other.

While Jisoo and Chaeyoung's issue with their mothers aren't still compromised. Jin-goo and Seo-joon is so confused between this four. As they really don't know what happened actually. After the incident they do met in family dinners, arranged by Jong-suk. But still Chaeyoung and Jisoo are so moody with their mothers. Having such a uncomfortable feeling. As now they are having really a long distance between them.

In the past months, Jennie and Lisa are working so hard to make their brothers and sister-in-laws feelings work. As it was their plan to let them go on double dates in all month ends. It can help them to know each other more. Where Jong-suk was stern about this decision so Jungkook and Taehyung didn't had any other choice. But it's not happening like it have to.

They do comes in time, but it's not going like Jennie and Lisa wished too. Only having a coffee and a piece cake weren't really what they meant.

The taller and latter immediately recognized the car as they looked forward to the persons inside. Taehyung and Jungkook fondly smiles stepping out from the car, as they started approaching these two.

"We weren't late. Right?" Jungkook inquirers, reaching beside Chaeyoung. She shooks her head "No." He hums softly.

Taehyung takes the lead as Jisoo immediately follows her husband. Getting Chaeyoung and Jungkook's accompany too. Taking a four chaired table, mostly looked like in the corner, they was seated comfortably.

As a waitress notices this four and was footing near them to get their orders.

"How was working today?" Jisoo quiered, trying to better the heat between them, like she always do. "Yeah, It was fine. We will be late today." Taehyung informed. "Dae..!" Jisoo nodded her head understanding.

"What can I help you, handsomes?" Grabbing their alls attention, the waitress was heard up from them. She smiles brightly at Taehyung and Jungkook completely ignoring the rest two. Jisoo and Chaeyoung didn't found that comfortable.

"We will have 4 cappuccino, three chocolate cake and one strawberry." But it wasn't noticible for Taehyung and Jungkook, as the older takes the the order carelessly. "Only this?" The girl asks, making their wives more irritating. "Yeah..!" Jungkook cautionly chuckles at her.

She takes her leave giving Jisoo and Chaeyoung a wayward smirk, which the latters annoyingly watched. "This café was the worst one, eonnie ever booked." Jisoo mumbled slowly, where only Chaeyoung can hear. "Did you say something!?" Jungkook asked assuming it was from Chaeyoung.

Jisoo and Chaeyoung immediately glances at him. "Nothing!"

Taehyung looked at the younger wondering what made their wives mood change sudden, as Jungkook return the same.

Breaking the silence a tray was placed on the table. They looks up meeting the same girl again. Jisoo and Chaeyoung sighs tired of her so called dirty smile, she shows to Jungkook and Taehyung. But it immediately, mutated into frowns, when they noticed, the girl's shirt aren't buttoned enough. By that anyone can see half of her chest. The girl was struggling to bend down too much.

"Thank you!" Said Jungkook taking his drink and looked up to pass the waitress a small smile. But his eyes widened in, what he saw. He throws his head the opposite side, still in shock. While Taehyung was having a hard time being too much close to the person. Jisoo and Chaeyoung checks their husbands, to make sure, they aren't also seeing what they're.

"Our pleasure!" She said, trying to bend more, making Jisoo and Chaeyoung so annoyed. Jisoo pushes her up, "Stay still. You are gonna break your back." The girl glared, but Jisoo shows her a sweet smile, hiding the desperate to tore her apart. Taehyung and Jungkook surprised but still proudly, narrowes their eyebrows at her words.

But the waitress doesn't seems to give up that easily. "Actually, if you both don't mind, can I have your numbers?" She takes out a notepad and pen, all ready to write it down. Chaeyoung and Jisoo's eyes widened. She was getting on their nerves.

She isn't even trying to make move on one, straightly hitting on two persons at the same time. This made the girls more pissed, they looked forward to Jungkook and Taehyung's response.

"Sorry. We aren't interested." Jungkook answered still avoiding facetime with the waitress. Jisoo and Chaeyoung frowned.

Only this? Seriously? They wanted a powerful response from them. And they hated the word 'sorry' in that. Jisoo and Chaeyoung wondered, when Taehyung and Jungkook become this soft.

But taking it all away Jungkook spoke again. "We are married." Chaeyoung and Jisoo's heart flutter at the feeling. They just smiled brightly as the victory was theirs.

"Ohh, But I-"

"Didn't you heard them? They aren't interested!" Chaeyoung snapped, smirking widely. As Jungkook made her mood so up.

The listener scoffs. "What is wrong with you? This is none of your business." Chaeyoung's face welled up with anger. As Taehyung and Jungkook also didn't liked it, especially the younger.

But before Chaeyoung could attack her, Jisoo steps in. "it's her business-" She stopped when a cold hand was placed upon hers. She gazes up to Taehyung.

Saying nothing to Jisoo, he turned to the girl. "They're our wives, so obviously it will affect them, Miss." Taehyung sounded polite, but didn't forget to add a bit spice.

"Oh, Sorry. I didn't know that!" The waitress apologizes bowing, making Jisoo and Chaeyoung roll their eyes, as her shirt isn't still fine. "Can you please walk away." Chaeyoung asks. "Sorry Ma'am. Sorry Sir." The waitress again bowed before walking away with an embarrassed look.

Jisoo can feel her face heating up, noticing Taehyung's hand is still on her. She didn't even tried to shrug it off, but wants to. Only because her red cheeks are so noticeable.

"Uh!" When Taehyung realized, he took his hand back. "Sorry!" He apologized. The word sounded so uncomfortable for a husband and wife. But still Jisoo shooked her head, meaning she was fine with it.

The double date continued like it always do, completely silent.

Taehyung turned back, looking for the others, as he was the one who got first. "Then we will take our leave now." Taehyung informed eyeing Jungkook to follow him.

"You are going home. Right?" Jungkook inquirered. Chaeyoung shooked her head. "Ani, eommani said she wants to meet us. So we are going there."

Jungkook and Taehyung oh'ed. "Do you want us to drop you both, there?" Taehyung asked. "No, we will take a cab. You both can go."

The car getting out of their sight. They sighs together. "I don't know why but I'm happy!" Jisoo remarked, leaning to Chaeyoung. The taller caress her hair. "Why? Only because he touched your hand. Awww!!!" The taller cooed, taking Jisoo's hand in hers and caressing it with a teasing smirk.

Jisoo smacked away her hand, glaring at her. "You better stop!" She warned, making Chaeyoung giggle.

"Ehee, just for fun!" She winked at the latter. "Hmm, Come. We should look for a cab, eommani will be waiting for us." Chaeyoung tapped on her head, Jisoo nodded clinging to her arm.

They rotated back to find a cab in the busy highway. Strugglingly finding one, they drove to their destination.


Chaeyoung switchs the door bell once, as the door was opened by a maid. She bowed giving Jisoo and Chaeyoung a small smile. They didn't forget to return it.

"Oh, so you both are here!" Shin-hye beamed spotting them stepping in the living room. Jisoo and Chaeyoung splashed a bright smile before diverting their destination to the dining table, as Shin-hye and Jennie were there.

"Oh, my goodness! What happened eonnie? You looks pale." Jisoo commented seeing the said figure smiling at them with weak eyes.

"What can happen? This is what happens when people overworks." Shin-hye said passing Jennie, the medicine maded by her. "Eat more past food, so you can throwup more. Okay?" Shin-hye warned glaring. While Jennie softly giggles.

"You are looking so weak eonnie. Why didn't you go hospital?" Chaeyoung asked.

"She was here to go hospital with Lish." Shin-hye replied. "Then, where is she?" Jisoo quiered. "Yeah, that one is so into outing nowadays. It was the big mistake letting her stay here. Jong-suk should not had asked for her long leave. She isn't even cared of her study." Shin-hye continued complaining.

Jisoo, Chaeyoung and Jennie chuckled knowing how much Lisa is into go out with her friends.

"Jisooya, If you don't have any problem. How about giving Jen accompany to hospital?" Shin-hye suggested, patting Jennie's head.

"Of course I can. There is nothing to be asked!" Jisoo retorts making the listeners chuckle by her cute pout. "I was supposed to take you both to my club, that's why I called you here." Shin-hye stated disappointly.

"You both should thank me later, I saved you from a bunch of old ladies." Jennie joked earning a glare from Shin-hye, while Jisoo and Chaeyoung giggles.

"Who did you called old ladies? They are my clubmates also old friends. Only because you are sick, or else i should had smacked your head so hard, you would be regretting all what you said!" Shin-hye gestured a smack. "Actually, Some of them weren't in the wedding of Kook and Tae. So they didn't met Chaeyoung and Jisoo yet. As i was thinking about letting you come with me. But this girl, ruined it!" Shin-hye complained again, pointing at Jennie.

Jennie nonchalantly gulped down her medicine, with the same tired expression.

"We have small function, in the club after a long time. So I have to go surely. Or else I had gone with Jen." Shin-hye reasoned. Jisoo and Chaeyoung nodded.

"Jisoo will go with Jen. So Chaeyoung, at least you come with me." Shin-hye suggested with a pleasant smile. Chaeyoung immediately gaze up to Shin-hye. "Ah, Aniyo. I will be so uncomfortable, alone. If Jichu was also there, it was different but.." Chaeyoung hold a helpless look, worrying did she hurted the older.

"Oh, okay okay fine! Why did your mood suddenly changed? I can understand. Yeah, we can do it some other day." Shin-hye smiled assuring her words. Chaeyoung brightly grinned, accepting Shin-hye's affectionate pat on her head.

"Then, we can go eonnie. Come, let me help you!" Jisoo volunteered trying to give a support for the latter. "I'm not that weak Jichu!" Jennie tried to defend. "I don't think so." Jisoo narrowed her eyes, making Jennie just give up with a small giggle.

"I will also come with you Chu. What will I do here, if eommani is also leaving?" Chaeyoung pouted.

"Yeah, you can also. After leaving me in the hospital, you both can get home." Jennie suggested.

"No! I mean, yes. Chaeyoung will come with us. But we aren't going to leave you at hospital alone. After consulting a doctor we can drop you back home." Jisoo interfered.

"But I'm fine guys." Jennie whined. "I don't really think so eonnie." Chaeyoung countered, getting a glare from the other.

"Then, we will be get going eommani!" Chaeyoung informed. "By the way, what is the function gonna happen in your club? You didn't said!" Jisoo quiered curiosilly.

"Nothing Chu! The get together of a bunch of old ladies. And will have a 19's popular song in the background." Jennie says, bursting out laughing. "Yaah, you better get out. Or else i will kick you out." Shin-hye growled.

"Eonnie, just stop now." Jisoo advised, inbetween her chuckle. "You are completely healthy for this." Chaeyoung commented, making Jennie wink at her.

They all bided Shin-hye before taking their leave. As Chaeyoung was driving to the nearest hospital.

"You are better than Jichu, Chaeng!" Jennie complimented, who was so carefully rotating the handler of the car.

"I'm not bad at driving." Jisoo countered crossing her arms, Jennie turned back to have a look of the figure in the back seat. "Aren't you?" She narrowed her eyebrows.

Jisoo glared at her. "Yeah, I have difficulties in taking U turn." she admits avoiding eye contact with Jennie. "Only U turn?" Jennie again.

Jisoo again locked her glare on her. "Okay fine. I'm not that good. Hmph" Jisoo pouted looking outside through the window making Jennie laugh out loud.

"Can you both please shut up. I will lose my concentration." Chaeyoung alerted.

"I told you, I will drive." Jennie reminded. "In this state? No way. Be quiet, that's enough." Chaeyoung countered making Jennie only shook her head, with a soft sigh.

"Come on eonnie. Do you want any help." Jisoo asked extending a hand for Jennie, to get out from the car. As Chaeyoung also got out as she made her way near Jisoo. They have been reach the hospital, now.

"OhOoo Jisooyah! I told you, I'm not that sick." Jennie slapped down her hands, not that harshly. Jennie also went out. "But you looks weak!" Jisoo fire back, sneaking her hands on Jennie's arm to give her support for walking.

Jennie glared before slapping Jisoo's hand onceagain, this time so hard, making Jisoo groan. "Ouch, eonnie!!!"

"I told you, I'm not a patient. Stay two foot away from me!" She warned glaring more intensely, making Chaeyoung laugh, as Jisoo continued rubbing her arm with a small pout.

"Can you both please stop acting like kids. She is just worried for you eonnie" Chaeyoung snorted, still smiling. "But, she is just too much." Jennie stated, feeling really touched by that.

You are-"

"I think I need to sit... ..." Cutting off Chaeyoung from her words, Jennie alerted.

"EONNIEEE!!!!" Jisoo yelled urgently reaching for her hand as she barely managed to avoid the older from falling. Chaeyoung gasped in horror before giving support for Jisoo.

"Eonnie? eonnie? eonnie?" Chaeyoung tapped her cheek trying to rouse her, scared by her sudden unconsciousness. Making them panic Jennie's body remained limp. "Chaeyoung-ah, ottekke?" Jisoo looked at the taller, completely worried.
"Come Jisoo!" Chaeyoung called to hurry inside the hospital.

She will be alright. Right?" Chaeyoung asked, seating next to Jisoo. Outside the room, they both looked effortlessly worried for Jennie who was currently having the doctor's consultation.

"I don't really know. My hands are feeling so cold." Jisoo rubbed her hands together, frustratingly.
Making them almost jump in surprise, Jennie's phone rang beside Jisoo.

"Taehyung Sir?" Jisoo seeked at Chaeyoung noticing the caller ID 'Tae'.

"Attend it. Tell him, eonnie is in the hospital." Chaeyoung suggested, Jisoo immediately nodded accepting the call.


"Noona, the flowers you wanted isn't here. Will Hyung be okay with tulips?" Taehyung inquired not letting Jisoo to spoke.

"Sir, it's me Ji-"

"Jisoo? Why are you answering Noona's phone?" Taehyung's frown was heard from the other end.

"We are at the hospital. Eonnie-"

"Hospital? Why? What happened?" Taehyung was so impatient as he was cutting off Jisoo again and again.

"Eonnie weren't feeling well, as we took her hospital. When we reach here, she suddenly passed out." Jisoo informed, still worried.

"What? Which hospital are you in?" Taehyung asked, almost yelled completely worried for his sister.

"City hospital!" She answered looking forward to Taehyung's response.

"We are coming." He announced. Before he could hang up the call, Jisoo softly hummed.

"I guess Taehyung Sir and Jungkook Sir were together." Jisoo informed placing back the phone in Jennie's bag. "What they said?" Chaeyoung questioned. "They will be here." She shortly replied. The other just nodded, as they both get back to the past gestures.


Taehyung and Jungkook was so fast as they reach the hospital in minutes. Jungkook stopped the car engine as they hurried out in same speed.

They dashed inside, asking the receptionist they looked for Jisoo and Chaeyoung. Spotting them from a distance in the hallway, Taehyung and Jungkook hurried near them.

"What happened to noona?" Jungkook panted, Jisoo and Chaeyoung looks up to spot this two figures, as they got up in unison.

"The doctor didn't come out, still! We don't know." Chaeyoung answered her husband feeling kind of sorry.

"What actually happened?" He was so worried about Jennie. "Eonnie, weren't feeling well. But we don't know what happened as she suddenly passed out." Chaeyoung admitted as she showed him a worried look.


"Is anyone here is Mrs Jennie Park's relatives?" The doctor inquirered getting out from the room, he seeked towards this four.

Taehyung and Jungkook tiltled their heads together before approaching the voicer fastly. "Is noona okay, Doctor?" Taehyung asked.

The doctor warmly smiles. "Yeah, she is completely fine, Don't worry." He tapped Taehyung's shoulder twice. But they weren't in the state of smiling back.

"Actually it's a good news. She is pregnant!" Jungkook and Taehyung's eyes got bigger in surprise. They emotionlessly studied the statement innermind. "Eonnie is pregnant?" Chaeyoung's gush from behind made Jungkook and Taehyung to get back to the reality.

The doctor smugly nodded in response, making Jisoo and Chaeyoung squeal in happiness. They hugged each other congratulating before pulling off, grinning more widely.

"It's already 3 weeks old. Don't have to worry about the passing out and throwing up, it happens in the starting time of pregnancy. From now on just make sure to she had her meals in time. It will be better if she stopped overworking. She is totally fine so when the IV will finish, you can take her home." In the end he again smiled. Jisoo and Chaeyoung nodded understanding everything. They bowed to him as the doctor takes his leave.

Jisoo and Chaeyoung smiles mutated into frowns when they spot their husbands, who are still standing there without any expressions. Jisoo calls for them. "Sir?" getting ignored, Jisoo courageously shooked him. Taehyung gaze up to her from the floor.

"Uhhh, She scared us!" Jungkook collapsed on the chair, he sighed heavily leaning back comfortably. "I were having so much bad thoughts." Taehyung also seated near him. Jisoo and Chaeyoung smiled seeing their concerns towards their sister, as they found it adorable.

"Congratulations by the way." Chaeyoung earned their eyes. "You both are going to be uncles. Congratulations!" She cleared herself, Jungkook and Taehyung looked down smilingly. They nodded.

"You both too. Soon to be Aunts." Taehyung reminded making the girls giggle. As he forgot, he was so cold person to say that. But he didn't mind it, they continued grinning about the good news.

"Should we inform hyeong? Appa, eomma?" Jungkook asked, taking out his phone, as Jisoo immediately interfered. "No! I mean, we can inform Abeoji and others. Not Jimin Oppa. Eonnie will have some special ways to break the surprise infront of him. We shouldn't ruin it." Jisoo's eyes brimmed with hope, Chaeyoung nodded completely agreeing to the other's request.

"I guess she is right!" Taehyung supported his wife, making Jisoo's smile more bright. "Okay, fine." Jungkook obeyed instantly. "Then let noona tell everyone." Jungkook beamed, getting everyone's agreement.

"Can we see eonnie?" This time Chaeyoung requested already excited to be with Jennie. Jungkook and Taehyung stood up, nodding them to lead the path inside. As she and Jisoo approches the room.

Opening the door, Chaeyoung was the first one to get in, followed by respectively Jisoo, Taehyung and Jungkook.

There Jennie was seated on the bed, swollen eyes as she was smiling brightly. "Aww, eonnie! Why are you crying?" Chaeyoung immediately sat on the bed hugging her closely. "Chae, I'm pregnant!" Jennie blabbered as she let out more tears, chuckling happily.

"Is that why you are crying?" Jisoo cooed smiling at the figure. Jennie tilts her head and asked for Jisoo's hug. As she sat on the other end engulfing Jennie.

"Congratulations eonnie. You are gonna be a Mom." Jisoo caressed her back. Jennie nodded giggling. "Yes, I'm gonna be a mom!" As they all laughed together hearing how excited she is already.

Jisoo, Chaeyoung and Jennie were having a group hug, full of happiness. Taehyung and Jungkook stood there watching them, smiling brightly. As they were thinking how much strong their bond is. Even not feeling bad for getting ignored, They continued the seeking with affectionate eyes.



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